The Gang of Five
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Sudden Change of Species 2.0

rhombus · 68 · 32608


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The fastrunner barely had any time to process the magnitude of what had happened between her friends before she ran headlong to Chomper's side.  With her fears overwhelming her thoughts it was the memories of her father's lessons that spoke to her as her body raced against her instincts.

"If Chomper is ever hurt make sure to approach only from a distance.  A wounded sharptooth is a dangerous sharptooth."

"Remember to always keep two routes of escape if possible.  That way you can take one and your kin the other.  A predator who chases both is bound to lose both."

"It pains me to say this Ruby, but this is a blood pact.  Our family depends on this.  Both families depend on this.  If Chomper does not leave the valley alive then neither can you."

As she approached Chomper's dazed form, however, she noticed that his gaze was straying from the departing antagonists that had once been their friends, a sign that his collision had done no serious damage.  Instead his gaze had shifted to something on a log, perhaps buzzers. Which in itself was indicative of a growing hunger that was a mere symptom of his own steady growth.  The eventual parting that this foretold was made all the more tragic by the scents that now radiated from him. Anger, resignation, sadness, and loneliness. The emotions of a youngling who had just seen his parental figures go through a seemingly irreconcilable breach.

With a growing pressure in her chest she tried to hold back the anger that she held for the stubborn longneck and threehorn.  None of that needed to be taken out on her charge.  No, she needed to be Responsible Ruby, as her parents called her.  No matter how much it chaffed at her at times she knew what she had to do.

"Try to keep Chomper calm.  We cannot hope to unite the valley and the Mysterious Beyond against Redclaw if Chomper resorts to his instincts in the valley..."

Ruby looked down.  There is little hope of that alliance now, Daddy.  But I'll... I will fulfill my duty.  Chomper deserves that.  You deserve that.

"I'm sorry, Chomper.  I don't think there is anything we can do if they do not want to do it."  It was only when those words were out of her mouth that she noticed how hollow they sounded.  She could hear her voice failing as she tried to keep the tears out of her eyes, "Let's go back to the caverns, Chomper.  Let's... let's go to sleep."
« Last Edit: May 13, 2019, 12:56:20 AM by rhombus »

Go ahead and check out my fanfictions, The Seven Hunters, Songs of the Hunters, and Menders Tale.


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The sky water pouring down from above eventually broke the spiketail out of his trance.

Almost everyone had left. Littlefoot. Cera. Petrie. Even Chomper and Ruby. All who remained in the area was him and his sister.

Spike let out a whimper. He hated this. Sure, there had been fights and feuds between them before, but there was something that screamed of finality in this one.

He always had been a dinosaur of little words, but glancing at a distraught Ducky made him wonder if he should have tried to interfere in the argument before things had gotten way too out of hand.

Was everything now beyond salvation?

With a frown, he realized that it was too late for regrets. With only footprints left behind headed in different directions, it appeared that those yearnful days of old and former bonds were now gone, blown away like the swirling dust in the desert.

It was quite telling that the others had all left in separate directions. Those muddy footprints was like an analogy: telling them that their divulging paths was unlikely to ever intersect again.

Spike eventually trudged over to Ducky, the spiketail hobbling on the uneven ground as he dragged his tail against the ground.

At the very least, he still had his sister with him... though after what he'd bore witness to today, he wasn't sure if that tiny glimmer of hope was worth everything they'd lost.
Would it be possible for swimmers and flyers to get more love around here? Both figuratively… and literally.

That one guy who writes LBT fanfiction and accidentally makes them five times longer than he'd originally intended.


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Ducky stood in the ever growing rain though it seemed like the wind and the thunder already began to subside. Much like the fight between her friends, it seemed like the storm had already reached its climax, short but intense though the rainfall kept increasing as if the heavens were crying with her, crying about the friends she lost just now - or that was what Ducky was assuming after everything that had happened. It hadn't even taken a minute to happen but now everyone was angry and furious, everyone was sad and depressed... and, most likely... no, after all this, would they even feel remorse? Ducky covered her eyes as hot tears blurred her vision. Was their friendship really... over? She couldn't believe it and her powerlessness only fueled her tears even more.

Ducky didn't know how long she stood there crying, ignoring even the small rivers of muddy water slowly flooding everything but, eventually, she felt something soft tap her carefully. It was Spike. Suddenly, something snapped inside her.

"Spike! Why did you not stop them!?" she screamed against the roar of the floods from above prattling down on all the vegetation around them and the countless puddles on the muddy floor, rage flooding her cocktail of emotions with a new flavor. "Even you... you... you only care about yourself! Everyone does..." she added, heavy sobs erupting from her throat like hot water from a hot spring. "W-what has become of us... w-w-were we not b-b-best friends... f-f-forever?!"

Of course these words hadn't been directed at Spike in particular but, alas, everyone else had departed already. Burying her head in her right arm, she stormed away, disappearing through the underbrush while crying loudly and leaving her confused brother behind. How could this day get any worse? Perhaps she shouldn't have pondered about it...
Inactive, probably forever.


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Ducky’s accusation rang cold in Spike’s ears, only for the situation to end up being exacerbated when the spiketail saw his sister sprinting away in tears. Though he was considerably shocked that she had lashed out at him, it didn’t take long for the situation to really hit home.

“Spike! Why did you not stop them!? Even you... you... you only care about yourself! Everyone does…”

He felt his head drooping down, losing what little appetite he had left. The words really stung because he couldn’t deny the truth within them. Ducky was right… this really was a point of no return.

"W-what has become of us... w-w-were we not b-b-best friends... f-f-forever?!"

Spike had made his choice, and so did everyone else. That being said, it was clear that this was undoubtedly the worst-case scenario.

Dragging his feet along the muddy ground, he proceeded to take his leave and trudge back to his sleeping area. There was nothing left to do here in this place. Hopefully, he’d be able to find some way to make it up to Ducky tomorrow when she simmered down… and maybe, just maybe, they could salvage this whole catastrophe.

Though the Night Circle was hidden amidst the numerous storm clouds, his drooping eyelids was enough of a telltale sign that it was getting close to snoozing time. With a yawn and the temptation of sleep threatening to overtake him soon, he could only hope that the others were having better luck resolving their shattered friendships than he was…
Would it be possible for swimmers and flyers to get more love around here? Both figuratively… and literally.

That one guy who writes LBT fanfiction and accidentally makes them five times longer than he'd originally intended.


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It felt like an eternity for Petrie since he had left his friends for the very last time and inside, he didn’t even feel true sadness. Not at all. Those feelings had disappeared when he had seen Cera and Littlefoot’s fight and on that moment, the turmoil he had felt for weeks and cycles of the Night Circle had seemed to simply go away. In their stead came calm and emptiness that seemed to drown everything else under them. No longer would he need to take care of any of his former friends and with the breaking of those bonds, he was free. He was finally free as any flyer should be.

