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Insane Cafe 4: The Insane Frontier

Nick22 · 5640 · 349637


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good shot girl ' tigeress said giving jing a high 5. ' all you cab do is tie po ' she smirked to po , who's mouth hung open at the hole in one ' this is a par 5 ' Po gaped.  ' well unless you wabt a fresh taste of tongue and a smack of those lips, Po, you'd better make this ' Tigeress smirked' po, took a deep breath and hit the shot, the balkl bounded up a hill, rolled down another, crossed a btridge and rolled through a path of rock, before reaching the green area.  the ball finally stopped.. 6 inches from the hole. ' oh you have gotta be kidding me ' po sank to his kneees. ' ; that was a great shot po.. you'll get a 2 out of this.. but for now.. you gotta kiss jing ' luca said.
 (inside FRenchfry)
 oh, hi there said the voice of a young girl  as kitty landed face first in what appeared  to be a small town. ' it was lillo, plumped up and sitting on a bench like feature ' frechfry ate me 3 weeks ago, and he sauid he;s still considering what deal he might consider for me in order to get out. ' its not the first time he;s eaten me, last time he stuck me in a sandwich, with lettuce and meatballs. so i've had time to think about stuff and i'm  allowed 2 calls a day, to nani and stitch or angel. so they know i;m ok, well relatively speaking. ' i'll show you around town,  theres at least 10 residebnts in this part of his stomach.  he can make his stomach bigger or smaller ,  currently its pretty big. but when he shrinbks.. well you and i wil probably be stuck together.' lillo said.
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"3 weeks?" Kitty said as she floated onto some relatively dry land. "Well, this guy is an alien, his anatomy probably works way more bizarre than us earth people and animals." As she managed to roll herself into an upright position (Because she was still fattened into a giant catball thanks to Frenchfry's food), she had another question for the girl. "Do you know how long we can be in here before we, you know....melt?"


"Hmm.....this could be a chance to try something out," Tiger told his friends. "All of you....start praying to me, so we can get Kitty back safely." He knew from Ozai that when a god's subjects prayed to their god, it did produce results.


"Pucker up," Jing smiled as she pulled Po in to yet another smooch. "You best get used to these Po," his bride to be said. The two pandas locked lips, and Jing put her tongue in Po's mouth. She could still detect the taste of dumplings in his mouth.  "Viper promises there will be plenty of those at the wedding buffet," she assured.


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that i do not know ' lilo said ' that largely depends on how long frenchfry likes toying with you. me.. i figure it could be 6 months before i start to evaporate.. you.. i have no clue, but unless stitch gets us out.. you're going to be in here awhile. just so you know, frenchfry can be a bit.. how should i put this.. possessive. once you have been in his nbelly, he seems to go after those who have escaped him. me, i don;t fear death.. i actually find the subject interesting. if you dont escape, you'll be turned into a living blob of frenbch fry grease.. which isnt that bad.. considering you'll still exist, just in a different form. however, things could be worse."
 kopa took vitani  by the claw ' come on, dear, we have a solo early after noon lunch date at the Winterville grille. Just the 2 of us '  whats on the menu ' Vitani asked. ' deep grilled zebra.' kopa smiled ' I'm probably going to try their breaded wildebeest, according to Kovu, they are delicious,. ' well are they big portions, in case you want to keep things up with sumo?' Vitani laughed ' Yes, they are big portions, an entire willdebeest goes into a single meal ' Kopa said. ' i'll probably have some wine' vitani said as they entered the restaurant and were shown to a table. ' just don;t drink too much, like you did  at  that birthday party for Timon ' kopa said. ' i apologized to him for that. ' you thought he was the appetizer and you kept trying to eat him! ' kopa said and vitani shuffled her feet. " i'll keep it to 2 glasses .." the glasses  here are big, as are the portions. a glass is a whole bottle elsewhere, a big bottle. " kopa said as  drinks wre broght to the table. ' so how are the patrols in your zone coming?' kopa asked as they tucked into a steaming bowl of breadsticks. ' good, rather uneventful as  the ship hasnt been under attack for awhile.  What about your zone?' vitani asked ' well i sneak in a peek at the movie theaters to see what films are going on. we should go see that  ' racing monstro one, it looks good. monstro challenges a lion to race him across the globe, if he c an get around the world and back on land in 90 days, monstro will reward him and  he'll be showered with acclaim mand riches. ' if he loses however, Monstro eats him. So.. rather high stakes.' it will be good to get some personal time for us ' Kopa said ' ' hmm. you thinking about.. the princes and princesses to come?' vitani said, her face broadening into a smile. ' i won;t turn down lovemaking, at all ' Kopa grinned ' i mean.. the others do it.. constantly. we're way behind in that score..i'm'll have to miss your next shift..' he said putting his cklaw on vitanis.
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"So even if I get out of here, I won't exactly be free of him, huh?" Kitty groaned. "And since you've said you been here for weeks I take it this fattening effect doesn't simply wear off?" She was barely able to pat her own belly, the cat was so plump. "Not sure if I'll be able to perform on stage in this shape...."

