The Gang of Five
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LBT Series Marathon


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Time to give "The Meadow of Jumping Waters" a watch!

Cloud watching! I always loved doing this. I tend to find shapes even when I'm not really looking.

Spike lying on his side with a red-rimmed mouth looked really ominous, I've gotta say. :sducky

Petrie's tickly tree star fit was kinda funny, and it was amusing that Pterano was the one who passed this whole "friend of a friend" rumor about bad luck to Petrie. Guess he underestimated how jumpy his nephew could be. :p
This brings me to something I think was an issue across the whole TV series, though: Petrie's characterization. :opetrie When I was a kid, I never thought any of the LBT movies made Petrie into a one-dimensional scaredy-cat. Watching the TV series at the same age, however, that overwhelmingly was the impression I got from him. They flanderized him beyond his occasional timidness to complete paranoia, having him automatically react to almost everything with fear. I mean, he could be nervous in the movies, but he wasn't superstitious or anything. He even said to Littlefoot in VI, "Me no believe in bad luck!"

Also, the last time the Gang ventured into the Mysterious Beyond, at least their hearts were in the right place, trying to replace that stone for Tria. But now they're only trying to prove something to Cera. And it's not very responsible for Ruby to just say it'll be okay because it's not that far into the Mysterious Beyond. Does it matter how far it is? She and Chomper had a close brush with Red Claw the last time they were there!

Heh, I like how Littlefoot winks at the others before they start the "Adventuring" song. "That's our cue, guys! Time for the obligatory song." :lol

That fire scene is a lot like the one from LBT III.

Petrie's constant reminders that there's bad luck and it's all Spike's fault, getting an I-told-you-so attitude whenever the smallest problem happens, becomes annoying. I don't care for the superstitious, know-it-all version of Petrie we get in this episode. "Petrie BIG scaredy-egg!" Yeah, I noticed. :rolleyes

I'm glad Petrie at least felt bad enough about his attitude towards Spike that he helped him find food, though. :^^spike Plus, Spike getting his head stuck in that log was funny.

Cera: "Spike, why is your head in a log?"

Petrie: "Because Spike have bad luck. And...because me think there tree stars in log?" :lol

Soon, though, Petrie is back to purely annoying again. It starts to rain--"THIS ALL SPIKE'S FAULT!" The others point out that it rains all the time--"BUT STILL!" :anger

Then Ducky lets it slip that Littlefoot had a ground prickly in his foot, which Petrie quickly declares bad luck, and Littlefoot reacts with, "Thanks, Ducky." x(cera Littlefoot using sarcasm--and on Ducky, even?!? That's it, I'm not happy now. :anger

Wait, since when is the Sheltering Grass in the Mysterious Beyond, anyway? It was definitely part of the valley in LBT II, so that's a continuity error.
Stink pools? I bet stinkweed would thrive in those conditions. :PCera

Cera's reaction to the jumping water: :wow

Error during the "Good Times, Good Friends" song: Ruby's spots are missing.

It makes sense that bad smells bother Chomper more than the others, with his sharptooth sense of smell. Clever foreshadowing of what's soon to come, too.

"From now, on everybody listen to Petrie! Petrie right!" Petrie was never this bossy in any of the movies... :rolleyes
Spike saving the day with the power of stink was hilarious! :lol I love that battle cry. :SmugSpike
Ducky: "Your smell is not so bad, no, no, no." As she and everyone else hold their noses. Real convincing! :PCera

To wrap things up, I'm not particularly fond of this episode due to its abundance of annoying/OOC moments as pointed out above. However, it does have some funny moments and good pacing, and Spike even gets some time to shine, so I can't say it's all bad, just not necessarily my cup of tea.


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As for the Rhett hate, I don't get it, but this is coming from the guy who likes the silliness of yellowbellies.  :PCera
I'm also guilty of enjoying the yellowbellies. :PCera Although I would never call LBT XIII one of my favorite sequels, it's just so absurd that it really can be funny! It's not as if it pretends that the yellowbellies are anything but ridiculous--the Gang's reactions to them are always priceless! :lol

Gentle Sharptooth

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“The Meadow of Jumping Waters”

Sky Puffies, I love the music, reminds me of Yoshi’s Island in Paper Mario (N64).

