The Gang of Five
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Never Do Anything Together

Kit12 · 120 · 14460

The Great Valley Guardian

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Cyrix didn't seem all that worried at a lack of green food. He was worried for the children, but they first had to make sure there was enough, and no fast biters or sharpteeth around.
He looked back up to Cree and asked "would you mind helping me see if there is any green food left? You could use the break I see."


Grandpa Longneck smiled as he looked down at his grandson and replied, "I certainly hope so Littlefoot, it would be very nice indeed."


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Rhyn returned to her new friends, the message having been spread.  "Well that's done.  What do you guys want to do now?" She asked looking around at those present.


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As the three others of his siblings either tried to hide guilty laughs or smirked, Cree frowned deeply, again with the insulting!

"And just what does that m--" he began. "Uh, best get on that, Cree, I could use a small break if you don't mind" Tylr said nudging his brother out.

If Ptami hadn't shot him 'that look', Cree would have fought verbally more than he did. He sighed and flapped up, circled vaguely but half trying, and came back. "Nope, nothing".

Tylr sighed. "Here, I'll show you a proper search" Pterano flapped out to instruct his brother, something again Cree wouldn't have taken if it wasn't for 'that look'.

As he spotted a tree with some greenfood left at the time, he smirked and flew back.

"Just as I thought, Cree gave up the search too hasteful, there is a tree just over there with some greenfood left at the top that I am sure us flyers could pull down for you" he told Cyrix.

Cory's mom, overhearing this, and while overjoyed at the news, nonetheless frowned. She turned to Tylr, "I-I don't want to say that every word of that sounded prideful, but--" she began.

"No, please, you can, because it did and was" Tylr said with a sigh.


Littlefoot skipped on ahead. "I hope we do and I hope they have kids as well" Littlefoot said.

"Why, so I can be annoyed by other longnecks" Cera shot over at him annoyed.

The Great Valley Guardian

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Cyrix tired to hide a smirk from the response Tylr had given Cory's mother. He looked up to Pterano and nodded.
"Thank you Pterano. As such for you help, you may have the first treestar of your choice from the tree...and then we will need some brought down to us here on the ground." he said with a slight bow


Grandpa Longneck laughed at his grandsons seemed it was contagious as the elderly longneck couldn't help but smile as he walked along.
"I'm sure there will be others for you and Cera to play with Littlefoot." Grandpa Longneck said.


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"What do you guys want to do once I've rested?" Rhyn asked.

"How about we look at the sky puffies now, we can do that and rest, we certainly can." Diver said.

"I like that idea." Mia said.

"Yea, we can all do that." Rhyn said as the 3 of them lay down on their backs and started to look up at the sky puffies saying what they thought this or that one looked like.


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Pterano's grateful smile looked almost like he wasn't too shocked by the offer, not shocked he deserved it at any rate, yet nontheless he gave a nodding bow back.

"I thank you and it'll be my pleasure" he said. He flew over and after taking a bit of time to pick the best treestar for himself, he started floating down others.

"You should probably start a pile very soon so you don't lose any of them" he advised and shouted down.

"Um, we were planning on doing that anyway...but I guess it's good he reminded us" Cory's mom, Rea, said with a small smile.

Petrie, meanwhile, was in his ususal sense of awe. "Uncle Pterano so great" he told those of the other kids that would listen. "He does seem to know what he's doing alot" Kit agreed.

After getting one or two treestars for both herself, her sister and her friends, Ducky came over to where they were doing the sky puffies watch.

"Do you see the one that always looks like a swimmer?" she asked, that was always Ducky's favorite to spot.


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"You mean that one over there?" Diver asked pointing in a direction of one that looked like as swimmer to her."


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Ducky giggled, "Yes that is a very good one, it is".

General Grievous

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As night fell, Kaga again felt hungry and tired from his first real day of traveling.  He hoped that the herd would soon stop for the night.

