The Gang of Five
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TLBT Fanfiction series

Ducky123 · 57 · 12477


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Chapter 3: This is very special

Now it was a day like many when the story about the young apatosaurus by the name Littlefoot starts - a very typical day. The herd of four were lumbering through the landscape which was only a shadow of what it used to be, wide meadows having turned into vast and dry plains, dead forests reminding them of the former glory of the land they were travelling through, a hot, dusty wind blowing in their faces as the Bright Circle sent its merciless rays upon their features. It had been about a year since the longneck herd had grown by one member back on a stormy evening. Littlefoot had been prospering as much as was possible under their harsh living conditions. Slowly, but surely, he was growing bigger, stronger... but also hungrier.

“Oww, is this all there is to eat?” Littlefoot was pretty sure he’d complained about the lack of food at least a dozen times in the last couple days but, or so he perceived it at least, there was less and less food to satisfy his stomach which was roaring after food at this point - he couldn’t help it! His grandfather had plucked some bark from a dead tree for him to chew on but, in all honesty, it did little more than keeping him busy chewing for a while because neither did it satisfy his hunger much nor was it very sustainable for his growing body.

“The land has been changing…” came a voice from some distance ahead. It was his mother, walking ahead and acting as the leader for their small group while she kept her vigilance for both food and predators. “That is why we must walk as far as we can each day… until we reach the Great Valley.” A very typical day indeed - it was the same answer the young boy got every time; and he was beginning to doubt they would ever reach that place. At this rate, he’d starve before they reached it!

“I’m sorry, my dear, maybe good luck will return to us eventually, granting us food and water, but, until then, this is all there is at the moment and this is all we can do…” She sounded tired and exhausted, trying to give an optimistic smile in her son’s direction but, optimistic she was not. The Great Valley was just a rumor spreading among the herds, a place said to be a paradise where there was food and water in abundance, much in contrary of the remaining land. Whether the rumors were true or just wishful thinking, nobody knew for certain - not the spiketails, swimmers, flyers, threehorns and many other kinds they had crossed paths with since the drought had kicked off… and certainly not them either. But everybody seemed to pursue it nonetheless. There was nowhere to stay for long and no certainty that the long journey would ever end but it gave everyone a slight amount of hope to grasp on.

It was just this small amount of hope why Bron had volunteered to go find it despite the odds and risks of such a journey - chances were that he never did… and never would. Littlefoot hadn’t been told about his father yet. His family had expected him to be back around the time of his hatching but he hadn’t returned to them up to the day they had to get moving. Eventually, the swamp had begun to dry out and, with most of the food being gobbled up, they were forced to move and start their perilous travel towards the Great Valley - still a place unknown due to the fact that Bron hadn’t returned to them in time. Their only hope now was that he would follow and find them eventually. Though, with the big draught going on and Sharpteeth being more aggressive than ever, they could not rule out the possibility that they would never see each other again.

Littlefoot felt like retorting to the words of his mother but what would it change? She couldn’t just magically make food appear out of nowhere after all, it simply wasn’t possible! Deep inside, the boy knew that times would get better eventually (maybe that Valley really existed? Chances weren’t too bright but that was still better than not having any, right?) but it truly wasn’t easy at the moment - and he was quite frankly sick of eating nothing but bark and sticks for days with no water to drink.

“The poor boy, having to grow up like that, going through all this pain and hardship at such a young age…” The large female regretted not being able to help the situation, making life a little more worthwhile for Littlefoot. Of course she couldn’t brag about her own childhood which was far from being all happy-go-lucky but, at least, she had a childhood, a home, friends to play with… Littlefoot had none of that, living at constant risk of death. It truly wasn’t fair but what was there that she could do? The large sauropod was utterly clueless, focussing her mind on the next patch of dead trees around the bend of the path they were following at current. That was when she saw it!

“Littlefoot, quickly, come here!”

“Huh?” the child didn’t know what caused his rather sluggish mother to grow some excitement but he was certain he’d find out if he did as requested. Entering a short sprint, he had caught up to her in the matter of a few seconds. Following her gaze, it didn’t take him long to see what his mother was seeing - an object he’d never seen before, but he knew too well what it was…

“Look, up there… a treestar!” the female exclaimed, smiling and stretching her long neck to reach the leaf which was high up on top of the tree where only the tallest dinosaur caught reach. With careful precision, she grabbed the leaf, pulling it off the tree, slowly bringing it down on ground-level for her astonished son to see and feast upon. As it was sailing down, guided by the large dinosaur, some moisture was gathering in the middle of the large leaf despite the Bright Circle already ascending quite high into the sky. The young longneck giggled, hopping up and down in excitement.

“A treestar…” the boy’s mouth stood wide open as the mysterious food source came into view.

“This is very special,” she explained once the leaf had touched the crumbly ground. “...and it’ll help you grow strong. Where we are going there are so many of these leaves.”

Littlefoot wasn’t really paying attention to his mother’s words anymore - too exciting was the discovery of this rare beauty of nature, this characteristically-shaped, succulent and green leaf. The boy couldn’t help but admire it, would he ever see another one? Somehow, he had a feeling finding this one was a good sign that times were about to change for the better again. His spirits high at last, the young one began playing with the treestar, tossing it around to boost it up into the sky.

“I wish he could be like that more often…” the elderly female mentioned quietly as her mate joined her in watching this heartwarming moment of their grandson playing with his first treestar in the most innocent way imaginable. They soon joined each other in a rare moment of exchanging amused chuckles.

“Come on,” his mother eventually spoke with a smile - they had to continue their journey.

Littlefoot was still awe-struck by how cool this treestar was - so cool in fact that he felt a hint of regret about eating it. From the second he had seen it, the star-shaped leaf almost seemed like a talisman to him - something he should keep because of its meaning and importance. However, his belly started rumbling just at that moment, reminding him of his great hunger he’d been complaining about only moments ago. So what should he do? He’d already licked across the leaf in order to discover its wonderful taste which further shifted his opinions on the matter, though he just wasn’t ready to make a decision that he might regret later yet, placing the huge leaf on his back to carry it for the time being until he would finally be able to make up his mind. His folks were on the verge of leaving after all.

“He is not eating it?” his grandfather promptly puzzled but didn’t address the matter just yet - children could have the weirdest antics but that was just what made them children. The old male was just happy that his innocence was still intact despite the hard life he had to endure thus far.

“The Great Valley is filled with green food like this,” his mother went on as soon as they had started to move. “More than you could ever eat; and more fresh cool water than you could ever drink. It is a wonderful, beautiful place where we can live happily with many more of our own kind…”

More food than you could ever eat? Was such a thing even possible? As far as Littlefoot could remember, there had never been a time where food or water had been plentiful. It had been a continuous struggle to find enough for all of them to survive. They had been in a lot of places already but food was scarce everywhere. Why would there be such a place with more food than anyone could eat when the rest of the world didn’t have much at all? Wouldn’t it be more fair if there wasn’t any such place in exchange for more plentiful resources everywhere else? The young Longneck puzzled but he did not have the intelligence nor the understanding for such complex matters yet. Should he ask his folks about it?

“No… mother is praising this Great Valley no matter what happens, I don’t think she would take kindly to this question…” As a matter of fact, Littlefoot knew a much better question to ask.

“Gee, when will we get there?” It had been several cycles of the Night Circle by now that they’d been spending travelling the barren lands but no apparent progress was detectable to the young boy yet.

“The Bright Circle must pass over us many times; and we must follow it each day to where it touches the ground…” Her voice was distant, almost mysterious. If anything, Littlefoot was even more dissuaded from the idea of going there. He couldn’t help it - he had to utter his concerns. It wasn’t like he had any better ideas but, still, he needed to know if the Great Valley was a real thing and not just an empty promise to keep his spirits high.

“Have you ever seen the Great Valley?” This caused his mother to slow her sluggish walk to a halt, turning her massive neck around to face her son.

“No,” she spoke, her face revealing that she was expecting her son to not be done with this answer. And she would be right about that.

“Well, how do you know it’s really there?” There, he said it. Littlefoot was a little worried about his mother's reaction. After all, he knew she was a loving dinosaur but she could get a little angry sometimes when he wouldn’t do what she wanted him to. Surprisingly, she did not yell… but she gave a sad, melancholic smile, almost as if she wished she could give him a different answer.

“Oh Littlefoot…” How was she going to explain the situation to her son without breaking his spirits? How should she tell him that she knew little more than him where the promised lands were located, that she was lying to him all the time and making promises she would more than likely fail to fulfill.

“Maybe a cryptic message might give him something to ponder about for a while?” She had to try it!

“Some things you see with your eyes… others you see with your heart,” the adult spoke after sighing heavily.

“Huh?!” Littlefoot had expected a lot but… this? He had no idea what he had just heard.

“I don’t understand, mother,” he stated with a slight, unintentional amount of sarcasm, his inability to understand depressing him a little, his head beginning to hang low. However, his mother smiled at him warmly.

“You will, my son, you will…” The young boy couldn’t help but smile at the words of his mother and the affectionate nuzzle she was giving him. No matter how much he wanted to understand, for now he would leave things be - he just wasn’t likely to get any answer out of the grown-up that’d explain his questions in an understandable way.

“Come on, little one, we need to follow the Bright Circle some more,” his grandmother approached him from behind, gently nudging him to move. The boy did not object.


Boy I'm glad I decided to postpone this by some days because I noticed some flaws with this chapter than I was able to fix just now! Anyway, I hope you like my take on these scenes! I kept rather close to the original here but that is heavily going to change in the next chapter. You will see soon I hope, depends on how productive the rest of the evening is, I guess :p
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This was a pretty nice retelling of this great scene and its feeling was captured rather well here. I liked Littlefoot's childish thoughts as they gave additional emotions to this sequence to fill the hole left by the absence of Horner's score.  :p His internal monologue was believable and it suited Littlefoot's early character development well. Also, I liked the explanation you gave for his mother's answer: there was no deep wisdom there, only an awkward way to cover her own lack of knowledge.  :smile

I must say, there were some parts here that were difficult to turn directly into fanfiction from the film. For example, Littlefoot's Mother's reflections of her own childhood were a welcome addition to this scene but I have a feeling you would have told about it in more detail if this was a fully original fanfic. As it is, doing a few paragraphs-long description of this sideplot would have derailed the film's pacing but that's just something I noticed. Also, Bron's story is impossible to explain in a good way. :lol

Despite those nitpicks, it was fun to read this sweet scene as a fanfic. The deepening of the characters' thoughts and motives is a good way to flesh out the characters even more which is always a nice thing to do in a fanfic. This is a good story thus far and I have a feeling, as you said, that the next scenes are about to go some serious reediting!  :)


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Thank you very much!  :lol

I must say, there were some parts here that were difficult to turn directly into fanfiction from the film. For example, Littlefoot's Mother's reflections of her own childhood were a welcome addition to this scene but I have a feeling you would have told about it in more detail if this was a fully original fanfic. As it is, doing a few paragraphs-long description of this sideplot would have derailed the film's pacing but that's just something I noticed. Also, Bron's story is impossible to explain in a good way. dino_laugh.gif
The bit about the childhood of his mother was nothing important. I just thought it might make sense for her to compare her own childhood to that of her son :)

As for Bron... yeeeeaah :p My personal headcannon is that Bron never found the Valley because he didn't believe it even existed and only those who believed in its existance could find it (hence Littlefoot did and Cera didn't for example) but that would have gone too far for this story.
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Story is looking good so far, Ducky.
Question: Are these added scenes from the deleted scenes?


