The Gang of Five
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The member joining awards for 2019, 2020, and 2021 have been posted. We admins would like to thank each and every one of you who have made the forum their home over these years. It is because of people like you that the forum is the welcoming place that it is. :)

The forum supporter awards for those who maintained the forum on Patreon in 2023 will also be up shortly. Again, thank you all for what you do to keep our little corner of the Internet online!

Member Appreciation Thread


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This thread is simply for appreciation of other members. List a few nice things about certain members here. I'll even challenge you, to write nice things about the people that you don't even know very well, or maybe barely spoke to, but you just said "hi" to them.

MWAHAHAHA!!! *rubs hands together* Let's get started!


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This thread is simply for appreciation of other members. List a few nice things about certain members here. I'll even challenge you, to write nice things about the people that you don't even know very well, or maybe barely spoke to, but you just said "hi" to them.

MWAHAHAHA!!! *rubs hands together* Let's get started!


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This thread is simply for appreciation of other members. List a few nice things about certain members here. I'll even challenge you, to write nice things about the people that you don't even know very well, or maybe barely spoke to, but you just said "hi" to them.

MWAHAHAHA!!! *rubs hands together* Let's get started!


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This thread is simply for appreciation of other members. List a few nice things about certain members here. I'll even challenge you, to write nice things about the people that you don't even know very well, or maybe barely spoke to, but you just said "hi" to them.

MWAHAHAHA!!! *rubs hands together* Let's get started!


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Sounds like a good idea to me!  :yes   B)

Only problem is, I could spend months saying good things about the people here! :p  :lol  :D
so I'll keep it short for now.  :P:

Petrie, Malte, Littlefoot1616, Nick22, Littlefoot Fan, Pokeplayer, Cyberlizard, Darkhououmon...all the old-timers who were here with me "back in the day"...You've all been so awesome, which is why I've stuck around so long!  The GoF started off like a little family (which has grown to a big family!), with you all, and more whom I didn't talk to so much, but I thank you all for being who you are. :)  If not for you, I wouldn't still be here and things would be much different for me... :p

Mumbling/Iris...You've been nothing short of inspirational! :)  You took over the GoF singing project when I had too much else going on, which so many people here love.  You've been so uplifting; such a warm heart on the GoF, you bring joy to any topic you post in. :p  :lol: You've been a shoulder to cry on, a welcome sight after staring at code for hours, a push when life gets hard...You've certainly been my inspiration and more! :)

Littlefoot annoying little brother. :p  Not incredibly active on the GoF but we've had all sorts of good times on MSN chats.  He's been a really good guy on the boards as well...when he actually posts :p :lol  Really friendly, really relaxed, really easy to talk to...and we like a lot of the same music. :p


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EDIT: 9/22/08 BIG EDIT

Action9000: I don't think this guy realizes what impact he made on me.
I'm just going to say that there was a part of me that thought this guy was some what of a fake. I saw that Single/Couple life topic he made and I thought, "Does he really believe in this?"

Unfortunately, because of the experiences I have had with the opposite gender, I was a bit skeptical about him. However, at the same time, he posted in my "Self-Esteem" topic and told about how he sometimes felt he "was a soul with a lost purpose". I believed this guy immediately.

To me, he's that type of person that is there for you when you need help. He is a hard worker, passionate, and confident. That's how I view him.

Cancerian Tiger: Even though she might get upset easily as certain things, she is able to calm down and try again. I really symphosize with her on this, because I am the same way. We are both quite sensitive beings and we are out spoken as well. She still reminds me of those big sisters that will basically be there when ever you are in trouble. She's someone I REALLY want to get to know better.

Mumbling: She’s a wonderful girl whose sweet, sisterly, a fantastic artist, and very understanding. I have pmed her lately and I find our conversations enjoyable. Another thing, she is VERY HUMBLE. However, I also found out she can have that "sly" sense of humor, which is great! Sweet, with a bit of tart.