The Great Valley Guardian

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Cyrix decided their group had walked enough for this day. He chose an open spot under a tree. "Alright everyone, we can rest here for the night. I'll be sure to take watch duty tonight. Just get some sleep, and we'll start again in the morning." he said with a nod.


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Diver and her friends traveled together, having some fun talking and resting when they could & glad their families traveled together.  

Mim and her family traveled along with the swimmers since they had lived near swimmers in their earlier nesting area before the had to leave it.

The Great Valley Guardian

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Grandpa Longneck yawned as fatigue set in. He slowed for a moment and asked, "Mr.Threehorn, I think now would be a good time for us to sleep for the night. I know my mate and I are tired and you must be as well."


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As Cory settled down with his own family and Petrie mom, for simplicity's sake while on the move, let Kit settle down in the spot she'd found for her own kids, Kit smiled, "Ok, thanks Mr. Cyrix see you tomorrow". Tylr smiled and shook his head. He noticed Pterano hadn't settled down yet and was alternately scouting from different trees it seemed.

"What are you doing?" he asked his brother. "Oh, I'm ensuring we've found a very secure spot for resting, never know what might spring out to surprise us" the flyer said in a knowing tone.

"I believe Cyrix already did that" Ptami sighed. "Yes, well, can't hurt to double check now can it" came the reply.


"Threehorn's never...well actually yes I could do with a rest" Mr. Threehorn broke off what he'd been trying to say about Threehorn stamina and all.

"I'm not sleeping anywhere near him!" Cera declared, walking off away from Littlefoot. "Well fine, same here" Littlefoot tried to shoot back, but it didn't come out as forceful as Cera's had.

Finding an open spot not far from where Cyrix's group had settled down, but seperated by shrubbery so that at least for the night they were unaware of the nearby group, Mr. Threehorn was able to swallow his pride and turn to the longnecks, since he knew they'd be complaining anyway if they didn't like it.

"How's this?" he asked.

"Yes, this will do quite nicely" Littlefoot's mom said, smiling down to the threehorn, "Thankyou".

The Great Valley Guardian

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True to his word Cyrix continued to stay awake through the night...and he didn't falter once. However at one point he thought he saw a shadow move a little ways off. Not one to take chances he stood up quietly so as not to wake anyone who was sleeping, and stepped over to the bush obscuring his view, and what he saw when he parted them surprised him!

Grandpa Longneck was fast asleep hoping that the size of the herd wouldn't attract too much attention. However he was wrong as he could hear a bush or a set of low lying trees being pushed aside softly as if not to make much noise.
It was however just enough for the elderly longneck to awaken and he blinked once, then twice as he spotted a rainbow face...and its kind were rare in the Mysterious Beyond...but for the moment he said nothing hoping not to startle it.

Cyrix looked up at Grandpa Longneck for a moment before cautiously stepping forward and bowing to show his respect.
"I am terribly sorry for disturbing you and your herd elder." whispered Cyrix as quietly as he could.

The old Longneck chuckled and whisper a reply.
"No harm done. You are a rainbow face...your kind are rare...please tell me are you alone, or with a herd?"

Cyrix gave a slight smile at the question
"I happen to be leading my own herd right now as a matter of fact. Most of them are sleeping, and we have several hatchlings with us as well." he commented quietly.
"I should be getting back to them as well...some might notice I've gone missing." cyrix added as an afterthought.

Grandpa Longneck smiled and nodded his head in agreement.
"Alright, when the bright circle rises, you and I will speak again."

Cyrix bowed again and turned back moving through the bush and back to his herd with a smile on his face as he knew the bright circle would be rising very soon now.


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Mim slept with the group she was traveling with, a mixed group of some swimmers & flyers.  Diver, Mia, & Rhyn slept together, having become friends and being about the same age, more or less.


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(ooc: I couldn't resist)

It was an odd thing, for Petrie to be up this early, much less for him to have pulled Kit into being up early with him, just as the first rays of the Bright Circle rose.

