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The Past that Yawns Behind

Pterano · 97 · 17286

Mama's Girl

  • Spike
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So I told myself I'd read this chapter a bit at a time and then review when done. Bit at a time, yeah, you probably knew I couldn't do that! You held me the whole stinkin way! :lol

...Epic, that's the only word I know to describe it! Oh my goodness! So yeah, sure I got part of it right of the flower not being deadly, but apparently Brightneck expected it to be all along? Not sure on that part but it doesn't matter.

Woah, you had him way more evil in his intent than even I expected having guessed the intent a while back. It's also such an interesting contrast of characters. Pterano who did so much bad, as stated, but through ignorance and now he's honestly trying to be better, where as Brightneck was a hypocrit all through his "protecting" and so is worse than the flyer he's mocking.

But then that's just people, or in this universe dinosaurs, you know a skunk doesn't smell it's own stink.

And I'm kind of glad it's not the last chapter. After this awesome but heavy stuff I kind of need to see a happy reunion. Ok another one other than the last part of this chapter LOL Is that asking too much? :DD

Oh, and I read it during a really bad thunderstorm up here so I think I got the full effect :lol


  • The Fabulous Fearsome Flyer
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Wow, glad you couldn't put it down... well metaphorically speaking. :lol

You'll learn about the flower next chapter, or at least, as best speculation as can be given, as Brightneck himself is dead, but yeah. :p

Ahhh yes. That's the thing about him. He couldn't see his own faults, as he convinced himself he was the hero. He managed to fight his way out of the death trap Pterano had led them into, but he also became rather psychopathic in the process, losing any and all ability to feel emotion. He's convinced himself that he's the hero of his own story, by what he does, and how he does it. So yes, glad you liked the contrast. :)

It's not asking too much. There will be another chapter to wrap everything together. :DD

Wow! Sounds like you really DID get the full experience! That must've been awesome, reading it during a thunderstorm. :DD

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  • Chomper: "Threehorns are better at everything, including rumpsteaks"
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Wow, I was just flabbergasted at this chapter. I knew the Mr. Brightneck had suddenly become the bad guy at the end of the last chapter, but I just didn't expect him to be such now 0.0 The whole time, he seemed to be a hero, saving the kids, always watching over them, saving Pterano, when in reality he was sadistic. He was revenge hungry this whole time, and only made trust to get what he wanted in the end. He really was just a heartless bastard! (I chose to cuss here. Trust me, I don't do that often!)

This kept me at the edge of my seat through the entire read. I actually had to stop reading several times just to think and let everything sink in. This was action packed the entire way, with many twists and turns to keep you guessing what was about to happen next.

Your previous chapters have had dark bits here and there, but this just blew me away. The way Mr. Brightneck talked about killing, about watching Pterano watch Petrie suffer, about what he was going to do to everyone on the scene, about how he was going to put down Chomper! (That one got me right there!). This was an extremely dark chapter, but that's one of the things I like about it. This chapter NEEDED to be dark.

What I really liked is how you brought in all of the characters you've been developing throughout this story, well, except for Icky. You didn't just redeem Pterano, but you brought in Hyp to renew him as well! I did scratch my head the first time you introduced Hyp into this story. I didn't understand why you focused on him, even though I did like that you did. Sometimes when I read stories, I forget that writers bring things up for a reason. I should have known that you focusing on Hyp meant he'd play a big role in Pterano's story, but I didn't. You even redeemed Redeye!

Very interesting case with Chomper. I know for a fact that you wasn't even thinking of including him in this story when you first started it, but yet, you've fit him in quite nicely. I got excited when he suddenly popped up out of nowhere in this chapter, and I really felt it when Mr. Brightneck talked about putting him down. Chomper here is a stark contrast from Pterano, Hyp, and Icky. He's NEVER done anything wrong really. He has nothing to redeem himself from, but yet, he does! He has had to redeem himself all of his life, and it was never for anything he had done, but simply for what he is. Since he's a sharptooth, he's always had to work twice as hard to prove himself to others. No one ever trusts him at first. It's almost it's if he has to make up for what other sharpteeth have done. It's kind of sad really :,(

I think now that that truly is the reason I like Chomper just a little bit more than I like Pterano.

