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The Bright Circle Celebration (Spoilers)


  • Cera
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Well, I finally saw an episode of the Land Before Time TV series. Well, I most certainly did not like what I saw. Hoo boy, if this entire series was like this episode I can see why this stinker only lasted one season!

Here goes: For whatever half-baked, insane reason the writers of the series have evidently decided that Petrie is a fanatical worshipper of the frikkin' sun! I'm dead serious. In this episode, Petrie worships "the bright circle" for whatever reason and the others (except Cera, who I agree with for once) just kinda go along with it. It's actually pretty creepy hearing a childhood icon rant on about this celebration like a fanatic. Worse yet, he's actually pretty damn smug about it.
Anyway, Cera thinks the whole bright circle what's it is just a bunch of nonsense (which it is), sense she seems to be the only one who realizes that the sun isn't even a living thing. It reminds me of the conservation about the stars Pumbaa and Timon had in The Lion King, except the one who realizes the true nature of the object in question is shown in a negative light.
Apparently, if your Bright Circle Celebration makes said ball of burning gas happy, you get a longer summer. If not, the Cold Times begin. I would love to know how this little belief even came to be or what exactly constitutes making the sun "happy". The show sure as heck didn't explain it. The entire episode takes place in what looks like the middle of summer, so I have no clue how "failing" the celebration ever caused the Cold Times to come along. Considering that weather conditions alter with each year, the idea of them somehow managing to configure a method to madness is beyond the impossible.
To conclude, freaking meteors strike and almost burn down the valley which somehow culminates in her learning a lesson in respecting others' beliefs! Frankly, I was hoping for Petrie to be knocked down from his high perch.

So, wow. Just wow. In just 23 minutes, they manage to completely derail Petrie's personality as far as I was concerned. You know it's bad when I was spent the entire time on Cera's side, when that was never happened before. On top of that, the atmosphere of the show was so saccharine sweet that it almost felt like watching an old episode of My Little Pony and Friends...or that I was coming down with Diabetes. All the same.

Yeah yeah, I know. I'm 25 and watched a show aimed at children, but keep in mind that this overly sentimental crock came out after Avatar: The Last AirBender] had been on the air for two whole years, so it's not like a successful children's show with depth and edge is an untested concept!
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  • Ducky
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You hadn't seen any episodes of the TV series prior to this one? Huh...I thought everyone here had seen the TV series. Anyway...

This is simply of the many moments where a character wasn't him/herself in the series. Just wait until you see the episode with Ali...whoo boy!

It's actually pretty creepy hearing a childhood icon rant on about this celebration like a fanatic. Worse yet, he's actually pretty damn smug about it.

Now you know how I felt when I watched(a little) of LBT 13. Whenever I heard Littlefoot rambling on and on about how they must follow the Wisdoms, I could feel my childhood being kicked in the stomach. Sad to say however, that seeing Littlefoot and Petrie being turned into the world's first preachers is definitely not the worst my childhood has suffered.

Anyway, Cera thinks the whole bright circle what's it is just a bunch of nonsense (which it is), sense she seems to be the only one who realizes that the sun isn't even a living thing

And yet for that reason, she's apparently the bad guy in this episode. Yeah, she was seen as the bad guy in this episode just because she was being realistic.

Apparently, if your Bright Circle Celebration makes said ball of burning gas happy, you get a longer summer. If not, the Cold Times begin.

Really? Well if worshipping the sun means I'll have a longer summer, then I better become a Sunist. Sign me up, Petrie! Sorry, I couldn't resist  :DD


On top of that, the atmosphere of the show was so saccharine sweet that it almost felt like watching an old episode of My Little Pony and Friends...or that I was coming down with Diabetes. All the same.

Exactly! It didn't feel anything like Land Before Time! But the atmosphere wasn't the only issue. The animation was terrible, all of the songs sucked and had no place in a 20-something minute episode, the characters lost all personality they once had, the stories were bland and uninteresting, and really, the background music was like something 4Kids would have done(well maybe not that bad but still not good).

