The Gang of Five
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Plug in! Dinosaurs EXE! Transmission!

Keni · 92 · 35631


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Alrigh, first RPG I start in this forum. Let me explain...

This RPG is based on my Land Before Time fanfiction, Land Before Time: Battle Network. Basically MegaMan Battle Network but replacing all MegaMan characters with Land Before Time characters as the NetNavis, including all new original characters as the Net Ops.


RPG Rules:

1) Everyone must have a PET and a NetNavi of their own. The NetNavi MUST be dinosaur related.

2) NetNavis can be related to JUST ONE o fthe basic elements: Fire, Elec, Wood and Aqua.

3) NetNavis are only permitted to be of the Leaf-Eater Generation (Herbivores). Sharptooth Generation (Carnivores) NetNavis are only available to Official Net Ops or bad guys.

4) While Sharptooth Generation NetNavis are only allowed to Officials and bad guys, roleplayers with personal connections with PET/NetNavi scientists and Officials can have their own Sharptooth Generation NetNavis.

5) All NetNavis are considered equal in strength alone, they can only be stronger than their opponent NetNavi with the aid of battle chips and their bond with the NetOp.

6) All battle chips are usable once when plugged into the net or Netbattle. The ONLY way to recharge them to be usable again is to jack out your NetNavi back into the PET and use a Battle Chip Recharger, very easy to find.

7) You are allowed to use Littlefoot, Cera, Petrie, Ducky, Spike, Chomper, ANY Land Before Time character as your NetNavi.

8) Just like the MegaMan Battle Network games, Program Advances can be done in combination of three certain chips in a certain order.

9) Try to stay true to the MegaMan Battle Network universe. In other words weapons can only be obtained by battle chips, but some NetNavis tend to have busters as default weapons. Sharptooth Generation NetNavis can use their claws as weapons as well but not busters.

9) Due to the need of a plot and story, I will make the bad guys and create havoc and viruses in the net, it's up to us to tackle the dangers and stop them.

IMPORTANT: I will monitor this RPG, your created NetNavi, Net Op, and battle chips you'll find and acquire. I WILL NOT tolerate such events as you obtaining and using an extremely rare and powerful battle chip out of nowhere, god-mod in a NetBattle and have ridiculous connections with scientists and Officials. Like I said, I will monitor this RPG.

Character Rules:
1) Only one NetOp and NetNavi. NetNavis are prefered to be dinosaur models, but it's optional.
2) He/She can have some personal connections to a scientist or Official of SciLab, but I will determine whether or not it's acceptable.
3) Character can only have 10 battle chips MAX. You can choose 5 battle chips to start with from a list below.
4) We'll need Officials so you are free to be an Official, but only a MAX of 3 RPGers can be Officials.


1. Cannon - Transforms arm of choice into an ordinary cannon with a firing range of 1 shot per second. Limited ammo

2) Mini Bomb - Small bomb you can hold in your hand, throw it and watch it blow up. Explodes on contact

3) Area Steal - Teleports NetNavi from one spot to another on a short distance.

4) Cyber Sword - Transforms arm of choice into a sword. Short range but very damaging.

5) Wide Sword - Same as Cyber Sword but has a much wider striking range.

6) Long Sword - Same as Cyber Sword but has a much longer striking range.

7) Tree Star - Reference of the LBT famous green food. Recovers 50% of NetNavi's damage.

8) Fire Water - Reference of what the LBT gang call the lava. Explodes sorrounding area with lava, heavy damage. Aqua element.

9) Shiny Wall - Reference of LBT name. A block of ice protects the NetNavi from 1 attack. If attack is Aqua based it freezes the attack and throws it back at attacker.

10) Bubbly Good - Reference of what the LBT gang call the mud. Shoots a blotch of mud with Blind status effect if connects. Aqua element.

11) Earth Shake - Reference of what the LBT gang call the earthquake. Shakes the ground with powerful spikes erupting from the earth's crust. Wood element.

12) Elec Ring - Shoots a ring with electricity at the speed of light, impossible to dodge. Elec element.

13) Barrier - Protects NetNavi from 1 attack.

14) Mega Fist - Transforms hand of choice into a huge fist, causing heavy damage if it connects.