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Thank you :)

Some additional scenes will be deleted scenes that we know of but I am going to make up some of my own as well  :yes
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Quote from: Ducky123,Sep 10 2017 on  03:42 AM
Thank you :)

Some additional scenes will be deleted scenes that we know of but I am going to make up some of my own as well  :yes
Oh. Enjoy making your own.


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Chapter 4: Threehorns never play with longnecks:

For a while, the small herd kept on walking in silence. The Bright Circle had surpassed its highest position on the sky soon but the time of greatest heat was yet to come. The longer they walked, the more the heat got to them - and of course Littlefoot had it much harder than his larger mother and grandparents. Besides, now that there wasn’t anything to distract him, his hunger became all the more overwhelming, making him doubt a certain decision once more.

“Should I eat it? I don’t want to but… I’m so hungry!” Even though the treestar was very light, it still seemed as though he was carrying a whole tree on his back. His stomach twisted itself, yearning for the food he was carrying, but the young boy tried not to listen; tried harder as they passed through a barren area.

“Must not eat it, it’s too important!” Littlefoot kept telling himself that but to little avail. Ultimately, when another dead forest with bone dry, tall grass, bordering the path they were walking on, entered his eyes, something in his head snapped - or maybe it was his stomach?

“Screw this, I need to eat something now!” The boy came to a halt behind his folks who were leading the way, lumbering ahead slowly. In a swift movement, Littlefoot sent the treestar on his back sailing high up into the air before it slowly began to fall in front of his eyes. At least he would have a good look at it before swallowing this treasure, or so he thought. As soon as the leaf had given in to gravitation at last, saliva gathering in the small longneck’s mouth as he took in its wonderful sight, the highly aesthetic shape, the greenest of all greens, the smell and the expectation of just how good it would taste compared to his usual food, he mentally prepared himself to say goodbye. In a way, even if just for a mere hour or two, this treestar had been like a friend. It hurt to let go but his hunger was greater than his heart at this point so, finally, Littlefoot opened his mouth wide, preparing to take the first bite.

Please forgive me, I will never forget you, my first treestar. You will always be something special no matter how many other treestars I’m going to see in the Great Valley…” The Longneck made his move, the neck bending down, teeth ready to bite, when, suddenly, he halted in the middle of his movement as the wind carried the sound of laughter from behind some tall grass…


“See how strong I am, daddy?” Laughing happily, a little threehorn girl with an orange colour jumped happily up and down in front of her huge, grey-coloured father.

“Yes, I see, Cera.” The tall adult was the personification of strength and determination, his strict gaze lying on his little daughter. “You are strong, just like your father. However, you must become stronger; never be satisfied with what you’ve got, always aim to get better at everything and try being the best of them all. That’s what we threehorns stand for, humpff!”

“Yes, daddy!” the young one responded, eagerly listening to her father’s speech. One day, she would be just like him. No, even better than him! But she still had a long way to go. “I will always try to be stronger than anyone!”

“Great, that’s what I want to hear from my daughter!” the adult spoke with pride. “You were hatched the weakest but have everything you need to be just like your sisters; you’re stronger than most children your age already and you’ll beat them, all of them! I just know it!”

“Yes daddy, let’s play the charging game some more!” the girl inquired - she really needed to get better at this so she could beat her sisters in their games more often!

“Sure, you know what is to do, daughter,” the adult spoke gruffly. It wasn’t particularly entertaining to be the punching ball for his daughter to practise with but he did it gladly if it made her a stronger threehorn that was more likely to stand her ground and survive.

Cera indeed knew what she had to do. “Paw at the ground, muscles ready, charge!” With a mighty scream, the child pressed onward, gaining momentum as she sprinted directly towards her father to headbutt him full on. Of course she was much too small to make any impact on her father but it was good training all the same. Better take on someone stronger than you to learn.


“Laughter… maybe there’s someone to play with behind that tall grass!” Suddenly, his hunger didn’t matter anymore. Littlefoot left the treestar lying where it was, sticking his long neck through the foliage, hardly registering his mother reminding him not to wander off too far from them. He just needed to see for himself what was beyond the grass and if there was a friend waiting to be made!

The first thing that met his eyes, was another dinosaur - not one of his type for sure. They had long horns on their face and no long neck like he did. That one wasn’t the source of laughter however; it was a grown-up and grown-ups didn’t laugh a lot. Just then, he spotted a small, orange dot running towards the big dinosaur, laughing as it crashed into the big one. Maybe this was a sort of game? Littlefoot decided to watch.


After a few attempts, Cera still wasn’t tired of the game despite a slight headache beginning to establish - her skull still needed to harden much to her annoyance. her father silently acknowledged the efforts of his daughter with a nod each time she got up again to try again however useless her charge may be.

“Ugh, what’s this?” Suddenly, just after being knocked down another time, Cera heard an annoying sound next to her ear. A buzzer was hovering right next to her ear almost as if it was challenging her to play catch. Luckily, it was none of the biting or stinging sort but Cera despised these annoying creatures no matter whether they had a unpleasant surprise in store or not. Grinning maliciously, the girl turned away from her father, her attention now on the buzzer - she would train her charging skills on that buzzer now and she’d be damned if she didn’t catch it!


Littlefoot had been watching for a while now, fascinated by the strength and determination of this girl who wouldn’t give up at this game. Truth be told, he had little idea what the game was about but little did he care. Due to the fact that he never had any playmates, he hardly knew any games anyway.

Things were starting to get interesting for him when the girl decided to chase after a flying buzzer, approaching his position.

“Hey!” the longneck called to get her attention.


“She’s using her skills on a buzzer now?” The old threehorn scowled quickly for being abandoned until he realized his daughter had simply decided to switch the punching ball. “Well, whatever works, humpff!”

Meanwhile, Cera had started her chase - the insect could fly much faster than she first thought so she redoubled her efforts. “I’m gonna catch that bug!” With a mighty roar, Cera charged with full might but the insect evaded her excellently, taking a seat on some nearby rock.

“Damn it!” she grumbled, pawing at the ground once more to prepare her next charge. “I’m going to crush the rock it’s sitting on! I can do this!”

With a mighty roar, the orange threehorn charged again. The buzzer didn’t notice her until she was about to crush it - it lifted off barely in time before Cera’s skull impacted the small rock, breaking it into several pieces as if it was no effort at all. She was a little dazed but it didn’t stop her from breaking another rock the buzzer had decided to sit on.


“She can crush rocks with her head?!” Littlefoot stood there astounded by the girl’s abilities. “Gee, wish I could do that…” It wasn’t like longnecks didn’t have any abilities - for instance they could reach the highest of trees and knock them down with ease if necessary or do tricks with their tails, but, right now, he could help but wish he had such abilities as well. With increased curiousity, Littlefoot kept on observing the threehorn’s efforts to catch the bug.


“You really won’t give up, huh buzzer?!” Cera’s headache was increasing rapidly, her anger rising as the bug slipped away yet another time, repositioning itself on an even larger boulder that gave a much more solid and unmoving impression. However, Cera wouldn’t be a threehorn if she didn’t try splitting that one in half just as well. Uttering yet another cry of wrath, the girl charged forward with all her might...


… but the boulder did not seem to be impressed by her forceful impact, repelling the threehorn, causing her to fall flat on her back. Not even the bug seemed to be impressed, merely sitting on top of it.

“Ouch, that hurt…” Cera flinched but just pain wouldn’t stop her. In a way, pain even gave her more strength and the will to make someone pay for it. Preparing to give it another try, the threehorn quickly noticed that there was not much of a need since her target was facing away from her, sitting on top of the rock. “Unaware…”

A wide, devilish grin appearing on her face, Cera rose from her position, rose above the bug, ready to kill it. Threehorns didn’t eat insects of course but her father taught her to kill them as a show of strength, especially since many of these had the boldness to cause itchy bites on their skin, thus enraging their wrath and damaging their pride. Opening her mouth, slowly approaching… “and then killing it in a swift movement…” However, it never came to that. Just as soon as the girl considered herself ready to plunge down, the bug suddenly sprayed a purple, gooey fluid into her face and eyes, which burned like acid, momentarily blinding and deteriorating the young child.


“Oh my!” Littlefoot couldn’t help it. As soon as he saw it happen, a surge of laughter burst out of him in no time. Never in his life had he seen something so utterly comical and hilarious. Laughing felt so good after all the dark times of walking endlessly with the omnipresent lingering doom around them so he laughed without hesitation until tears came.


“What the…” Above all, even above the burning pain, Cera was heavily confused. What the heck had just transpired? Instinctively, she shook her head violently to get rid of the acidic fluid burning her skin and eyes. That was when she heard it. Laughter. Blood rising to her head quickly, the girl turn around… towards the source of laughter.

“A longneck?! What is HE doing here in our territory?! And why was he stalking me!?” There was no option, the other dinosaur had to pay for this. Entering their territory was one thing that she couldn’t care less about but stalking and laughing on her extend, humiliating her in front of her father who had probably been watching… no. He would have to suffer for even daring to do this.

“What are YOU laughing at!?” she snorted, her face still burning but it only made her stronger.


“Uh oh…” Littlefoot had soon stopped laughing as he noticed the threehorn taking notice of him… “and she does not look pleased with me…” As she took the same stance as previously when he was watching, Littlefoot realized that she was up to playing that game with him now however brutal it seemed. And he would not miss a game when he saw one! Loosely copying her posture, the longneck readied himself to run and crash into the other child…


“Now you’ll pay…” Cera dug her feet into the ground as she started sprinting towards her most recent object to train her charging and headbutting skills on. She gained more and more speed…


Suddenly, the earth under her very feet was shaking as her father jumped right in front of her, growling with his deep voice. The girl, knowing that her father would do the chasing and hurting for her, retreated behind the protective mass of his body.


One moment Littlefoot was chasing towards a child of her size, the other moment an adult of another species was towering above him, scaring the guts out of him. “Oh no, mother help me…” the boy thought as he was too stunned to scream for help, standing on shaking legs against the penetrating glare of the adult threehorn.


“Threehorns never play with longnecks!” Cera heard her father speak as he drove the longneck away from her by his sheer presence, sticking her tongue out at the longneck being scrutinized by the adult. The poor child seemed petrified and scared. “...which deserves him right!” As if to reinforce her father’s statement, the girl jumped out of her cover, approaching and driving the longneck further back as she repeated her father’s words.

“Threehorns never play with longnecks!”

Suddenly, she felt herself grabbed as her father took her away from the scene. It was only then that Cera saw the monstrous longneck in front of her, picking up the longneck boy before leaving the scene under the watchful eyes of her father.


About time, isn't it? Finished this one on Sunday, actually.

Next chapter will be a surprise :)
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This chapter went pretty much the same way as the film but Littlefoot's dilemma about his treestar (Littlefoot didn't seem all too conflicted about eating the treestar in the film though but it was a funny scene here) and Cera's thoughts were quite funny to read! The Topps/Cera conversation was a rather obvious and predictable one but I guess it was a good way to "introduce" the duo. However, Cera's attempts to crush the buzzer were amusing and her reaction to Littlefoot's appearance worked well. As always, you've deepened this scene further than the film did even if this installment didn't offer many surprises in terms of plot. However, it'll be interesting to see what this surprise for the next chapter is! :smile


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thanks Sovereign! :smile

Yeah, I decided to stick to the movie's version quite a bit but I deepened it as you said, yep yep yep :)

As for Littlefoot's treestar, I thought, since he has such a strong bond to it later on, I might as well build a basis for that other than just being a memory of his mother :)
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F-14 Ace

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This is really good and I hope to see more.  I especially like the added stuff.  It adds an extra layer of character depth.  While the deleted scenes still have yet to be found, I hope you'll try to re-imagine them as well.


