The Gang of Five
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Flathead770's Fanart

Flathead770 · 348 · 103954


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Oooooh, I like this one a lot! You did a great job with the landscape, and the character expressions! And it's always great to see more Shorty art :D


  • Literally Guido シ
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Everyone already said this already, but the shading is impressive. Pencil shading is something that I recall being tough in art class if you want to add depth, so excellent job here!
Would it be possible for swimmers and flyers to get more love around here? Both figuratively… and literally.

That one guy who writes LBT fanfiction and accidentally makes them five times longer than he'd originally intended.


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This is a truly impressive piece of work! :DD The monochrome shading allows the emotions of the scene to truly shine through.  The surprise of Shorty matching the hunger in his stomach, and the almost begging mannerisms of the hatchlings who are looking for any potential support in the dangerous Mysterious Beyond. The hesitation of the younglings is evident in their mannerisms, which further hints at a traumatic incident separating them from their parents.  The momentary loss of Shorty's tough exterior in this shot shows his inner vulnerability.  In the younglings he sees his own sense of loss, and the same fear.  This drawing truly had multiple layers of depth, which makes it one of your best pieces to date in my opinion.  :)

Go ahead and check out my fanfictions, The Seven Hunters, Songs of the Hunters, and Menders Tale.


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Thanks everyone! It's good to see that you guys like it so much. I felt like I was on to something as I started making some progress on it.

Thanks! I screwed up a bit on the front perspective of Shorty, mainly with forelegs. I least I'm pretty sure. I drew the shoulder part sort of how I would for a side shot, which is more then likely incorrect.

Yeah I stuck with my typical shading style for most of the picture. I did switch it up for the desert in background, choosing to go for quick, long strokes with the intention of having it appear different from the rest of the drawing. Basically, I had no idea how to actually make it look like a desert so I just tried something different. I think it seemed to work. :p

As for the tree on the right hand side I completely agree and I think it comes down to me changing my idea on the fly as the tree is supposed to be partially uprooted and fallen down on top of the rocks, but the way I drew the base of the tree, it looks more like it's fallen directly to the right. It would have been more effective to have the underneath the roots part of the tree facing the viewer.

Yeah I felt like Shorty was the perfect choice to go for a survival theme and a sort of desperate pairing between him and the hatchlings quickly came to mind. Glad you liked it! :DD

It's certainly time consuming as well :p There's still a lot of room for me to improve but I'm happy with my results. :smile

I've always like your ability to weave a narrative of a drawing in your feedback and I must admit that it's nice to see it done on one of my drawings. Thank you!  :)littlefoot


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Totally sorry for ignoring this until now :sducky Gonna make up for it with a nice review though :D

I honestly don't know where to start so I guess I'll start by recognizing you for drawing a scene from my story. Any fanfic author would be happy to see their work of fiction illustrated, yep yep yep!!! :)littlefoot Admittedly, as you being a first-time reader of the new, improved version of the story cannot know, this scene transpired a little... different than that haha but I do love your take on it!

Let's begin with the actual review.

Mood: The mood of the drawing certainly lives up to the darker tone of the story and that scene in particular. It takes place around the same time Littlefoot and friends are having their adventure to find the Great Valley so you'd totally expect a desolate landscape where everyone is struggling to survive.

Shorty: Shorty looks spot on, trying to help himself to a few dry leaves left on a tree in reach of his neck. Not much else to say there, I suppose.

Hatchlings: Generally, I think their proportions would make them tinysaurusses rather than hatchlings but I know how hard it is to draw a longneck with normal child-like proportions :p I'd probably expect them to be a little smaller than that. I think Littlefoot must've gained several times his size since he hatched...

About the individual expressions, I must say that you've drawn them really well with appropriate expressions. Though, I think the one on the right hiding behind that rock looks a little derpy around the face :P

Background: This is possibly your best, most detailed background to date! It gives a rather realistic impression too! I am impressed :P I see you indicated a rough breeze judging by the way the few leaves are drawn. Maybe a few lines would have underlined that even more, dunno.

Greyscale/shading: This is a field I am way inferior to you and it really shows in this one that you are quite capable of this technique! :^^spike

Overall, well done mate! :exactly
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That's ok because you have enough of a comment to warrant a separate response :p
So let's break this down

I honestly don't know where to start so I guess I'll start by recognizing you for drawing a scene from my story. Any fanfic author would be happy to see their work of fiction illustrated, yep yep yep!!! :)littlefoot Admittedly, as you being a first-time reader of the new, improved version of the story cannot know, this scene transpired a little... different than that haha but I do love your take on it!
As I quickly mentioned earlier today on Discord, this wasn't actually intended to be a scene from Shorty's Dark Past. I originally had the idea to draw Shorty meeting the hatchlings about halfway through the OC prompt and to better match the survival part of the prompt I chose to go with a similar style to LBT 1 (as you mentioned in the mood) with Shorty desperate to find food and stumbling upon the hatchlings who had gathered to this spot for food, but have now exhausted the remaining food that they can reach and afraid to go anywhere else.

