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A Parting of the Ways

Nick22 · 691 · 37247


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(This should really wait until the crossover story imo.  we're getting close to the end of ths story and I'd like to save the Doctor's enterance for the fresh story..)
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(sorry. I wasn't clear on when the Doctor should turn up, there wasn't really much said when and where he should appear.)


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It's alright. He will appear to Eva ten years from now. when Galastor is 10 years of age. the Doctor odf course is 'the doctor' of the prophecy)
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(Alright, so what do we do now? I am confused at this point :S)


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Just pretend the last few post about the Taurus never happened, and Eva is leaving fior school..)
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Eva finish up eating and leaves for school looking back at the castle wondering what might happen in 5 or 10 years from now then carries on walking heading to the school to catch up with so much back log of work but that something she'd always been able to do is someway catch up quickly enough to get through and she planned to do this working in little free time.


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'welcome back Miss Eva' the Headmaster said coming into view. "Follow me please' he lead her to his office, and bade her sit down.n "You've missed most of the school year. You will not be allowed to graduate if you are not caught up in 6 weeks, which is when the school year ends. " Donovan gestured anmnd a huge stack of papers scrolls and books appeared on the floor. and rose to over his head. "THIS is all that you have missed over the last few months. my dear, you are not going to be able to finish all this in 6 weeks. not even if you went without sleep. it is simply impossible without some sort of time altering, which is strictly forbidden." He sighed.
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Eva was about to speak when a knock on the door and it opening "Oh hello, sorry i over heard you speaking about this young student sir and thought I might help you" the man stepped in with hands in his pocket.


"Jon, Jon Smith, I am a sub working here for a short time and thought I might be able to help since I do have something" Jon Smith said straight to the point.


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I've never heard of you before" Donovan said skeptically. "How long, exactly, have you been here? Because I don't remember ever seeing you before  just now.. and whom are you subing for and in what subject?" This caught Smith off guard. "If this is your first day, then that's different.."
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"Yes that right, first day. Sorry I just arrived from Earth, here is my ID Card" Smith raise a wallet up and opened it showing his ID to the Headmaster. "I have advance machices in Time Dimensional effect also a few different degrees on summing of Energy" Smith pulls out a little ball and it opens up with a dazing of light mutliply shiny speeks fly around then go back to the ball as it closed up. "Neat isn't it? I made this little Star Light dust to help does in Woods if lost, no power nothing, just float around making light in the darkest of the dark" Smith smirked with a grin.

"Oh and I have specialities in handling students that are way behind getting them back on track in about... hmm... 5 weeks" Jon Smith said as he put the ball and ID wallet away in his pocket.


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"the rules of time manipluation are very strict. time is something that is not supposede to be meddled with, because it affects everything." donovan said, giving Smith a look. "even if yiou are doing it for a positive purpose..'He sighed. as he loked at the huge pile of assorted books and papers. You're telling me that youi can get all this done in 5 weeks..If you do puull this off you'll be in high demand with the other students.." he said.
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"Really, I do like a challenge. the harder the challenge the better it is and the more scessful it will be" Smith said seeming very sure that this task was too easy. "I know... how about a bet? I give you my little one of a kind ball Star light dust if I lose and if I win, this program will run for ten years as a 8 week remainer course for those that very far behind." Smith oftered the deal.

"In a way you win both ways since one way or the other would be helping the students in different points, one keeping areas lit up after dark so students can get home safely and two if I win you get 10 years of my services in helping students very very far behind on their work and catch up in time." Smith said with hands behind his head as he sat down. "So would you like to take me up on that offer?"


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Very well them. although students here usually don't miss most of the school year. Eva , however has priivate studies with her mentor.. which could account for why she has missed so much time.." Donovan said. 'i will lay down a few rules. You may not overly extend time for them. A day is a day, 24 hours. they must do their own work. that goes without saying. "
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"Well that goes without saying, however a day will go by and the bubble that my little device I got back in my workshop can make it seem alot longer going by infact only a day went by" Smith said knowing alot about time and space. "Alternating the dimensions of space and time only by the slightest." Smith said with a warm smile

Smith gets up and then puts the ball on the table "Here keep it, I think you'll be needing this more then I do tonight, and trust me use it tonight and you will be glad" Smith then turn to Eva.