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I shall, thank you. :)

I only regret the lack of time to work on this lately... or just to do the formatting of the latest chapter  :bang
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So yeah, I finally went ahead and took on the huge challenge to format this properly  :bang

I hope the two months of waiting were well worth of this little surprise chapter!

Though before I post this, I need to explain just one little thing. You may or may not recognize the work of rhombus and Fyn16 in this chapter. Yes, after reading their collaborative story "Perspectives", I asked them if it was possible to include their extended take on Littlefoot's and Cera's first encounter and I do have their full permission to do so. Now, I didn't just copy their work but merged the two different perspectives into one storyline and made minor edits where I considered them due.

That being said, I hope you enjoy the read and remember that this will be a two parter due to length :)


Chapter 5: Threehorns never play with Longnecks 2

Part 1:

“Threehorns never play with longnecks!”

Despite his befuddlement at the sudden aggression from his new friend and her intimidating father, he did not resist as his mother began to lift him by the tail. Within moments he saw the ground fall below him as the larger sauropod took him skyward, out of harm’s way. From his vantage point, dangling from her mouth, he did not see the knowing glance  between the two parents, or the threehorns begin to walk away in parting, but as soon as he was placed on his mother’s back he made his thoughts known.

“Mother, what’s a long-neck?”

It was not the most obvious starting point, and it really wasn’t his major concern, but for some reason the mentioning of a “longneck” caught his attention. Maybe if the threehorn couldn’t play with him then this mysterious “longneck” would be welcome to play?

“Why, that’s what we are, dear.”


In his five short years of life he had mainly kept to his herd, just him, his mother, and his grandparents. He had never considered that all of these odd dinosaurs they told him about or seen from afar might have given his kind a name. Though, the more he thought about it, the name did make sense. They did have rather long necks, compared to the short-necks. His thoughts trailed off after a few seconds before another question entered his mind. A question which more closely reflected his angst.

“Well, why can’t I play with that threehorn?” He laughed as he recalled the threehorn's antics, “We were having fun!”

“We all keep to our own kind - The three-horns, the spiketails, the swimmers, the fliers. We never do anything together.”

Despite his youth, Littlefoot knew a deflection when he heard one. His mother had given him a “what” answer, but she did not answer the “why”. Maybe she didn’t hear him?


“Well, because we're different,” came her unsatisfactory answer, “It's always been that way.”

She did not mishear, that much was obvious; clearly she simply didn't want to answer. This would not dissuade the little longneck, however.

“Well, why?”

She laughed, “Oh, don't worry so much. When we reach the Great Valley, there will be many, many longnecks for you to play with.”

Littlefoot sighed. Regardless of why the different herds were separate, it would be nice to play with others of his kind. Longnecks, he reminded himself in his mind, that is what the others call us.

“I wish we were there now.”

His mother’s voice almost seemed  far-away as she answered, “It's a long way yet - past the rock that looks like a long-neck, the mountains that burn. Still a long way, but we'll get there.”

Littlefoot could only hope that she was right.


“Come, Cera. Threehorns never play with longnecks.”

Cera stood by her father’s enormous foot, unsure of what to do. When the great threehorn arrived, she’d only thought he was joining in, the same way he did when she played within the confines of the herd, but this was different. He was glaring, snarling at the young longneck who had surprised her, the one who had dared to laugh at her admitted embarrassment at the tail end of a squirting buzzer. In other words, it seemed “play” was the farthest thing from his mind. Was this strange creature an enemy of some kind? Cera was deeply confused. Behind the safety of her father’s foot, she stuck her tongue out at the longneck, payback for his mocking laughter. As if to back her up, her father growled menacingly at him, forcing the longneck back until he was well clear of her.

It was clear now to Cera where her father stood on the longneck’s presence. He was something weaker, something to be intimidated. And even as her long-necked adversary’s mother approached, a towering creature that would probably have frightened her had she been alone, she decided to prove herself to him, to prove once again that she could be just as strong as her father.

“Threehorns never play with longnecks!” she echoed, just before a familiar pressure clamped down on her tail, dragging her back and up into the air. She looked up just in time to see the mother longneck and her own father meet each other’s eyes before giving one another a curt nod and parting ways.

She didn’t understand it. If her father didn’t want the longneck around, but didn’t want her going anywhere near him, then what was she to do? She wasn’t about to let some stranger laugh at her and get away with it, and she doubted her father would have wanted that either. He’d always told her to stick up for herself, and this? This was hardly that. This was running away.

“Daddy, where are we going? Why’d you take me away from the longneck?”

The larger threehorn set his daughter down, and when she looked up at him, she saw disappointment in his eyes.

“You ran away from our lesson, Cera. I won’t have you hanging around with stuck-up, untrustworthy longnecks while there are still things I have left to teach you. The Mysterious Beyond is not a forgiving place, and I-”

“But he laughed at me!” she protested, “and you just pulled me away!”

“Don’t interrupt me!” her father barked, and Cera settled down. She knew that voice, and it was a voice best obeyed. Disobedience could cost her a meal, or ground her to the herd for the next few days, both of which were less than appealing options.

“Cera, I don’t want you anywhere near that longneck or his kind,” he continued, looking down the hill. At the bottom, the rest of his herd had gathered, some enjoying the afternoon light, others going about their business, eating whatever food they could find and drinking from the nearby stream.

“Why not? He wasn’t stuck-up or anything. I just didn’t want him to laugh at me, that’s all! I thought you wanted me to stick up for myself!”

“I do, but… but this is different.”

“Why is it different? I was just trying to be like you!”

“I don’t want you to be like me, Cera. Not right now, anyway. Right now, I want you to listen so that one day you have the chance to grow up and be like me.”

“I wasn’t going to hurt him or anything,” she protested.

“I’m not worried about whether or not some longneck child gets hurt. It’s you I’m looking out for.”

At this, Cera tilted her head in confusion. There was nothing remotely dangerous about the longneck. It wasn’t as if he was a sharptooth, and when they’d met, she hadn’t seen anything dangerous about him. Just a curious kid about her age with a goofy smile and an annoying laugh.

“I don’t need protection. There’s nothing dangerous about Leaf Eaters. It’s just sharpteeth I should be scared of.”

Her father sighed, his shoulders sagging in the way they did when she wasn’t listening to him. He looked down the hill, past the stream, as if trying to find something. When his eyes locked onto it, he nodded.

“Come with me, Cera. There’s something I want to show you.”


The little longneck twitched as the unwelcome light of the Bright Circle appeared through the clouds, making his previously cool resting spot rapidly rise in temperature. This was not what made him open his eyes, however.


Littlefoot’s eyes opened groggily as he noticed the lack of warm flash underneath his body. In its place was the familiar sting of the scorched ground. It was only when he heard his mother’s thunderous snore to his side that he relaxed.

“Looks like someone just woke up from a nap.”

Littlefoot turned towards the familiar kind voice of his grandfather. His words had come across as a whisper, but had echoed like a distant thunderstorm. The little longneck prepared to speak when the sudden snore of his mother again alerted him to the fact that she was slumbering. As a result he slowly walked to his grandfather as his mother and grandmother slept peacefully.

“Grandpa? Are we staying here?” Littlefoot looked around, “And where is here?”

This earned a hearty chuckle from the elder longneck as he looked out in the distance with his massive neck.

“We might stay here for the night, Littlefoot, but we are not staying here. As for where this is… well it is still the Mysterious Beyond, but at least there is a stream here.”

“A stream?!” Littlefoot exclaimed until his grandmother’s snore again alerted him to the fact that his elders were sleeping. His next words were quieter, “I am thirsty…”

As the little longneck felt the inside of his dry mouth with his tongue he could remember just how long ago it has been since he had a proper drink.

The elderly longneck nodded as he looked towards the stream, “We figured as much, little one. Perhaps you could get a drink and go play while your mother sleeps... just don’t go too far. My neck has limits, you know?” Grandpa Longneck chuckled at his own joke.

This sounded like a perfectly sensible idea to the young longneck, “Great! Maybe I can find a new friend again, like that threehorn!”

As Littlefoot prepared to bounce off he did not notice as his grandfather’s expression became one of concern. Taking one more look to make sure that his mate was soundly asleep, he spoke to his grandson once more.


The little longneck stopped. He knew that voice… that was the voice that usually came before him being corrected about something. But what could he have done wrong here? Reluctantly he turned around.

“Yes, Grandpa?”

The elder sighed. To explain to a child how things should be, and to explain how they actually are, were two totally different things.

“Let me tell you a story.”

Parched mouth or not, Littlefoot needed no further prompting once the subject of a story was brought up. The stories that his grandparents often told about life when they were his age were always engrossing. To hear about lands lush with green, and many longnecks everywhere… it was like something out of a good sleep story. As it was the little longneck had never seen another child of his kind ever since he had been hatched.

In fact, Cera had been one of the few children of another kind he had ever seen.

Seeing that he had the little sauropod’s attention, Grandpa Longneck began his tale, “It all began back before the Mountains darkened the sky, before the streams dried and the herds thinned, before the time of changes, and before I met my Time of Great Growing; back when I was around your age, still a small youngling…”

Littlefoot listened, mesmerized. It was still hard for him to believe that his mother and his grandparents could have been anything else but the wise, massive sauropods that he saw today. But if they said that they had been his age once then that must have been true…

“Back in those days I was part of a small herd, though by no means as small as ours,” he laughed but it was a subdued laugh, “and we resided in a small valley in the shadows of the Four Mountains. It was there that I and my siblings were hatched. Though my poor mother sometimes had difficulty watching us all. As we have found with you, sometimes watching one child can be a lot to handle…”

His grandfather nuzzled him, as Littlefoot laughed.

“…but to watch twelve little ones was a monumental task for even the best of mothers. And your Great-Grandmother was certainly among the best. Because of her seven of us made it to our Time of Great Growing, four of us sadly falling to the coughing sickness.”

Littlefoot looked down at this. He remembered vaguely his experience with the coughing sickness, and how he had felt so warm even though it was in the middle of a Cold Time. The days stretched on like an endless sleep story… until suddenly he began to recover. Though concept of death was still foreign to his personal experience, Littlefoot had begun to realize how close he had come. It seemed that his grandfather’s siblings were not so lucky.

“But it is the one that did not fall to the sickness that I want to tell you about today, little one. Because what happened to him is something that I want you to make sure that you avoid.”

Littlefoot was now quite curious, “What happened?”

His grandfather raised his neck further, as if he were looking at something in the distance. As if he were looking for a lost friend that was just out of sight.

“Gatus was like me in many ways at that age. A playful boy, but also quite a source of trouble when it came to being back at the nest in time for sleep. He would often lead us on adventures in those young days… from trying to find tinysauruses that supposedly existed in the mountains, to trying to find sweet bubbles by the streams. Many of my earliest memories involve him in some way. But, sadly, he never learned the lesson that the rest of us learned before it was too late. That was because he was the one who forced us to learn that hard lesson.”