Spike and his appettitie, Sweet Bubbles.

Cloud Chomper! Awesome!

Tickly Red Tree Stars?! Bad Luck lol

Uncle Pterano mention!

Redclaw roars are combo of The Lost World: Jurassic Park Velociraptor and T-Rex.

Iagree with you @RainbowFaceProtege that Petrie’s bad luck fixation is a comtinuity problem when I distinctly remeber him saying, “me don’t believe in bad luck.” (LBTVI).

 Petrie perches on Littlefoot’s head, a honage to the original film.

Irony, Chomper says “I’m not a scardy egg,” the Gang took care of Chomper when he was unhatched in his egg.

I am a huge fan of Petrie but him blaming Spike for everything because Spike ate bad luck treestars really got on my nerves. This is scapegoating or scapesauring.

Mud slide Ride! Coming to Universal Stuidos near you lol

Cera is like I’ve had enough Mud facials!

Redclaw has red eye in all his photos :lol

Sulfer pools are yellow, interestingly I just drove past a yellow sulfur pool today and I concur it stinks like rotten eggs.

Spike git Mud Skunked lol He’ll need tomato juice to get it off.

Poor Spike, he gets blamed for all the bad luck and then is social distanced by Chomper who can’t stand his sulfur smell. Then the whole Gang can’t stand his smell, so Spike has to stay back of the pack. Ironically in the Journey of the Brave, stinky water will be found by Spike and the qhole gang will use the stinky fpulage to make them unappetizing and difficult to find by the Feathered Sharpteeth.

Spike is so brave! Risking his life to save everyone after being rejected and his stinky smell ran Redclaw, Screech, and Thud off. I am offically Team Spike now.

Petrie apologizes, but its a little lackluster.

Overall a good episode. I didn’t like Petrie’s judgementalism of Spike about bad luck over tearing tickling tree stars when on the end Spike saves the day. This episode deminished my Petrie fandom a couple of notches, but on counterbalance it made me a huge Spike fan. So far since episode 1, Spike has saved the day the most.
« Last Edit: May 05, 2020, 04:15:23 PM by Gentle Sharptooth »

“The Past is Gone..” -Dream On, Aerosmith


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It's funny how the portrayal of the Gang varies between the TV show and the movies, isn't it? The TV show put Spike to better use so far, but Petrie (one of my favorite characters, too) got downgraded for sure. :(petrie

Gentle Sharptooth

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It's funny how the portrayal of the Gang varies between the TV show and the movies, isn't it? The TV show put Spike to better use so far, but Petrie (one of my favorite characters, too) got downgraded for sure. :(petrie

I have loved Spike’s characterization in the Series, but I agree Petrie is as you said “one dimensional” at times. Journey of the Brave contrasts starkly with Petrie becoming Digger Emperor, but in the series he’s just a fraidy bird?

“The Past is Gone..” -Dream On, Aerosmith


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It's funny how the portrayal of the Gang varies between the TV show and the movies, isn't it? The TV show put Spike to better use so far, but Petrie (one of my favorite characters, too) got downgraded for sure. :(petrie

I have loved Spike’s characterization in the Series, but I agree Petrie is as you said “one dimensional” at times. Journey of the Brave contrasts starkly with Petrie becoming Digger Emperor, but in the series he’s just a fraidy bird?
My inner paleontologist:
Bird? :rhett_shocked

Bird?? :bestsharptooth

Just kidding, I know you weren't serious. :lol Back on topic now, Petrie was indeed just a fraidy "bird" in this series. I don't think there was ever one arc involving him that wasn't about him getting over some fear. C'mon, why did that need rehashed so many times? We already saw in LBT XII how brave Petrie really could be, and that was the Petrie I wanted to see more of.

