Beyond the Mysterious Beyond > The Fridge

How did you find the GOF?

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This will eventually be a sticky, but I want to know how people are finding the Gang of Five.  What (or who) led you here?

This is actually one question I don't have to answer.  :lol:

First I came across Network 54 with help of Littlefoot1616 where I met him on and now we great friends in real life. :) I came to know of this form from Malte when talking to him and then soon after join this form. It is the first one I ever joined and the only one I seem to speak alot in. Overall I really glad that my spark of Land Before Time returned after so many years or I wouldn't have met all you great people on this form.

Good ol' Novaflare. Was on the IMDB boards, saw a post of his saying that there was a fan forum, and to PM him if I wanted in. Don't believe I need to say any more.

By the way, Nova, if you're reading this, thank you so very, very much for bringing this place to my attention.

Dash The Longneck:
I think I did a google research for "Land Before Time roleplays" and here I am.

Novaflare referred me.  I owe them a lot!


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