Pretty cool that you provided music for us to listen to! About the first one, from Xenosaga. There's a Wii game coming out soon that I'm really wanting to get called Xenoblade. Are those two games related?

I'm glad I was right about the "poisonous" flower :DD.

Looking forward to the "Tying the loose ends" chapter! I've really enjoyed this whole story. It's been a great read. Thanks for finally writing it after sitting on the idea for so long!
Come check out my new Youtube gaming channel, Game Biter!
Littlefoot: "Look, Chomper. You're uncle is dead, and it's just right for your friends to be there for you. You'd be there if someone we know died, right?"

Chomper: "Well, sure I would!"

Come give my LBT TV Series fanfiction, PAST-O-RAMA, a read!


  • The Fabulous Fearsome Flyer
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Thanks, vonboy! Glad you liked it! I wrote it over two days. Worked on most of it Wednesday, then finished it yesterday. It certainly challenged me to stretch myself a bit as a writer in order to keep it interesting.

I know what you mean about Brightneck. He'd really been hiding himself this whole time. That's the scary thing about psychopaths. They can fake normalcy really well, and blend right in, and normally have very ordinary jobs. The difference between them and others is their complete lack of emotions. With Brightneck, I'm not sure if he was an outright psychopath, but he came pretty close to it. He created his own twisted reality where he was the hero, and no matter what he did, he could justify it.

Yeah, I tried to bring everyone together, and each give them a role. Ichy wasn't going to be there, but he probably figured he'd done enough, having nearly been consumed probably not two hours before this chapter took place. He had fulfilled his role of finding Petrie, and he probably didn't think he'd be very useful even if he did come along. But yes, everyone here has moments to shine, at least for the most part.

As for Chomper, I agree entirely with you. I was originally gonna have him speak to defend himself, BUT I was like no... I want someone ELSE to speak up for him, and better yet, I want this someone to be a FLATTOOTH! I think it works better that way, having an "outsider" to his species stick up for him, rather than just have him do it himself. I felt it was more powerful to let Brightneck take some verbal flak from the person he's NOT threatening to put down, and someone that, at least initially, he didn't outright seek to harm, as it conflicted with his "fantasy" of him being heroic. I think it worked out pretty well, and I agree fully with you, that Chomper has to work hard to prove himself, ESPECIALLY to certain others in the Valley.

Glad you liked the music. ^^ I figured it'd enhance the reading and intensity as well as the action. I know it does for me. :DD In regardes to Xenoblade, I've heard different stories. Some fans of the Xenogears/Xenosaga series are hoping this will be episode four in the six part series, as Xenosaga I-III are the first three, and Xenogears is episode V. However, from what I'm seeing, it doesn't appear to be directly related to this series, BUT I am very much looking forward to it all the same, BECAUSE of the primary reason that there are two of the original "holy trinity" as I like to call them working on this game. You have Tetsuya Takahashi, who was the absolutely FABULOUS writer/director of both Xenogears, and Xenosaga episode I working on Xenoblade, and he is phenomenal. Xenogears is probably my favorite game of all time, and episode I of Xenosaga was outstanding as well. Episode II and III weren't as good, but that's because only one of the original three from the trinity worked on it, and they had fired basically the WHOLE creative team, to give the series a new "feel", which was a massive mistake in my opinion, as poor sales for episodes II and III really dashed the series. The second name I see is Yasunori Mitsuda, the sublime composer of the music for both Xenogears and Xenosaga, the track "Margulis" that you listened to being one of his. While it doesn't look like he's the main composer for Xenoblade, I still see his name in the staff credits, so you know right there that having these two guys working together again for this game portends great things. Takahashi being the writer/director alone is enough to make me look forward to this game, but having Mitsuda on the crew as well is like the icing to the cake.

And thank YOU for reviewing it! In fact, thank you to all my reviewers! It wouldn't really have been a story without readers after all, and it's been great writing this so far! I should have this story concluded soon!