Even then, it was clear that not everyone was as it should be. The flyer’s mother couldn’t help but look at her son with a worried look. He had sat at the edge of their nest for hours on end in complete silence. She could see the boy’s eyes growing moist from time to time and as the night’s shadows grew ever longer, she decided to try to get to him again after an unsuccessful attempt earlier during the day.

“Petrie, this cannot continue. You simply cannot sit here by yourself while speaking or eating nothing. I can see that the fight upset you but…” She said but she was then cut short by Petrie who mumbled with a soft voice.

“Me not upset at all, momma. Me just…”

“Don’t lie to me, Petrie! You are clearly not alright if you are crying here alone after a fight like that! I know how much your friends meant to you and if you still mourn their loss this much, maybe the damage can still be reversed! I can help you if you let me!” She said, not really knowing what kind of an answer she should expect. Petrie had grown tremendously in size and as a flyer recently and during his long, lonely flights she sometimes felt like her son was a different flyer now. Petrie turned at his mother slowly, speaking to her in a serious voice.

“Momma, please no do that. Of course this a big change and me can’t help but think of the past but… it past now. That all that matters. Me not want to meet them again and me feelings calm down before too long. Me probably meself tomorrow already.” He said, not really giving those words much thought. The older flyer frowned at that answer and bowed closer to the male, looking him in the eyes.

“Are you sure you’ll be okay, Petrie? Tell me honestly.” She said, preparing to follow deeply whether she could see a trace of a lie within him. Petrie, however, spoke as genuinely as he could to his mother, wiping most of her fears away.

“Yes, Petrie will be alright. Me just have to think a bit more alone.” He said, causing the female to sigh and rise to her full height. She gave a deep sigh as she next spoke to the boy, her voice carrying a hint of sadness to it.

“Very well, Petrie. Just don’t take too long. Most of your brothers and sisters are already sleeping.” She said as she walked towards the rest of her children. Petrie looked after her with half-closed eyes, not really being able to deny his own fatigue. Maybe, just maybe, things would look a bit clearer tomorrow. After a few minutes, he finally tried to rise to his feet and join the others in the realm of sleep stories but suddenly, he felt a powerful dizziness and exhaustion invade his mind. Suddenly, the boy simply fell asleep, falling into the hard, rocky ground.

Petrie looked at the wide skies around himself in excitement, looking at the distant mountain peaks far below him. He was flying higher than he ever had before and he felt more alive than anytime he could remember. The wind was trying to take him higher by the second and the boy found no real reason to resist. A wide smile rose to his face as he found himself flying higher and faster after each somersault. His voice trembled with excitement as he cried into the air.

“This what Petrie was born for! Me will fly higher than any flyer before and find the most distant valleys of the world! Petrie’s name will live forever!” He cried as he looked at the rolling meadows and wide water path below him, not even remembering how far he had to be from the Valley. Maybe he might even find a nice female for himself after he had conquered the mountains no dinosaur before had even seen…

“That is exactly the kind of going I could have expected from my nephew! You already are twice the flyer I will ever be!” Petrie’s heart swelled as he turned to look at the source of that voice. He smiled deeply as he saw his uncle flying towards him quickly. The boy was just about to answer to him before he heard another voice speak to him.

“I can only repeat his words, Petrie. But I can only look forward to finding out what lies beyond that Big Water with you, my son.” His mother said as the two flyers moved to both of his sides in order to accompany him in this story of his life. Petrie looked at them in deep happiness and cried to them with a loud voice.

“Thanks a lot, both of you! Petrie will be happy to have you along with me in the seasons to come! Me sure everything will be g…” He was about to say when his eyes suddenly opened in shock. It felt like his breath was completely torn out of him and the earlier lightness in his flight suddenly turned into utter weakness… and suddenly, the flyer realized he was being pulled towards the ground with an ever increasing force. His uncle and mother didn’t seem to notice any of it and then the boy cried with all his power.

“Momma, uncle, I’m falling! Please h….” He cried but this time, his entire world turned black as the flyer started falling into the ground with a great speed. It seemed to Petrie like he was trapped in some black whirlwind from which there was no escape and sooner or later, he would be crushed into the ground and at that point, his promising life would be snuffed out so very long before his time. However, suddenly he heard a low, haunting voice speak to him as he fell ever faster and faster…

“The broken band has been broken by pride, now it shall be united by being broken.  Go forth to this broken land… and protect the land you love.” The voice said and at that moment, the sight of his friends flashed before his eyes… before they turned into a group of dinosaurs he didn’t even know. The flyer was just about to ask what was going on… before he realized he’d hit the ground with a crushing speed on this very moment…

A deep gasp escaped from Petrie’s beak as he woke up, staring into the distance with deep breaths. What in earth was that sleep story? The only thing the boy could remember of it was that haunting voice whose words Petrie could still remember as clearly as he saw the nightly mountain range surrounding the Valley before him. However, his breaths grew easier by the second as he realized it was just a sleep story and certainly far from the first he had ever had.

Slowly, his frown turned into a careful smile as he realized everything was still well. He took a deep breath as he prepared to return to sleep… and that was when he got a glimpse of his fingers on his right side. They were now far thicker than before… and equipped with claws! The boy’s eyes flashed open as he realized that detail, suddenly taking a look at the rest of his body, only to regret that immediately. There was not a trace of familiarity within the sight.

His arms no longer had wings attacked to them and his torso had turned into a dark green and his belly had its own color now. Likewise, his legs were much larger now and he realized immediately whose legs they resembled: Ducky’s, or any swimmer’s. In shock, Petrie brought his hands to his face, only to notice there was no beak to be found anywhere. And it was at that point that he let out a loud screech.


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Littlefoot halted his stroll after a while on the verge of his nest. He had to take a brief moment to compose himself after what had just transpired not so long ago, before showing his face to his grandparents He didn’t wish to worry them, but he knew that one look at him would be enough to cause such action to transpire almost immediately.

Most of all he wanted to forget the argument altogether and continue living his life like normal. In spite of his desire to just simply do that deep down he knew that his entire life had changed in a flash to something he never anticipated. In essence, he wished things had gone differently for all of them. But it simply couldn’t be helped anymore. It was about time to face the reality that this was it. The end of their long-lasting friendship.

The longneck couldn’t keep his emotions in control anymore, and he abruptly fell down to the ground and wept all of it out of his system. It was better out than in, after all. And he certainly didn’t wish to break down in front of his grandparents, so he just continued to pour down his emotions to the ground. In a little while there simply weren’t any more tears to shed.

Littlefoot rose up straight, and moved on to his nest, ready to confront his guardians in case they questioned him about anything all the while trying to calm his beating hard, which felt like it was ready to pounce out of his chest sooner or later. Now that he had shed every piece of emotion he had thrown away moments prior, the longneck felt a new start was about to begin. A one without his former friends. And part of him was almost unexpectedly glad about it.