Gentle Sharptooth

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It's funny how the portrayal of the Gang varies between the TV show and the movies, isn't it? The TV show put Spike to better use so far, but Petrie (one of my favorite characters, too) got downgraded for sure. :(petrie

I have loved Spike’s characterization in the Series, but I agree Petrie is as you said “one dimensional” at times. Journey of the Brave contrasts starkly with Petrie becoming Digger Emperor, but in the series he’s just a fraidy bird?
My inner paleontologist:
Bird? :rhett_shocked

Bird?? :bestsharptooth

Just kidding, I know you weren't serious. :lol Back on topic now, Petrie was indeed just a fraidy "bird" in this series. I don't think there was ever one arc involving him that wasn't about him getting over some fear. C'mon, why did that need rehashed so many times? We already saw in LBT XII how brave Petrie really could be, and that was the Petrie I wanted to see more of.

Its like the writers said, “think of every phobia, and give it to Petrie.” :lol
I agree that Petrie was far braver in LBTXII and even if you return to the OR film, he flew down in face of Sharptooth, rescued Ducky, even got bite by Sharptooth and dragged down into deep water, manages to escape and rejoin the Gang. Uh, after being in Sharptooth’s jaws and nearly drowning, Petrie has fears?!! Sorry, rant over. XD

“The Past is Gone..” -Dream On, Aerosmith


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And now for "Days of Rising Waters"--hmm, another Petrie-themed episode. :)petrie

Petrie's family has shrunk considerably since LBT XII. :p

I love the idea of Petrie having a "snuggling stick." Every kid has that one thing that's special to them, why should prehistoric kids be any different? :yes

EVERY scene involving Chomper around Petrie's siblings is GOLD, pure gold!!! :lol :lol :lol

It's great to see little Tricia again! :wub

You gotta feel sorry for Petrie, trying to move the pieces of his nest back to his old home.

Tricia: "Cewah!" :wub Awwwwww, Tricia is just so adorable in every scene she's in! Look how much she's enjoying herself right before Cera dives in to "save" her.

It's sweet how Chomper tries to comfort Petrie.
Um, why is Petrie smiling when he sings, "Do not cry..." :thinking

Petrie is being a little dramatic--"bye bye, old friends?" Um, it's not like they lived that close to his nest to begin with. He's just moving to a different cliff, not clear out of the Great Valley! :p

Tricia splashing around...I've said it before, but I'll say it again: AAAAAAWWWW! :wub

Petrie's siblings' reaction to Chomper's smile--HAHA! :lol :lol :lol
I honestly cannot believe Petrie would think underneath that fallen tree looks like a nice place to live. I mean, huh? :opetrie

Now Tricia is learning from Ducky. C'mon, hold back, don't say it.... :sducky

Nice of the rest of the Gang to pitch in on the move.

Heh, I like Petrie's attempt to rebuild the nest EXACTLY as it was. Poor guy when he realizes the snuggling stick is gone, though. I'm glad he's got such a good mom, going to find it for him. :DD
I find it hard to believe that one stick would cause that huge rush of mud, but...okay. :rolleye

Look at Petrie's siblings clinging to Chomper's tail! Chomper might not say anything to them, but his dumbfounded face does all the talking: "Oooookay...I have flyers on my tail." :lol :lol :lol

Okay, Tricia reeeeally looks like she's trying to squish Ducky now. :p
Chomper saves Petrie's mom, and Petrie's siblings finally come around to him--yay!! :celebrate
Hooray, Tricia's a swimmer! Time for your next student, Ducky... :SmugSpike
(Seriously, why doesn't she ever teach Spike?)

I don't know what's funnier, Cera's attempt to swim, or Ducky's reaction to it. :lol
I know Petrie's singing voice has rubbed many the wrong way, but...I think it's kinda adorable.
Hey, nice harmonizing between Littlefoot, Chomper, and Ruby there!
It's Petrie's snuggling stick! Chomper saved the day in more ways than one! And the way Petrie kisses it, curls up, and dozes off with it is too cute. :^^spike It's clearly his baby!