Malte: At first, I was plainly annoyed with this guy. This had to do with reading some his posts that made me go, :huh:? I also env(ied) this ability to be clear with what he had to say what he needed to say practically clearly all the time. English isn't even his first language, which I find impressive. Of course, he is older then me, so I guess that would make sense. I suppose...

But anyhow, I admire this guy for being an intellect and a deep conversationalist. I would like to get to know him more.

Neptune Navigator: While he may not know, we actually have quite a bit in common. He seems to get overly worried about certain things and he seems to be self-consious. Once I saw this posts about how he needed to take a break from the AM section because of being "zealous" and probably other things that has happened that I don't know, I saw myself.

However, he was able to turn around and now I see him on the board for quite a while. I would like to get to know this guy a lot more, because like i said above, I think we have more in common then we realize.

Darkhouomon: Her posts may not be too emotional, compared to some posts I have seen, but this ability she has is what is really striking about her. Her ability to not get so emotional on certain subjects that can really get others emotional about. She is also seems to be ever forgiving. This I find another great striking trait about her. She’s able to look past the faults about the person and is able to see the good. She is also a fantastic artist and wonderful story teller. :) She’s a bright lady as well.

Shauni: I seriously adore her. She’s a big sister that I can just be all crazy and real around. I love her comments on my story. She’s funny, bright, caring, and she’s that big sister that would destroy the person trying to harm the people she loves.

Tropicalia: She’s kind, loving, best friend material and she has a VERY good sense of humor. She is also understanding and a FANTASTIC artist!

Great Valley Guardian: To be honest, I was really surprised in a past comment on another site where said, “You are my friend.” I knew he favored and commented on a lot of my art, but I never knew he would say something like that o.O I love his ever continuous compliments. He’s understanding, encouraging, and seems to be the good brotherly type :)


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You've been such a positive influence on our board, here.  You're always bringing people together, having a good time...yet at the same time you have a deep concern for the happiness and well-being of others.  You're so genuinely caring, yet willing to stand up for what you believe in.  You're a strong person; strong, random...yet sensitive. :)

Yes, your artwork is amazing...:D :p but I wanted to bring up something a little different. :)
You set aside the time to design artwork for our LBT game, which was absolutely beautiful, by the way!  As the project lead for the game, I'm extremely happy with the amount of support it's received and am very impressed with your efforts!  
You've been such a kind, pleasant person to have around.  You always have something positive to say, like you're always smiling on the other side of the computer screen. :p


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Quote from: action9000,Jul 16 2008 on  10:54 PM
You've been such a positive influence on our board, here.  You're always bringing people together, having a good time...yet at the same time you have a deep concern for the happiness and well-being of others.  You're so genuinely caring, yet willing to stand up for what you believe in.  You're a strong person; strong, random...yet sensitive. :)
Aw, thanks action! :^.^: I agree with you, about me being random...  :P: It's think of shocking I admit...for you to say that I "stand up for what I believe in"...I feel that I am a wishy washy person from time to time...then again...I have been growing a tough skin to stick to what I believe thanks!  :D


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Ok I'm not that great with giving compliments but I can try right?

Lets start with the person who created this thread, Rat_Lady7.
I can't usually get along with girls/women that well. But this has been different. Our conversations have been interesting and I came to know you as a very kind and caring person.

You've been such a helping friend, brother, in hard times. I feel like I can tell you everything. Kind, caring and honest. I know he wouldn't hurt anyone, at least not on purpose, and that's good too. You're a great person, Aaron.

Even though our ideas might not be at one line all the time, you've been a great, funny friend who helps me with some problems and who can be trusted :). Patrick, I hope I didn't hurt you too much, and I hope we can be friends for a lifetime :).