I know some of you might think "This is too much!" but it's not, once you learn the ropes it's pretty simple. =D

Now to introduce my character and his NetNavi

Name: Kaden
Age: 15
Personality: Care-free, good willed, procrastinator
Description: Hair of a dark-brown color, neatly combed back with a short ponytail on the back of his head. Wears a pair of long black jeans; a short sleeved red shirt with a black backside, under that shirt dons a long sleeved gray undershirt.

NetNavi name: Rex
Personality: Determined, upbeat attitude, persistent
Description: blue-green color and light-blue color from his chest, where a crest of a RX mark is, down to his stomach and down between his legs to the underside of his tail, he also has a pair of wings. Dark blue oval shaped shoulder pads, razor-sharp looking claws on both hands and feet and quite nice looking dark blue eyes. Muzzle is squared-off and a black scar snaking over his right eye. A kneepad on his left leg and from his knees down it looks like he’s wearing a pair of bulky boots, but at his ankle the ëboots’ are cut down into a strap that goes down between his heel and feet around the soles of his foot, letting his four toes with razor-sharp talons stand out.

- Cyber Sword
- Earthshake
- Mini Bomb
- Area Steal
- Cannon


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Name: Tanner

Age: 15

Personality: Determined, intelligent, tough

Description: Thick, dark red hair, thinned and layered on the sides, parted down the middle.  Wears a labcoat with no shirt underneath, blue jeans and Tevas.  Has green eyes and stubble.  A scientist with a sharptooth generation official Net Navi.

NetNavi name:  Also named Tanner (owner overwritted the name of the original Net Navi with his)

Personality: Reprogrammed to have the same attitude as the owner.

Description:  Is an Alimon model Sharptoth generation.  Has red skin withh green stripes and a beige underside.  Skin tight beige chest plating and an insignia with the letters "TN" and three diagonal slash marks.  Has green gloves with a crest of brown near the elbow.  Red shoulder pads with three dark green spikes and a thick, gren border.  Light green boots with dark geen knee pads with a short spike that makes up the entire pad with a red border.  Hand and foot claws are black and eyes are green.

 Mega Cannon - Powered up x3 version of Cannon

 Tree Star - Recovers 50% NetNavi damage

 Alimon Claws - Longer, wider and stronger than Cyber Claws

 Rock Slide - Chuck boulders to opponent. Wood element

 Alimon Rage - Fuels NetNavi with the rage of an alimon, increases strength and  speed tenfolds for 5 seconds

 Air Shoes - Allow higher jumps and faster runs than usual for 15 seconds


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(Well, I guess I'll start the RPG now. Anyone is welcomed to join!)

"Aw man!" Kaden groans as he slumps on his bench at the park in front of SciLab, dropping the paper he was holding onto his lap. It was his third test of his first year in 9th grade, and sadly he barely passed with a C-. His mother is gonna kill him!

"Gee, what happened to you, Kaden?" Rex, his NetNavi, inquires.

Kaden sighs as he takes out his PET, looking at his NetNavi partner. "I guess because we both got carried away exploring the Garden Net City, Great Valley Square."

"Wait a minute," Rex's eyes widen. "You told me you would study while I did my own exploring. Don't tell me you..."

Kaden scratched the back of his head with an embarrased smile. "Yeah...Sorry.."

Rex glares at his NetOp as he crosses his arms. "Well serves you right." He soften his glare and turn his head away from Kaden, scratching the back of his own head. "I guess it was my fault as well, should've exited the Square to evade any distractions."

"I guess we both got the fault." Kaden declares with a slight smile. He looks to his right and see a wall with Jack-In Port, perfect to plug Rex in and still be sitting on the bench. "Well, since we're in the weekends, how about some navigation through the net?"

Rex nods. "Alright, but just for a little while. We got to make up for that C-."

Kaden nods with a grin and extends out his PET's Jack-in cable. "Plug in! Rex.EXE! Transmission!"

(Since that's in SciLab, Tanner should be nearby. Let's get this RPG started!  :DD )


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Tanner exits the SciLab complex with a brown paper bag full of food in one hand, his shift is over and he accidentally spent his lunch hour net battling a few passers by.  He goes into the park and looks for a good spot to have his late lunch.  He finds a picnic table to sit at, sets the bag down, takes out the contents and sets them on the table.  A ham and cheese sandwich, an apple, a chocolate bar, potato chips, carrots and a thermos full of chicken noodle soup.  "Geez, you ARE a heavy eater." says his alimon net navi official counterpart.  Tanner takes out his PET and sets it down on the table, "Well, of course I am.  I'm still a growing boy." he says as he takes his ham and cheese sandwich and takes a bite out of it.  He takes the lid off the thermos full of soup, pours it into the cup and takes a sip.  "Why don't you ever use a dark chip on me for once?  They're strong and can delete the opposing net navi in one hit." says the Tanner navi.  The human Tanner glares at the Navi Tanner.