I loved this episode! Finally, Petrie got a great story arc that wasn't another rehash of him being scared! Instead, it reminded me what I like about him! :)petrie His attachment to his snuggling stick and his old nest was endearing, and his interactions with the rest of the Gang here were sweet. Chomper had moments to shine, too, and even though the Tricia subplot didn't really have anything to do with the rest of the episode, it was fun.

EDIT: OMG--I think this was the post that just gave me Petrie status! :wow :wow :wow
« Last Edit: May 07, 2020, 02:44:49 PM by RainbowFaceProtege »

Gentle Sharptooth

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The Days of the Rising Waters•

Petrie’s nest fever is how many COVID shelter in place kids must feel.

Petrie and family have lost their home! I can identify with that!

Snuggling Stick, Petrie’s version of a blanket.

Mud Waterfall, I wish Mud Brother Mo showed up in this episode.

If Chomper had actual T-Rex claws, he’d never be able pick up those sticks.

Chomper: I am getting really hungry. Petre’s siblings shuttering. This is gold lol

Petrie fretting over move. I usually cry.

I love Petrie’s siblings. But weren’t there like three more in LBTXII?

Snuggling Stick, apparently Petrie had it since he came to Great Valley, however neither the original film or subsequent films ever mentions snuggling stick. Continuity issue.

Petrie loses mother to land slide over snuggling stick. I am so not liking Petrie in this series so far, he is too selfish. 

Chomper Sniffer Extraordinaire! :chompysmile

Cera is the doubting Thomas of the Gang, “I’ll dee it ehen I believe it.”

Chomper saves Momma! He eats the mud so she can breath. Chomper saves an adult! He is the chosen one! I love how Chomper risked his life to save Petrie’s Mom.  :chompysmile

Chomper eats mud and crawlers. Petre: You may be gross Chomper, but you are hero! “I need a hero!” 🎵

Tricia swims! Ducky is swimmer instructor extraordinaire.

Overall a decent episode. I felt Petrie’s arch was strong eith having to move to a new nest, but the Tricia swimming subplot was lackluster. Cera in these epusodes seems to be getting the short end of stick story wise (no pun intended lol). For me the beat moment was Chomper leaping into mud slude, and chewing through mud to save Petrie’s Momma. Chomper is a hero. :)
« Last Edit: May 07, 2020, 05:52:04 PM by Gentle Sharptooth »

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Petrie loses mother to land slude over snuggling stick. I am so not liking Petrie in this series.

In Petrie's defense, it was his mom's own decision to go find the stick for him. It wasn't as if he made her.

Overall a decent episode. I felt Petrie’s arch was strong eith having to move to a new nest, but the Tricia swimming subplot was lackluster. Cera in these epusodes seems to be getting the short end of stick story wise (no pun intended lol). For me the beat moment was Chomper leaping into mud slude, and chewing through mud to save Petrie’s Momma. Chomper is a hero. :)
Chomper was the best part of this episode for sure! If there was one thing this series did right, it was Chomper! :chompysmile

Now--on to "Escape From the Mysterious Beyond."

I like the interaction between Littlefoot and Chomper as they're getting out of the cave. Chomper thinks he's a big boy. :lol
Red Claw is suitably ferocious here, which is always good. :evilsmile
I like that Petrie came up with an escape, instead of just panicking like he sometimes does in these types of scenes. :)petrie
Cera sure gripes about Chomper a lot during this chase. Not cool, Cera! x(cera
Fast biters! *Jurassic Park music intensifies* :evilsmile :thudstonk
When Ducky and Chomper break away from the rest of the group and Chomper falls to the ground, he's got this really weird, crazed grin on his face... :bestsharptooth

I love what a mismash of characters got stuck on the ledge together: Chomper, Ducky, and Thud. Time for some interesting flattooth-sharptooth interaction!