He laid his eyes to his grandparents forms as he stepped out of the thick foliage that covered the grounds around their nest. Without delay, they too turned their focus to him from their conversation with one another.

’’Littlefoot? Why are you back so soon? Your grandmother and I would’ve thought you’d be away a bit longer with your friends.’’

’’It doesn’t matter, Grandpa.’’

’’And why wouldn’t it matter, Littlefoot? Did something happen between you and your friends, that’s bothering you?’’

Littlefoot gazed at Grandma Longneck and pondered how to break the news to them without him suffering another episode of self-pity.

’’We… it’s complicated,’’ Littlefoot finally said.

’’You can tell us. How can we help you if we don’t know what’s bothering you?’’

’’That’s just it, Grandpa. It… doesn’t bother me that much. We said some bad things about each other and it went completely wrong in the end. That friendship we had… is no more.’’

’’What? The friendship you once had is no more? What does that mean exactly? I recall in the past that no matter what obstacles you faced you eventually worked around them together to overcome even the most silliest grudge. What could’ve possibly happened for you to think that you no longer are friends with each other?’’

Littlefoot sighed deeply. ’’Please, Grandpa. I don’t wanna talk about it right now. Maybe later once I have completly calmed down. I still feel this… rage inside me. It almost feels like it cannot be extinguished.’’

They both sighed as well in resignation, apparently deciding that pestering their grandson would only dampen his mood further. ’’Very well, Littlefoot. But remember, if you ever wish to talk about what happened between you and your friends, we will always be there to listen and offer guidance.’’

’’Yeah, thanks…’’ Littlefoot mumbled.

Resigned to just let sleep do its job, Littlefoot laid down on the ground. Watching as his grandparents did the same out of the corner of his eye. A wave of exhaustion clouded him, and he entered the world of sleep stories almost instantly.

Littlefoot smiled more broadly than ever before in his life. He switched his gaze from the forms of his grandparents to his father and finally to the one he was most attached to. His mother. Life couldn’t be more happier. He was with his family, there were no threats whatsoever and on top of it, he was the leader of the herd they were currently travelling with. A dream come true.

’’I knew you were going to be great one day ever since I laid eyes on you,’’ said his mother.

’’I couldn’t agree more with your mother, Littlefoot,’’ Bron replied.

’’Well, I had two great parents, so of course I would turn out the same!’’

Everything was perfect. He had everything he had ever wanted. It possibly couldn’t go bad—then suddenly everything around him began to change. The once greeting sight of the luscious valley switched to a completely desolate wasteland until it too started to disappear. Littlefoot saw his the forms of his loved ones start to wither away, like they were delicate tree stars that would evaporate by mere touch.

He tried to hold on to the dream, but it was all for nigh. The longneck tried to scream, but no sound came out of him. It terrified him. Then he heard something peculiar.

’’The broken band has been broken by pride, now it shall be united by being broken. Go forth to this broken land… and protect the land you love.’’ Something flashed quickly by him, too fast for him to take any notice of it. All he saw around him was utter blackness and no way out.

Littlefoot’s eyes snapped open instantaneously. His eyes were fixed onto the starry night sky in deep ponder. Just what was that? All he could remember about it was that peculiar voice that spoke weird things to him. He attempted to calm himself down by closing his eyes for a while.

After a while he concluded that it matter little to him and that it was simply the best to just to get back to sleep. He tried to maneuver himself into a more comfortable position… then froze in confusion. His body felt… different, like it wasn’t even his. He dared to take a look at himself and what he found was more terrifying than anything else he had ever encountered.

He now possessed two legs instead of four and he had two sets of arms. But what horrified him the most about it was the sharp claws he now had and much sharper teeth as well when he used his tongue to probe them. His coloration was still the same, but everything else had completely changed. It took him only a brief moment to figure out what he was. He was a sharptooth, and it was too much for him to handle at the moment that it caused him to let out a loud roar in the air.
« Last Edit: March 26, 2020, 04:16:33 AM by Anagnos »


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Ruby found herself walking towards the caverns in a daze.  Each footstep and background noise seemed to fade into a general haze just as strong as a dense fog.  But this haze was entirely mental, radiating from the conflict that had only ended minutes prior.

How did it ever get to this point?  We all used to be close friends, but now we can’t stand to be close!

Reluctantly she shook her head free of this thought.  What was done was done.  All that could be done now was to ensure that her charge was well.  And, as a quick look at the purple sharptooth in front of her indicated, he was most certainly not well at all.  A downcast face and slumped shoulders showed that the immense weight of what had transpired had fallen especially heavily upon the purple sharptooth.  Ruby knew that to him, a dinosaur hatched by the five former friends, witnessing this fight was like seeing his five ‘parents’ separating.

Once they finally entered the caverns Ruby swallowed, not really knowing where to begin.  But as Chomper laid down immediately without saying a word, she decided to interject even if it was awkward.  Chomper needed a friend right now.

"That... was bad."

Chomper merely nodded morosely, barely listening to the world outside of his thoughts.

"Are you al--" Ruby stopped herself, "How are you feeling, Chomper? Because I know how I am feeling and it isn't good."

The sharptooth merely growled despondently. "Why am I even still here? My friends aren't even friends anymore and here I am going hungry just to stay a bit longer..."

Ruby closed her eyes.  I knew the time would come, but it came quicker than I knew!  She realized that Chomper would need to leave the valley sooner or later, but she had hoped to delay that inevitability until the valley and Mysterious Beyond could have united against Redclaw.  But with the fellowship of the five companions become fractured this only left Chomper and her.  And without an anchor to keep Chomper’s instincts in line…

She opened her eyes and placed a comforting hand on his shoulder.  Take some time, Chomper.  And if you still think it is time, then it will be the time.

"Maybe we should talk about it in the morning when we are rested.  But... if you think it is time, Chomper, then you know that I will not let you leave alone."

There was a pause as the purple sharptooth did not immediately react. Finally, however, he turned around and offered her the slightest hint of a nudge with his snout.  She knew that the understated nature of the gesture meant more than met the eye.  It was the closest that his small form would communicate ‘Thank you, my friend’ without completely breaking down.

She honored his gesture with a final pat on the shoulder before she parted to go to her usual sleeping area.  This left her with her own fatigue and, unfortunately, her own morose thoughts.

She forced her eyes closed as a sigh left her beak.  She hoped that the Land of Sleep Stories would take her away from this much crueler land that she now found herself.

Ruby’s eyes jerked open.

The pink fastrunner hurriedly arose to take in the strange scene around her.  Where before was a darkened cavern now was green grass and verdant trees as far as the eye could see.  The only break in the beautiful scenery was the distant vista of a towering mountain range.  But those mountains, just like much of the strange greenery around her, were unknown to her.