You've been a listening ear to me. What I also saw is that you can be a great, funny actor if you want to :) You've got some great ideas when it comes to solving problems. I also love the idea of your RP :) Hope we can get it started. I know you might be busy sometimes, but I'll always remember all the things we've talked about together Gustav. Memories can be killing, but also can bring back happy feelings, right? :^.^:

Musical guy for sure.  :^.^: Random, funny. You always make me smile or laugh. You've been an inspiration for my drawings and definitly made me a lot happier than I was before. Our friendship grew very fast and I trust you completely. You've realyl cheered up my life, even before all this my friends told me I was smiling so much, was scary to them :p.

What can I say... You've always tried to help me, even if I didn't really ask for it... :p You make me think about certain things, which I consider quite important. You try to stay realistic and that's good. Also your knowledge about history keeps on getting my attention. It's just great to listen to you when you're talking about that, you've taught me a lot already, and not only about history.

You might not be so active on the forum, but on msn you are. I love talking to you. Your drawings are fascinating and you've helped me so much developing my drawing skills. You're kind, friendly and playful. You're really a good friend :).

You're always interested in everything that's going on. You're also reaaaally active on the forum. If you've been here for some time almost every thread's last post is yours. That's just great to see. Also you can be very funny sometimes :^.^: . It's really nice to talk to you, about anything.

Always fun to chat with you. We've got this annoying brother/sister relationship :p . Your interrest for pokemon and other series is really cool :yes. We've not talked that much but til now I've not seen any things I don't like. And your clay creations are really cool  :lol: !!

You're such a great help for those who need it when it comes to computers. Next to that you're the one who actually linked me to this forum, I'm thankful for that :p.

I guess I can say something about every member here. Except for those who are not active.. :p Maybe I'll talk a bit more later today.


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Okay.  I'm not going to go sugar-coating my every word, trying to make people feel good.  I don't have to!  I'm just going to state the facts that I know about each persons attitude and if you've got a good one, you won't need any sugar-coating. :) Let's begin:

Rat_lady7:  Although I do not know this member very well (let me clear something up.  When I say that I don't know a member very well, it just means that I have lacked the one-on-one communication with them that I feel is necessary to actually really know who that person really is.), I do know that she is overly obsessed with the Avatar tv series.  When an obsession is a healthy one, it improves mood and overall efficiency of a person.  This is a good thing.  I know that she tends to stay out of confrontations, although isn't shy and timid like some when it comes to speaking her opinions about a matter in fear of offending others.  It seems to me that her attitude is "My opinion is my opinion.  If it offends someone else, so be it.  I'll apologize of course, but I'm not going to hold back my opinion unless I know for a fact that it could hurt someone."  Although this can induce confrontation with some of our less understanding members (noobs for the most part who are shy to come to GOF), this is a good attitude so long as it is not pushed over its limits.  I won't pretend to know everything about this person, however I do believe that she is capable of handling confrontations if they directly involve her.  This is a member that I would like to get to know better however my time on MSN is limited and I really don't have time at the moment.


NN2001:  I do know this person fairly well.  We have talked on MSN.  NN is very afraid of offending people.  In the beginning, he was so afraid to the point that it was quite frankly annoying.  I believe this must have stemmed from childhood, but I can't be sure.  Since he joined however, I believe that for the most part he's accepted the fact that you just can't please everyone every time.  Unless you're saying something that's highly controversial, that amount of agreement and fear of offending people is not necessary.  Despite the fact of his timidness, he seems to have adapted to life very well here on GOF.  This person tends to live in their head for the most part.  When people live in their head, there is usually a couple of reasons.  First, if their real life is not very good, they tend to hide themselves in their mind.  This is the most common cause for living in ones mind.  Another reason for living in ones mind is the fact that it's just the way the mind works.  Social disabilities also can cause this.  There's nothing wrong with living in your mind or having social disabilities.  Most people agree that great minds such as Galileo, Albert Einstein, and Leonardo da vinci all had lived in their minds more than in the physical world and/or had social disabilities.  I believe that NN has become a valuable member of GOF.