“It all began one fine morning, before the Bright Circle had even risen. I felt Gatus nudge my side…”


“Hmmm… What is it Gatus, the Bright Circle is still asleep and I think it has a good idea.”

The playful brown longneck rolled his eyes, “Oh don’t be lazy-neck, Baku! I saw it again.”

By this time Baku was quite ready to return to his slumber, even faking a snore in the hopes that Gatus would take the hint. As soon as he felt a small tail cover his nostrils playfully, he gave up his attempt. As soon as Gatus put his mind up to something there was little that could dissuade him.

“Saw what?” Baku groaned as he forced himself off, shaking the morning dew off of his extremities.

“The all-necks!” Gatus beamed, “Which means that someone owes me their share of the sweet bubbles today…”

Baku glared at his brother, “And you think I am going to take your word for it? Show me these supposed all-necks, Gatus.”

The elderly longneck shook his head, “But much to my amazement the all-necks, as we children called them then, were right where Gatus had indicated. Several small belly-sliders, as they are actually called, slithered on the bare rocks in the shadows of the Four Mountains. I was quite prepared to concede my sweet bubbles, but Gatus just couldn’t let it stop there. This was something new… something exciting… he just had to find out more…”

“I don’t think that they can talk.”

As if in response to Gatus’s observation, the larger of the belly sliders began to raise its head skyward, its imposing body now becoming visible. Even Gatus could not mistake this for something other than a threat display.

He reared back just in time to avoid any further escalation as the belly slider hissed at him.

“Well good job, Gatus. I don’t know what it just said, but I don’t think it is happy with you.”

Gatus smirked at his brother, “Oh you are just bitter because you lost our bet! But I wonder why Momma never really told us about these.”

Baku shrugged with his neck, “Maybe she has never seen them before?”

Gatus rolled his eyes as he looked back at his brother, momentarily taking his eyes off of the snakes, “Oh come on, Mom has seen everything! I am sure that…”

What happened next would forever be etched into Grandpa Longneck’s mind even though it only took a few seconds. Unknown to the small sauropods, the belly sliders they could see where only the juveniles of a much larger snake. In the end Gatus never saw the large snake in the trees until it was too late. In one swift motion it fell from the tree and wrapped itself around the small sauropod, preventing him from even letting out more than a panicked squeak. Within moments his brother’s eyes bulged as he was slowly suffocated by the massive predator. The frightened stare of his brother as his life left him was something that would forever remain in the small sauropod’s mind.

The time of adventures had come to an end.


Grandpa Longneck shivered. He had avoided giving his small grandson any of the gruesome details in his retelling, but that did not stop the memories from playing in his mind.

“Later, once we had mourned brave Gatus, our mother explained to us what those were. They were belly sliders, and though they often looked harmless and were quite small, some could act like sharpteeth when it came to younglings. This was where Gatus’s bravery and curiosity had led, and we all learned a hard lesson that day: A longneck does not need to be afraid of everything, but he does need to be cautious; never greet a new situation until you learn more about it.”

To say that Littlefoot was shocked into silence would be an understatement. He had only seen a belly slider once, and had wondered why his grandparents had quickly stomped on it before it could get closer to him. Now he knew the answer. Sometimes danger came from even the least likely places.

“This is why we want you to be careful about playing with other kinds, Littlefoot. You are still young and learning, but sometimes life does not give us time to learn all of the lessons that we need. This is why we have parents and grandparents who can help us learn these things. Do you understand?”

Littlefoot nodded. “But… the threehorn did not seem like a belly slider. She had more than just a neck. Her dad was scary though.”

Grandpa Longneck could only chuckle at his grandson’s innocence. He still had much to learn about the ways of the world and his experience would harden his mind, but he knew that his grandson’s heart was pure.

“Well, just remember to let us know if you see any others, okay? It is better to watch from afar than to put yourself in potential danger,” Grandpa Longneck asked before his grandson nodded in agreement, “But I think a certain little longneck might want to get a drink of water and play before his mother wakes up… we have a long journey ahead of us.”

Littlefoot needed no further prompting as he bounded off towards the steam. It was as if the horrors of the story had not even reached his awareness. For some reason this made the elder smile.

He had no idea how wrong he was.


Cera and her father walked down the hill, past the stream and a short distance away from the herd. The area he led her to wasn’t anything special; it looked like everywhere else nearby - dry with a few scattered bushes here and there for grazing. The whole place was a bit of a shallow canyon or depression, the sort of place water might have gathered in wetter times.

Her father led her on in silence to a dry riverbank where he stopped. Cera couldn’t see what was on the other side of him; he seemed to be deliberately blocking her line of sight with his body. But there was a strange smell in the air - a sort of musty, dead-leaf smell that caused her to wrinkle her nose in disgust. She wasn’t sure what was in this place that was so important for her to see, but she suddenly felt uneasy. Whatever it was, it wasn’t anything good.

Her father seemed to hesitate for a moment, his head turning as he looked at something only he could see. Then, closing his eyes, he took a few steps back, revealing what his body had blocked from her sight. Cera had to hold back a scream. Bones, bleached white by the Bright Circle, littered the ground, making up an entire Threehorn skeleton lying on its side near the riverbed. She’d never seen a skeleton up close before, and the rush of sheer terror she felt almost sent her scrambling back to the herd for safety. But her father’s strong foot held firm behind her, keeping her from retreating.


Against every instinct urging her not to, Cera looked, staring into the hollow sockets where once eyes sat, eyeing the teeth curved in a perpetual, horrifying grin. She imagined the whole thing standing up, approaching her as she stood locked in place, its white teeth chattering as breeze twisted and wormed its way through hollow cheekbones and cavernous ribs. She fell onto her belly, trembling as she shut her eyes, covering them with her feet.

“Cera, open your eyes” her father said. He didn’t sound angry, but his tone carried a measure of force within it. “Be brave. Stand up and walk with me.”

Shivering, she slowly removed her front feet from her eyes, lifting herself onto wobbly, unsteady legs as she tried to avoid those terrible, empty sockets. Her father was already making his way over to the skeleton. He stood between herself and it, and that seemed to bring a small amount of comfort to her. Swallowing back her fears, she followed him. He stood by the carcass, examining the unfortunate Threehorn’s ribs, eyeing them carefully.

“What do you think did this?” he asked, not taking his eyes off the bones.

“Sh- Sharptooth,” she whispered, quaking as she gave him the only answer that seemed logical. Sharpteeth were killers, enemies of the herd and of all Leaf Eaters. But to her surprise, her father shook his head.

“No. Look closer at these bones. See how they’re cracked? And there are no tooth marks at all. This wasn’t done by a sharptooth; it was done by another Leaf Eater. Probably a threehorn.”

In that instant, Cera felt as if someone had struck her. She actually stumbled, losing her balance for a moment as she tried to comprehend her father’s words.

“But… but… Leaf Eaters aren’t supposed to kill each other. That doesn’t make any sense.”

“No, it doesn’t. But it still happens. Sharpteeth aren’t the only threat we face. Sometimes the greatest dangers are the ones we don’t expect; the ones that hide behind a friendly face.” He nudged the skeleton to prove his point, and the rattle it produced made Cera shiver.

“That’s why I can’t let you play with the longneck. He may be a Leaf Eater, he may even be just like you, but he is not harmless, and the rest of his kind is certainly not harmless. The truth is- It’s not just longnecks, Cera. You can’t trust anyone. Not until you’ve earned their respect, at least. Not until you know you can trust them with your life. Forget that even once, and you could end up like this poor fellow here. The world we live in does not care about you. No one you meet has your best interests in mind. Live for yourself, and no one else. Forget the longneck, and one day you’ll be glad you did.”

Devastated, Cera fell back down, shaking uncontrollably. Tears streamed down her cheeks as she covered her eyes again. Her father only grunted a response.

“So you see, now, that some things do scare me.”

Cera continued to weep quietly, shuddering as she lay on the ground. Had she seen her father at that moment, she might have noticed the pity in his eyes, a fleeting image that passed as quickly as it appeared.

“Get up,” he said.

Obediently, Cera did as she was told. She was a mess, the tears mingling with the buzzer juice on her face from earlier.

“Chin up, Cera. You’re stronger than this. I know this is hard, but you’re a threehorn. The world expects you to push through this, and so do I.” He looked down at the bones again, this time bearing an angry scowl.

“Day is fading. We should go now. Go wash yourself in the stream before you return.”

“Yes, Daddy,” Cera sniffed, getting to her feet and plodding off toward the sound of the trickling stream.

“And Cera-”

She turned around, fixing him with her baleful, gleaming green eyes.

“Don’t go anywhere near the longnecks.”

But those words weren’t necessary anymore. Right now, she had no intention of going anywhere near anything without three horns on its head. And even that was a stretch.


Well, there you have it. Given the fact that I did one part of the chapter now, it probably won't be long until I'll get my hands on the remaining part, especially since, in terms of writing, I am slowly reaching the delicate Sharptooth scene which should be fun to write! :D
Inactive, probably forever.


  • Member+
  • Ducky
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Well, I don't really have that much to say this chapter. I like the idea of using older stories as a way of tying different situations or plotlines together, though, and it worked rather well here. I enjoyed rhombus and Fyn's stories a lot and they made a good impression here as well. It was fun to see those stories tied together so I'd say using those fics here was well worth it. I'll look forward to the next installment even if I have a slight idea about what is going to happen. :p


  • Administrator
  • Littlefoot
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The mixing of the two narratives was done quite well here.  Though I don't really have much to add in terms of commentary, I do like how you are using two previous stories in order to elaborate upon the development of two of the Gang of Five.  I eagerly look forward to the second part. :)

Go ahead and check out my fanfictions, The Seven Hunters, Songs of the Hunters, and Menders Tale.


  • *feels like Pterano*
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  • Littlefoot
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Wow, what an anticlimatic wait...  :boohoo

Well, let's be fair, putting this chapter together was pure pain so... copy this, paste that, delete this and use that instead... That's pretty much how the chapter was designed... :P But what am I doing, babbling before even posting anything! Enjoy the read and again, the reminder from the previous chapter still stands: all credit for this chapter goes to rhombus and Fyn16 (Horizon)  :exactly


Part 2:

For the first time that day, Cera was alone, with nothing but her own thoughts to keep her company. She hated it. Every time she closed her eyes, listening to the soft trickle of the stream as it flowed uncaringly on, she saw the hollow, dark eye sockets, imagined the clacking teeth and that terrifying, frozen grin.

It’s not just Longnecks, Cera. You can’t trust anyone. Not until you’ve earned their respect, at least. Not you know you can trust them with your life. Forget that even once, and you could end up like this poor fellow here. The world we live in does not care about you. No one you meet has your best interests in mind. Live for yourself, and no one else. Forget the Longneck, and one day you’ll be glad you did.

She wished she could. Right now, she wished she had never met the Longneck in the first place. He’d seemed so friendly, so inquisitive (in a goofy sort of way), but how much of that could she believe anymore? What if he was just waiting for the chance to finish her off, just like the dead Threehorn? Cera shivered in spite of the warm afternoon air. These weren’t the sort of things one should think about before bedtime.

"A longneck does not need to be afraid of everything, but he does need to be cautious; never greet a new situation until you learn more about it."