The two meals could hear Frenchfry laughing and pounding on his belly like he was drumming.


Tiger handed Scooby and the others a paper with a prayer he had come up with written on. "Recite that now, all of you," Tiger encouraged, "This will give me a way to demonstrate my godliness."

Scooby turned to the others. "Might as well," figured the great dane.


Jing's kisses left more lipstick marks on Po's face. "I love you so much Po. We're gonna be such a happy couple....I can't wait to marry you!"

"Po really found his soulmate," Tai Lung smirked to Tigress.


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you're a god  tiger. you dont need prayer to demonstrate your divinity.  you just.. do it. Say .. create a magical feast that forces him to throw up  kitty and anyone else thats in there. as a god you can restore them to their normal forms too . while we cant ' scooby said.  go up to him and challenge him to eat all of the food you make.' scooby suggested. ' Get my sister out Tiger ' Nani said ' please. "
 po wiped his face of the latest smooches.  tiger holed his shot while the girls made 3s.  ' good job everyone ' tiger said as they went to the next hole. '  this hole had a tiltong log feature in the middle. if you hit it while it was going up it would shoot  it onto the green. if you mistimed it, however , it would  knock  the ball back to you.  po's shot made it through the log then landed on the green. juings shot got through but rolled down off the green, luca took 3 shots to make the green, while Tiger and tigeress got really close to the hole on their shots. ' 2 rolls says you make this po ' luca said as po putted first. ' what if i miss. ' then.. um you  have to watch Mona for a hour.  take her shopping, or to a movie or.. just a treat. whatever you want to entertain her.  ' pos shot.. rolled around the hole and spun out. ' oh geez. thats just unlucky '  Tigeress said. tiger Luca and Tigeress made their shots, while jing tied Po ojn the hole. " you're getting better Po ' Tigeress said.
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"I'll try," Tiger told Nani, "But I'm not sure if your sister will be affected, since she's not a follower of mine." Tiger waved his paws in a theatrical fashion, "I, the God of Harvest, declare a feast will be made for Chef Frenchfry!"

Sure enough, bowls and plates full of delicious looking food suddenly appeared before the alien chef.


"You know that with kisses on the line, Jing will do whatever she can to obtain them big guy," Tai Lung winked as Jing got hers in on her next shot, then she began nuzzling her fiancé. "The time is almost here," she said warmly, thinking of the pending wedding.

"I know," Po nodded, blushing a bit at the affection, even if he didn't want to say it out loud.


"How have my two gorgeous gals been?" Kovu sent a message to Kiara and Sima where he had the chance. He knew nothing chaotic was happening on the Spire at the time, he just liked maintaining contact with the two. He was excited to see what outfits they were wearing at this moment.