Ruby: "You've gotta take the good with the bad. won't get to take anything!" :lol

Now THAT was ferocious when Screech burst out of that rock! I'm getting some serious Jurassic Park vibes from this guy!
YESS--sharptooth subtitles! We haven't seen those since LBT V! :celebrate
I love how determined Chomper is to protect Ducky! :OhYou And Ducky's compassion for Thud (even as he keeps trying to eat her) is great, too! :duckyhappy
The Ducky/Chomper duet is super sweet! :^^spike (On another note, I like how Thud, meanwhile, is evilly examining his claws.) :thudstonk

The tree roots the Gang finds shelter in are so cool, sort of like mangrove trees!

The music during the "Adventuring" song here sounds so much like it came out of Donkey Kong Country Returns.

I love how Ducky tells Chomper that even though he feels little, he's "big on the inside"--it's like she's passing on the lesson she learned from Ruby back in "The Cave of Many Voices."

Isn't it convenient how many trees grow alongside cliffs in LBT? :lol

Gotta give Thud credit for being able to admit Chomper was right all along. And Chomper going back to help him, truly being the "bigger sharptooth," is such a wonderful moment, definitely one of the best this show has given us so far!
The first thing Ducky does when she rejoins the others is hop onto Spike, of course. :duckyhappy :^^spike
I love that when the sharptooth chase resumes, Thud misdirects Redclaw on purpose. Even a fierce sharptooth can have good in him! :chompysmile

This episode was great! The interactions between Thud and Chomper, plus the arcs given to both characters as the plot unfolds, were wonderful! Seeing a bad-guy sharptooth show potential for redemption is awesome, and I only wish they would have built onto that over the rest of the series, but whatever. My only complaint about this episode is that the scenes with the rest of the Gang running from Redclaw felt like obvious filler, especially the "Adventuring" moment that added to the episode in no way whatsoever. This episode was still great, though.

Gentle Sharptooth

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True Petrie did not make his momma go fetch the Snuggling stick, but his zealous resistance to the move and his sad song compelled Momma to risk her safety to get the stick since her son was so unhappy.

Chomper was indeed the best part of the episode. He is a hero! :)


“Escape from Mysterious Beyond”

I love the non-lyric music in this series, I would buy an album of it with its Jamaican, Bahamian, and tropical tunes.

Redclaw be like, “Kids get off my lawn!”  :bestsharptooth :whatdidyousay

Cera: Great Idea Hatchling! Gotta love Cera’s sass.  ;)Cera

Redclaw by far more coordinated and is cutting them off more easily, perhaps he knows the area so well he can anticipate where the Gang eill go.

Screech and Thud gets some spotlight for once.  :evilsmile :thudstonk

Littlefoot: We’ll be fine as long as we are together.
Cera: So they csn eat us together?!
Ha “Friends for Dinner!” XD

Cera could just ram Screech off the cliff.

Convienant earth shake justas Screech is about to pounce, as if someone above the Bright Circle is watching out for them. ;)  :rainbowwave

Ruby: “Shaken, not stirred.” (007 Ref) XD

Trapped on the ledge with Thud. This is the tension we need.

Screech almost got Cera!

Chomper and Thud talking in Sharpteethenese is priceless!

Chomper: She’s my friend! Thud cackles and laughs.

Why doesn’t Petrie get his Momma? She could pick up Chomper and Ducky.

Ducky has a big heart, wanting to help her enemy Thud, “Jesus said, Love your enemies..” (Matthew 5:24).  :duckyhappy

Chomper can really sing!

The Tree Roots remind me of Cera and Littlefoot in vines of the original film fleeing Sharptooth.

“Little Biter” is Thud’s nickname for Chomper, it would make a great GOF username.

I love Thud and Chomper’s discourse. Particularly that Thud admits Chomper is right and Chomper goes to save him and says, “Being the bigger sharptooth.”

Chomper’s act of kindness made Thud pretend he didn’t know ehere the Gang was hiding beneath the rocks. “Love your enemies,” and “you reap what you sow.” (Galatians 6:7-9).  :chompysmile :thudstonk

Overall one of my favorite episodes! It had a great blend of tension, humor, and character development for Chomper, Ducky, and Thud. I like this revisited that the Sharpteeth speak another language and arn’t monsters. Thud is basically part of a trio to survive, but he learned there is friendship that goes deeper than hunting mates; a friendship that helps others and doesn’t abandon anyone.   