I was pretty amazed when I read the first chapter of SDP and found that your descriptions mirrored my own thoughts as well, and the fact that you thought that this was a SDP drawing also is testament to that. I guess it's like how Bron said in 10: "Great minds think alike." :smile (though if you wanted to think like it was from SDP the hatchling on the bottom right could very well be Shadow, as she is literally stepping out of the shadows. I think that would be fitting, though she would have to appear a lot darker to fit her appearance)

Hatchlings: Generally, I think their proportions would make them tinysaurusses rather than hatchlings but I know how hard it is to draw a longneck with normal child-like proportions :p I'd probably expect them to be a little smaller than that. I think Littlefoot must've gained several times his size since he hatched...
This was an area I had trouble on for sure. I tried to use the flashback scene to get the general idea for proportions and while I think I have the general size right for, well probably only the bottom right one, the proportions are all similar to a Littlefoot sized longneck. Think back on it now I probably would have made the neck look considerably shorty to help with that.

About the individual expressions, I must say that you've drawn them really well with appropriate expressions. Though, I think the one on the right hiding behind that rock looks a little derpy around the face :P
Well it wouldn't be one of my drawings if at least one character didn't look derpy :lol Coming up with different expressions for multiple characters is something I find to be quite fun but sometimes it can be hard to keep them all unique and a derpy one is bound to show up haha.

Background: This is possibly your best, most detailed background to date! It gives a rather realistic impression too! I am impressed :P I see you indicated a rough breeze judging by the way the few leaves are drawn. Maybe a few lines would have underlined that even more, dunno.
Yep I intended to have a breeze blowing the treestars and for 2 reasons. First, I had to have a reason for so little treestars on the tree since the hatchlings only could potentially reach the bottom. This also saves on effort to draw so many of them while also helping making the drawing appear less static. Second, there's a large imbalance in line density in this drawing with a very complicated, empty tree on the left with a largely more empty space on the right. When I generally look at a drawing my eyes are drawn to the complicated stuff, in this case the tree, so the treestars blowing to the right would help naturally bring the viewers' eyes over to the right (and to help make the space more interesting, I placed the sunset there along with some extra rocks in the sand dunes part).

As for your actual criticism here, I did actually try to do some things to try to indicate the wind but ultimately I don't think they turned out all that well. Right above the derpy hatchling is supposed to be a bit of sand blowing across the dirt. I probably could have done more with that and made it more prominent. I also shaded the desert part with long straight lines to try and give a sands blowing in the wind effect with more streaks on the right hand side of the hills to make them look less defined with the sand blowing over them. I mentioned this is my response to Sovereign and while I think it worked for making it look like a desert, it didn't turn out all to well for the wind.

That about sums up all of my thoughts on your comments. I must say, this was some good feedback that touched on some good points so thank you for your review! I guess that means we're both bad at getting around to looking at each others works. I'll try to poke you more like you do to me haha.


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Well I'm on time this time around. This is my prompt entry for Draw your least favorite character

So first off, I just want to mention that I wanted to avoid obvious despised characters like Rhett. I did end up throwing in a Yellowbelly though as I felt like it was a fun little way for Dil & Ichy to do something interesting while at the same time adding in another not so likeable character. Here they seem to have picked off enough yellowbellies to realize they're not so smart and are now toying with them.

As for Dil & Ichy, I must admit that I really don't like them. They feel a very similar to Ozzy and Strut as they are a pair of villains that are at odds with each other but while Ozzy and Strut I find to be quite funny, Dil & Ichy just feel flat out annoying or dumb. It doesn't help that we get first introduced to this dynamic will a kinda dull song.

Quick comment on the drawing itself, I definitely didn't spend as much time on this one as I have on previous drawings, especially when it comes to the background (No shadows on the characters either. I just noticed :p ). There were a few things keeping me away from drawing this last 2 months with trying to learn more about photography and planning and going on a few trips. I also really didn't want to go further past the deadline as I wanted to start focusing on the next prompt.

Ok then, well let me know what you guys think!


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Hmm, I can see only Dil here. And bunch of simple prehistoric bushes. So, bad luck, Dil, you're the least favorite! XD

This pencil drawing is good, I like it!


  • Literally Guido シ
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Oh, LBT13, you must be memed so.

Despite everything you'd said about the lack of time on this, I still like this piece, especially the expression on all of their faces - Ichy, Dil, and the yellowbelly's. It's oddly fitting for their personalities. Great pencil drawing overall!
Would it be possible for swimmers and flyers to get more love around here? Both figuratively… and literally.