Oliver then noticed a letter, drawing, and video left by Panty. They were all labeled "My Goal for You, Oliver-Panty." He reached over and began looking at the drawing. All 3 components displayed what Panty knew her son would be capable of at max hunting power.


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Gods save people that aren't followers all the time. It's mercy benevolence and a demonstration of divine powers" Dixie said. I'm telling you Tiger, save as many as you can."

Ruskin and Cinder were placed in Gryffindor, as were Gabuna and Agumina. Ember went to Ravenclaw and Dulcy Samia Roke and Groth went to Hufflepuff. Emanu went to Gryffindor as did Skylands and Young Spyro" Why am I the only one in Ravenclaw?0 the pink dragoness asked Stripetail. " You won't be the only one Ember, there will be others in that House. Stripetail said calmly " You are simply the first. You will have classes with Skylands and Cinder. So you will be with your friends most of the time. Except when you are in your home room.
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Gabuna sat down next to Beatrice and Isla who waved to her before introducing her to some of their friends and fellow students"Are you a dragon?" Asked a young boy" No, I'm a Digimon. I don't have wings and can't fly. But I am friends with dragons and you'll get used to seeing wings and claws all over the place. What is your name?0 Ravis Bongart." I'm Gabuna "  Gabuna shook hands and claws with Ravis0 Nice to meet you 0
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"I said I'll try," Tiger assured, "Now we can only hope the food has its intended effect," he explained to his friends/followers. He hoped the food he magically created would work out.


"Can I ask you something Tigress?" Po asked, "Since you and Tai Lung are already married.....what's being wed like? Might as well ask someone with experience."

"It's great," Tai Lung replied, smiling warmly at Tigress.


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The last demon fell to Kire's volley of solar javelins. He then turned to the group. "Thank you for the assist," he said. The solar knight then looked around. "Have you seen anything that may be of interest?"



"Thank you very much for the accomodations, Professor," Captain Carson said. She then watched as the Sorting Ceremony began.

The feast continued for the next few hours with plenty of courses of dessert and of course, butterbeer.

Ms. Swimmer delicately ate some vegetarian shepherd's pie as the Crestwood Dragons lined up to be sorted. She overheard someone mentioning something about "non-Human magical students" and if they would legally be beasts under the Ministry of Magic's classification system.

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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I'll take Mona out to get some toys." Po said to Luca" Thanks she has her eye on the spaceship house from the Wolves in Space show." Luca said " Never seen that show." Po said." Is there lots of action and fighting?" In some episodes, yeah. In others not so much."
I like that Panda Painting show." Jing said." I'm not sure if they get it out here.""
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"Now, since I'm a generous god, I'll take some volunteers first: Who wants to be my cushion for a while?" Tiger grinned to his friends/followers, since that was a new power of his.

"How literal do you mean that?" asked Dixie.


Ollie, Zoai, Flash, and Mona all continued to watch the Ozai movie in the theater with awe.

"He's outnumbered tens of thousands to literally one," Ollie whispered to the native Mawashiian, "Surely they'll at least pose a challenge for him?"


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 well a couple of those guys had some weapons that werent native to this area .' ratchet said , holding up a couple of weapons ' weapons from gadgetron and Megacorp. so someody gave it to them. 5 bolts says chong, or his henchmen are around here somewhere.. we should spread out and look for them. Find out what they are doing here and what they might be looking for."
literal, as in i will literally change you into something else. ' Tiger said. like a chair or.. a cushion or a pillow. Here we go..' he cast a spell which hit  dixie  and began to transform her into a red fluffy pillow. dixies face appeared on the pillow mostly prominently her eyes and lips.  ' was it supposed to work like this?' Dixie asked/..
 Kopa took Vitani after their meal to the nearest theater and paid for the tickets. the ' Racing monstro was in screen 6, as they took their seats, vitani felt a tap on her shoulder and turned to see Wirt Greg and Beatrice sitting in the aisle behind them ' hi miss Vitani ' Greg said. ' my brother and i are out of popcorn. could we have some of yours please?' Oh.. well, sure, i guess so. we got the Monstro size.   here' vitani handed over the huge tub and let the trio help themselves.  ' we have soda if you want some ' Beatrice offered. '  Cherry cola.' I may take you up on it after this diet soda is gone.' Vitani said ' so what  have you guys been up to?' Kopa asked as he took his seat. ' working for  kovu " wirt said ' he gave us some money for handing stuff out for a museum thing. so we're watching the movie because Greg likes races. "  ' Oh, right the Scar museum. its been a big project of his .' Kopa said.  has at least 100 exhibits now, or so he told me. " thats my little brpther .' Vitani laughed.