Yeah yeah, I know. I'm 25 and watched a show aimed at children

Dude, we were the ones who were there when LBT started. We were there when Littlefoot and friends first made their long journey to the Great Valley(Well I was technically there two years later), we were there when Chomper hatched, and we're the ones who are keeping the franchise's memory alive. And besides, Transformers and Dragon Ball Z are for kids but there are adults that like those series. Just sayin' is all.

it's not like a successful children's show with depth and edge is an untested concept!

The original movie had a lot of depth, which, as you have said, the TV series severely lacks. Sadly, the idea of a kids movie/show with depth is lost on many producers who are more interested in fart jokes and annoying puns. I'm actually slightly surprised that Avatar: The Last Airbender did as well as it did, considering that it was actually sophisticated for a childrens series. That gives me hope that, if Avatar was able to become popular with children, teens, and adults, that maybe the series I'm working on could be the next Avatar.

To be honest, I was pretty disappointed with the series. It could have been so much better.


  • The Circle
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I've seen just a few episodes of the TV series.

No offense to any of you hardcore LBT fans out there, but what I've seen of this TV series was terrible garbage. I much prefer the movies (and not all of those were that great).

Of course, I'm just stating an opinion. :p If you like the TV series, then cool for you bro! :) But I'll just stick to the classic Don Bluth masterpiece


  • Cera
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Lack of opportunity kept me from the TV series, and I loathe watching TV episodes and movies on YouTube. I saw Bright Circle Celebration when with my nephew when I was babysitting him. After that, I absolutely had to leave the room while trying to suppress a fan rage. Then I reentered to find a sharptooh retreating from having fruit thrown at him. According to my nephew, he's the series Big Bad. My brain imploded after hearing that. That's around when I popped in the original (which he hadn't seen yet!).

Agreed on LBT13. I was already growing jaded on the sequels around #11 which had Littlefoot lying and having someone else take heat for something he did, but LBT13 drove my over the edge it still sits on my shelf mostly unwatched. Ugh. Yeah, I can see why the franchise ended. #12 wasn't too bad, but 11 and 13 were just abysmally atrocious.

Back Cera: Yeah, I can't believe she was treated as the bad guy here, especially when she really wasn't being too bad about it (especially by Cera standards!). Had this been featured in one of the earlier entries of the series, she would have been a lot more caustic about it! It just puts into perspective just how far most children's cartoons have fallen. Had this been made fifteen years ago, the moral of the episode would have been that Petrie shouldn't have been following such questionable superstitions in the first place.

That said, the Bight Circle Celebration is like the red headed stepchild of Groundhog's Day, only treated with cult-like enthusiasm by Petrie.

The quality: yeah, the animation and music did suck, but the overal atmosphere, ridiculous writing, and butchered characterizations overshadowed that aspect of it for me.

Dude, we were the ones who were there when LBT started. We were there when Littlefoot and friends first made their long journey to the Great Valley(Well I was technically there two years later), we were there when Chomper hatched, and we're the ones who are keeping the franchise's memory alive. And besides, Transformers and Dragon Ball Z are for kids but there are adults that like those series. Just sayin' is all.
That's what my point was. I know this was intended for kids, but that's no excuse. I grew up with the original Land Before Time, all of the sequels, Gargoyles, Batman, and the likes of Pirates of Dark Water. Kids were and always will be able to take darker material in their cartoons. In fact, it's better if they do, because it helps brace them for life's difficulties.