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  • The Fabulous Fearsome Flyer
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And here's the conclusion! Thank you to all of my readers for sticking with this and making this possible. I could not have done this without you! I hope you've had as good a time reading as I had writing this. :DD

If you want some more music, you can start this track AFTER the chapter break, when we flash forward a few weeks.



"Quite frankly, Pterano, I find your story incredibly hard to believe, but in light of the fact that it has been corroborated by not only Hyp, Ducky, Spike, Petrie, Cera, Chomper and my own grandson, I hereby declare you exonerated of any and all blame in the disappearance and kidnapping of your nephew. Furthermore, your actions have demonstrated just how far you were willing to go to save Petrie, and your conduct should at least be commended." Grandpa Longneck heard Mr. Threehorn muttering about some conspiracy going on as he spoke, and he silenced him with a stare. "From all of us, welcome back to the Great Valley. I know we welcomed you a few days ago, but this time, consider it official." the elderly longneck nodded solemnly, and Mr. Threehorn stepped forward, after being prodded by Grandpa Longneck's tail.

"Err... I... guess... you... well... sort of... maybe... kind of..." Mr. Threehorn spoke very hesitantly, looking at everyone but Pterano full on. Grandpa Longneck gave him a slight slap in his flank, and Mr. Threehorn glared at the older one. "Grrrr! Don't get rough with me!" he snapped, but Grandpa Longneck only sighed, shaking his head. "FINE! Look... Pterano... perhaps you AREN'T as bad as I originally thought. And perhaps you DO deserve to live here with us. I find it hard to believe that Brightneck ever could have perpetrated something like this... but my own daughter claims it's true so... I suppose... I'm... s... ssss... sorry." he slid the words out, as if he had just tasted acid, and turned away immediately to walk back to Grandpa Longneck's side, muttering the whole time.

Pterano, who stood before the assembled adults, smiled. It wasn't a smile of pride, or accomplishment. It was a smile that said "thank you" without actually speaking the words. He didn't need to say anything, and even if he could, for once in his entire life, the flyer found himself at a loss at what to say. Everyone expected some form of bragging or boasting, but nothing came forth from the flyer's beak. It was as if he had been struck mute on the spot, and he only nodded at them.

"Now that that business is settled, I propose we..." but the longneck elder was interrupted by shouts of acclaim from off to the side. He glanced over, surprised, and then smiled as he saw the gang cheering. They were all cheering the successful conclusion to this whole nightmare, and celebrating Pterano's absolution.

Pterano swiveled his head to look over at them, and sighed happily. He closed his eyes, and felt like taking a long rest. He still needed to recover after all, but more than that. The flyer knew what it was he was experiencing. He still carried guilt over what had occurred in the past, but no longer did he see the past as a gaping hole that constantly followed him around, yawning with its wide maw and threatening to snap him up. He was at ease with it now. He was finally there. He was finally at his haven. He had found, dare he say it? Peace.


A few weeks passed, and Pterano had recovered well from his injuries and burns. He'd bear a few of the larger pockmarks for the rest of his life, but otherwise, he was as good as new. The gang visited him for most of the days of his recovery, and he was grateful for their company. After he had healed, the gang visited him anyway, to keep the infamous old flyer in good spirits after all that had transpired.

Pterano was sitting against a rock this particular day, enjoying the sun as he played a game with the gang while Hyp and Selene sat off a distance away on the grass. "Is it... a treestar?" Pterano asked, playing the equivalent of twenty questions.

"Nope! I win!" Chomper exclaimed, grinning widely.

"Oh, blast! I suppose you do. Well played, young one. What was it that you stumped me with?" the flyer inquired.

"It was the treesweets hanging right above your head!" Chomper pointed, giggling as he did so.

Pterano glanced up, and opened his mouth as he noticed the branch that provided him with a measure of partial shade, and broke into a smile. "Huh... well who put that there?" he questioned, rolling his eyes.

"Heheh, I was thinking, Pterano, about... well a few weeks ago." Littlefoot spoke up now, sitting down before the flyer as Pterano shifted his gaze over to the longneck.