"We went through this already.  Dark battle chips make you stronger, but you could become infected with a virus that will corrupt your programming.  I can't risk it." he says with a serious tone.

"Okay, okay.  Fine." says the red and green alimon.


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A Compsognathus virus screeches as it charges. Rex jumps back to avoid the virus' lunge and throws a kick at it, his sharp talons striking the virus' lower jaw and slashing it open, deleting it. Rex looks over his shoulderpad and spots three of them charging at him. Rex jumps and does a backflip, the viruses running under him and Rex landing behind them.

"Buster shot!" Rex cries out as he extends out his left arm and changes to a buster cannon, aiming well and shooting at the viruses. One shot each and deleted.

"Awesome, Rex!" Kaden cheers his NetNavi from the real world through the PET.

Rex looks to his right and spots two Velociraptor viruses charging at him. Aiming well, he shoots at them, but their speed is great and they easily dodge the shots. Rex's eyes narrow slightly and changes his left arm to normal, "Cyber Claw!" His Navi Customization Program, Chip Memory, activates and the claws of his left hand grow longer and sharper. The Velociraptor viruses jump for the bite, but with a quick swing of Rex's left arm he slices through them all and delete them.

"Yeah!" Rex grins as he stands back up.

Kaden smirks, "Awesome, Rex! That's about the 20th virus we've found and not even a scratch!" Kaden looks at his five Battle Chips and grin, "We haven't even used one of our Battle Chips!"

"Not even a Style Change." Rex adds.

"I guess nothing can take us down!" Kaden practically shouts.

Rex chuckles, "You're getting excited Kaden, keep your voice down. Practically the whole park heard you."


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Name: Kiraa
Age: 22
Personality: Usually silent, easy loses control of her temper, prejudistic against leaf-eater generations, has a different sense of justice than other officials, somewhat aloof, stubborn, inflexible
Description: Part of the higher authority, daughter of an officer, wears a dark blue suit with dark blue hat, wears a necklace on one wrist, a watch on the other, hair is black, eyes are dark brown, has a scar across her face, from between her eyes, across her right eye (still functioning), down her cheek, and stops at her jaw

NetNavi name: Grayscale

Personality: Nearly inflexible, stubborn, prejudistic against leaf-eater generations, somewhat aloof, believes what she is doing is right, has a very different yet very strong sense of justice


(not noticeable in pic, but right eye is yellow, not orange)


Alimon Claws - Longer, wider and stronger than Cyber Claws

Alimon Rage - Fuels NetNavi with the rage of an alimon, increases strength and speed tenfolds for 5 seconds

Bubbly Goo - Reference of what the LBT gang call the mud. Shoots a blotch of mud with Blind status effect if connects. Aqua element.

Horn Thrust = Exclusive chip for Grayscale's design. Makes her horns longer and deadlier, easy to impale a NetNavi with them

Red Eyes = EVIL EYEZ TO PETRIFY (Dark Chip)


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Tanner turns his head after hearing what Kaden shouted out.  He puts his food back in the lunch bag, grabs his PET and walks over to where Kaden was.  "Hey there.  What's got you so excited?" Tanner says with a friendly tone in his voice.


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"Eh?" Kaden turns his head and sees a tall, red haired man, probably a scientist from SciLab. "I...Uhh...Umm..." He stammers, a bit embarrased.

"Heheh, told ya not to get carried away." Rex's voice chuckled through Kaden's PET as the Navi shot at another incoming virus, deleting it.


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"Allow me to introduce myself.  The name's Tanner.  I'm the youngest scientist in SciLab.  I help design new battle chips and beta test them." says Tanner.


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(Welcome DarkHououmon!)

"A Battle Chip designer, huh!?" Kaden inquires rather excitedly. "That sounds awesome! I'm Kaden. And this is my NetNavi, Rex." He tilts his PET to Tanner to allow him to see the PET screen so he can introduce his NetNavi to Tanner...But, the NetNavi just got found by another virus and he is busy deleting the virus.

