The Gang of Five
Howdy, everyone!

The member joining awards for 2019, 2020, and 2021 have been posted. We admins would like to thank each and every one of you who have made the forum their home over these years. It is because of people like you that the forum is the welcoming place that it is. :)

The forum supporter awards for those who maintained the forum on Patreon in 2023 will also be up shortly. Again, thank you all for what you do to keep our little corner of the Internet online!

Member Appreciation Thread


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Well, I am finally going to write something too here. I like almost all members, sure, but there are some, which I just want to count here.

Malte: Kind, friendly, helpfull. Whatelse. I could count so many points, positive points about you mate. You really were a help for me, when I felt down, was in a bad mood, or had to learn for tests. You let me to the forum here, and I really thank you for this. :) You are never mad at someone, well, I didn¥t notice yet.  :p  And if one need to talk to someone, you are really the right person to talk to. Thank you :yes

Iris: Well, the cute, friendly person, who is almost liked (loved) by everyone :DD You really have the gift to cheer people up, when they feel mad and to see the positive sites in sad, or bad situations. You also were always an open ear, I could talk to. And I thank you very much for that. I¥ll never forget that.  :)

Gustav: Well Gustav, what to say. The funny, maybe a bit crazy guy :p I guess we both grew very much together. Think it has to do something with our lifestory, because it¥s very similar. And we have much in common. :) The trip to you showed me, that we really fit to each other, and I thank you, for becoming one of my bestest friends.  :yes

So, that were all for now. But, maybe I¥ll post about some else later. ;-)

Cancerian Tiger

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To those who replied to my post, I am quite an outspoken person, so know what I said about y'all is very true ;).

There is another member I did not mention in my previous post, and that is Threehorn.  He has more connections with Universal and LBT than any other member, and does not hesitate to update us on LBT news :).  He is also a terrific writer of fanfiction, and I've enjoyed his fanfics on thus far :yes.  His artwork is also fantastic.  He seems like a good sort to have around on the GOF.


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I might not say much but I'll try.  :^.^:

Well, he's the only person I know quite good.
He comments and favourites all my artworks on DeviantArt. Even the new Wingtail design which he doesn't like that much. But he's keeping a cool head. B)
He also asks me for requests, which also gives me new ideas.

He's a good guy to have around.  :^.^:


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Quote from: Cancerian Tiger,Jul 19 2008 on  09:23 PM
Rat_Lady7:  She is a member I have really grown to like :yes.  I at first thought the two of us would end up as quarreling members when I had gotten angry over her feelings about Cera, but I realized I was wrong in discounting her opinion and feel as though we've come a long way since :^.^:.  She also starts new topics often, which makes her appear to be an active and enthused member of the GOF.
You were angry?  :o You didn't seem to be mad in that one topic, "What character do you like/dislike the most" when I gave my opinion about Cera. You had a calm demanour as we were discussing it. Although there were a few parts of the reply that I did see a bit of "anger". But you pulled it off well. :D


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Alright, I updated some of my comments. this has to do with actually getting to know people a lot more and just experiencing the GOF more. And...I actually am a lot more honest here. Much more then when I first made the comments.


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I really can¥t say much yet.
And even if I could I¥m not very good expressing my felings.


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I have to add some new guys to my list:

Always nice to have conversations with you mate. One can really talk with you about whatever one want and you are very soulful, what I appreciate much. Like others said before, you are for me as well the wise man who really knows alot of important things. I am happy to talk to you everytime.

Rat_Lady_7: Is the name right? Not sure. We didn¥t write ourselfes that much. But I think you would be a nice person to get known better. ;-)

Littlefoot1616: I never saw you in a bad mood before. That¥s something I really like. A guy, who is happy most of the time. You are very helpful as well, and a nice guy to chat with :-) Hope we can continue these chats in the future ;-)

Littlefoot: I think you have a very sentimental side, which I like very much about you. We have a few things in common and it¥s very nice to chat with you as well.  :yes

Chiletrek: How could I forget about you before? Oo. We had looong conferences in the past. Sadly, because of school, we don¥t have that much time to talk these days. But I am sure it¥ll get back to normal :-) You are a very great guy and I hope to keep you as my friend in the future :-)

That¥s all I can think about now. Other will follow later


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Yes, that is my username. :yes You are just one character off. I don't have an extra "_" between lady and 7. But yes, that's right.


