The Gang of Five
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Insane Cafe


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"Oh yes" smirked Aves "Though nowaday, it seems the only purpose they serve are random pie fights."

Aves looked down at his watch

"Oy,man, your five minutes late, you know Mr. Chong's gonna be peeved if he finds out"


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I'm actually 5 minutes early I can just imagine Mr Chongs reaction. "You 5 minute early. You steel from mE! I don't like thieves. Do it again and I feed you to hairly Shurlup that live in bathroom" Nick saidsd doing a very good imitation fof Mr Chong.. "just give me a table and I'll take thier order. Heck I'll even take that strange squirrell fellow over there" he said motioning in the direction of  Stripetail who was wearing a look of irritation on his face.
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Aves snickered at the Chong imitation

"Well, we have the Scooby gang over there also, I took the young las's order if you want to fetch her meal, I need to get back to burning liver nuggets and feeding Chong's pet paranta plant in the food storage room"


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Fine. adfter that I'll handle the squirrell fellow. Nick fumbled in his uniform for a notepad and a pencil. he strode over to the Scooby Table. "Hello, My name is Nick And I'll be your waiter this evening..
"We're already placed our orders sir" Dixie replied politely. "I'm getting the #6..although I may regret it.."
It will all depend on the mood of the cook" Nick replied sagely. I'll go get your meal" Nick said whisking away to the kitchen.
 the kitchen was a hodgepodge of odd tables and worn chairs and there was a distinct smell of burning in the air. The Eggs and Spam loooked normal but like many things appearances were decieving. Chong likes to put vinegar into the Eggs.. and the Spam.. well no one knew where the Spam came, from how old it was or whether it was even edible.
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  • The Circle
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"Got that #6 ready"said Aves handing Nick the tray of egg sausage and spam

"This muck never ceases to disgust me. Even after a year of working in this trash heap of a kitchen"


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At least you aren't suprised by as much  any more.. and they haven't closed us down .. yet" Nick cracked. "How many have died mysteriously here.. at least 52.. what ..53? Who.. Shuan... crap, what is that the 5th this week? Dang.. and I liked him too.. oh well..."
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  • The Circle
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"Ah yes, poor Shuan, such a nice chap, that." agreed Aves

"Woah! be careful there! the MSG in those powdered eggs is powerful!"


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msg! You only find that crap at the crusty burger!  He lowered his voice 'What, Chong isn't making enough money feeding this slop to the customers? If people actually stayed long enuough to taste our pies the business would explode with customers! As it is, the customers just explode!"
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"Well, if you must know" replied Aves with a hushed voice. He came closer so to keep his silence and so Nick could hear him

"Chong's got some sinister plan to take over the world (or what's left of it)... He's devising this horrible recipe to build a massive army of... should I say it?... Sporks."


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Sporks?' Nick's mouth moved and he nmade a grimace. "As for horrible.. nothing can top that 'pizza' he made last week... Anyone who looked at it hurled.. I'm still queasy just thinking about it..' nick said exiting the kitchen. He strode to the Scooby Table and put down dixie's food. "Here'syour food madam.." He said loudly..
"Ids it edible?..." Dixie queried. "That's up to you... but If I were you.. I'd leave room for dessert" Nick said quietly.. :'Just dump it on the floor if you don't like it, Most customers do that anyway.."
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The Great Valley Guardian

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"Waiter...WAITER!!!! can I get another beer over here *hic* for my sith buddy *hic* here?"

Longtail slapped himself with the end of his tail and said "Oh crud....they're drunk....AGAIN! Hey Aves, I does this place have a bounce...cuase in about ten minutes we may have a massacre on our hands...or wings in my case."

"Oh yeah, and I ordered another taco for Omnivorous...can someone get that to him?" asked the dinosaur.


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(oOC: this is my 10000th post)
I'll be right on it.. Nick said, moving towadrds the table with Longtail and Omnivarius.."You want a beer? Alright.. Shell or Squid? the the type of cup we serve it in.. and sir I'll be right you he said calling out to Stripetail.
_ Meanwhile Dixie was eyeing her food suspeciously. After viweing the food that Scooby and Shaggy werev eating she was on guard against anytghing brought. "It LOOKS ok.. " She said taking a bite of the eggs, and swallowed. Immediately she wished she hadn't, as her face turned green. 'Yuck! That tasted like vInegar!" she spat. "Try it guys and see if its not just me.."
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The Great Valley Guardian

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Longtail then took the time to fly over to Dixies table and asked "Can try the eggs?"