His grandfather’s voice echoed in the longneck’s head as he sniffed around the dried bushes, looking for anything to do. He would have loved to play with that threehorn, but his elder’s wise words did more than even his mother’s to instill a sense of caution. But, as was common with the mind of a young child, mischief soon made itself known in the form of a question.

I can’t play with her, but maybe I can watch her? After all, Grandpa said that I should learn more about stuff before I see stuff.

The longneck’s face turned from one of speculation to one of determination. Yes… that was exactly what he was going to do.

Placing his head towards the ground in the best attempt at hiding his body that he could muster, he proceeded into the bushes, seeing if he could find the mysterious threehorn once more.

As he scurried through the bushes, or rather, what was left of their desiccated husks, he allowed his thoughts to turn to the threehorn once more. She certainly acted tough, but Littlefoot could sense that she was a kid like him. How threatening could she be?

But that was when a terrifying thought came to him: the snake in his Grandpa’s story appeared friendly as well. But that did not save his childhood friend…

Littlefoot did not realize that he had hunkered down even further until his neck nearly collided with a small rock. It was only then that he decided to stick his head out of the bushes in order to see if he could find a sign of the elusive threehorn. What greeted his eyes instead was something no less interesting.


He rose from his hiding spot and proceeded to run towards the small stream, before suddenly skidding to a halt, remembering his self-imposed mission. He could not find the threehorn if she found him first… and what could happen to him if that happened?

Against his will he forced himself back into the bushes, deciding to follow the stream. Perhaps the threehorn would have the same idea as him and drink without looking first? If so then he could do his watching, just like his Grandpa had said.

Littlefoot did not let the fact that his Grandfather had said nothing specifically about spying on threehorns dissuade him from his reasoning. How else was he supposed to learn about threehorns except by watching them?

He kept his body flush with the dessicated bushes until he heard something in the distance. Something that sounded like an agitated sigh.

He hunkered down. He had found her.

He peered over the dried remains of a bush as he took a good look at the yellow threehorn. This was not the prideful spitfire that he had seen on display earlier on this day, but rather a brooding collection of horns and angst. How could something change so profoundly.

Just like the snake...

“It’s not fair!”

Littlefoot fought against every instinct as the threehorn called out in rage and kicked a pebble into the water, causing a minor splash before sinking out of sight. This was true anger. Littlefoot had never really seen this before, and as such it both excited and terrified him. Moving his neck to catch a better view, he finally decided to step out into the tall grass, using their mighty stalks as his hiding place. It was right then that the threehorn turned around.


A leaf floated downstream, shriveled and dead just like most of the others, and she was reminded of why the grown-ups were making this migration in the first place. At the end of their trail lay the Great Valley. Up until today the prospect of a green paradise filled with all sorts of strange and wonderful dinosaurs had seemed too good to be true. Now it only filled her with dread. So many unfamiliar faces, just like the Longneck. Who could say which ones were sincere and which were not? She sighed, watching the leaf trail away until it disappeared, either beneath the surface of the water or behind some unseen bend. These were grown-up problems, not hers.

“It’s not fair!” she growled, kicking a pebble into the water. The projectile made an insignificant splash, creating barely a ripple before it, too, sunk out of sight. She turned away from the stream; even rock-kicking wasn’t enough to alleviate her fears.

And then she saw it- something unnatural, standing perfectly still among the gently blowing blades of tall grass. She didn’t know exactly what it was, but it definitely wasn’t something natural. Something glinted among the dull colors of the grass. Eyes? Someone was watching her; had to be. A chill ran down her spine, and she began to paw at the ground, snorting.

“Show yourself!” she called out, her gruff Threehorn voice unable to mask the wavering fear in her tone.


Littlefoot’s heart skipped a beat. Had she seen him?

He didn’t have to wait long for his answer as the threehorn reared back and began to paw at the ground, trying her best to look intimidating.

“Show yourself!”

Littlefoot hesitated, for a moment unsure of what to do. Should he run? Should he obey the threehorn’s command? It was only with reluctance that he stepped through the grass, his face an impassive mask.


Cera recognized the Longneck as soon as he left his hiding place in the grass. She’d remember his pale, reddish-brown colors, his dark eyes, and that quirky smile anywhere. But where once she’d seen only a potential friend, or at least a friendly rival, now she felt doubt.

He’s here to kill me.

The thought, a little, irrational nugget of “what if” was the first thing to cross her mind. She didn’t want to so much as consider it- after all, this Longneck wasn’t any older than she was- but after what her father had said, she wasn’t so sure she could dismiss the possibility. He was a potential threat now; everyone was.

“You,” Cera whispered, grating her teeth together as she tensed, readying herself to fight or flee, “I thought I told you- Threehorns never play with Longnecks! Go back to your own kind before I… before I….” she sighed, pawing weakly at the ground. She wasn’t her father. Not yet, anyway, and the things he showed her had left her tired more than anything else. She didn’t have the strength to fight off the Longneck, so she tried one more time, muttering weakly, “just go away.”


For a moment Littlefoot wondered if he had made the wrong decision but this was not like the snake in Grandpa’s story. Behind this anger was something else… something the small longneck couldn’t quite place. As a result he stayed where he was, looking at her with concern.

“Are you alright?” His question seemed genuine, and Cera gave him a genuine answer.

“No! And I won’t be alright until you’re long gone! My daddy warned me about you. I know what you are. I know what you can do.” She lowered her head, presenting her single horn to the Longneck in an aggressive display, her fire returning as she thought of the skeleton.

That won’t be me, she thought to herself.

“But if you think you can hurt me, I’d like to see you try.”

Littlefoot looked at the threehorn with a befuddled expression, for a moment not thinking that he had heard her correctly. This only lasted a few seconds, however, before the reality of the words set in and he reacted the only way that he could.

He laughed.

As he laughed at the absurdity of the threehorn’s paranoia, he did not notice the hint of fear on her features. The uncertainty about how to proceed… about his intentions.

Cera froze in place, unsure whether to attack or stay put. Maybe that was his plan. Just like before, when he met her challenge with nothing but that annoying smile, maybe he was only trying to confuse her.

To catch her off guard.

“I know what you’re doing!” she said, her voice shaking, “and it’s not working! I won’t fall for your tricks.”
It was the shaking voice that alerted Littlefoot that something was off. There was real fear here. Though, the longneck deduced, the threehorn probably would never admit it.

“How could I hurt you? You’re the one with a horn sticking out of your face,” Littlefoot struggled to bring his giggles under control, “I just have this long neck.”

As if to demonstrate he tilted his head at an odd angle, as if he were looking at her while facing the other direction, and then stuck out his tongue in a poor replication of her antics earlier when he had been carried away by his mother. Though any onlooker would agree that Littlefoot couldn’t scare a stingless buzzer.

Cera blinked in confusion. Apparently he found this funny, because he began to giggle softly. As he did so, he tilted his neck, craning it at an unusual angle that Cera would probably have found funny had the situation not been so tense. She tried moving her head to follow him, but it was impossible. When he tried sticking his tongue out, a clear attempt at returning her own rude gesture from earlier, she actually found she had to hold back a giggle. It was actually quite surprising to her. The Longneck had had plenty of opportunities to attack by now, and taken none of them. Her father had called Longnecks dangerous, hadn’t he? What was so dangerous about having a long neck? And he was right- out of the two of them, she was clearly the more dangerous one. At this, she stood a little taller, instinctively.

“Well you’re right about that. I am the one with the horn. Maybe you should be scared of me,” she puffed, “my daddy told me my horn is the sharpest out of all the kids in my herd, you know.”

Littlefoot actually felt relieved to see some of the prideful arrogance back in the threehorn. It was so different than the melancholy that was there before. But then again the words of his Grandpa echoed in his mind: beware of things that do not appear to be what they are. The threehorn had acted all scared, and now was acting confident and poised. Could it have been an act? Just like the snake?

He maintained his distance, merely giving her a smile. Cera returned the gesture with something that could only be described as a half-grimace.

The Longneck didn’t draw any closer, but it felt to Cera as if tensions had fallen, if only a little. She did not, however, let that catch her off guard. Being comfortable right now was an easy way to get her in a bad situation.

“Now tell me why you’re following me,” she said, trying to turn the conversation back on course, “don’t make me show you just how sharp my horn is.”  There was less anger in her voice now, but the threat was still clear.

Littlefoot forced himself to stand tall, but he could not hide a slight tremble in his neck. Cera, on the other claw, breathed a little easier. Finally, a response she could understand. If he wasn’t fearless, then maybe, just maybe, he wasn’t to be feared, either.

“I-I was just watching,” Littlefoot stammered, “My Grandpa said I should look at things before meeting them.”

“Watching me, huh?” she pressed him, pushing him on. She wanted to see his true side, to see that he too was capable of being afraid. “Yeah, right. My daddy said that I shouldn’t trust anyone. Not even a little Longneck like you.”

And then something dawned on her. How long had he been watching? Had he seen her crying? Seeing him shake, finally feeling like she was in the position of power, she realized that this was her biggest concern now, that this stranger had seen her show weakness. It was just like something her dad would say.

The threehorn’s eyes went wide for a moment, as if she had come to some realization. “…And you shouldn’t have snuck up on me like that. It’s not nice.”

Littlefoot considered this for a few moments. The threehorn did have a point. What would he have done if he thought something was staring at him in the bushes?

“Well… um…” he began, trying to think of how to explain himself. He eventually decided to walk on over to the stream, “Well… I was just going to get a drink before I saw you along.”

He took a deep drink from the stream as if to punctuate his point. Not entirely convinced, Cera kept her distance, but as he didn’t bring anything up about her crying earlier, she decided to let it go. .

“Fine. So get your drink and move along. We’re not supposed to be talking to each other, remember?”

And then what? she thought, do I just go back to sitting by myself at the waterside? She glanced over at the Longneck again, nervously, hoping he’d take the hint and just go. But he didn’t. Instead, he raised his tail in the air, as if to strike something.

Upon again hearing the threehorn’s bossy demeanor, he couldn’t help but feel challenged in some way. As if the threehorn and him were playing a game where getting the last word in would be a loss.

Littlefoot couldn’t help himself. Upon hearing the arrogant response of the threehorn, he raised his tail into the air and hit a pebble with all of his might, sending it skipping twice before it sank into the water.

His only reply to her words was to give her a cheeky smile. That is how you skip a stone, threehorn!

Cera didn’t know what to expect, so she did the only thing that came to mind. She lowered herself, baring her horn just as her father did when threatened. But to her surprise, she wasn’t the target at all. Instead, he hit a small, smooth pebble which flew out over the stream, skipping on the way. She’d never seen anything like it before; she certainly had no clue how he’d done it. He turned to her, that same annoying grin from before on his face.

Nothing at that point in time could have made Cera more infuriated.

“How did you do that?” she asked finally, struggling to keep her temper in check.

Resisting the urge to laugh as the threehorn looked at him in shock, Littlefoot shrugged, a playful glint in his eyes, “I thought we weren’t supposed to talk to one another, remember?”

“Hmph.” Cera turned her snout up at him. This Longneck was a good talker, and despite the obvious danger a word-twister like him presented, she was more annoyed than scared now. He’d backed her into a corner, and she needed a way out to avoid making a fool of herself.

Again, she thought, reminded of the incident with the squirting buzzer.

“I’m not talking to you. I’m…” she paused, searching for the right word, the right phrase to counter the Longneck’s wit, “I’m talking beside you… to... the stream. You know. Just wondering aloud.”