« Last Edit: May 07, 2020, 07:22:25 PM by Gentle Sharptooth »

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Moving on to "The Hidden Canyon."

You know, Stop the Seed hardly looks like a fair game for the Gang, considering that the pinecone is almost as big as Ducky and Petrie. :lol

That's a pretty cool-looking cave! (Though I sure wouldn't want to be in it: claustrophobia!!) :p
I'm annoyed that they just recycled the term "tree sweets" here. These new tree sweets have literally nothing to do with the old tree sweets...come on! :rolleye

The animation of Petrie right before they start singing "Good Times, Good Friends" was obviously reused from the Stop the Seed scene, so he's suddenly back in the valley. ("Nobody's gonna notice," they thought.) :lol And Spike's dance in the same scene--haha, that's the most mobile he's ever been in his life! :lol :lol :lol

When even Spike feels too full at the end of the day, you KNOW something's wrong. Mrs. Swimmer is suspicious, indeed, and for good reason!

It's a little odd that only Screech and Thud entered the valley. Up until now, I had the impression that they didn't go anywhere without Red Claw. Get 'em, Grandpa Longneck!

Those supposed fast biter prints have no sign of a raised toe claw. *Sigh.* :rolleyes

Petrie: "We leave now! Me scared!" Petrie's default reaction in this show is fear: confirmed. :rolleyes

Littlefoot: "We made a big mistake."
Ducky: "It is more than an oops-eeps!" :DD

I think it's a bit weird that some bad-smelling fruit is enough to keep sharpteeth away. This makes them seem more like animals than intelligent creatures, which isn't consistent with LBT V or "Escape From the Mysterious Beyond."

Is it just me, or does Redclaw seem like he's barely doing anything in the battle scene? I feel like this whole battle is kind of lazily animated--we already know this show can do better based on some of the previous episodes.

Ha--look at Red Claw trying to wipe the fruit off his nose with those little arms!! :lol :lol :lol

I feel like having Red Claw literally running away from some smelly fruit was a bit much. Could've had him leave without making him looks that silly/weak. :rolleyes

That giant rock hovers in the air for a minute after Grandpa Longneck and Mr. Threehorn push it. :p

I can't believe Mr. Threehorn actually called himself "old." I have the feeling that if anyone else described him that way, they'd be dead! :lol

Well, that's it. This episode was pretty "meh" in my opinion. It didn't really give any interesting development to anyone. In fact, it never focused on any specific member of the Gang at all! Plus, the sharpteeth were poorly used, and then there's the laziness of reusing the term "tree sweet." I mean, the episode wasn't horrible--it was okay and all--but not really a favorite of mine.

Gentle Sharptooth

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I have heard of this infamous episode, its the reason for my Redclaw/Redbelly in Yellowbellies RP. Fruit beats Sharptooth lol I think for sharptooth shame this one takes the cake. I will waych the episode and hlgive my review presently.

Topsy called himself old?! I can pocture him saying “I am too old for this stuff or stick.” An omage to Lethal Weapon lol 

“The Past is Gone..” -Dream On, Aerosmith

Gentle Sharptooth

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“The Hidden Canyon”

New FIFA World Cup will be in Great Valley, Chomper is to be MVP. XD

Player Petrie down! Injury, pinecone.

Spike gets run over by Littlefoot and Chomper lol XD

Hidden Cave leads to Paradiso.

Chomper: Your sniffer must be broken, it smells so bad it makes my head hurt. XD

Gonna be honest, I think those fruits are fermented. XD

So treesweets is a term for all sweet tasting substances in a tree, I thought it was just the name of the sweet treestars in LBTXI.

Continuity mistake, Ruby leaves the Paradise of Pear shaped tree sweets with Chomper, but after “Singing Good Times Good Friends,” you see her briefly with the Gang, even though she left into Hidden Cave with Chomper.