"Alright young miss come with me, we got work to do" before the headmaster could say anything he left then pops his head back through the door "Oh right I forgot to tell where it is, Block C, Mr Smith's workshop" Smith then goes.

Eva get up and look to the Headmaster "How am I suppose to keep up with him? he just full of energy, May I leave?"


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Donovan shrugged. "Go've got studying to do.." he said, gesturing and creating a bag out of air and putting all the books papers and scrolls into it..' here you go" He said, thrusting the lot at Eva's feet. "Good luck studying.."
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Smith came back and looked "Oh that alot of stuff, well throw it all in this bag" Smith throws it to her and she looks at it as she caught it. "Trust me it will fit"

Eva started putting it all in the bag and to her surprise it didn't look poufed out or even heavy lifting it "How?"

"Oh a little science of my own, bigger on the inside" Smith grinned and then wave to himself "Well come on, lets get going"

"Alright" Eva nods and leave with Mr Smith. The Headmaster saw the bag it was alot smaller then all that he gave Eva but somehow it all fitted with no differculty.


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Donovan shook his head, as he returned to his work, and eva left the office.. "most likely some sort of technology.." Magicians like himself were wary when it came to technology..
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"Now Eva, I read up about you in the student records, you have a personally teacher named Stripetail right? Lord of this land, immortal?" Smith said as they walked down the corridor.

"Yes that corret Mr Smith" Eva replied "How come your helping me out?"

"Oh that" Jon turn to her "Well. I like helping those that in trouble, I can't help but accept such a unlikely sccessful challenge" Jon said with a grin on his face "And never say Impossible as well, nothing impossible just unlikely"

Eva smiled "If I didn't know any better you've does this before"

"Once... well that took about 8 weeks but I can narrow that by 3 without any trouble, once a go to improve and now we here" Jon stood in front of a door and opens it "Come in"

Eva walks in and sees scrolls, computers and all sorts of stuff that seem to be technology mixed with stuff from the school "Wow"

"Yep, and this is Donna my lovely co teacher" Jon said and a lady comes with a trolley of stuff and stops.

"Where have you been!? I had to stuff some kids from using firecraker magic on your workshop! Mr Smith!" she said with a untight tone then turn to Eva "You must be Eva, Do... Mr Smith been talking about the challenge of getting you finished in time for the end of the school year, just don't let him get carried away" Donna goes back to what she was doing.

"thanks for that..." Mr Smith rubbing the back of his neck a little then turn to Eva "Ah yes, this way" Smith leads Eva to another room with a device hanging from the ceiling and in the middle was a chair, table and text books with a electical touch pad board and laptop connected to it.

"Is this the place I be working in?" Eva looked around

"Yep for the next 5 weeks. Also with the feild, there is a kicthen over in that room and that the bathroom. or is restroom, not sure what you guys call it" Smith said to her still cheerful as ever

"Bathroom" Smith nods "I better get started" Eva goes up to the table and Smith goes to a leaver on the wall.

"Remember this will make you feel like it been 3 days within 14 hours since that the school study time you have here." Eva nods to what Smith said then he pulls the leaver done "Then lets get busy!" the door closes and Donna standing on the other side arms crossed

"I hope you know what your doing... I didn't come all this way to be stuck here for no reason for 10 stupid years. Even you slowed my aging done it not the point" Donna turns and go to a table and sits down taking a cup and drinking the contents "Lovely cup of tea" she sighed.


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"Mortality does have its drawbacks" said a statue "Yes I'm a talking statue. remember you're in a magical school, and a great and ancient one at that. I've seen countless students walk past me, intent on their daily routine. You two are different, as if you don't belong here. whatever your reasons for being here, they will be revealed soon enough I wager>" there was a crash as Donna dropped the cup of tea she was holding.
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"Well I heard of Statues having personallity in style but a talking rock? Now that something, but being with him doesn't suprise me to find stuff like this" Donna looked at the statue closely "So do you get cranks in your back being stone? Or your just stand there and talk about wagers? like a better?" Donna spoke with her arms crossed.