Littlefoot laughed at the threehorn’s obvious attempt to go around her father’s rules. It was so transparent as if to invite mockery. In response he pretended to talk to his own reflection in the stream.

“What do you think, Reflection? Should we tell her how we beat her at skipping the rock?”

Beat me?! Cera’s eye twitched. It was personal now. The Longneck had decided to make it a competition, and ignoring her to talk to his own reflection? That only added dirt to the wound. Her outburst was immediate, and came without a moment of thought beforehand.

“What kind of a dummy talks to his own reflection? Just tell me how you skipped the rock!”

And then she stopped, shutting her mouth immediately as she realized what she’d done.

She made eye contact with him. More importantly, she’d spoken to him. Just like her father had warned her not to.

Uh oh…

Apparently oblivious to Cera’s own internal struggles, the Longneck found another rock and raised his tail again. Despite every urge to tackle the smug Longneck and knock him senseless, Cera’s curiosity got the better of her, and she found herself transfixed as she watched and learned.

“You have to hit it with the tip,” he then whipped his tail as he had done before, sending the stone skipping clear across to the other end of the stream. Upon seeing his feat, he gave Cera an encouraging smile.

Your turn.

Littlefoot could only watch with amusement as the threehorn tried to find a suitable rock while at the same time not taking her eyes off of the longneck. It was as if she were searching for food but had to also keep an eye on some sharptooth in the distance. It would not be for many seasons that he would truly understand why that felt so very wrong.

Just turn around and go back to the herd. He’s trying to trick you.

She wanted to listen to the voice, to the sane part of her telling her to listen to her father and just go home, but there was a smooth rock within reach. She regarded it longingly, then made up her mind. Cera raised her tail.

Daddy never has to know.

She kept her eyes on him the whole time as she set up for her strike, making sure he wasn’t using the opportunity to set up an attack. She could ignore her father’s advice, but it would be stupid to forget it altogether. She had to be ready to react in an instant if things went wrong. When her tail reached its highest point, she brought her eyes down to the rock for just a moment-

Don’t make me regret this.

Before striking it as hard as she could. Immediately she snapped her eyes back up to the Longneck. He hadn’t moved. In fact, he seemed to be watching something. Against her better judgement, Cera followed his gaze just in time to see her stone skip before plunging into the stream.

“Nice!” the Longneck said, gathering up another pebble. It actually sounded like genuine praise to Cera. Maybe there wasn’t anything sinister about him after all. She grinned back at the Longneck. Now it was a competition, and she lived for competition.
Littlefoot noted happily that it was a lot more fun with someone else to compete with. Though as soon as he heard her response…

“Hey, that’s pretty neat! I bet that’s farther than anyone else has ever skipped a rock.”

…he did have to avoid rolling his eyes. After all, he had a better response than words for that. Slapping his tail against a particularly smooth stone, he sent it sailing across the water, going in front of the threehorn as it did so. Now it was Littlefoot’s turn to taunt her.

“Whatever,” Cera scoffed, “you’re just lucky.” She set up her first stone from the small pile she had gathered and smacked it. The rock wobbled before sinking, having not skipped even once. Cera frowned.

It seemed, however, that she was not the only one to be visited by the misfortune.

Luckily for her, however, the longneck was no longer watching her attempt as he attempted to up the ante and strike an even larger stone into the stream. Such a heavier weight would require more force, and as such he raised his tail and prepared himself to strike the stone with all of his might. With a final deep breath he prepared himself for the impact…

Only to feel himself collapse onto the ground, his hindquarters stinging fiercely. The longneck had missed his target and fallen over. He had taunted the threehorn and now gravity had taunted him.

The laughter of the threehorn was contagious, despite also being infuriating. The entire situation was so absurd that Littlefoot couldn’t help but to laugh, not matter whatever damage his sense of pride might have taken.

Cera couldn’t help it. She laughed. When the Longneck began to laugh with her, she began to laugh even harder, losing her balance and falling over, laughing away all the fear and insecurity she’d felt earlier. Everything melted away in that wild moment of expression; it was almost as if she and the Longneck had never been separated in the first place, and at that point, her father’s words were barely more than an echo in her mind.

As her laughter began to die down, Cera returned to her pile, still determined to beat the Longneck at his own game. “You know, you’re not what my daddy said you’d be like,” she said, taking aim and letting another rock fly. She managed a single skip. It wasn’t quite as spectacular as her first hit, but it was a start.

“What did your dad say I was like?” the Longneck asked, going back to his own pile.

Cera considered bringing up the dead threehorn and her father’s lesson about strangers, but thought better of it. Somehow it didn’t seem right; she didn’t want the Longneck to be as scared of her as she had been of him.

“He said Longnecks were stuck-up and untrustworthy. But you don’t seem like that. Not right now, anyway.”

The Longneck nodded skipping another pebble. “And you don’t seem like the belly slider in my Grandpa’s story.”

“Belly Slider?” The threehorn looked insulted by this insinuation. “Of course I’m not like a belly slider. What a dumb thing to say.”

The Longneck didn’t seem to mind the insult, however. “Well… his friends tried to play with it and… um… he got eaten.”

“Oh,” Cera said simply. She’d heard of Belly Sliders and their poisonous bites before. While she’d never heard of one eating a dinosaur before, that wasn’t entirely out of the question, either. In any case, it was a chilling prospect, one eerily familiar. She was beginning to see his point, and the realization came as a surprise to her. Had he been given the same talk as her after their first meeting today?

“So you thought… you thought I was someone that looked nice, but wasn’t nice inside,” she began to work through her thoughts aloud. “I think I get it. My daddy-” she stopped herself, not wanting to return that dry riverbed where the bones of the dead Threehorn sat, turning slowly to dust.

“My daddy actually said something like that to me, too.”

Littlefoot stopped looking for more stones as he focused all of his attention on the threehorn. She was acting strange, like she had when he had first began to watch her… but now he knew why she was acting this way.

That was why he didn’t mind that she was only a few body-lengths away. As she realized it, Cera tensed.

But would he be okay with her being any closer? His mother had told him that each kind kept to themselves. And mother had never been wrong before…

Without thinking about it Littlefoot expanded the distance between himself and the threehorn ever so slightly. Seeing this, the Threehorn relaxed again.

That was when a familiar booming voice made itself known.

“Cera? Cera! It’s time to come back.”

Cera looked away from the Longneck and up to the sky. The Bright Circle was descending below the horizon, tinting everything above it with an orange-pink hue. She hadn’t meant to look afraid when the Longneck came closer; it was a sign of weakness, and she genuinely believed he meant her no harm. Yet her father’s words cast a shadow of doubt over her. There was always a chance.

The threehorn seemed torn for a moment, as if pulled between her duties and her wants. Littlefoot could see that it looked similar to the distress she was under when he first saw her, but now it had a different context. When she finally did speak her voice sounded resigned.

“I should go,” she said quietly, “that’s my daddy calling.”

Littlefoot felt a pang of disappointment at this, but also a sense of resolution. If what his mother and grandfather had said was true, then perhaps this was for the best? He forced a smile on his face as she gave her a nod, reminiscent of the respectful nod his mother and the threehorn had shared earlier in the day.

“So the name’s Cera?”

“Yeah. How about you?”

“Littlefoot,” he answered. His eyes never left her own. It was a symbol of trust, and to Cera, it was a moment of realization. He was not weak. Few could hold eye contact; it was a respectable trait.

“Littlefoot…” her voice trailed off as she nodded. “That’s a nice name. I-”


Littlefoot watched as the threehorn, Cera, looked out in the direction where her father’s voice had echoed. That voice brought everything she’d learned today back at once, a swirling mess of fear, insecurity, and awareness that, despite the steps she’d taken to build up a friendship with the Longneck, brought everything grinding to a halt. She couldn’t continue with this; if she did, then her father would have taught her nothing. Bearing this in mind, she made her choice in that moment.

“It was nice to meet you, Littlefoot, and I hope you and your herd finds what they’re looking for,” she paused for a moment. In an instant her somewhat passive demeanor changed into the assertive threehorn that he had seen before. The time for them to merely be children had again passed; now it was time to again be of different herds, different paths. “…but I think we should stay with our own kind. It’s what our parents would want,” she added, trying to sound helpful.

Littlefoot frowned at this but nodded nonetheless, trying to ignore the feeling of utter wrongness washing over him, “I hope that you find what you are looking for too. Goodbye, Cera.”

The longneck watched the threehorn disappear from view for several moments as her presence left his sight and hearing. In the end he was left alone with the grass and stones all around him, an endless area of play for one. The only child of his herd. As he prepared to turn back towards his herd once more, he shivered at the previously unknown feeling of loss.

He hoped that was a feeling that he would never have to feel again.


“Good riddance,” she muttered under her breath. The words had little meaning behind them, but they helped- if only a little- to remind her of her place. The Longneck was not her friend. If anything, he was someone to be respected as an equal now, but not trusted. She looked back in his direction. To her relief, he was long gone.

“Threehorns never play with Longnecks,” she said, echoing her father’s words from before.

“Cera, it’s time to come home for dinner!”

She could see some of the other Threehorns up ahead. Her father was somewhere among them, waiting for her to arrive. They would go looking for food as a family tonight, Threehorns in the company of Threehorns, as it should be. She started forward eagerly, but stopped when something caught her eye.

A rock. Flat, circular, just within reach of her tail. She looked to the herd, then back to the rock, and without a moment’s thought, she lifted her tail and brought it back down, striking the rock and sending it spinning out over the water.

One skip, two skips, three skips. She grinned.


“I’m coming, Daddy!” she answered him, watching as the ripples marking her achievement faded. Three skips. The Longneck had only managed two.

Let’s see you beat that.

Cera headed home.


Well, if you liked Perspectives back in the days, you'll probably have enjoyed this read just as much :P

From now on, I will have to provide with my own creativity and skill again. It's been too long and the Earthshake scene is approaching fast. I sincerely hope to be able to stick to some schedule with my writing for at least a few weeks (at some point school will overwhelm me with work again anyway). Currently, for this story a bi-weekly schedule is considered 8aand actually I meant to upload this last weekend which, due to my arm injury, kinda didn't work out :P So, if I can manage to squeeze it in, I might have another chapter this weekend, we'll see...
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no reviews? That's a surprise :D Well, here's the next chapter. Certainly a little shorter than most chapters but it seemed more convenient to make the cut the way I did. Anyway, enjoy :)


Chapter 6: This is MY pond

Littlefoot didn’t mention this encounter with the threehorn girl when he reunited with his folks in the evening. Despite the overall positive experience, he had not forgotten about the lesson his grandfather had shared with him earlier that day. The little longneck could only hope that the next friend he’d meet would be one of his own kind.

The small herd walked until well into the night before finally settling down near a small swamp. Littlefoot was resting on his grandmother’s head where he’d dosed off earlier while the grown-ups were still pressing on. Unfortunately, the little sauropod wasn’t meant to get a full night’s rest this particular night. Towards the end of the dark hours, his sleep was forcefully disrupted when a green frog took his eyes on a flying libella that was hovering and humming right above the child’s head…


… where it was snatched by the tongue of the amphibian which had taken a huge leap right onto the snout of the large slumbering reptile where Littlefoot slept so peacefully...

“Whhaaaaaa!” The little longneck shook out of his sleep in an instant as the creature landed in front of him with a loud thud, a dead buzzer in its mouth being chewed on which it must have caught just a second prior.