Yeah, I also hope kid's cartoons start getting better again, too, because we all know they can be better than...this.
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  • The Circle
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I disagree with my previous speakers on the quality of the TV series and the quality of the episode. Yes, it may be banal for some of us, but it makes perfect sense for the dinosaurs to worship the sun as it would make sense for us. Without the bright circle the dinosaurs would die same as mankind would cease to exist within days (and that's an extremely optimist guess) if the sun ceased to exist. The cold time / winter is a constant reminder to the dinosaurs / us of what happens even if the sun is just around for a few hours less each day. Humans who were so much more advanced and sensible than the LBT dinosaurs have worshipped the sun and it seems more fitting for us and for the dinosaurs to worship that which allows for us to live and exist than to worship less "banal" things the way we nearly worship all kinds of weapons of mass destruction. Would you rather have the dinosaurs make a great celebration out of the birth of a being in some 64 million years after their own decease? I reckon that would make much less sense for them and will not go further into this as this is not the place for discussing human religions (we do that in the AM section of the the GOF).
The importance of the sun is not a new thing in LBT either. Does it not make sense for the LBT dinosaurs to pay some respect to the "bright circle" that they followed in the movie that started it all which led them to the Great Valley in the first place? In LBT 8 we see what happens when the bright circle doesn't stay around for as long as it used to and though I personally dislike LBT 10 it is yet another example of how important the sun must appear to the dinosaurs of the great Valley.
The characters Petrie and Cera are not out of character either. Cera has very, very often shown a dismissive attitude about whatever may be important to others because it is her way to put on a tough mask even when in perfectly honest moments she tends to be more interested than she lets on. As for Petrie it is a bit more tricky as he has been inconstant about such matters (e.g. he was skeptic about the bad luck claims in LBT 6 while in LBT 7 he claims to believe "anything"). Shaky though as he has been about such things all along I do not see it as a basis for a claim of him being out of character in the episode.
It has been a very long time that I saw the episode and like most of the episodes I have seen it but a single time only (not for dislike of the episodes but for dislike of watching LBT movies all by myself and also for a certain wish to keep some of the episodes unexplored for more exploaration when no more LBT stuff is likely to be produced) so I cannot get too much into detail about the episode right now. However as far as I'm concerned I don't have a major problem with the idea of the characters having such a "banal" thing as a live aside from saving the Great Valley every single day. I don't have a major problem with seeing just a "normal" day in the Great Valley for a change. In any case I like that MUCH better than the gut ripping massacre kind of stories which almost all LBT fanfictions are which we can find. To all those who do nothing but bitch about the TV series but claim it to be too difficult to write a single LBT story without crossing overs, massacres, and non-LBT stuff being involved I ask how the heck the makers of the TV series then managed to write 26 episodes some of which may not have been as good as others but most of which were higher in quality of story than some of the latest sequels? For the reasons I posted in this thread I really think that the series deserves better than just to be s*** on permanently without any attention being paid to its positive aspects of which there were much more than I had expected when the TV series was announced (as anyone can verify who reads what I wrote in response to the announcement made public in August 2005).
...or that I was coming down with Diabetes.
...and thanks from the diabetic :rolleyes


  • Cera
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Geez, Malte you sure left a lot for me to answer. Alright, about the diabetic thing. I have a mother, an aunt, an uncle, a gandfather, and a brother who all have it. It runs strong in my family, so I may catch it too. That said, I do not regret using in vest, nor will I apologize for it.

I disagree with my previous speakers on the quality of the TV series and the quality of the episode. Yes, it may be banal for some of us, but it makes perfect sense for the dinosaurs to worship the sun as it would make sense for us. Without the bright circle the dinosaurs would die same as mankind would cease to exist within days (and that's an extremely optimist guess) if the sun ceased to exist. The cold time / winter is a constant reminder to the dinosaurs / us of what happens even if the sun is just around for a few hours less each day. Humans who were so much more advanced and sensible than the LBT dinosaurs have worshipped the sun and it seems more fitting for us and for the dinosaurs to worship that which allows for us to live and exist than to worship less "banal" things the way we nearly worship all kinds of weapons of mass destruction. Would you rather have the dinosaurs make a great celebration out of the birth of a being in some 64 million years after their own decease? I reckon that would make much less sense for them and will not go further into this as this is not the place for discussing human religions (we do that in the AM section of the the GOF).
I can respect that. However, Cera, being far from the brightest of the bunch, had already ascertained the nature of the sun on her own. It is not a living thing, however necessary it is, and she was absolutely right about the celebration having no impact on the weather. Now if the celebration were just to respect to such a necessary element, I wouldn't mind it so much.
In a children's show it bugs me greatly that she was treated as the bad guy for this. Yes, it is a good thing to respect others' beliefs. However, if you know for a fact that the character's beliefs are dead wrong, it kills the impact of the moral.
Also, where did the idea of them celebrating Christmas come from? I never said anything of the sort. My problem with the episode is that Cera was right and she gets the short end of the deal while the validity of Petrie's little celebration is never even brought into question whereas the kids have been challenged to consider and reconsider the world around them in previous installments. The whole thing just seemed too one sided for me in this instance. It always really rubs me the wrong way when a character I know to at least by partially right gets shafted unfairly.
I also wouldn't mind the Bright Circle Celebration had the show not just introduced it as a common belief when it has never been mentioned before. While you are right that the importance of the sun is nothing new to LBT, it's also never been worshipped before.
The other problem I had with Petrie's portrayal is that he's been fooled by similar falsehoods before, like with his uncle Pterano. After the whole Stone of Blue Fire thing turned to be just that (a stone that just happened to be burning blue), it really doesn't make a lot more sense for him to buy into something so easily a second time. Then again, Petrie is a very innocent personality.