She blinked.  She must now be far away from the Great Valley, but how did she get here?

She watched then as leaf-eaters came into view in the distance.  They appeared to sprint out of the trees as entire herds materialized where before there was only plant life.  But the sudden report of a roar quickly revealed what these distant victims were running from.

Ruby held her breath as the fastbiters seemingly appeared out of nowhere, swarming from all directions upon their hapless prey.  Even if Ruby would have been brave enough to attempt to help them, they were simply too far away.  Despite this she could not turn away from the sight that lay before her, of longnecks, threehorns, swimmers, and others running in terror while each one called out to their comrades, wishing them forward.  It reminder her of her friends and their families…

She could only shake then.  Former friends.  The terrible scene before her could only remind her of what she had recently lost.  In the ensuing mayhem her gaze fixated on a pink threehorn among their number.  A threehorn that appeared unsure whether to run or to fight… she barely noticed that everything else was beginning to fade into an indistinct haze.

’’The broken band has been broken by pride, now it shall be united by being broken. Go forth to this broken land… and protect the land you love.”

Quickly sucking in a panicked breath, Ruby’s eyes jerked open for real.  She had had disturbing sleep stories before, but none had the same odd feelings to it as this one.  It was as if she were experiencing something all too real, but fake, at the same time.  In her already overwhelmed mind such a disturbing dream was the last thing that she needed.

I am too tired to think, but I need to try.  I need to clear my head good so that I can get a good sleep.

Sighing, she resolved herself for her task and forced herself to her feet.  Then, with a confident step, she began her journey to her Thinking Place.

...and promptly landed on her belly.

“Huh?” she groggily muttered as she glared at her disobedient feet.  The rear legs had done their jobs just like before, but these new front legs were not cooperating at all!

She blinked.  My… front legs!

Sure enough, plain as day, stood two stump-like legs where her handy arms used to be.  Quickly arching her head to her side, she could also see a similar appendage to her left and right.  She had the legs of a threehorn, but that was impossible!  She was not a…

Now scared and half-panicked her right front foot hesitantly rose to meet her snout as she lowered her head.  She had to be sure… but it was impossible!  It just couldn’t be!

But that was when she felt it.  A horn.  A threehorn’s horn.  It was only then that the confusing bits of data coalesced into her mind.  She had become a threehorn.  In light of such an irrational situation she did the only rational thing that she could think of.

She screamed in terror.

Go ahead and check out my fanfictions, The Seven Hunters, Songs of the Hunters, and Menders Tale.


  • Literally Guido シ
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As he made his way back, Spike simply did the thing that he was most known for.

Keeping silent.

The spiketail didn’t say a word as he forced himself back home, even though his mind was a maelstrom of emotions and thoughts. When he finally laid eyes on his sleeping area, he made a dash for it—making sure to avoid the curious stares of Ducky’s other siblings—before reaching safe ground.

Ducky’s mother—his mother—was looking around worryingly, concern etched on her face. Spike wisely kept his head down, trying to make it past the larger swimmer as stealthily as he could.

He did not want her to make any comments on the prior proceedings.

Passing by unnoticed, Spike found himself wondering if Ducky had already made it home. He hadn’t seen her since they split and she’d accused him of staying by and letting the argument between the remainder of them spiral way out of control.

Spike had a feeling that his inconsolable sister would not listen to him no matter how much he tried to make it clear to Ducky that it wasn’t his fault through his gestures. He did not want to face her… or any of the others, for that matter. The spiketail didn’t have the heart to keep up the pretense of having his feelings in check when they were anything but. Having a one-sided conversation with Ducky, for instance, reflecting on the finality of it all as his friends… former friends separated for good would quite possibly break him.

The whole thing was likely over anyway. After how they’d all separated in the aftermath of the vicious battle of cutting words, there was likely… no, almost certainly no salvaging this. No matter how much he wished it wasn’t the case, he could see reality staring him in the face.

It wasn't his fault, though. That was what he kept telling himself. How was he to know that the argument between them would subsist and eventually careen past the point of no return? It was with that sobering thought that Spike finally let his legs give way, allowing his weight to slump him down to the ground as he lay on his belly.

He let his eyelids fall, letting the sweet embrace of sleep sweep him away from the cruel reality.

An astounding sight awaited Spike. His eyes widened as Spike found himself gazing at a gargantuan mountain of ripe and yummy treestars, stacked as high as the eye can see and surrounding him in every single direction.

His lower jaw unlatched as he gazed upon the tantalizing sight. It was more treestars than he had ever seen in his entire life, even within the many years he spent in the Great Valley.

“Eat up and enjoy, Spike!” he heard his sister’s warm voice say, although he could catch no sight on her. “The Great Valley has brought us plentiful treestars this Warm Time. It has, it has!”

Seeing no reason not to obey Ducky and his own mind, the spiketail marched up to the base of the treestar mountain and took a satisfying bite.

A slight rumbling moments later told him that he had made a mistake. By munching on the treestars at the bottom, he had destabilized the entire structure.

Before he could turn tail and flee from the imminent danger, an uncountable number of treestars fell onto him from above as the entire treestar mountain collapsed onto the hapless Spike. He thrashed about and let out a fearful cry, thrashing his legs about as the viscous surface threatened to pull him under like Sinking Sand.

It couldn’t end like this! Treestars weren’t supposed to turn on him!

He couldn't possibly drown in food!

Slowly but surely, Spike found himself running out of energy as his legs were not built for swimming and couldn’t get a steady foothold on the multiple layers of treestars that made up his ‘aquatic’ prison, and so after exhausting himself the spiketail slowly began to sink beneath the surface of green food.

Before he went under, Spike managed to hear a discombobulated voice murmur in a haunting tone that reverberated throughout his head like an annoying buzzer, almost as though it was taunting him.

“The broken band has been broken by pride, now it shall be united by being broken. Go forth to this broken land… and protect the land you love.”

That chilling statement was all he could recall before his vision went black and he was submerged under his treestar prison.

Spike let out a muffled cry as he flung his eyes open. Seeing that there weren’t millions of treestars crushing him, he heaved a sigh of relief.

It was just a sleep story… but what a terrible one it was. The unsettling words at the end of it only served to puzzle him. What was that all about?

He groaned. No point moping about it now. Since he was awake, he might as well get some more food.

It was only when he took a step forward towards a nearby bush that he realized something was wrong. Spike almost lost his balance, feeling his leg much lower compared to where it normally was.

A sense of dread began to take ahold of him. As Spike looked around, he saw that the spikes that previously adorned his back had completely vanished. His panic only worsened as he dragged himself towards the nearby river by his sleeping area and looked at the water.

The face and body of a bellydragger stared back at him, purple irises slowly widening on the surface of the azure water.