Quickly, the initial shock of being woken up so suddenly and rudely was replaced  by growing curiosity. The little longneck hadn’t seen a hopper like this one before, only knowing of their harmlessness through the stories he was told on so many occasions. Their diet were insects like the one it just caught after all, not dinosaurs like him. Come to think of it, the hopper was much smaller than him too.

“This one is quite unlike Cera or the Belly Sliders from grandpa’s story!” he quickly deduced as the amphibian swallowed his prey, emitting a loud squawky sound. As the green frog leapt over his neck in a swift and powerful motion, landing on the ground below with a soft smack, Littlefoot just couldn’t hold back his excitement about the new creature, getting to his feet after yawning one last time to follow the hopper, who was emitting its unique sound that he hadn’t ever heard himself before. This world just didn’t stop to amaze him despite all the hardship it also put them through. It was in spite of the long time he had already spent walking, discovering and learning more about this land, that it was still so full of mysteries to uncover and things yet to explore.

The path of the hopper led Littlefoot quite some distance away from home until it jumped into a small, dark tunnel that the Night Circle and the many lights on the sky couldn’t illuminate even though it was about to be morning, the first signs of the impending dawn becoming apparent in the direction they were always walking away from on their journeys. So, as the night slowly came to an end to be replaced by another day, he still barely had enough vision to pursue the hopper in this dark place.

“Hey hopper, come back!” Littlefoot yelled into the obscurity, a little too scared to keep following the mysterious creature. Well, to be fair he had been hot on its tracks for a fair while now but, as it darted into the dim tunnel, the young longneck gave up on his plan.

“Gee, just how far have I gone from mother? Where... am I?” As Littlefoot started pondering about that, suddenly an all too familiar shape leapt in front of him from the dark.

“YOU again?! Go away, this is MY hopper!”

With delight, Littlefoot quickly recognized the little threehorn as Cera turned her back on him almost as quick as she had appeared. Despite the less than welcoming greeting though, was happy to see her smug face again.

“B-but… I saw him first!” he retorted indignantly after recovering from the initial surprise.

“Well, he’s in MY pond,” the girl bragged as she disappeared out of view.

“Your pond, eh?” Littlefoot shook his head immediately after her ridiculous statement but he nevertheless felt challenged to follow her, letting a quick chuckle escape his lips. Previously scared of the dark tunnel, he had lost his fear now, replaced by a more braver attitude, going after the threehorn who had disappeared in another tunnel that turned out to be a steep descent. Littlefoot quickly slid down the short slope, crashing right into the threehorn who must have taken the slide only seconds prior. The boy grinned sheepishly upon being glared at.

“You’re welcome.”

Cera’s attention soon diverted from the longneck as large bubbles rose from the pleasantly warm, muddy water which had a bit of a sticky, icky quality to it. More hoppers seemed to hang around here, squawking in their weird language which not even his grandparents seemed to understand, and they kept on e- and submerging.

Littlefoot observed how Cera was preying upon the hoppers who were hiding underneath the forming bubbles and soon started to leap onto the bubbles which popped almost immediately under her weight. However, they kept on forming elsewhere.

“Hmm, seems like a fun game, maybe I should try as well?”

After watching Cera for a while, Littlefoot eventually felt his uneasiness fall off him, joining in the game, jumping on bubbles as well.

“Hey this is fun!” Cera exclaimed in joy, her previous misgivings about the longneck already forgotten.

As dawn slowly began to lighten up the sky, the two children were playing at their heart’s content. The sky was already lightening up when Littlefoot finally remembered that he was supposed to be with his herd, his family. When they’d wake up to see him missing…

“Say, Cera, don’t you think we should go back to our families before they’re missing us?” The longneck looked up only to see the dead tree which the small pond was embracing with its murky water.

“Well, perhaps we really should…” the girl admitted, a somewhat uneasy look on her face. Her next words obviously seemed to be troubling her. “Um, do you know your way home?”

Littlefoot pondered quickly, surprised to see the girl admit to her troublesome situation - from what the little longneck could gather, she was just as lost as he was, thus feeling no shame in admitting that he was facing the very same problem.

“Well, I kinda didn’t pay attention where I was going…”

“Me neither, it was still dark after all…” Both children were looking at each other rather clueless. “Oh well, let’s just keep playing for now!” Cera proposed, Littlefoot nodding.

As soon as their game had picked up again, they had forgotten about their predicament. As a matter of fact, they were so engaged in their joy that they did not notice the shadow rising against the horizon. It was only as the shadow swallowed the pond that they were made aware of the looming danger approaching them.

“Huh?” Littlefoot looked at Cera as the light of the low sun was suddenly blocked, the hoppers scattering away.

“What’s going on?!”
Cera wondered as the ground started shaking with increasing intensity. Both frantically looking back and forth, they soon spotted the source of all this…


Illuminated by the Bright Circle, a gigantic, monstrous predator was approaching with big, thundering steps, showing off its razor-sharp claws and teeth.



A bit of an unusual cut huh? While I was in hospital, I was reading some books to kill time and I noticed they often used this kind of cut between chapters and this was an excellent chapter to try it myself. Let me know what you think? :)

Also, I actually kept my promise to upload this this weekend lol  :lol
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:3 :3 :3 :3


my favorite! yaayyyy!




don't pay attention to me, I always become mad when my favorite sharptooth appears! >:3

Can I ask - when approximately do you plan to finish this story, what priority of your stories?
I very want to start to read it, since it's about original movie, but I can't until it's fully finished. :D


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This was a pretty good retelling of this scene which captured the characters’ feelings very well. Especially Littlefoot’s reflections of the belly slider story and the hopper brought some new perspective to that scene and showed that there are more things happening in the longneck’s life than just what we saw in the film. However, the latter part of this chapter could have been a bit longer as it felt a bit too short. Still, it’s interesting to see how you’ll handle the upcoming fight and the following tragedy.  :)


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My apologies for missing the last chapter.  It kind of got buried underneath the other stories that were posted in rapid succession.

I think that your continuation of the interactions between Cera and Littlefoot works quite well.  We get to see how the mistrust instilled by each family onto their children is reflected in her hesitation towards one another while, at the same time, their playfulness and desire for friendship as kids compels them to continue interacting with one another.  Though the latest chapter was on the short side, I think it bridged the gap between itself and the previous chapter quite well... and it now sets us up for one of the most emotionally taxing experiences of the tale.  I look forward to seeing how this is handled in this new expanded retelling.  :yes

Go ahead and check out my fanfictions, The Seven Hunters, Songs of the Hunters, and Menders Tale.


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Sorry for taking so long for this, here it is at last! :DD


Chapter 7: Sharptooth and the earthshake

Part 1:

Littlefoot had never met a Sharptooth before. His folks had told many stories about them though, one scarier than the other, the greatest enemy of the leaf-eating kinds, but the little longneck only now realized how truly terrifying, brutal and aggressive they actually were. The beast rivalled a grown-up longneck in height, maybe not quite but almost reaching up as high as his mother’s neck could reach, and its build was sturdy, strong and muscular. Its arms were almost too short, it seemed to the little longneck but, equipped with razor-sharp claws longer than his neck was thick, they were a horrifying weapon to be avoided at all costs. The beast was staring right at him with its two eyes, red, greedy eyes longing for his tender meat, showing off its arsenal of deadly teeth which were, at best, even longer than its claws. A sharptooth truly was the terror of the leaf-eating kinds.

Neither of them needed further prompting. A look of horror on their faces, they scrambled for the only hideout available in the area. The pond they had been playing at was sheltered by a very old, strongly decayed tree which had long since died, hollow and lifeless. But it proved to be very useful to hide. With all their strength, they struggled their way up the remains of the tree, however the sharptooth had already caught a whiff of their whereabouts. With determination and aim, it lunged itself into the dead tree, shaking it to the core and breaking pieces off. The two youngsters fell back into the pond, losing their balance due to the heavy impact.

"Never mind hiding, RUN!!!" Cera screamed at the top of her lungs, attempting to run back into the cavern where they met earlier, Littlefoot struggling back onto his feet to follow her. The sharptooth's vigilant eyes saw them immediately, the beast going after the kids with great speed. Littlefoot felt the ground shake ever so tremendously; with every step the predator gained on them. Its humongous feet sent waves of sticky water their way. It was right on their toes, about to lunge down when its foot crashing down sent the kids floating away in a mini-tsunami, however effectively stopped their escape as they found themselves on their backs, watching in horror as greedy teeth aimed to swallow them whole and its foot aimed to crush them under its weight.

"AHHHH!!!" the two youngsters screamed in terror, scrambling away just in time before the massive foot came down. The two children ran for their previous cover once more, however the behemoth attacked the dead tree with all its strength, slowly ripping it apart.

"It's distracted," Cera hissed.

"Yeah, but not for long," Littlefoot replied as pieces of wood rained down on them. "We can't outrun it either, we've got to give it the slip!" But how to do that was beyond the little longnecks imagination. The sharptooth was superior to them in every aspect he could think of. But Cera suddenly had an idea and not too early.

"The thicket! Hurry!"

"But!" A look of shock was on Littlefoot's face. The thick underbrush Cera had pointed at was growing as tall as a forest though no leaves were growing on it anywhere. But that wasn't the reason for his concern. Everywhere he could see were spikes all over the place.

"We're smaller, we can avoid them but he can't!" Cera yelled. Littlefoot still wasn't convinced but raced after the threehorn nevertheless, just in time as the sharptooth broke the battered old tree for good, his screaming targets once again in sight.

Littlefoot and Cera ran but the beast was after them immediately. It didn't seem to mind the thorns as the children entered a narrow path, simply charging in, ducking low to avoid the thorns above. Cera jumped over a thorned vine which was strained across the path. Littlefoot who was right behind her saw the vine too late and ran right into it, the thorns stinging his legs. But that wasn't the worst. With panic, he realized that his legs had gotten entangled in the vines.

"Oh no!" The longneck thrashed about but to no avail. He was unmistakably stuck. His gaze went after the retreating threehorn who saved herself and then behind him. There, the predator had just realized that it didn't fit through so it dropped onto its stomach continuing to crawl closer, snapping after the longneck's tail.

What happened next happened so fast that Littlefoot couldn't tell what exactly had transpired. His instincts taking control over his mind, adrenaline numbing his rational thinking while maximizing his strength, he struggled and pushed against his containment, barely avoiding getting his tail bitten off, until...

*snap* *whoosh*

... the vine snapped, whipping back with amazing force where it...


... hit the predator in the face, a thorn slicing its evil red eye. Littlefoot was free, scrambling away from the danger with amazing vigor while the sharptooth shook the whole area with a roar of pain and uncontained rage, tearing the whole forest apart in rage.

"Quick, here!" Cera hissed from a hideout inmidst of the forest of thorns. Littlefoot saw her and followed her until they were both pressing themselves into a little depression. Littlefoot panted.

"That was amazing," Cera said in true awe. "You showed that sharptooth, not bad for a longneck." However, Littlefoot had very little left for her praise.

"I just saw my life flashing in front of me... that was so..."

"...close?" Cera offered. "Yeah, only a dumb little flathead like you could get yourself in danger so...".

"Shhh, quiet!" Littlefoot interrupted her attempt to insult him. The whole point of them hiding was to lose that sharptooth after all. After its initial roar, it had suddenly gotten suspiciously quiet. Too quiet. Had the predator called off the hunt after obtaining that eye injury or was it sneaking around them at this very moment?