"Erm, a bit busy here, Kaden!" Rex replies as he jumps over a Velociraptor virus. Rex flexes his Cyber Claw-induced claws and slash the virus in two, deleting it. This NetNavi clearly has some skills in Virus Busting and Net Battling.


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"Looks like your navi need a little help." says Tanner as he takes out his PET and jacks in, "Plug in Tanner.EXE!" A deinonychus virus approaches Rex and lunges at him.  The alimon net navi Tanner shows up just in time, "Alimon Claws!" the Tanner navi yells.  His claws grow longer and wider that Rex's cyber claw and slices into the oncoming raptor's belly, deleting it in one hit.


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"Huh?" Rex turns around only to see a virus cut in half and dissapearing, revealing a red NetNavi in the shape of an Alimon.

"Whoa! An Alimon NetNavi!?" Kaden exclaims.

Rex shrugs, "Well he is a SciLab scientist." Rex scans the Alimon's body, admiring the spiky shoulderpads and the chestplate armor. "Not a bad look. I'm Rex."


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"I'm Tanner.  Thanks." says the red and green alimon.


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"Wow, an Alimon NetNavi..." Kaden was in awe, this would be his second time seeing an Alimon type NetNavi, and he actually knows his NetOp. Kaden grins as he gets an idea. He turns his head to Tanner, "Say, how about a Net Battle!?"

Suddenly, an alarm goes off in SciLab. Kaden stands up at the sound as the blaring of the alarm echoes throughout the park. "What the?"

"Kaden!" Rex cries from the PET, "It's the SciLab's Alarm system!"


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"Aww crap," says Tanner as he unplugs his Net Navi, "This calls for my undevided attention." he says as he starts for the lab complex.  He pauses and turns his head to Kaden, "I'll be back."  he says in a sarcastic, macho man voice.  He then sprints for the entrance to SciLab.


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Kaden flinches. "What the...? Did he just ripped off The Terminator...?"

"Nevermind that, Kaden." Rex calls out through the PET, "He might need our help. Let's go check this emergency out."

"Right." Kaden nods as he jacks Rex out of the cyber world and makes his way to the SciLab entrance. He walks into the lobby and see tourists and scientists scrambling about as if in a rush to some sort of holiday or something, reminds Kaden of the holiday rush.

Kaden doesn't spot Tanner, he's probably in one of SciLab's laboratories getting deeper into the problem. "I hope it's not anything serious..." Kaden comments, "I hope dad is safe."

"Well we can't do anything about this now." Rex implies, "Might as well hang low in the lobby and see if we can discover something about what's going on. Maybe we'll also bump into your dad."

"I hope you're right..."

Little does Kaden know, the mainframe of SciLab is infected with numerous viruses, and seems like Tanner is the only one with the access to the mainframe to take care of them all.


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Tanner swipes his ID card to get access to the mainframe.  He steps through the door and sees dozens of scientists frantically trying to get a hold of the problem.  One scientist seems to be the only sane person there.  Tanner walks over to him and asks what the problem is, "So, what's the situation?  More viruses?" says Tanner.


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"Yessir." The scientist responds as he types commands in to the mainframe, but the computer just doesn't seem to cooperate or even respond. "The system has gone haywire. However, I was able to determine where the viruses are targeting..." The scientist takes a deep breath and looks at Tanner, "They seem to be targeting the mainframe's Battle Chip Machinery..."

Back to Kaden, the NetOp is trying to ask around the scientists running around on what's going on, but everybody seems to overlook him or something.

"Excuse me!" Kaden tries to stop one scientist, but he just gets ignored.

"I'm Dr. Homari's son and I want to..." Another scientist sprints right past him.

"This is ridiculous!" Kaden complains as he takes out his PET to have a face to face conversation with his Navi. "Nobody's paying any attention!"

"Hmmm..." Rex thinks, "Situation must be quite serious then..."

"Well I don't care!" Kaden protests, "If nobody is going to tell me anything then I'm going right to my dad's working area!"

"You can't do that, Kaden!" Rex protests back, "They're not going to let you through."

"Just look at them! They don't even give a second glance at me! I don't think they'll notice me going through!"

"Good point..." Rex responds. He sighs and gives a nod, "Alright, but don't get caught."


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"Alright," says Tanner as he takes out his PET, "Lets do this shit," he jacks in his PET, "Plug in Tanner.EXE!"