Too stunned to do anything but stare at the implausible reflection at first, Spike eventually let out a terrified cry to the skies.
Would it be possible for swimmers and flyers to get more love around here? Both figuratively… and literally.

That one guy who writes LBT fanfiction and accidentally makes them five times longer than he'd originally intended.


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The mud and rain had made it easy to stay angry as she tromped back to her sleeping place, her mind conjuring the malice of her so-called friends in every patch of muck that tripped her up, and projecting Littlefoot’s smug face into every puddle that she crashed through. Tria and her dad didn’t ask any questions when she finally made it home, fuming and disheveled; moods like this had become more and more frequent as the young threehorn grew toward maturity, and they knew that it was best to give her space until she cooled off.

It was when she curled up, as far from her family as possible while still staying out of the rain, that the full emotional turmoil of the day’s events finally overcame her. They had all fought before, of course, but this had been different. Her words and intentions had been final, an ending she wasn’t sure she was ready for. Though they had been drifting apart, Littlefoot and the others had been her oldest, dearest friends, and losing them tore at her in a way that she couldn’t escape. She buried her head under her forelegs, trying to push the sadness away from the inside through sheer force of will, teeth clenched. It seemed like an eternity before she finally drifted off to sleep, stubborn tears trailing down her cheeks.

Standing on a high patch of ground she had the perfect view of them, a vast herd that stretched as far as she could see. The horned faces turned up toward her were full of awe, and respect, and maybe just a little bit of fear. She caught a glimpse of her own fully grown horns in the corner of her vision, white and gleaming in the sun, and felt her chest swell with pride. Yes, she was amazing, and the other threehorns finally saw it too.

She took the cool morning air into her lungs and let loose a bellow that shook the earth beneath them, the resounding approval of hundreds of stomping feet like music to her ears. This was
her herd. Her kind. And it was time they let the valley know what threehorns were made of.

She beamed at them, taking in another breath to deliver the speech of a lifetime, but when the words came, they were nothing like the resounding roar she expected. It was like the voice was coming from someone else, far away, so faint she could barely hear it though the words it spoke were her own. She furrowed her brow and tried again, but the most she could manage sounded barely louder than a whisper. The others began to shuffle, restless and confused, trading glances and muttering amongst themselves. She was losing them.

“No!” She tried to shout, but her throat felt like it was closing, and not even a whisper made it through. An inexplicable terror seized her, and the world began to raise up around her as she sank down, down, down until she could see every individual curl of the vegetation that had been under her feet moments before. She had to crane her neck up to look at the encircling crowd, their horns casting shadows on her, glinting cruelly in the backlight of the sun. Faces twisted into grimaces of shock, disgust, and pity, a voice seemed to come from all of them at once, or maybe from the air itself.

“The broken band has been broken by pride, now it shall be united by being broken. Go forth to this broken land… and protect the land you love.”

What did it mean? The words stirred vague memories, but she had no time to dwell on them as a massive foot raised above her. Before she could even utter a cry it came crashing down, snuffing out the world and sending her plunging into darkness.

Cera woke with a gasp of breath, disoriented and shaking. The first thing she noticed was a strange, prickling sensation all over, like she was covered in leaves or crawlers. It took her a moment to recognize where she was- she must have tumbled from her sleeping spot. “That explains the dream.” She grumbled to herself. Shifting in place, the prickling feeling intensified. With a grimace, she lifted a foreleg to scratch at her chest. Except… her foreleg wasn’t a leg at all. Staring dumbly at the spindly thing in front of her, she caught sight of the source of the prickles: weird soft flowing bits sticking out of her once tough hide. Just like… like Guido. She tilted her head back and screamed as she flailed and tore at the feathers, the sound small and mournful against the vastness of the sky.


  • Chomper: "Threehorns are better at everything, including rumpsteaks"
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"Maybe we should talk about it in the morning when we are rested.  But... if you think it is time, Chomper, then you know that I will not let you leave alone."

Chomper laid on the cold cave floor, contemplating on what Ruby had said. All of this hate and anger between his former friends had driven a stake in everyone friendship, and it was becoming too much for the poor little predator. He didn't even want to think about his friends anymore, as it was just bringing up too much pain, so he tried to focus on something else.

As the beast started to drift off to sleep, he thought back to his parents. He hadn't seen them in a long time, and he missed their company. The nuzzles of her mother. His father's terrible jokes. And the food! Oh, the food they would always find for him! He started dreaming, thinking of his family. In his dreams, he saw his parents, standing triumphantly over a recent kill. A whole freaking longneck! There was enough succulent meat there to last them all for days! His father looked over at him, big teethy grin, as he called out. "Come here, son!"

"I'm coming, daddy!" Chomper cried out in joy, as tried to run over to his parents, but he couldn't move his body. Looking down at himself, he saw nothing. It was as if he wasn't even there. He was just an observer of what was going on here.

Suddenly, a young longneck whizzed by him quickly, towards the predators. Why the hell is that leafeater running to his death!? Littlefoot? No, it wasn't littlefoot. It was some purple longneck, that he had never seen before. He watched the stupid longneck as it approached the inner scene, expecting one of his parents to snap up the little morsel any moment. To his shock, his parents started nuzzling the young longneck, and licking him affectionately. "I've missed you, my son!" He heard his mother coo softly to the little quadruped. While Chomper looked at this absurd scene, a chilling phrase echoed in his mind.

“The broken band has been broken by pride, now it shall be united by being broken. Go forth to this broken land… and protect the land you love.”

What does that even mean? And why do my parents not wanna eat that longneck? It's not Littlefoot. Before Chomper had too long to ponder over all of this, a loud scream pulled him out of his dream. He looked around In his tired haze, eyeing a pink threehorn close to him, just screaming. What is a threehorn doing in our cave? Whatever the reason, a scared threehorn was a very dangerous thing. There was no telling what she could do. She could even try going after him with her sharp horns!

He quickly tried getting to his feet, while yelling out "Calm down! I'm a nice sharptooth! I'm nice! I'm not going to hurt you!". He quickly feel back down to the cold floor. When he tried getting up on him hind legs, like any sensible sharptooth would, he couldn't keep his balance. He resorted to crawling away from the spooked threehorn instead. When he finally had a moment, he looked around himself, finally noticing his much bigger, pillar-like front legs. the hell? he thought, as he tried looking back at the rest of his body, bumping his head on the rocky ceiling in the process. Hid head was now attacked to a much longer neck.

He was slowly coming to the realization that he wasn't a sharptooth anymore. Somehow, he was a longneck now.

He yelled out in horror, along with the screaming threehorn.
« Last Edit: October 06, 2019, 04:50:30 AM by vonboy »
Come check out my new Youtube gaming channel, Game Biter!
Littlefoot: "Look, Chomper. You're uncle is dead, and it's just right for your friends to be there for you. You'd be there if someone we know died, right?"