That one guy who writes LBT fanfiction and accidentally makes them five times longer than he'd originally intended.


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huh? That's weird. It appeared that yesterday this picture was half cut on my screen, so I didn't see Ichy and Yellowbelly's head, only how Dil pulls bushes' butt. XD


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We had to get at least one Yellowbelly entry huh? XD

Don't have much to say on this one, not as impressive as your last one but the time spent on this was considerably shorter after all. Can't spot any obvious errors so good job mate :DD
Inactive, probably forever.


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huh? That's weird. It appeared that yesterday this picture was half cut on my screen, so I didn't see Ichy and Yellowbelly's head, only how Dil pulls bushes' butt. XD
Hahaha! That was actually what I initially saw as well! I'd first seen this on mobile and it was cut off in exactly the way you'd described, but when I went to post my reply on a computer, the full image with Ichy and the background yellowbellies appeared. Forced me to change my reply on the fly, yes it did. :p
Would it be possible for swimmers and flyers to get more love around here? Both figuratively… and literally.

That one guy who writes LBT fanfiction and accidentally makes them five times longer than he'd originally intended.


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It's more than fair to show what would happen to the Yellowbellies if the 13th film had even a modicum of self-respect. :p Anyway, this is another case of the nice look you manage to get into your pictures with your usual style. The overall idea is quite solid and Dil and Ichy's expression are quite good too. But as you said, the background is quite empty and I feel Dil's left eye is a bit too deep in her head. But all in all, it's great to see a new drawing from you after this wait! :Mo


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Thanks guys. I'll try to make sure my next one will better!

Yeah Sneak you gotta watch out if you're looking on mobile :p

Oh, LBT13, you must be memed so.

We had to get at least one Yellowbelly entry huh? XD
It has to be brought up in one way or another for least favorite right? :lol
Glad you guys like it.

It's more than fair to show what would happen to the Yellowbellies if the 13th film had even a modicum of self-respect. :p Anyway, this is another case of the nice look you manage to get into your pictures with your usual style. The overall idea is quite solid and Dil and Ichy's expression are quite good too. But as you said, the background is quite empty and I feel Dil's left eye is a bit too deep in her head. But all in all, it's great to see a new drawing from you after this wait!
I must admit it was fun to draw the yellowbellies get what they deserve :p
Yeah the background was largely ignored as that can take the longest amount of time if any sort of detail is being added.
I'll try to spend more time drawing so I can have more frequent updates


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Sorry for the wait guys but here's my last prompt entry for 2018: Draw something related to the Time of Great Giving.

I wanted to end off 2018 much like I did in 2017, with a drawing with the whole gang involved. In this scenario it seems like Chomper still doesn't quite get how the celebration works :p

I'm glad I'm finally done this as it took way too long, mostly due to me being lazy again haha. Let me know what you guys think!


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 :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol
Bravo, Chomper! You're generous! It would be better Ruby to hold your will to bring your gift into Great Giving...

I just love it!
« Last Edit: January 14, 2019, 05:31:08 AM by Sneak »


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This is a pretty great drawing and I like how you approached the prompt. These kinds of pictures where the characters do what they most often do are always fun and the addition of Chomper's idea of sharing his food with the others was a cool touch. I must mention that the perspective seems to imply we're watching the scene a bit uphill and there's something wrong with Littlefoot's head, he just doesn't look quite like himself. But other than that, good job. :)


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Thanks you guys! It feels like forever since I've last posted a drawing.

Bravo, Chomper! You're generous! It would be better Ruby to hold your will to bring your gift into Great Giving...

I just love it!
Thank you! I honestly love how Chomper is so happy to join in on things in the TV series much to the dismay of others around him.

This is a pretty great drawing and I like how you approached the prompt. These kinds of pictures where the characters do what they most often do are always fun and the addition of Chomper's idea of sharing his food with the others was a cool touch. I must mention that the perspective seems to imply we're watching the scene a bit uphill and there's something wrong with Littlefoot's head, he just doesn't look quite like himself. But other than that, good job. :)
It's one of my favorite reasons for drawing the gang like this as you can come up with some cool stuff just by thinking about the character. My initial concept was everyone running from Chomper so clearly he would be in the background. Ruby is a fast runner so she would be in the front (though it sorta changed to her being furthest away in the first place given her sweet bubbles on the grass). A few other things like Spike just not caring and Ducky hiding behind Spike were the other easy ones. Everyone else was placed to fill the gaps.

Well it certainly wasn't supposed to look uphill so...oops eeps I guess :lol
And yeah Littlefoot was the most difficult to draw with his running towards the page being quite a hard pose.


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Liking the details you put into this one, nice job! Spike not having a care in the world is spot on :SmugSpike