 Fl;ash and Zoai laughed at the suggestion.. ' heavens no! he'll crush them down to nthe last one' Zoai said ; i would love to see the great ozai sumo in person, but hes so large you;ve have to weogh like 10000 pounds to stand a chance againstt his foot stomp.. see?' She motioned at the screen  where a hard stiomp of Ozai's foot sent dozens of his foes flying into the air. Ozai ws toyinbg with them and enjoying himself.
 emanu sat diwnb inbetweebn skylands and Cinder and was talking with both of them  about her hoime world of binkora.  ' we work closely with dragomalin. After all, what impacts 1 dragon world, impacts others. ' Emanu aid as she sipped on a fizzy drink. ' So your dad is a leader in cRestwood? '  Yes and the headmaster of our school' Cinder saud. as Ember went around among the ravenclaw  students, introducing herself, and shaking claws and hands with many of the students, wgho wee fasvcinated by the talking dragon. " the Slytherin students however wre lesw than charitable, openly laiughing at the newcomers.
jing brought out a package wrapped in paper and set it down next to pos ball ' a little challenge po. make this shot and you get the gift, miss, and you'll get a fresh helping of tongue' she giggled and pointed at her tongue. ' the putt is 30 feet ' po said. ' then make it big boy.'  ' theres  a brick behinfd the hole that  curves the ball back to the hole ' Tige said ' Hit the brick. ' po sighed and aimed  the ball at the edge of the hole and putted, and sighed as the ball tailed away from the hole and ran up against a brick, different from the one he was aiming at. the ball kept rolling down along a trio of bricks before reaching the brick he had been aiming at the ball curved at the end of the brick and shot straght into the hole. ' Woo!' Tigeress and Luca raised their paws in cheer and Jing's mouth broadened into a big grin ' not how you draw  it up, but it went in,  my plump one ' open your gift ' she said patting him on the shoulder. po shook his head at his luck and picked up the gift which was wrapped in a bright gren wrapping paper ' po took off the paper and opened the box and his mouth opened wide inj shock ' no way is this.. ' a first edition master Swan ' Jing nodded ' But they only made 11 of these1' 12 to be precise.. ' jing said ' which makes them expensive ' but this cost .. like ' 564, 368 dollars ' Jing said ' and no, I didnt touch any of dads money.' Po couldnt believe what he was holding 'Wow jing.. i donlt know what to say.. ' give her a hug Po you goof ' Tigerss cut in with a laugh. ' A girl drops over 500 grand on you, shes a keeper. i wish tiger here would have spent anything loike that on me while we wre dating.'  jing sprad out her arms expecting a hug, and then Po puled her into a kiss.  kissing her forcefully on the lips.. ' oooo' luca laughed.. '
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Internally, Jing was singing. Po was finally the one to kiss her, and it was just as enjoyable as all the times she had kissed him since they got engaged. She and Po began to touch tongues and both of them found the experience enjoyable.

"Trust me my darling Po, any action figures you may want? We can buy them, I promise you that," Jing said to her fiancé warmly. "And if you want a meal, my plump angel? I'll cook it or order it if required." She could see how much Po was finding this appealing.