Chomper: "Well, sure I would!"

Come give my LBT TV Series fanfiction, PAST-O-RAMA, a read!


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"Stupid friends... stupid Petrie, even..." a sob escaped the swimmers mouth. "St-stupid Spike... Everyone is stupid, yes they are!"

Ducky was drifting in the waters of the big river that tracked through much of the Great Valley and was the secret behind its lush and green appearence. The water level had risen somewhat due to the storm that was still sending flickering lights across the dark sky at times but the water was still flowing calmly. Being a swimmer, water gave her an odd sense of comfort, however not even the soft lulling of the gentle flow of the river could soothe the rippling tides that were crashing ashore inside her mind.

"Those stupid idiots; why do they always have to fight!" Quickly, the swimmer submerged as she felt hot tears trickle down her cheeks, coinciding with a surge of blistering wrath. How much she hated that emotion... Feeling anger inside her had never resulted in anything good. Now she was angry at literally everyone she cared about, her loving family aside. What had become of the friends she once had? Could she even call them friends anymore, considering how they behaved around each other? Did she even want to keep up the friendship that now seemed so utterly spoiled. Deep inside, Ducky knew she didn't want to abandon those friends she met so long ago. They had been through so much; it was ridiculous! Had it all been for nothing in the end? Angrily, she kicked a rock underwater, only to feel a sharp pain emerge and a faint trickle of blood paint the water around her. Honestly, when did anger ever solve things? In the end, all that's left in the end is always, always pain. Anger was no good, nope nope nope. Ducky knew that but her friends apparently did not.


Ducky didn't know how she got here but, suddenly, she was swimming in a completely different river in a land completely unknown to her. Fearful at first, her curiosity quickly got the better of her as no immediate danger seemed to exist at the moment. The river was broad and the land around her flat and devoid of larger groups of trees. Some smaller dinosaur herds were going about their business and flyers were roaming the sky which was dotted by the occasional sky puffy. As she completed her scan of her surroundings, a particular feature quickly captured her utmost attention. It was a mountain range some distance away with mountains so steep that she would never be able to climb them. And yet... and yet... somehow, those mountains had a mysterious aura. She didn't know why but she wanted to stand on top of the highest peak, looking down at these lowlands from up there, seeing how small everything is from way up there. Petrie would sometimes talk about these things and it had always made her jealous in a way. The underwater world had its own beauty but what would she give to see these things too?

Suddenly, an unseen force began to pull her out of the river and up into the air. The swimmer let out a terrified squeal as she was being carried higher and higher from the ground, soon reaching heights at which various flyers were gliding with the currents. Everything was suddenly so small; it was equally haunting and exciting. Suddenly, whatever had been pulling her up lost its grip and, without warning, Ducky fell through the air like a rock, screaming, but, a voice suddenly began talking and despite her ear-piercing screams as she feared for her very life, she could still hear it loud and clear as if it was coming from inside her.

“The broken band has been broken by pride, now it shall be united by being broken.  Go forth to this broken land… and protect the land you love.”

What the heck did that even mean? But Ducky had no time to ponder the exact meaning of this weird voice as she was currently falling to her very death for reasons that were just as ambiguous. "If only I had wings!" she shouted as she somersaulted past a few flyers looking curiously after her plummeting form. Suddenly feeling extremely angry at the whole situation she shook her arms much like a flyer would move their wings but to no avail. With a final scream that reverberated from the nearby mountains, Ducky crashed into the ground and knew no more...



Ducky was roughly woken up when she hit a body of water. Submerged, she struggled to swim back up to the surface though it seemed to take a lot more effort and her strokes were a lot less effective. Finally, when she was already out of air, the swimmer managed to break through the surface to gulp for air. What the hell had just occurred in her dream? And why was she in the water? Did she fall asleep during her swim? Such a thing had never happened to her before as far as she could recall. With a lot more effort than she was used to, she dragged herself to the shore, looking drowsily around. She had been swept down a smaller waterfall along the river and the impact must have finally woken her up. That was when she noticed something odd. Her feet felt a lot smaller, barely touching the moist grass below her toes and something about her arms was different too. The water seemed to make them awfully heavy and immobile...

"What is going on?!" she wondered in growing confusion. That was when the Night Circle emerged from behind a patch of clouds. Suddenly, she could see her own reflection in the rippling waters of the river...

A flyer was staring back at her, with eyes that were undoubtedly hers, coloured in the same shade of green like her.

"I am... a flyer!?"
Inactive, probably forever.


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Ruby's own voice was deafening to her ears as she contemplated what had befallen her.  Somehow, despite the shear impossibility of it, she had become a threehorn.  Despite being responsible Ruby, as Ducky had once called her, she could not think of a responsible response to this.  How did this happen?

It took several moments for her roar to effectively die down, swiftly being replaced by agitated heavy breathing.  Deep breaths being taken in by lungs that were simultaneously not hers, but now clearly part of her.  It was only then that rational thinking returned.

Okay, Ruby, we can try to make sense of this even though it makes no sense!  What could have possibly turned us into a threehorn?  Maybe it was something that I ate?  But that doesn't make sense because... wait...

That was when it hit her: the sleep story.  Could the sleep story be hinting at something?

’’The broken band has been broken by pride, now it shall be united by being broken. Go forth to this broken land… and protect the land you love.”  ...what could that possibly mean?

She did not have much time to ponder that thought, however, before she became aware of someone else breathing heavily behind her.  In the spot where Chomper had his sleeping spot.  Turning quickly and, much to her surprise, aiming her horn aggressively at the intruder, she came face to face with a longneck.

A longneck with a very distinctive, and odd, shade of violet.

The pink threehorn blinked.  "Ch-Chomper?  Is that you?"

Go ahead and check out my fanfictions, The Seven Hunters, Songs of the Hunters, and Menders Tale.


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Uneasy thoughts clouded Mama Flyer's mind as she lay down for the night. She was worried about Petrie, like any concerned mother would be, but that didn't make the concern any easier to bear. She hoped he felt better soon. She gazed upon the rest of her children, all fast asleep. Then she sighed and gave another glance back at Petrie. She was about to call him over, but something stopped her. Perhaps it was her maternal instincts telling her that he needed some alone time.

Instead, she lied down in her nest. She would try talking to him again sometime tomorrow. But for now, probably best to let the boy sort out his thoughts. The night had fallen silent, save for the ambience of the gusts of wind that swept across the valley. Thick clouds had rolled in, blotting out the bright stars. On many nights, Mama Flyer loved to stargaze, but the clouds in their place tonight were ominous and ugly. The Night Circle itself was barely visible, appearing only as a soft glow behind the thick clouds.