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(Do more than one line in a post Guardian. Thanks. I'm a stickler on that..)
Both Shaggy and Scooby tried the eggs.. and , like Dixie,wished they hadn't ' you can have it" Shaggy gasped, his eyes beginning to water. he grabbed the plate from the table and gave it to Longtail. "If you don't like it throw it on the floor." Shaggu whispered. He grabbed a glass of water that Nick had set down and downed it drinking greedily. Dixie and Scooby did likewise..The water was metallic but compared to the food, it was pure as a mountain stream. The three downed their glases in a few gulps, and collapsed into their chairs.
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The Great Valley Guardian

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Longtail jumped with joy, and gobbled up the eggs leaving nothing on the plate. His face twisted in disgust, and then the oddest thing happened his right eye changed color from pink to yellow...and then he released a ear splitting scream and shouted "MUST FEEEEEEEED ON BLOOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" and then the dinosuar started to bite innocent customers attempting to eat them.


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A chorus of screams and yells filled the air as the enraged and possibly poisoned lOngtail started his rampage, pecking at innocent bystandeers.. ThEre was a huge crash og plates as Customers dove for cover, the Scooby Table included, and dixie grabbed Nick by the leg as he was psaassing by(with the beer Longtail had requested)and dragged him under the table. Nick went backwards into the airr as did the beer, which somehow, miraculously landed on ominivarious table. She was about to yell at him for the horrid food, but thought better of it.
Stripetail had had enough. he got up frpm his seat, and pulled out a large staff encrusted with a large rose crystal "STUPEFY" He roared in a commanding voice, and in a twinkling a blast of energy knocked Longtail off of a screaming woman and threw him hard into the wall. He was thrown so hard in fact, that he left an impact crater in the wall.
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Chong came stamping out of his office with a most cruel grimace on his face

"Stop destroying my restaurant!" He yelled and he raised an arm and yelled some weird incantation that sounded all powerful and echoey and the floor shook with thunder

"En cha la pluer de vinca de naestorm!" chanted the angry chef and the restaurant was suddenly silenced, every eye on Chong

"My warning! I will force feed you my ultimate recipe if you destroy anything else!" he said threateningly at the astonished crowd.

After he returned to his office Aves stepped out of the kitchen looking at the silenced customers who each had a blank look on their faces

"Sorry about that... Chong is an all powerful wizard, he can get a bit out of control if he's been around the MSD enough."


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I'd like to see him TRy" Stripetail growlled there was a look of unmitigated rage on his face, and we was hard to loook at now without terror.  Meanwhile those who had been bitten were getting napkins and other things ti stanch the bleeding. meanwhile others had picked up the near-inconscious Longtail and put him back at hs table. The odd threat had quieted nearly everyne..
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Manny Cav

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Manny was disparate for an escape route before the staff discovered his knowledge of their goop producing machine in the second floor. In a last ditch maneuver, he clicked something in his stomach, which caused him to begin to regurgitate mass amounts of food -- enough to force his head down the hole and back to the first floor. There... was quite a mess on the floor once the mess fell back down with him. Manny quietly walked back to his old booth where the flotation device malfunctioned and sat down without a word, sound, or expression. A regular customer saw the mess Manny threw up, gave a reluctant glance at his food, threw his plate at the closest waiter, and dashed out without a word.


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Nick acted Quickly to Prevent stripetaiul from saying anything that would stir the already ticked off chong to make good on his threat. A dish whizzed by his head and crashed into the wall, shatterring into pieces. "Please sir" Nick said. Go back to your seat, and I wil be with you shortly.." he said calmy to Stripetail, who gazed st his menacingly then relented.. Nick had seen Chong ticked before but this squirell didn't seem phased by Chong at all.. and it both scard him and amazed him. Once Stripetail was seated, with a jug of water, and a french silk pie, He rushed over to the Scooby Table 'Dessert?' he queried with a smile on his face.
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