"Jing.....thank you," the Dragon Warrior said, in earnest joy.

"See Po, we told you this would be good for you, Big Guy," Tai Lung nodded, rubbing Tigress's back.


As Kovu went to get some snacks, he happened to walk into Abu. "Hey there," the dark lion smiled to the elephant who cubsat him and siblings when they were cubs. "Will you be able to resume guard duty around 10 PM tonight?" That's when he intended to be back with Kiara and Sima.


The audience of the movie, which consisted of a lot of Mawashiians, cheered at watching their king defeat the bad guys so easily.

"Hey, now that you say that," Ollie remembered, "I think I saw an advertisement for an official match with Ozai out in the lobby."

"Really?" Flash asked, wanting to know more.


Oliver grinned as he was explained the potential of his powers. "I can't wait to eat bad guys," he bragged, showing off his sharp teeth. He was given a cell phone to keep in contact with Arlene and his friends.
« Last Edit: February 14, 2023, 03:23:32 AM by brekclub85 »


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you're joking ' zoai said ' to even get a match with ozai you'd need to be a champion. this is probably a charoiy thing he;s doing this time. he keeps track of unofficial wins too.' we ciuld get tickets mona said ' i know how much you fan god over ozai Flash " she giggled.
 gee.. thanks jing ' po said carefully picking up the rsare and valuable action figure. ' i really appreciate it.'
 on to the next hole, everyone, we've got 4 more to go ' tiger said. he went first and got his usual 2.
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"Yeah, it's for charity," Ollie explained, "An event where people will donate to help those in need, and I'm sure Ozai knows him being present and holding matches will attract a lot of attention."

"What do you say, Flash, after the movie?" Zoai grinned.


"Huh, you look really good as a cushion, Dixie," Scooby laughed. "You're probably very comfy, too. How is she, my lord?" he bowed to Tiger, impressed by the display of his godly powers.

Tiger eased the Dixie-cushion into position. "Get ready," he told her.


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oh crud ' Dixie said as tiger sat on her.. ' ' i can tell you've added about 10 pounds Tiger . ' dixie said muffled under tigers butt. ' kittys says you're 210.. you're 220, at the lightest. perhaps you should lay off the mouseburgers.. vegan or not? ' I'm a god now Dixie. i don;t have to worry about my weight.. well i don't , but you  Kitty and Luca do..'  tiger laughed as he  pressed down on her. ' dixie could feel the springs in the sofa as she was pressed deep into the furniture. ' fortunately, as a pillow, she didnt have worry about breathing. ' i could give you some company, you know ' tiger grinned.  like.. luca '  he snapped his fingers and luca transformed into a red , frilly  fluffy pillow. tiger pulle the new pillow next to d the dixie-pilow ' great.  this is the second time i've been under this guys butt ' Luca said. ' last it took about 2 hours to get feeling back in my legs.  if anything he weighs more this time around.  didnt transform me last time eoither. '  tiger rested on both pillows and summoned a cola to his hand. ' hope you girls like listening to basketball ' the harvest godling called down. '
 i'm down' flash grinned.' i'm sure theres a long sign up list though." " of course, its ozai.' Zoai said.' this event is probably to help ' the sumos in need ' program. basically it ensures sumos have plenty of food before matches, on other sumo worlds. as we say ;' the great Ozai provides '  zoai said. ' on screen, ozai flattened a row of enemies with no fear or hesitation.
 Ki guys ' eris said as she took a seat next to Vitani ' saw you guys enter and i've been getting snacks for the last few minutes.  anyone want some breadsticks' she said holding out a huge basket of warm soft breadsticks' Greg quickly grabbed one and offered a part of  it to Wirt and Beatrice' You get any dipping sauce/" vitani asked and eris brought out a small container of red sauce. " breadsticks without sauce dont count ' the eagle princess grinned. ' excellent ' Kopa said dipping some of his breadstick in the sauce ' thanks eris. ' anytime Kopa ' eris said s she passed out other snacks and had some of the others hold them.
Kovu decided to take a break on go out on a patrol of the town. he started his rpoute at the far emnd of winterville and headed north. residents of the ship were out and about, and kovu wore his armor with pride/ he shpot a   glamce at some passing lionesess , who were definitely checking him out ' hello ladies ' he purred. ' hello, your highness' they said , shooting hiim a pair of smiles.
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Kovu smirked as the lionesses came over and nuzzled him. "Like what you see? I am a handsome prince....or I guess I can say handsome king now," he said proudly. This was the kind of think Kovu missed during his captivity, so he was happy to be back with his friends and family, and being healthy again.