She closed her eyes. Despite how accurately the sky reflected her current mood, she was also deeply exhausted. It had been a long day indeed and she was ready for it to be over. She was seconds from drifting off to sleep when a loud, long screech jolted her up very suddenly. "Huh? What? Who's there?" Her heart was pounding already. "Petrie? Are you okay?" But... no... that sound couldn't possibly have belonged to Petrie. She gulped. "W-who's there?" she asked again. Some of her children stirred groggily in the nest, while the others remained asleep.

When she turned around, she did not see what she had expected. Granted, she hadn't really known what to expect. She blinked. "Ducky? What are you doing here?" Mama Flyer took a few steps forward. The swimmer that stood in front of her looked like Ducky. Mama Flyer came closer still. Yet even in the dim light, she was beginning to see... it wasn't Ducky after all. But then... who was it?...


"Petrie?" Mama Flyer glanced all around the nest area. No sign of him. "Petrie?!" The pounding in her heart grew. She ran up to the ledge overlooking the valley and darted her gaze every which way. She called his name a few more times, each time louder and shriller than before. Still no sight nor sound of him anywhere.

She approached the mysterious swimmer who had appeared from seemingly nowhere. Doing her best to keep the rising panic from her voice, she said, "Hello. Have you seen Petrie? My boy, Petrie, have you seen him anywhere?"


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The swimmer’s consciousness seemed to be on the verge of failing as his mind struggled to truly grasp what in earth had happened. This was simply ridiculous! There was no way any of this could have actually happened! He must still be dreaming! He simply had to be! Yet, the longer Petrie listened to his deep breaths and the humming of blood in his ears, the more real it all felt. He was on the verge of falling into the ground in endless shock as he heard a voice that nearly made his heart stop.

"Hello. Have you seen Petrie? My boy, Petrie, have you seen him anywhere?" Immediately, Petrie turned to look at his mother and his moist eyes gleamed bright in the light of the Night Circle as he looked at the flyer. How could he explain any of this to her if he wasn’t even close to grasping it himself? His poor mother didn’t deserve to face the monstrous reality and for a moment, Petrie was close to determining to run away once and for all.

But even then… deep down, the boy knew his mother didn’t deserve to be left here all alone either, never learning about the truth. And most of all, he wanted to feel some modicum of safety and comfort in this most terrifying of situations and immediately, he ran towards the flyer and embraced her as tightly as his still-small body allowed. His voice was hysterical and barely intelligible as he wailed his heartfelt but doomed cry for help.

“It… it me, momma! Me Petrie! Me not know how it happen but me really Petrie! Please help me… please make me what me used to be… what me supposed to be! Please…” He said before his word finally died down and his words turned into inconsolable tears.


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Mama Flyer stood still, stunned and speechless, as the young swimmer sobbed furiously and clung to her tightly. For a while, that was all she did. She simply stood there numbly as the poor swimmer's heartbroken sobs punctuated the night air. She glanced back at her nest. Her children were all awake now. They all stared on in silence at the strange scene in front of them, wearing the same mystified expressions that she herself must have been wearing.

Eventually, slowly, she raised her wings and wrapped them gently around the swimmer. Only then did his sobbing begin to subside. She let him sob for a long time, until finally he could sob no more. She disengaged from him and stepped back.

"Petrie? Is that really you?"

The swimmer nodded, his eyes still moist.

Even then, Mama Flyer wasn't sure she believed it, for it was completely unbelievable. But, then, where did Petrie go? And why was this swimmer, who was clearly so emotionally torn apart, trying so desperately to convince her that he was in fact her son? And if he wasn't her son, then who was he? Where had he come from?

She studied him. He looked so similar to Ducky. And that's when it made Mama Flyer wonder... how was Ducky doing? Surely nothing bad had happened? Yet Mama Flyer could not escape the growing sense of unease which lingered in her gut. It was just a feeling, but a feeling all the same...

Whether the swimmer truly was Petrie or not, she said to him, "I'm going to look for Ducky. Do you know who she is? Will you come with me to find her?"


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[Note: Written on phone, I'll edit this later and do the formatting on PC)

The swimmer must have ignored it at first but as she spoke those ridiculous words in her confusion, she could clearly see her beak moving.

"I am a flyer, am I still dreaming or have I gone crazy?" The shock sat deep but it didn't really change the fact that the swimmer was curious at nature so she began to investigate her new body and it's abilities. Starting at the bottom, she carefully lifted one of her feet, almost unbalancing herself in the process as her center of weight was a little different now. Considering how fragile and small they were, it was no wonder that they didn't create a lot of thrust while swimming. Carefully, she walked around for a little while to get used to the different feeling.

"I feel a little lighter than before, yes I do." Indeed, her body, although similar in height, appeared to be considerably lighter as walking didn't take nearly as much effort as it used to. Next, she looked at her arms which were now interwoven with a leathery membrane that would only fully stretch when spreading her arms as far as she could. Unfortunately, it seemed that this membrane was sucking in a lot of water so her arms felt awfully heavy and her muscles ached just from lifting them above the ground. It also seemed like there was a certain muscle around the area of her chest that flyers used while flying though it was terribly underdeveloped and weak while her legs felt unnaturally strong for a dinosaur as fragile as a flyer. As she looked back, she realized that she had only a very little tail which was more of a stub than an actual tail and rather useless when it came to balancing her weight. Flyers appeared to be aligning more vertically though which made a long tail unnecessary.

"I really hope this is a sleep story, I do not like not having a tail, no no no..." she mumbled quietly to herself, already missed one of her most prominent features. Finally, she looked at her reflection in the river again, studying her face, also with the help of her hands. Her eyes looked a little different since her pupils were smaller but it still looked like herself in a way with this particular shade of blue her eyes had. Her beak appeared to be a very light green colour and it was hard to the touch.

"At least I still have a crest-thingy, yes I do," she thought, stroking it with some sort of appreciation. The shape was a little different; longer and thinner but it was still a crest.

"I suppose I really am a flyer but... how? I waked-ed up from the funny sleepstory and now I am in a different sleep story? But... it feels so real, it really does, it does...

Out of curiosity, the swimmer kicked a tree and it stung immediately as her fragile little foot collided with the tough wood.

"Ouch, if it hurts, it must be real... How did I change into... this? I do not like it oh no I do not... I need to find my mommy, she will know, she always knows, yes she does."

And so, the swimmer started walking upstream with some difficulty, wondering on the way if she could fly too but she didn't dare try for the memory of falling to her death still felt all too real and besides how did it even work? Knowing that even Petrie took years to master it, she didn't think she could accomplish it.

After a while, she stopped when she heard a curious sound, almost as if someone was slurping across the grassy meadows with their overlarge belly.

That was when her eyes spotted a peculiar something slowly approaching her from upstream the river. Curious, she stood still and squinted her eyes.