I also have no problem with a plot concerning just a normal day in the valley, however, the creators of the show could have thought of something better than this. Would I have been able to think of anything better? I don't know, and the burden of doing so is not on my shoulders. Put me to the task I will try my darnedest, though. As for the quality of the episodes, that is a highly subjective thing, but if they're at all like what I beheld here, then I'd say the writers dropped the ball in many ways. I don't know about any positive attributes the show may have had, I haven't seen the whole thing. However, if this episode isn't even the bottom of the barrel...

On the flipside, after reading the post you linked, I will give the series another whirl. Any episodes you think I should check out in particular?
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I'm sorry I'm late with my response.
I can respect that. However, Cera, being far from the brightest of the bunch, had already ascertained the nature of the sun on her own. It is not a living thing, however necessary it is, and she was absolutely right about the celebration having no impact on the weather. Now if the celebration were just to respect to such a necessary element, I wouldn't mind it so much.
In a children's show it bugs me greatly that she was treated as the bad guy for this. Yes, it is a good thing to respect others' beliefs. However, if you know for a fact that the character's beliefs are dead wrong, it kills the impact of the moral.
Also, where did the idea of them celebrating Christmas come from? I never said anything of the sort. My problem with the episode is that Cera was right and she gets the short end of the deal while the validity of Petrie's little celebration is never even brought into question whereas the kids have been challenged to consider and reconsider the world around them in previous installments. The whole thing just seemed too one sided for me in this instance. It always really rubs me the wrong way when a character I know to at least by partially right gets shafted unfairly.
I think the main point was not so much the question of justifying Petrie's superstitions. Unaware as the LBT dinosaurs must be about astronomy Petrie's way of thinking would be a lot more understandable than examples of modern day faith based resistance to facts (e.g. denial of evolution or the like). However, if I recall correctly (and I need to watch it again to be sure about the details) it would have been easy enough to just let Petrie have his fun and otherwise ignore him in a live and let live kind of manner. The intolerance against something that causes no harm is probably the "failure" for which Cera is put in a negative light.
You surely did not bring up Christmas, but I did as it seems like a fitting example. There are many people who are no Christians and for whom celebrating Christmas is more of a family matter rather than a particularly religious one. In this context Cera would be one who tries to to abolish Christmas altogether. While there may be a number of people who would want to do that (on the one hand religious people who don't want to see Christmas so secularized and on the other hand non-religious people who see no basis for it) the huge majority of people would not want to get rid of the celebration for either reason.
I also wouldn't mind the Bright Circle Celebration had the show not just introduced it as a common belief when it has never been mentioned before. While you are right that the importance of the sun is nothing new to LBT, it's also never been worshipped before.
And there are plenty of movies about humans that don't mention Christmas. If something has not been mentioned before it does not rule out its possibility.
The other problem I had with Petrie's portrayal is that he's been fooled by similar falsehoods before, like with his uncle Pterano. After the whole Stone of Blue Fire thing turned to be just that (a stone that just happened to be burning blue), it really doesn't make a lot more sense for him to buy into something so easily a second time. Then again, Petrie is a very innocent personality.
One could either read it as annoying that he is portrayed that way or on the other hand one can read it as "keeping him in character". If you dislike seeing him as the gullible, superstitious, and extremely nervous and fidgety one of the group then there are many episodes which you will definitely not like for these are common traits of him. However as these are common traits in the sequels as well I'm inclined to book it under "keeping him in character" though I will readily admit that there is very little character development in LBT. A problem is that the flaws of characters like Cera or Petrie are very often integral parts for the plots. For that reason they probably cannot allow for them to "get any smarter" without barring many plot possibilities for themselves :lol
The series does not include any "truly epic" stories as the 25 minutes are rarely sufficient to fit an epic in (plus in some cases they are wasting time with songs that wouldn't be necessary and are sometimes an actual pain. They also do make mistakes with the animation (all too often Littlefoot looks kind of square-jawed, and we also get errors such as a Cera with three horns or a Cera (instead of Spike) standing beside her father when she is supposed to be drowning in a river in that scene ;)). However, there are not many plots as leaky as the ones of the later sequels.
Like I said, there is no "truly epic" story or any that one could not criticize for the one or the other point. I found the episode "Escape from the Mysterious Beyond" kind of interesting though. "The hermit of black rock" also had some interesting ideas. I hope, not for any pleasure of "convincing" you, but rather because it would be more pleasant for you too, that you will find something enjoyable in at least some of the episodes WR :)