"Your scar is handsome," complimented one of the lionesses. Kovu appreciated that remark in particular.


Ollie chuckled at his friends excitement at the prospect of getting to face the sumo king in the ring. "You know neither of you has a chance, right?" the young male cat said.

"That's the point," replied Zoai.

"What do you mean?" Ollie asked, raising an eyebrow.


Scooby could only chuckle at the position Dixie and Luca were in. "Are they comfy, my lord?" he asked Tiger, the great dane bowing to the cat who had recently become a god. The content expression on Tiger's face was an answer in and of itself.


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well i dont know if they are particularly comfy ' tiger chuickled. ' all i know is that i am. ' Tiger said moving this way and that, and bumping the two pillows against each other.  ' well at least this time, you don;t have legs that can fall asleep ' Dixie admitted. ' true and hopefully he won;t keep me under here for 2 hours like that time ' basketball games usually go for 3 hours or so, i'm afraid. ' Dixuie said ' What!why? ' Luca sputtered. " Theres lots of timeouts and breaks' Dixie said. " ' Scooby loves basketball, so we watch a lot.. and play a lot,  we have a full relegation basketball  court at our home. Twelve  of them, actually.  We let the local kids use one  and the high school teams- both boys and girls- use one each, from freshmen on up. ' tigeress told me you guys had loads of money. any chance I could get a loan?' Luca smirked. . hold on.  I thought Tigeress hired you to be a secretary to her and Tiger " Yeah she  did, in fact i need to remind them to pay me for the month when i get back to normal.  but you can never have too much money, especially with a toy fiend like Mona to raise. " Dixie laughed ' Thats very true Luca.
 its all for charity for one. plus losing to Ozai is a honor, not a bad thing.' Flash said ' it would be like losing to the wizard in a magic fight. no harm in losing to the best, right?'
unless theres money involved or something,  no.'' Mona said " who would actually bet against Ozai in sumo?' Zoai raised her eyebrows. you might as well take that money and throw in a fire, because you arent getting it back. that and you get the stinkeye.' theres some tellers who give some really good stinkeye."

- ladies you flatter me. go on ' Kovu purred as he reached out to stroke their faces and they purred happily as he caressed them.  ' call me Scar again.. please." he had a broad grin on his face.
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"Sure thing....Scar," the lionesses purred, nuzzling him from all directions. Kovu was in paradise by the display of affection, he wished Kiara and Sima were currently present so they could add to the experience.


Kiara and Sima meanwhile did several poses for the photographs taken of them. "It's all about strutting your stuff," Kiara told Sima with confidence.

"Which we both have," Sima nodded.

"And a common biggest....asset," Kiara added with a chuckle.


"Say Po, if there's anything else you ever want as a gift, just name it. My family is loaded, financially," Jing promised, giving him another nuzzle.

Tai Lung and Tigress looked pleased. "She's a real keeper you have, there," Tigress said, supportive of Po and Jing's relationship.


"Think your dad will be at the matches?" Ollie asked Zoai as the friends kept watching the movie. He took a pawful of popcorn.


Oliver listened intently as Panty gave him the basic lessons for his hunting power. "When will I be able to start eating people?" the demi-god asked hopefully.