"A bellydragger... A BELLYDRAGGER?!"
Inactive, probably forever.


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His mother’s words came as a huge shock to Petrie and for a few moments, he could only stare at the flyer, unable to comprehend just what he had heard. Had she actually believed his words that easily, not really questioning them any further? However, as he saw nothing but love mixed with worry and confusion, the boy know he could trust his mother even in the middle of this bad sleep story. For the first time since his transformation, Petrie felt a glimmer of comfort and hope.

However, her last words would have puzzled him had the situation been any different. What did his mother want this Ducky? They weren’t even friends anymore and Petrie couldn’t comprehend what the older dinosaur wanted with her. However, he didn’t care in this moment and he wanted to simply have something else to think about than his condition. He answered meekly to the flyer, trying to keep his words intelligible through his tears.

“Okay, momma. Me come with you. And thank you for believing Petrie.”

The boy sniffed sadly before he did what he always had done as a flyer when he would leave his home. He turned towards the edge of his nest, spread his arms… and jumped into the nothingness. The cry that he let out once he realized his mistake would haunt everyone who heard it for a long time.
« Last Edit: January 12, 2020, 04:40:54 PM by Sovereign »


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Petrie was right about one thing— his cries did haunt anyone who happened to be within earshot, a certain glider included. Guido had been enjoying his peaceful, snoring softly as he lay sprawled out in his now disarrayed nest of leaves. That was when he heard it. A loud, sorrowful cry that rang out through the valley like a powerful wave erupting from the Big Water. The jade feathers of his frill suddenly shot up, his eyes snapping open.

For a moment, Guido didn’t know who the cry belonged to or where it came from as his eyes roamed around frantically. “What was that?” He whispered to no one, really, just himself. Once the cover of sleep was lifted off of his mind, it registered. He suddenly realized who had cried out in such fear and despair, and his emotions hit him all at once. “Petrie!”

Without thinking he left the cover of his home, soaring across the dark valley sky, illuminated with millions upon millions of twinning stars, in search of his friend. “Petrie?” He called out, earning no response. Guido had already been worried before as soon as he heard the noise that woke him. Now, he was even more anxious. Then, by mere chance, he happened to catch a glimpse of Mama Flyer from the sky. Without the slightest hesitation, he swooped down towards the ground, his heart pounding against his chest. “Petrie! Petrie, are you...” his eyes landed on the brown swimmer trailing after the female flyer. There was no doubt in Guido’s mind, but it couldn’t be! Could it? Honestly, Guido didn’t even know— he was sleeping a mere moment ago and now his most trusted friend was a swimmer? Maybe it was all a bad sleep story. A really bad one. This was the last time he ate those bright yellow buzzers for dinner.

“P-Petrie? Is that you...? Am... am I still asleep-?”

« Last Edit: January 13, 2020, 11:50:15 AM by jassy »
"Don't you ever wonder what's out there?"  :rainbowThinking



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It was an impossibility. And yet, it was actually his reality.

On instinct, Spike dunked his head into the water, splashing his face to snap himself out of a possible sleep story.

…and immediately let out the air in his mouth out in shock, a torrent of bubbles rapidly frothing to the surface when he realized that he could see the turquoise depths surprisingly well.

Almost like a swimmer, or a…

Spike took his head out of the river and inhaled in a deep breath, before clamping his mouth shut when he realized just how big his mouth was now… and how sharp his teeth were.

Fighting the urge to hyperventilate, he let his laid-back nature take over as much as it could while he tried to rationalize just what was happening.

Things like this didn’t just happen. Not without a reason. Slowly nodding his head up and down while blinking his eyes repeatedly while seeing the reflection copy the movements reaffirmed what plunging his face in the river had already proven in a roundabout, scary way.

He had indeed become a bellydragger.

Spike shuddered. Barring his purple eye color—which was the only constant carrying over from after he had awakened from this —as well as a slightly dark green shade and a roundish bulge near his belly region, his current appearance otherwise had an almost uncanny resemblance to Dil, that horrid bellydragger from the Land of Mists who relentlessly pursued them with Ichy and had almost gotten his sister…

His eyes widened, lighting up for the first time since he’d awakened.

…that was it! His sister, Ducky!

Even though he perpetually communicated in half-hearted hunger-induced grunts, the swimmer had always been able to understand him. Even in such an unusual state, she was his best bet of recognizing him!

It slowly dawned on Spike that the Great Valley didn’t take kindly to predators, and someone like Cera’s father would not hesitate to prematurely attack him.

That would not end well. He had to find Ducky, and fast. Spike took a step forward with his front foot…

…and instantly lost his balance with a startled cry, legs giving way as he slumped against the sandy ground. Alas, his hind legs and tail were not where he expected them to be, and his plump stomach which his firmer spiketail legs had always been able to support was not quite up to snuff for his current bellydragger legs.

Spike groaned. His insatiable appetite had betrayed him for once. He couldn’t support his current weight in this new body without getting used to it, but that was time which he did not have. If any of the valley residents saw him now, the consequences would be tumultuous.

Not one to give up, Spike bit his lip and groaned as he used his front feet to drag his body across the ground, distractedly flopping and sliding along the grassy terrain in a manner akin to how a grounded swimmer like Mo would act on land. It was a tiring way to move, but it worked. He had no idea how much distance he’d gained before a panicked gasp snapped him out of his concentration, bringing him to a standstill.

"A bellydragger… A BELLYDRAGGER?!”

Spike looked up to see an unusually-colored green flyer trembling in front of him. Before he could even open his mouth or even have time to analyze the situation and react appropriately, there was a second screech that appeared to come from the direction of the cliffside nests, the cry having an amplitude that appeared to split the air itself.
Would it be possible for swimmers and flyers to get more love around here? Both figuratively… and literally.

That one guy who writes LBT fanfiction and accidentally makes them five times longer than he'd originally intended.


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The swimmer couldn’t have come up with anything more disheartening than to hear his friend’s voice speak to him. Petrie immediately recognized the speaker but he didn’t move a muscle as a sign he had heard his question. His heart still beat wickedly in a mixture of shock and shame over his fall, the feeling of him heading towards the ground helplessly still haunting his mind. Even beyond the horror and fear, that incident had proved the one thing he had already known: he was no longer a flyer and his birthright had been robbed from him, perhaps forever.

In this moment, it was hard for him to feel gratitude to his mother even if she had saved him from certain death. Some part of him even hoped she had let him fall as at least in that case he wouldn’t have had to face this crushing reality any longer. He dreaded even to speak as his own voice felt alien to him and he took a deep breath before he answered to the glider.

“It me, Guido. But just go. Me not want to speak to anyone right now.” He said, not even looking at the other boy as he took one powerless and hopeless step after another. Even if he hadn’t started to dislike Guido like his other friends, he had spoken the truth in saying he wanted to be alone for now.