"When you think about it... I don't think a single one of us could have saved Petrie on our own. I kind of like how we all blended together in the end there."

Pterano gave him a nod. "Yes, Littlefoot, it all worked out rather well. Without Ichy..." he glanced over at the sharpbeak, who was sitting off by himself, eyes closed, enjoying the warmth of the sun. "We never would have found Petrie."

"Yeah! Thanks Ichy!" Littlefoot called over, and the gang joined in with their plaudits. The bird cracked an eye, and frowned, then gradually smiled. "Eh... lousy brats." he said, waving his wing dismissively at them, to which they all laughed.

"And if it hadn't been for Hyp, I don't think I could have taken on Brightneck myself. I just... I'm not really the flyer I used to be." Pterano admitted, looking over across the grass to Hyp, who was leaning back on his hands as he sat next to his prospective mate, and smiled in a small, smug way.

"And if hadn't been for Selene, I wouldn't have even been there!" he called over to the flyer, taking Selene's hand in his.

"Yeah... you certainly aren't what you used to be." Cera said, half mockingly. "I guess no more battling hundreds of sharpteeth for you, huh?" she asked skeptically.

"No... I suppose not." Pterano chuckled. "And if it hadn't been for Chomper, Hyp would have been struck down the first time."

"Would not have!" Hyp shouted back, shaking his head.

Pterano rolled his eyes again. "Anyways, he knows what you did, Chomper. He just won't ever admit it." the flyer reached out to give the young sharptooth an affectionate pat on the head before continuing on. "And if it hadn't of been for Littlefoot, Chomper would have been attacked as well."

"Yeah! Thanks Littlefoot. We seem to look out for each other a lot, don't we?" Chomper asked, looking over at the longneck, who looked down at the ground in a reserved manner.

"Awww... that's what friends do." Littlefoot stated, kicking at the earth in a distracted manner.

"As for the rest of you... Cera, Ducky, Spike and company, the other two I've already named, we never could have moved that rock without teamwork. So you see, it was a group effort on everyone's part." the flyer declared, giving them all a nod.

"By the way, what about that flower he had you eat?" Cera asked now. "It wasn't poison, so why did he have you eat something that was OK?"

Pterano shrugged, unable to come up with an answer.

"Maybe..." this came from Chomper. "Maybe... he wasn't all bad? Brightneck wanted his revenge, but he still did good things before all that. Or... it could be that he just didn't want to risk Pterano dying early before he could carry out his revenge. It was all a test anyway. I dunno. I give up." the sharptooth said, shrugging as well. The others shook their heads. Brightneck's motivations were anyone's guess, but Littlefoot had to admit that he liked Chomper's line of thinking. If it was all a test... maybe it was just to scare Pterano, and test his willingness to give up his life for another. Another method of seeing whether or not he was worth taking revenge on, or something twisted like that. The secret would remain a secret, as it had died with Brightneck.

"Hey, uncle! What me do?" Petrie asked, looking up at his uncle eagerly.

"You, Petrie." Pterano fixed his gaze directly upon his nephew, smiling. "You... taught me a few things about life... and love. If it hadn't of been for you... uncle Pterano might never have changed." he said, his voice quiet, subdued, so unlike his usual bravado.

"Oooh. Change good!" Petrie agreed, nodding. "How about you? What you do? You not tell us!" he added. Pterano seemed to hesitate, as if he was pondering this.

"Me? Well... I... I suppose I forgot myself in all of this." he said, shaking his head. "Terribly sorry about that." he paused, as if about to speak. The gang all eagerly leaned in, wanting to hear what he would say. But Pterano did not speak. He kept silent, and looked at each one of them in turn, a relaxed, sedate expression upon his features.

Littlefoot caught the flyer's gaze, and he thought he understood. Pterano was not going to say anything because some things were best left unsaid. Pterano was certainly the changed flyer, from what Littlefoot could see. No boasting, no bragging, and no incredible story about how he'd saved the day. Littlefoot knew the pain and suffering and trials he had endured to save Petrie, and as far as Littlefoot was concerned, he was looking at a living hero. As real to him as his grandfather was, or his mother, and in that instant, he rather felt a strong desire to speak up and thank Pterano for all that he had done.