"Where could he have gone?" Littlefoot wondered, frightened to the bones. Not knowing where or if the behemoth was still there was almost worse than knowing. Frantically, the two kids checked their surroundings but none of them anticipated the huge dinosaur's next move.

A low growl alerted the two young dinosaurs of the threat. Suddenly, little pieces of dry wood came raining down from above as the wounded sharptooth tried to find a way in. Its eye was bleeding and torn irreparably and many more cuts were bleeding. If anything, those injuries made it look even more menacing.

"Duck!" Cera hissed and so they cowered down as best as they could, a thick spiky branch right above them. Cera was pretty confident that the meateater wouldn't be able to break it but this sharptooth had proven more than once already that it was exceeding ordinary sharpteeth in strength, determination and wit. Using its nostrils to sniff for them, it crawled deeper into the thorns until it was right above their hideout. The children panicked, would that branch protect them? 

Suddenly, Cera shrieked when the massive piece of wood came down onto them, a thorn almost stabbing Cera as she barely scrambled away. The sharptooth was pushing down on the branch, trying to snap it in order to reach the children and eat them but its plan didn't work. The branch was as massive and robust as Cera had anticipated. The sharptooth exhaled its breath angrily, bathing the children in its nasty-smelling mouth scent.

"Eww... disgusting!" the little threehorn ranted as the sharptooth retreated in frustration, realizing that he couldn't reach his prey this way. Cera began sneaking deeper into the forest of thorns, Littlefoot following her with uncertainty. They had momentarily lost the sharptooth again but they couldn't hide in there forever. Sooner or later they’d have to lose the predator but... how?

"This way," Cera suddenly hissed, running along a path which just opened in front of them. Littlefoot scanned it quickly, coming to a horrendous conclusion.

"She's running into the open where the sharptooth can see her! It's still around, I've got to stop her!" Alarmed further by suspicious sounds coming from his right just outside the thorns, he yelled.

"Cera stop! You're going the wrong way!!!"

But Cera didn't listen, charging forward until...


Cera jumped in mid-sprint as the deafening roar of the sharptooth sounded mere meters to her right, uttering a disturbing scream of panic and fright. She was so frightened in fact that her legs gave in, the threehorn crashing into the ground whirling up dust from the bone-dry ground.

"Cera!" Against his better judgement, Littlefoot darted out of the thorns in order to help his acquaintance or, at the very least, divert the predator's attention for just a moment to save her. The Sharptooth walked in on the threehorn, teeth exposed, his bloody eye swollen shut, claws ready to tear the child's skin open.

Cera had gotten to her feet after somersaulting across the floor, however her knees were made of jelly and shaking like an earthshake. She was effectively petrified and unable to defend herself from the salivating sharptooth mere meters in front of her.

"Don't stand there, RUN!!!" Littlefoot yelled at the threehorn but Cera was unable to move, her face a mask of fear. A few more seconds and her life would be ended in a gruesome murder; Littlefoot had to act. If he did nothing, the girl would be ripped to pieces. Her distracting the sharptooth would be his best bet on survival but running away, leaving her to die... could he just do that? Cera was the closest to a friend he'd ever had and although she hadn't been very kind at times, he didn't want to lose her. No, he had to save her no matter what. The sharptooth still hadn't noticed him yet and that would be his trump card. It was already too late for a distraction so there was only one thing he could still do for the threehorn...

"Run!!!" With much more bravado than he'd felt inside of him, Littlefoot entered a mad sprint into the open where Cera and the sharptooth were. The predator was just raising its claw when it noticed the little longneck, stalling in its movement for a split second of surprise but paying the child no further heed as the other prey was a safe kill, a safe meal. The sharptooth going after two dinosaurs misses one and loses the other after all and the hungry beast was all too aware of that. He knew the longneck would stand no chance if he went after it so he made his move... only to realize that he'd made a great mistake.

"Move it, scare-dy egg!!!" Littlefoot screamed, ungently ramming right into the girl who finally shook off her shock and turned tail, running after the longneck just as claws dug into the ground closely behind. Both of them ran further into the open, momentarily gaining on the confused and enraged meateater.

"Heeeeeelp!!!" Littlefoot exclaimed as he pushed his little legs on, hoping that someone was nearby to rescue them. Being without cover and with nowhere to hide could prove to be fatal and the predator had already resumed its chase. Out of the corner of his eye he saw the orange threehorn girl catching up to him.

"Run faster, he'll eat us!!!" she panicked, overtaking the boy just a little but Littlefoot managed to adapt his speed.

"We wouldn't be running for our lives if you'd stayed put!" Littlefoot retorted inbetween rapid breaths.

"We?" Cera shot back. "You're the stupid one for risking your neck!"


"And don't you dare..."

But the exchange between the two youngsters was abruptly cut short by another deafening roar dangerously near them. The sharptooth had caught up and it was ever so furious!

"Aaaaaahhhhh!!!" They both screamed as their lives were once again on the line, slaloming around boulders and small rock formations that opened up in front of them, hoping to benefit from their much greater agility, but they just couldn't lose the monster on their toes.

"How much longer do we have to keep this up!?" Cera yelled as the sharptooth barely missed clawing at her tail, momentarily losing momentum which gave them a short respite.

"No idea!" Littlefoot replied, panicking as his long tail got dangerously close to the razor-sharp claws as well. "Just keep running!!!"

"Just how much stamina does that stinking old sharptooth have!?" Cera kept on complaining but it seemed as if the predator felt challenged to prove his very strength and endurance to the little ones it was chasing. As the children split around a broad flat boulder, the massive sharptooth tensed his muscles and jumped high up in the air, sailing through the air past the screaming kids, landing way ahead of the boulder with a resounding thud that carved several cracks into the dry rocky ground. The landing sent a powerful shock - like a mini-earthshake, through the ground. With panicked screams, Littlefoot and Cera lost their footing and fell hard on the ground while the sharptooth turned around towards them.

"Aaaaaahhhhhh!!!" Cera uttered a shrill scream that penetrated the air.

"Heeeeeeelp!!!" Littlefoot bellowed, trying to get to his feet but just at that moment the sharptooth exhaled an enormous breath strong enough to push the small longneck over again. The two children saw the terrifying mouth of the carnivore open, revealing even more terrifying teeth, quickly approaching, trying to swallow them whole...


One moment Littlefoot saw himself getting swallowed in one piece, the other he saw the archenemy of all leafeating kinds being flung through the air as if it was just a toy. With a sickening, spine-shuddering thud, it crashed into a nearby rock, breaking parts of it off. Littlefoot's gaze wandered from the collapsed sharptooth to his right where an all too familiar face greeted him.

"Mother!" the little longneck cried. The colossal female longneck was standing just where the sharptooth had been standing moments ago, her muscular tail raised threateningly and her face contorted in rage. Littlefoot had never seen his mother make such a face but then again he had never wandered so far from his family nor did he ever get attacked by a sharptooth. Was she furious about him sneaking away at night or was her rage directed at the predator who dizzily tried to get back onto its feet? Well, surely there were more urgent matters than such an irrelevant puzzle.

"Littlefoot, RUN!!!" was all his mother shouted - no, ordered. Littlefoot felt no reason to disobey. The sharptooth was still dangerous after all and he frankly had been chased enough for a lifetime already. He didn't know how strong his mother truly was but he did know that he wasn't! Quickly, he scattered to his feet and hurried towards the towering longneck as the sharptooth got to his feet.

Cera quickly deduced who this longneck was and, with relief, realized that she was being ignored by the enormous dinosaur. Not asking for any invitation whatsoever, she hurried after Littlefoot towards safety, hoping for once that longnecks were more capable than her father had made her believe.

The female longneck felt much more bravado than she had. This particular sharptooth gave a particularly vigorous impression and the fact that being slapped with all she had didn't persuade him to give up was very frightening. She was a capable fighter, no doubt, but would she be able to defeat a predator so determined? All that kept her legs on the spot was the thought of protecting Littlefoot. If Littlefoot was lost, the future of their herd wasn't a bright one. All of their struggles to find the Great Valley was just for the sole reason to give Littlefoot a better place to grow up healthy and safe. Though first, provided both of them would live through this, she would have to give the boy a more than firm lesson...


The Sharptooth was back on its feet, shaking the surrounding area with its impressive roar. Littlefoot slowed his steps to allow for a look back. His gaze immediately met his mother's who also seemed to look back to check on him.

"Run!" She almost begged. "Run and hide yourself!"

Littlefoot didn't disagree with that but something didn't sit well with him. His mother sounded extremely worried and acted as fidgety as a hatchling. He'd thought a grown-up longneck would be able to defeat a sharptooth but the way his mother acted indicated that he might have been wrong with that assumption. Accordingly, an eerie feeling took hold of his body.

"Will she be alright? Will mother be alright?"

Cera kept on running so Littlefoot, reluctantly, followed.


Whew, let me tell you this was harder to write than it looks. I read through the official script several times to gain inspiration of what the original sharptooth scenes may have been like but here and there I still did my own thing as I didn't want to copy said script strictly. Sometimes, it is best just to listen to one's instincts and keep writing until you end up where you want to end up (in this case Mother's apperance). I think Littlefoot saving Cera's butt will have a lot of importance later on as well :)

Hope it made up for the long wait!!!



:3 :3 :3 :3


my favorite! yaayyyy!




don't pay attention to me, I always become mad when my favorite sharptooth appears! >:3

Can I ask - when approximately do you plan to finish this story, what priority of your stories?
I very want to start to read it, since it's about original movie, but I can't until it's fully finished. :D

I'm glad that you're still interested Sneak, it honours me, it really does :DD

To answer your question, I try to release a chapter every two weeks but I fell behind... I'll be on vacation for the next two weeks so I can't catch up on uploading but maybe I can get some writing done while relaxing on the beach? I shall hope so! And as soon as I've reached the point where Littlefoot meets Ducky, it'll go much easier as I've once written the story from there when I still considered adding it to Shorty's Dark Past :)

So SDP and this one are rough on the same level of priority though chapters take me a little longer to write here. Hope that answers your question and apologies for being slow. Real life, too much gaming (it's fun :P ) and random moods often get in the way... and sometimes I'm just too tired to get anything done, sad as it is :(

My apologies for missing the last chapter.  It kind of got buried underneath the other stories that were posted in rapid succession.

I think that your continuation of the interactions between Cera and Littlefoot works quite well.  We get to see how the mistrust instilled by each family onto their children is reflected in her hesitation towards one another while, at the same time, their playfulness and desire for friendship as kids compels them to continue interacting with one another.  Though the latest chapter was on the short side, I think it bridged the gap between itself and the previous chapter quite well... and it now sets us up for one of the most emotionally taxing experiences of the tale.  I look forward to seeing how this is handled in this new expanded retelling.  :yes

Hey, I haven't reviewed anything in a long while. I'm the guilty one here. Whenever I'm in the mood, I'll prefer to work on my stuff so I don't fall behind on my strict schedule too much. not much room for reading other people's work, sadly. Hope I can get back into that soon.

Anyway, thank you very much for the review. I was a little worried now that I've included "perspectives" which is a masterpiece from bottom to top that my own interactions of Littlefoot and Cera would scale badly in comparison.

Geez, don't remind me that I somehow have to write... that  :sducky  :lol
Inactive, probably forever.