  • Cera
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I can roll with that. Yeah, Cera was overly dismissive, as I admitted. Still, I would have liked to see it go both ways. I know Petrie can be quite gullible, and his portrayal as such is something I have a problem with, especially considering his encountering with Pterano. I chock his lack of development up to lazy writing, especially considering that I can think up a dozen different flaws with his character in which a build a story on.

Humans don't need to mention Christmas a whole lot. It is a well-established holiday celebrated the world over aand it's kind of taken for granted that it is celebrated. The Bright Circle Celebration is something the writers made up for that episode and it has never existed as a part of the LBT universe before that episode. They didn't need to make up a holiday for a "tolerate others' beliefs" moral, as there are plenty of topics that moral can apply to.
All in all, I still find the episode to be full of crock.

Alright, I'll give the episodes you recommended a whirl.
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  • The Circle
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There are several episodes too in which Petrie's gullibility and superstitions are disproven. Examples for this would be "The Canyon of the shiny stones" and "The meadow of jumping waters".


  • Cera
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I'll be sure to watch those.
"All you have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to you." -Gandalf


  • The Circle
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The word "disproven" was poorly chosen I think as it is very ambiguous. It was not meant to say that he was not gullible or superstitious in the said episodes (he certainly is) but that his superstitions are not presented as justified or anything but coincidents.


  • Cera
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I can imagine. Man, I wish Bluth were involved with this. I wonder why Bluth never even considered doing a TV show.
"All you have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to you." -Gandalf


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Well, believe it or not but this episode is a lot better than many other episodes. True, Petrie is acting funny like in some other episodes but, like Malte pointed out so long ago, it's actually logical for Petrie (and dinosaurs in general) to have such a sort of belief. The episode, in my opinion, kept characters in-character. Petrie being the gullible guy he always is, Cera being stubborn (but eventually giving in which is typical of her... hard shell, soft heart) and the rest of the bunch, while not being on the focus much, are also kept in-character. The songs... The song by Cera and Topsy was alright... for a tv-series song anyway :p "I feel so happy" is in every second episode anyway... but why not? I mean, why ranting about something you can't change anyway? Enjoy what you get :lol That's how I see it.
In that regard, I'm happy that the series has been made in spite of the obvious flaws of it.

So yeah, I liked the episode though it wouldn't end up very high in comparison to some other episodes.
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Didn't like it too much. It was a little boring but it was cool to see the sun worshipping and them getting all the gifts for it, even if everything is burnt up in the end. There were some funny moments as well, but it definitely isn't the best episode.
Growing up I was a big LBT fan and had seen all movies and TV series episodes. On the forum, I was formerly known as Hypnobrai until Nov 11, 2017.

In recent years, I have gained an interest in the production of The Land Before Time, particularly the deleted scenes of the original film. New discoveries have been made in the last few years and continue to be made, so I feel that it is a good time to contribute.

I have always loved sharpteeth more than any other creatures in the franchise, especially the fourteenth film's Carnotaurus, the fifth film's Sharptooth, and especially the original Sharptooth.

I am a former administrator of the LBT wiki, having been active from 2017 to 2019.

(I'm a runner-up for the Appreciated Member 2017 award.)