The Gang of Five
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a Time of Tragedy

Nick22 · 405 · 60862


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"HI Littlefoot!" Ducky waved "Hi everyone, it a nice day it is. yep yep yep" Ducky said happily to the others


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Hey Ducky" Ali said cheerfully good to see you again. We're just getting ready to play hide and seek. do you want it to be boys vs. Girls or Longnecks vs. all?"She asked the swimmer.
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"Oh yes yes yes, girls vs boys" Ducky liked that idea

"I think that sounds like a good idea" Cera grinned and wanted to show up the boys showing they could do better then them.


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Alright, so the teams are Ali, cera, ducky and ruby against Chomper, Me, petrie, Rhette,  Shorty and Spike. 6 against 4. Do you girls want to have one of us on your team, so it's 5 on 5?' Littlefoot asked the girls, who had lined up together.
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"Are you that afaird that us four can beat you all" Cera said with a grin a daring move at them. "Ruby do you think we can take on 6?" Cera whispers to her.

Dash The Longneck

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"Hi Ducky"Shorty, Ruby, Comper, Rhett, and Petrie say simoultaniously(SP)?

Petrie gives Ducky a hug happy to see his friend again. "Hey Ducky me been looking for you and Spike for long while now."Petrie said.

"Well I don't know All though I think we could beat the boys It mgiht be more fair to us if we had one boy on our team. Then it would be 6 boys vs. five girls."Ruby said.


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That would make it even" Ali corrected her. "5 on 5. So which boy should we pick? Girls, huddle!" She said, stepping a ways away from the boys.
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Dash The Longneck

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"Well I think we should choose Rhett he did say he was a master of Hide and Seek. I know he lied in the past but this is one instance where I really think he's actually as good at Hide and Seek as he says he is. And I think if he is as good as he says he is he would be a great addition to the girls team What do you think?Cera? Ali? Ducky?" Ruby whispered as the girls got into a huddle .


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"Eh...He's lied about a lot of things .. so its hard to trust him when he says something.." Ali said..."I've learned that the hard way... If I had to pick It would be littlefoot, or shorty, before I'd pick Rhette. I'll go with Littlefoot, but we'll have majority goes, in other words, if the rest of you girls want Rhette, he'll be the guy we pick.."
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Ducky thought about it "I would say Spike yep yep yep" Ducky said looking at them

Cera thought about it "Well Either Littlefoot and Shorty... hmm" Cera took time to think "I go with Shorty"


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tHat makes 1 vote for everyone..." Ali said. 1 for Littlefoot, Spike, Shorty and Rhette. So we're basically back where we started." She frowned.
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guys, huddle' Littlefoot said, And moved away from the girls. "Ok guys, 1 of us is going to go over to the girls side to make the team's even. The rest of us, will figure out a plan... most likely the girls will want us to hide first.. so let's plan out where we're going to hide..' His voice dropped to a whisper.
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Dash The Longneck

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Quote from: Nick22,May 10 2007 on  04:00 PM
guys, huddle' Littlefoot said, And moved away from the girls. "Ok guys, 1 of us is going to go over to the girls side to make the team's even. The rest of us, will figure out a plan... most likely the girls will want us to hide first.. so let's plan out where we're going to hide..' His voice dropped to a whisper.

"Well I don't mind playing for the girls team. How do we decide who goes on the girls team?" Shorty asked.


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"Me think we vote" Petrie suggested, "Me think Shorty would be best since me hear him say he would not mind going over their side"

Dash The Longneck

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Quote from: Threehorn,May 10 2007 on  05:29 PM
"Me think we vote" Petrie suggested, "Me think Shorty would be best since me hear him say he would not mind going over their side"
(I thought I was Petrie in this roleplay. But I really don't mind if you want him instead. :) )

"Petrie is right I vote for Shorty to" Chomper said.

Dash The Longneck

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(No prob we all make mistakes sometimes . Except me I never make mistakes. ;)  LOL)


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"Guys, the girls will pick which one of us they want on thier team' Littlefoot said , beginning to draw in the dirt with one of his front paws. "now,, here's a rough sketch of the area around here. each of us should pick an area where they want to hide."
_ alright, let's re-vote. I'm sticking with my vote for littlefoot" Ali said. "the guy we pick will likely have two votes, based on the last time  we cast votes. Cera, are you sure you still want shorty?" She asked.
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Cera narrow her eyes a little "Of course" Cera replied

"I do not know. Shorty and Littlefoot are both good" Ducky couldn't make her mind up


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Alright, so we have 1 vote for Littlefoot and 1 for shorty. Ducky isn't sure yet. ruby, how about you? Are you going to stick with your vote or change it?" Ali asked her. "The Sooner we decide which guy to pick, the sooner we can get the game started.."
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