I've known this person for as long as I've been a member.  We share just about every interest except for music.  As all of the other admins, he is always there to sort out disagreements and to correct people when they're wrong.  I don't know much about this members recent activities seeing as we haven't talked on MSN in such a long time (sorry Action.  My schedule is so drastically different than yours is apparently) but I do know that hard situations don't bring him down.  All in all he has a great attitude on GOF and in the real world.  Heck, if he were closer I'd hire him. :^.^: I'm afraid that I know this person too well to really go any further.  I don't want to divulge any personal information by accident.  I do know that he's a great guy and the board is very lucky to have him as an admin.  I can't imagine anyone better suited to the job.  :)



I've talked to this person on MSN before, but not enough to get a clear-cut view of everything about her.  She is on the timid side, but not too much.  She is very intelligent and speaks several languages.  She is well liked by many and is obviously a people person at least online.  I know that her personal life is drastically different than mine, however despite that fact we can get along just fine.  I was quite frankly surprised when I told her over MSN how to do something in photoshop and she did it on the first try, especially since I accidentally left out a step or two that if not done could totally destroy the image (stupid me.  :bang ).  She is quite shy, but considering her upbringings it is understandable.  I really do think that GOF helps people psychologically.  She's not even close to as shy as she was when she first joined.  I did notice that when posting artworks she didn't immediately shoot them down, when most people who show their artwork for the first time usually do (including me).  She seems to be going onto a good life and career.  Being fluent in English certainly can't hurt her.  I wouldn't call her 100% fluent yet because there are very minor errors in her text, however that can easily be fixed in a month or so.  It's always nice to get new members that don't turn tail and run.  It might have been difficult for her to join, however I'm glad she did and I'm sure a lot of other people here are too.


Okay.  I gotta take a break.  I'll post more later. :^.^:


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Quote from: Mumbling,Jul 17 2008 on  12:25 AM
You've been such a helping friend, brother, in hard times. I feel like I can tell you everything. Kind, caring and honest. I know he wouldn't hurt anyone, at least not on purpose, and that's good too. You're a great person, Aaron.
*sniff*  Thank you, sis....  The feelings are quite mutual...  *sniff*  I'll post later on...  OMG....! :cry2  :) *sheds some tears*

EDIT:  And, Austin?  Thanks man...  :)
"And the Most High said unto Moses, Ahayah-Asher-Ahayah.  And he said, Thus shalt thou say to the children of Israel, Ahayah hath sent me unto you...  This is my name forever, and this is my memorial unto all generations."

1953-2011...  One day, mother, I shall see you again...


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:o Austin, you left out a few parts? :o Haha, I didn't know :lol


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Okay..  If I miss someone, I'm sorry...  I don't intend to, here...

landbeforetimelover: You're a helpful guy to have around, especially with the computer questions.  Though I have knowledge of computers - quite a bit actually - I always find that new questions arise when I talk to you.  Keep living your dream, man!

Lillefot: Hey dude!  You're a nice guy to be able to talk with on MSN. Thanks for your input, your wisdom, and your friendship!  You're a great artist, man!  Keep at it!

Nimrod: Despite our rather short conversations, I've enjoyed talking with you too. ;) I'm glad you and Gustav have finally united... Perhaps, one day....  Hmm......  *muses to self*

DarkHououmon: Hi there!  Thank you for being a friend, through the ups and downs.  Though we may occasionally clash with one another, I'm glad we're able to resolve them rather quickly. Thank you for your patience with me, and your understanding.

Rat_lady7: You're a decent lady, truly. Thanks for being so nice about everything; you've got a very positive outlook on life, I can tell!

Cancerian Tiger: Hey there!  We seem to hold a lot of views in common!  That's always a nice thing! :) Keep being outspoken, and not afraid to stand up for what's right.  We need more folks like that in this world; great job!