In terms of solving the mystery and defeating Brightneck, Pterano played little real part. But that wasn't the point in Littlefoot's eyes. It was what Pterano had been through... all the things he had willingly subjected himself to in order to save Petrie. How far would Littlefoot go to protect the ones he loved? Even he couldn't answer that one, but he knew Pterano could. Love was a powerful motivator, and in Littlefoot's eyes at least, it had helped shape Pterano into a new flyer.

He smiled, and gave the flyer an understanding nod. He didn't have to say anything to glorify himself.

Pterano seemed to catch this, and opened his mouth. "But... rather than me bore you with what I did, why don't I tell you about the time I saw something truly incredible out in the Mysterious Beyond?" he suggested, and the rest of the gang seemed to brighten at this. Littlefoot shook his head, but continued smiling.

"Now... this is a story that is entirely true! Well... at least as far as I can remember it!" the flyer added with a flap of his wings. He knew the gang was fast coming of age, and soon, they would only continue to expand and add on chapters to the story they had begun weaving for themselves so long ago. Turning to look around his audience, he started his tale, holding them enraptured as usual through his eloquent and engaging manner of speaking.

His eyes eventually came to rest on Petrie after about five or ten minutes of his storytelling, and here he paused.

"Come on! What happened next?" Cera demanded.

Pterano blinked, and realized he'd broken up his narration. "Oh! Right! Um..." but he found himself once again looking straight at Petrie, and filled with such an incredible fullness. It filled him to every crevice and brim of his being. It was bursting at his seams, and he suddenly reached out and hugged his nephew tightly against him.

"What does THAT have to do with the story?" Cera asked, before getting an "ahem" from Littlefoot. Cera realized that this wasn't part of the story then, and quickly quieted down.

"I'm just... very happy... to have someone like you in my life, Petrie. You're worth more than anything I could ever obtain in this world." Pterano said, sniffling a little. "I'll NEVER leave your side again... and this time I mean it." he nuzzled him, and received a hug around his neck in return from Petrie, who was beaming.

Pterano closed his eyes, and moved a bit more into the sun, letting its rays warm him and enhance the very full and deep feeling he was experiencing. Peace? Love? It didn't need words. All he knew was that it made him feel complete, and whole. He was not empty or fragmented. He enjoyed the feeling of the warmth that moved over both his exterior and through his inner being as well. To him, nothing could top this. Nothing at all.


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  • Chomper: "Threehorns are better at everything, including rumpsteaks"
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A very warm ending to such a dark story :yes

I liked how Pterano went on about what everyone else did, but didn't say anything for himself. Good that he decided to stay reserved like that, and not get cocky like he was in the 7th movie.

I also liked how Mr. Threehorn got a little humbled. He's always the grumpy old grouch that complains about everything, and it's good to see him sort of accept Pterano. :DD

Like I said, this has been a great read! I look forward to whatever your writing next. You said you have some vague ideas, but nothing concrete yet. I hope it turns out good too.
Come check out my new Youtube gaming channel, Game Biter!
Littlefoot: "Look, Chomper. You're uncle is dead, and it's just right for your friends to be there for you. You'd be there if someone we know died, right?"

Chomper: "Well, sure I would!"

Come give my LBT TV Series fanfiction, PAST-O-RAMA, a read!


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This fanfiction has been nominated by its author to be rated for the fanfiction awards 2011. To all the readers and fans of this fanfiction, please rate and review it! :)


  • Petra (He/They)
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This was a great story, Pterano! I absolutely love how you described the characters, the events and practically everything else in the story. And you know what? It almost made me feel bad at how I was writing my stories. I'm not kidding. I was all, "Chee, this guy must be a professional author or somethin!"