"Look, me really high now!" Petrie turned to grin down at Kit, who was flapping along branch by branch watching him climb the small tree. "Yeah" she smiled, "we might actually have something really good to tell your mom and Uncle Pterano" she said, those were the two Petrie liked telling about big accomplishments the most...and Kit noticed how sometimes her dad tried to shrug off how he thought he had a lower position in Petrie's views than Pterano got.

Kit herself didn't think it was true though, her dad was just always busy watching her.

"How high are you planning to go?" she asked. "High as me can!" Petrie said.

Meanwhile, two other young ones were up as well, and Cera sighed in annoyance at what Littlefoot had just told her. "That is the dumbest thing I've ever heard!" she said. Littlefoot frowned, "it is not, all longnecks can do it!".

"Then prove it!" Cera said. "Fine" Littlefoot walked over to the nearest tree he could spot and put his front feet against it, slowly bending the tree. Inside the tree, Kit and Petrie frowned as their perch moved. "This...not look good..." Petrie whispered. Littlefoot smiled as the tree bent, then turned back to grin at Cera. "See!".

The tree snapped back suddenly, flinging Littlefoot back, but he wasn't the one to make noise due to this. Two specks flew from the tree as well. With a cry, Petrie and Kit flew (without flying) across the sky and half skidded, half rolled across the ground, landing in a huddled mass.

Petrie opened his eyes to notice he'd landed right next to an elderly longneck.

"Don't worry Littlefoot! I'll kill whatever horrid things just flew out of that tree!" Cera charged through the bushes straight towards where Petrie and Kit were, causing the small flyers to scream and leap up, before landing in a sitting position. Cera skidded to a stop, "'s just flyers" she sighed as if disappointed.

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Grandpa Longneck looked down at the two flyers now at his feet and he couldn't help but chuckle.
"Are you two alright? That fall didn't hurt you did it?" he asked truthfully.

Cyrix heard the commotion for so early in the morning and he sighed as he stood up and walked over to the bushes that he'd traversed last night and smiled again as the elderly longneck was already awake and seemed to checking on two members of his own herd. Cyrix stepped over to Cera as he heard what she had said, and he tapped her gently on her back and asked,
"Excuse me, but I wouldn't be much of herd leader if I let you harm two members of my herd." He then looked over to Kit and Petrie. "Are you two alright?" he asked not realizing the older longneck had just asked the same question.


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Mim and the others awoke.  They stretched & yawned, fully waking up and sitting up as they looked around a bit.


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Seeming caught in a state of nodding over and over as they calmed down, Petrie and Kit finally paused. "Uh...yeah, we're fine" Kit told both the adults.

"Hey, I'm just a kid" Cera retorted to the rainbow face, "you're the responsible adult 'spose ta be stopping me".

"Kit, Petrie", Petrie's mother landed, followed by Tylr and Pterano, "oh my are you two ok" she scooped them both up.

"Yeah mom, we ok, she just almost kill us" Petrie pointed.

"What?!" Cera shouted, outraged. Getting a bit of a feel for what happened, Tylr laughed, "Well maybe you two should stop hiding in trees" he said. Petrano looked at his brother in shock, "You're taking the young threehorn's side?" he asked. Tylr sighed, "No, I was just..." he decided to not try to explain and instead turned to the elder longneck Kit and Petrie had landed infront of.

"Sorry if my daughter and nephew woke up" he said.

"T-that's ok" Littlefoot walked up timidly, "It was sort of my fault, grandpa" he told his grandfather, "I was bending back the tree...and I didn't know they were in it".

"What in the name of treestars is going on?" Topsy had finally awoken and walked over to take in both the newcomers and situation that seemed to have unfolded.


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Mim and the others got up.  

"Morning already?" Diver asked looking around.

"It seems so." Mia said as she got up and stretched a bit.