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Here's Littlefoot!


Hey guys!

Littlefoot-1616 is back in the fray! New and improved GOF is looking pretty sharp and I'm liking it!!! For those of you who dont know. Im Littlefoot-1616, a teenager from the anti-sunshine country of Britain. LOL  :P  :D Loved the LBT saga since I was knee high to a grasshopper (never did understand that saying but never mind LOL! :D) Got every single video and numerous other LBT stuff but I just plain adore the film right up to the point that I'd love to star in it myself. Far-fetched I know but hey...I can dream cant I?  :)

It'll be great to post up on the forum again!

TTFN! (Ta Ta For Now!)

Littlefoot-1616 (aka The Inquisitive Quadruped)

P.S. Just for your info, the number on the end is my lucky number written twice. So it actually reads Littlefoot-sixteen-sixteen...geddit?!  ;)

Ah, our inquisitive quadruped returns. :D  I know school's getting in everyone's way nowadays.

You know, you're one of the first to say this place actually looks nice...I haven't heard that from everyone yet...that kind of bothers me as I'm getting the impression I just kind of forced them over here and they aren't saying what they think of the place.  :huh:

Every time I see that TTFN I think of Tigger from Winnie the Pooh because he used to say that in the really old episodes.  :P


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