But I also learned that we all have different styles. And we just need to live with that style in order to improve. And if it weren't for that style, you wouldn't be doing whatever it is your doing. So yeah, I'd give this story a 10/10.
Petra is a variant of the Greek name "Petros" meaning "strong" or "rock." Andi is a variant of the Greek name "Andy" meaning "masculine" or "brave." Therefore, I am tremendously brave and strong! :lol


  • The Fabulous Fearsome Flyer
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Thank you, trulyfantasticme. I really feel honored that you'd give it such a high rating. :) I am not a professional author, but my mom is, and she really helps me out... well OK, she doesn't anymore, as I barely see her these days, but growing up with her gave me great tips on how to write. I owe her quite a lot. :) Plus I practice a lot on my website, as I write nearly every day, though I really don't think it compares to the story I just wrote, as I put a lot of effort into this.

Yes, for this style I wanted a very personal story about ordinary characters that were forced into extraordinary situations. It was a story ultimately about love, and how deep it can run, but yes, I didn't want anything over the top. I just wanted a style that was very ordinary and down to earth for this one, but one that at the same time spoke to my reader on a very powerful level. We all have our own style, like you said. I don't think there's any "wrong" way to write a fanfiction trulyfantasticme, so I wouldn't worry too much. :)

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  • Chomper: "Threehorns are better at everything, including rumpsteaks"
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Yeah, I like your style of writing.

I guess my style of writing is a little more comedic in a sense. I like to mix comedic, emotional, and actiony bits together, I just think you end up with a better story that way. I think a good story is one that can make you both laugh and cry at the same time :cry  :lol .

I guess it goes along with what I like to watch as well. I like watching a lot of satire and parody stuff (Which is what Southpark and Futurama are basically. Southpark being satire on everything, and Futurama parodying lots of different science-fiction)

And I guess Trulyfantasticme really likes focusing on emotion! Most of his chapters are very touching, with how the characters interact and show caring, concern, love, ect to each other. That's what he's good at. I'll admit, sometimes I just don't want to read his stuff because I don't like too much touching scenes. Don't take that wrong though, you do it very well, and you should keep doing it for the people who DO like that.
Come check out my new Youtube gaming channel, Game Biter!
Littlefoot: "Look, Chomper. You're uncle is dead, and it's just right for your friends to be there for you. You'd be there if someone we know died, right?"

Chomper: "Well, sure I would!"

Come give my LBT TV Series fanfiction, PAST-O-RAMA, a read!

Mama's Girl

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Ok, not so quick on the review this time :) but I'm working away at stuff of my own too. Anyway, yay for happy stuff after all the heavy dark. As I did with the rest of the story, I like how you brought about the epiloque too.

Yes Pterano didn't brag, but the way you had him just "not even bother" if you will came off as believable especially after everything he has been through.

Great end to a great story. Aw, it's over :cry. But I got my happy reunion and then some :DD


  • Professional Veggie-Eater
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Hi there, a bit new here, but I stated reading your fanfic and fell in love with it!! The plot was very original and I love that you kept the characters in, well, character^^

Brightneck was a solid antagonist, I kinda had a feeling it would either be him, or Sierra, but Sierra was never mentioned... And I like that you had his and pterano's past intertwine. I liked the fact that he was one of the great valley's own, so Littlefoot was never off in his assumptions^^
but gahh, tumultous, horrible pain! Darn dark and shady pasts! why must they resurface?

Hyp made me lol^^ so happy you had him in there. definitely one of my favorite characters, and having him be in the stages of courting was just so cute. I also liked his potential mate, Selene, she had a good head on her shoulders... opposites attract?

Agh! Ichy's back! Journey Through the Mists was always a childhood fave of mine, and I loved this little sassy sharpbeak. I was so glad you put him in the role of a protagonist here.

Lastly, Pterano: Seriously, I think this is the best description I have read of him. You totally kept in tune to his persona - he wasn't too sensitive, but not too cold either. You were super fab at describing his emotional and physical pain in the fanfic, I really had no trouble picturing that. And yes, I very nearly cried everytime he got hurt. the scenes with his tasks were beautifully and artfully wielded.