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There are many members whom I would love to get to know better. Sometimes I regret that lack of time hinders us to get to know each other better outside the GOF.

I want to express special thanks to Cancerian Tiger for reading my story "Old Threehorns" (which nobody else ever read) in absolute record time, telling me about her opinion, and asking me for the end of the story (the story is not completed but I wrote a summary of it after she became the first to read it). Thank you very much, you really encouraged me :yes

Vain as I am (not a sin so long it does not disable a person to be critical about oneself) I am also take great encouragement and pleasure from the praise of members like kjeldo and Shinji-Lee and I thank you for that.

I just love interesting MSN discussions and I have had many with many GOF members. Recently I enjoyed very interesting and philosophical discussions with Vilstrup and Shinji-Lee.

Apart from such personal contacts a member appreciation thread would be incomplete without mentioning the many with whom I have little contact outside the GOF but whose work is doing so much to not just keep the GOF as good as it is but further improve it. Austin landbeforetimelover is really tireless in helping to improve the GOF and little outside GOF contact that we have I really want to thank you for that :yes

This thread is not complete, but I don't want at this time to make the appreciation seem as something casual and not coming from the heard by "listing" too many people in one thread who deserve better than to be "listed". I will post more after the passing of more time.

Cancerian Tiger

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No problem, Malte.  Thanks for the comments :yes.

I, too, regret that due to lack of time am unable to get to know other GOF members better.  Otherwise, I'd be chatting with other members like Malte, Landbeforetimelover, NeptuneNavigator2001 and Mumbling, to name some.  These members all catch my interest and seem like folks I would like to become better acquainted with.  Rat_Lady7 continues to be a member I like on the GOF.  As seen in the Party Room, she has really come to show us her humorous side.  So has Vaan360, another member who greatly contributes to the GOF.  

I'll add more as time permits.  Again, I like every member on the GOF, and no favoritism is intended.

Littlefoot Fan

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There are really only a few members on here that I actually chat with/became friends with. I know I barely ever come here anymore, or post anything :p Well I'll list some of the people I've gotten to know here.

Action9000: Of course I'm gonna add my oh-so-cool older brother :lol Well we've been chatting for a few years now, basically ever since I joined the GoF. He's one of the nicest guys I know, and we've had all kinds of fun times on msn. Honestly he's the best friend I ever had online, and I'm so glad I joined this place, because most likely we would have never met any other way. High-five brotha! :lol:

Darkhouhoumon: While we don't really say much on msn (mostly my fault :p) we've had some great times playing Halo together. She's really easy-going and a fun person to play against :D I hope we can have some more conversations on msn and play more halo B)

Tanner: Another great Halo player that me and Darkhouhoumon have had all kinds of fun with :lol We used to mic chat alot, but not so much anymore. Well hopefully the 3 of us can get together like we used to and pwn up some more Halo. :P:

These are the only 3 I can really think of at the moment. If more come to mind I'll post them up :p


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Cancerian Tiger Posted on Sep 29 2008, 08:13 AM

So has Vaan360, another member who greatly contributes to the GOF

Thanks C.T :)


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i thank all who were there and cared now i would like to share a specilal thank you to all for being great members. :)

f-22 "raptor" ace

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I would like to thank Mumbling for the wonderful drawing of my OC Frank Anderson.


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Just wanted to give a shout out to the Chronicler for making his amazing fanfic and helping me out with mine. He's been a big part of the GOF for me.

f-22 "raptor" ace

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Quote from: jedi472,Oct 9 2008 on  02:43 PM
Just wanted to give a shout out to the Chronicler for making his amazing fanfic and helping me out with mine. He's been a big part of the GOF for me.
If you want you could use some of my OC's in your next fanfic.


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Thanks f-22. I'll check my character list and see if there are still open spots. By the way, you've been a great help with the fanfic as well, Thank you!