Clawandfang: Hello, comrade!  Though I haven't talked too much with you, I have enjoyed the brief conversations we've had.  Thanks for giving me some fight when I needed it; who would have thought it would come to this?! :lol:

Petrie: Thank you for all your advice you've given me on MSN, about life in general.  I can really use more it it, heh! :P:

action9000: Thank you for being a newfound friend, Tim, and so understanding of everything.  I'm happy to call you friend. :)

Malte: You're an outspoken, respectful guy, and helpful too... At last, we meet! :lol:  Thanks for the chat, man!  Hope to have more with you!

Loofah: Thanks for your understanding too.  I'm glad to be able to call you friend as well.

SolarThreehorn: Nice guy to talk to, and understanding as well.  Come back soon, man!

Lune/Littlefoot: Man, what an artist! :blink: You're a cool guy, Lune.  Thanks for your friendliness, and keep the artwork coming!

Kor: I've always found you interesting to chat with, even if I sometimes run out of things to say with you... :)  We agree on many issues, and I always enjoy it when we talk.  Thanks for taking the time to speak with me on MSN; you're a cool guy, and here's to more conversations with you, man! *raises glass*

Mumbling/Iris: *heart skips a beat* ....Sis...  Where can I find the right words to say how I feel about you, deep inside..?  Confidon, soulmate, best friend... :^.^:  You helped me break free from my burdens at a critical time in my life, leaving me free and lighter in my spirit.  When my dream almost died, you were there to help me revive it again, with the words you spoke, giving me new hope.  You're an angel sent from Yahweh El Shaddai...  His butterfly...  ...Not a day passes that I don't think of you, sis...  When I awake, I eagerly look to find you on MSN, and, when I fall asleep, I think of you as well...  :^.^:  You're a glimmer of hope to this old, tired man... :) When I think of you, my heart leaps for joy, and my soul is made peaceful. :^.^: You've understood me like no one else, and I feel I can tell you anything, no matter how delicate or personal the subject may be.  We've shared some mutual experiences in our lives, so therefore, would and do, mutually understand each other. :) Heh, we are so alike, it is truly an amazing miracle to know you, and share love with you. :) I am more than honored to call you family, and I would die for you at the drop of a hat.  I'll always be here for you, Iris...  Through thick and thin, good times and bad...  Nothing is lost, and only love, respect, and experience gained...  :^.^:  For a better friend, I cannot seek; no one better than you exists! :)  I love you with all my heart and soul, and will hold these memories close in my heart, until the day I die...  I love you sis. :) Keep the fire burning! ;)
"And the Most High said unto Moses, Ahayah-Asher-Ahayah.  And he said, Thus shalt thou say to the children of Israel, Ahayah hath sent me unto you...  This is my name forever, and this is my memorial unto all generations."

1953-2011...  One day, mother, I shall see you again...


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I'll post in this when I get the time (because its gonna take some time). :p


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I began typing a message here, but had to copy paste it into word and save it there as I had to run to catch the bus to the university (from where in a short break I'm typing this message). My real post will be on later today  :yes


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Quote from: Malte279,Jul 17 2008 on  03:52 AM
I began typing a message here, but had to copy paste it into word and save it there
That's what I had to do!  :lol: and probably many other members here had to do that same thing...

Thank you for the compliments guys! :^.^: I'm touched. Seriously... :D


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It is easy to be friends with someone with whom you agree on anything and everything, but when it is possible to disagree on some issues and still appreciate each other and learn from each other; that's friendship that can stand tests :yes

We have a lot in common (as we so often discovered in our MSN chats) and both of us have been there for each other when the other one needed him. You were really a lot of help to me in those gloomier days earlier this year Tim :)

Tim is by no means the only one who helped me in times when I was under real pressure. Apart from cases of disagreement as mentioned above the sticking to the other one in times when he is not all cheers and happiness is an important quality of a friend which Patrick certainly showed :)

The kind of friendship which didn't start out easily. To many people I come across as intimidating to the point where they are scared of me. I don’t mean to intimidate or scare anyone, but it still is the way I am often perceived. Yet inspite of feeling sort of scared of me Kacie got to know me better and started discussing matters where she knew we had different opinions. Meanwhile there is a very creative exchange between the two of us :)

Pure, honest friendliness at its best! I very much cherish the memory of the kind hospitability I enjoyed when I visited Jason in London and I am looking forward to the day when I can return his hospitability. He too has the ability to distinguish between not agreeing on everything and not liking each other and that is a trait I really appreciate a lot :yes

There are many members whom I would love to get to know better as so far our contact is limited to the GOF so I cannot really assume to write about them.