-- just a side note, this fanfic has kept me awake the past couple of nights because of those cliffhangers! You have made me a nervous wreck!! :cry  :cry  :cry
"Not all who wander are lost"
J. R. R. Tolkein


  • The Fabulous Fearsome Flyer
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Thank you so much for the review! I can't believe this story is a year old now. Glad to see it's still drawing readers in though. :yes

Yeah, I guess I made it a little TOO easy to figure out who was behind it, but the majority of the story was more focused on other things rather than a who dun it. :) I did at least want it to be an original character for my antagonist, as I felt it would be too cliche to involve Sierra in this particular revenge story. I wanted someone that was still angry at Pterano but had not necessarily been seen on screen during the film. :) Since Pterano had flown off and abandoned his herd, it left a door open that I wanted to take advantage of. Couple that with the likelihood that he'd likely have blocked this episode from his mind due to the trauma and I came up with my antagonist. :)

Yeah, Hyp is one of my favorite characters too. :DD I just had to throw him in here, and try to show he was slowly coming of age. I also wanted Selene to be rather the opposite of him, both to compliment him and make up for his shortcomings. While I could have him take on Brightneck in the final battle, she had to be the one to start putting things together when the puzzle was on the table. :yes

I wanted to do something interesting with Ichy, as he was one of my favorite antagonists from the series, and I wanted to force him into a situation where he'd HAVE to play the protagonist :lol

Thanks so much for the compliments on my writing of Pterano! :DD I really appreciate that and feel really humbled by that too.  :smile I ultimately wanted this to be a story about an ordinary individual thrust into a very extraordinary situation, and as Pterano is my all time favorite from the series, I decided to focus on him. He was almost perfect for the role I had pictured, because even though he's not really all that adept at fighting or standing up to Brightneck, his actions in taking on his tasks head on for the love of his nephew speak volumes about him I think, and make up for his inability to face Brightneck when the time came to do so. I'm glad you thought I wrote him well when it came to getting his persona down. I wanted to convey the pain he was struggling with, but also had to force him to keep it mostly to himself in this, as he HAD to be the one to save his nephew as well as confront his past on his own.

Well I'm sorry I made you a nervous wreck, but I'm also glad my fic elicited such emotions as well. :smile Really glad you enjoyed this, and thanks for the review!

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Really it was my pleasure^^ and I was actually glad I got so nervous - it takes a soul-stirring piece of writing like that to really get the reader thinking that seriously about it, so thank you :)
The situation was perfect for Pterano as well and the plot line definitely worked with someone from his past seeking revenge. That left a big plot hole in the movie^^
"Not all who wander are lost"
J. R. R. Tolkein

I am the Great IB

  • Chomper
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I know this story is a few years old but after reading it for dang three hours I wanted to leave my own review.

THIS IS A GREAT EMOTIONAL STORY! Fully of betrayal and action. I kept tearing up even more so during the part where Pterano thought it was the end, I kind of suspected he would live though and I did suspect earlier that it was Mr.Brightneck but didn't you say it wouldn't be an oc? Anyway he was an exciting villain it was nice that Hyp got to join in the fight I'm glad he didn't die.  Icky was a nice add (I might go watch the 4th movie now it's been so long) on his battle scene was very exciting and it seems he could take on the grouch role of the group.

Cera's last line earned a small chuckle out of me and I liked Mr.Threehorns apology as I don't care for him that much.

Chompers intro with Pterano was nice too, I like that little pat on the head scene at the end.

I think my favorite chapter was when Pterano and Petrie were bonding that end hug/sleep scene was so cute.

Pteranos characterization was done well I wanted to give him a hug, I'm glad he gave one to Petrie XDD

The bad thing about the story is that it's OVER. Thanks for the good read XD.


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Well thanks! I'm glad you liked it! :DD Glad I could provide a very emotionally powerful story, as that's what I was going for with this one. :yes

It's certainly one of my fanfics I'm proudest of, so I'm glad I gave you a good read. :)

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You should write more stories  :D

You should be proud it's an amazing story and it turned me into an Icky fan  :lol