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Topics - DualXz

Pages: 1
The Fridge / The Circus
« on: October 25, 2009, 02:38:40 PM »
Since the beggining of friday, the circus as settled on a big terrain behind my house.
They are only here for this week-end, I always liked the circus, but unfortunalety, during this time, I had to study and I could't go, and just like 10m ago, they started singing "Can You Feel the Love Tonight" from Lion King, and I just thought "awwww, that could be me aplauding :p  <_<  :( ) ", it was probably amazing, and me stuck here studing, well, there's probably next year...
This just gave me a big Anxiety to go watch Lion king  :^.^:

How about you guys, do you like the Circus?

The Fridge / Exploding I-pods ?
« on: October 06, 2009, 02:36:23 AM »
Saw yersterday on the news, it seems that I-pods are exploding literaly on people's faces.

The first case was at 2006:

They are studying the case and see if they wheter will take it out of the market or not.



Travel / "Adventuring" / Wandering out
« on: September 12, 2009, 06:48:00 AM »
Well, today I'm just gonna go random"here" and "there with my family.
Were visiting far away places and towns and stuff :p

Gonna photograhg everything :p  :lol

see ya guys later :wave

Animation / Wathership caption
« on: September 11, 2009, 09:09:35 PM »
I've been on an epic quest to re-see all of watership down episodes :lol , and I've taken some captions of it.

Fiver :)

Caption away...!

Ask Me / Ask away...!
« on: September 11, 2009, 09:49:12 AM »
Another follower of Rat_Lady :p .

Well, ask away...!

The Fridge / Me Playing "To Zarnakand" from Final Fantasy X
« on: September 10, 2009, 12:07:27 PM »
Like the tittle says, me Playing "To Zarnakand" from Final Fantasy X, with guitar of course  :p , alonside with some Final Fantasy Pics.
The final part is a bit weird cuz I made a mistake :p

Enjoy! :blink:

The Fridge / Sticfigure madness
« on: September 09, 2009, 09:32:07 PM »
Well, as you guys might know, I'm an amateur skickfigure maker.
I have some animations made by me that I would like to show, but I'm sure if this is the right place for it :p .

And since I've being doing animations, I found many funny, aewsome ones that I would like to show.

"Stick em" series, by a guy named Jayther.

First(Stick em up) -

Second(Stick em down) -

Third(Stick em right) -

fourth(Stick em left) -

Enjoy, and try not to laugh

Animation / Dogtanian and the three muskehounds
« on: September 09, 2009, 10:40:54 AM »
An caption of an old animated Tv show from 1985 that I've recently acquired.

Not sure about the English name, but...
Caption away!

Animation / Dogtanian and the three muskehounds
« on: September 09, 2009, 10:38:40 AM »
it seems that I did a mistake and double posted....
Im sorry :oops
Please delete this one  :oops

The Welcome Center / Not new but...
« on: September 08, 2009, 11:44:23 AM »

Well, I'm a member that "dissapeared" for a while and that is returning now.
I've decided to create a new account because I would like a fresh start.

I'm Dualxz,I'm 16 years and I'm from Portugal.
I'm an LBT fan since I was little, I also like Pokemon and several other animes and classics.
I have a tendency to Japonese stuff, I really like Jap. stuff.
I like to write but I'm not that much of a reader, strange, I admit.
I'm an amatuer sticfigure maker.
And like many, I'm a devoted online gamer.

Well, this is me.

Pages: 1