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EDIT- 9/22/08

Sky: I SERIOUSLY envy his ability to draw. I must know his secrets.... :o

LBTlover: There was (and still is) a part of me that doesn't completely trust this guy. Once I saw his pictures in the "Show us a picture of yourself" topic my trust for him isn't really there. However, "The Land Before Time" topic moved me to write that reply that I did. While sometimes I got annoyed with how "truthful" he can was. However, he does have a kind heart and his humor can be pretty funny. I also envy his knowledge of computers. Seriously, it's definitely something that's going to help him in this "techo" world.

Petrie: This guy...I can't say I was completely "comfortable" when he was around. I was actually wary when I saw him logged on. Like LBTlover, sometimes his honesty got a bit carried away and his sarcasm got me angry with him. He found out how I felt about him and well, we talked over it and we seem to be okay. He does a good sense of humor, I just need to get to know him better.

Ptyra: Of course! I like the fact that she's a complete Pterano fanatic. She doesn't seem to be hard on herself at all and I like her drawing ability, especially her vipor drawings. :) She's the type of person I would really like to get to know better. :)


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The only people in the lists are the ones I talk to and know things about.  Its foolish to think I can put everyone in when I don't know everyone.  What I write is how I feel--no matter how brutally honest that may be.

Malte - the reason you're first on this list is because I've known you the longest....long before the Gang of Five even.  Our bygone email messages back and forth about life and everything going on made you my first net friend.  So much alike (thoughts on history) and so different (still have not had fondue! :p ) it was natural that you would follow me with all my LBT projects.  Many of these are no longer around, yet here you still are.  That's a friend. :)

Tim - you're next on the list because besides Malte, I've spoken to you the most and know a lot about you as you do me, and that's what makes a friendship blossom.  You're the only one who can fully care about a 128kbps mp3 sound test and my longtime thoughts on audio mixing and playback.  There was something I saw about you that made me put you on the GOF staff almost immediately, and I'm glad to say I never felt more right about that decision three years ago.  You're an amazing friendly person that everyone ought to know.

Jason (Littlefoot 1616) - you're on my list for being the kindest, most sincere, and a great listener.  You will never find better "people skills" than what you can get out of him.  You have a problem...he listens and offers advice.  What's not to like about that?

Aaron (NeptuneNavigator) - you're a tough cookie to read.  I never can tell how you feel or why things are talked about, but yet they are, without a care of how someone will react.  To be so open to others takes courage to do, and I'm thankful you did so that I could help you out with life's problems.  You don't get good answers by hiding behind a person you are not.  I admire your honesty.

Steve (Lucario#1) - trust me, his messages and speech are nothing like what is represented on this forum.  He's professional online, and like Aaron, very open about things, even when they are not positive.  I admire your honesty as well.  Without honesty and trust, a friendship means nothing, and I feel in a short time, its almost like we've known each other forever.  Plus he's another Watershipper so that's a plus in my book. :p

Iris (Mumbling) - the sweet girl with hardly a negative thing to say.  That's how she comes across to me.  She's worked hard on some recent LBT projects, and I've been glad to offer her help in the music encoding department for distribution to the forum members.

Austin (landbeforetimelover) - the other computer expert besides myself :p  No really on another forum, I'm the computer expert but that's fine...he knows a lot more than I ever will, and his experience has come in handy when I've run into my own problems.  Trust, once again, is big, and I knew Austin would be able to help me my computer issues and I'm glad to have found out enough about him to confirm his kindness to others.