First time we see Ducky’s Mom in series. Lol she wants to feed an already full Sucky and Spike who won’t divulge their secret treesweet paradiso.

To Ducky misleading her mom, “Liar Liarrrr!” -Old Woman, Princess Bride

Screech and Thud in the Valley! Muwahaha!

Pterosaur Air force! Yeah! Dropping payloads of fruit.

I love it, Grandpa Longneck did all the work, and Topsy just sots there taunting Screech and Thud, “You are going home hungry tonight.”

I love the adults arn’t shocked the Gang knows Redclaw and the Fast Biters. No questions like, “how do you know them?” XD

Interesting, stinky tree sweets keep Sharpteeth from entering the Valley. The Gang eating them made everyone vulnerable.

I am glad to finally see and hear Grandma Longneck, she and Grandpa are my favorite grown ups.

Topsy vs Redclaw! Classic matchup of Triceratops vs Tyrannosaurus that you see in the oldest of Dinosaur paintings and illustrations!

Cera and her Dad work together! They toss a treesweet in Redclaw’s mouth! Awesome!

Poor Redclaw, sheds a tear. Its hard being a Sharptooth.

Topsy: I am getting to old to tangle with Sharpteeth.
Lethal Weapon joke! “I’m getting old for this shish (expletive).” (Murtagh, Danny Glover).

Topsy: Trick to fighting Sharpteeth is to never let them know you are afraid, so I marched right up to that sharptooth and looked him square in the eye. Topsy is such a ham for glory and attention lol

Overall, fantastic episode! I am glad to finally see the grown up tango with Redclaw and Screech and Thud. I had heard about this episode, the embarrassment of Redclaw defeated by fruit and honestly it doesn’t bother me, the impression I was given is that the Gang single handedly defeats Redclaw with fruit, but here we saw Grandpa Longneck and Topsy are there to hold the Sharpteeth back while the Gang fires vollies of treesweets at the Sharpteeth.

This has to be one of my favorite episodes, it featured Grandpa longneck, Grandma Longneck, Sucky’s Mom, and Topsy; all of which gave outstanding performances. The tension in the show was balanced, the relaxed first half with treesweets, the foreboding that paradise comes with a price, and when the Sharpteeth arrived the tempo of the show went up. All in all a great episode! 

“The Past is Gone..” -Dream On, Aerosmith


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Hey, we're back in business!! And @Gentle Sharptooth I'm glad to see that someone enjoys "The Hidden Canyon." Even though it's not a favorite of mine, I agree that people have made it sound much worse than it is. But now it's time to discuss...

"Legend of the Story Speakers"

I love that the storytelling area from VI has come back!

The sky looks so beautiful in Grandpa Longneck's story. I always wished Saro wouldn't have interrupted that story. C'mon, seriously, I wanted to know the rest! (Were there going to be Rainbow Faces involved? Tell me there were gonna be Rainbow Faces!) :lol

It's cool to meet an old friend of Grandpa Longneck's, and I love Saro's reaction to Chomper. (Guess you've probably noticed by now that how someone reacts to Chomper is a good test of character if you ask me!) It's also nice that Grandpa Longneck gets some development with this episode. Plus, the longneck culture/mythos that we got a glimpse of in LBT X gets further explored in Saro's stories.

That view of the Great Valley at night was gorgeous. There's a very pretty night atmosphere in this episode! :wub

Pretty insensitive of Saro to all of a sudden basically declare, "Hey, Grandpa Longneck, wanna uproot your life and your family to go tell longneck stories with me! Of course you want to!" Then he gets angry at him: "You've turned your back on longnecks and all our traditions! I have nothing left to say to you!" That was more than a little much. Why couldn't Saro have said something more like, "I understand...but I'd always hoped you would help me carry on the stories. If you can't tell the stories anymore...I can't, either." The plot of the episode could've otherwise played out the same way, and Saro would've been much more sympathetic/likeable.

During the "Remembering" that Littlefoot's mom as a hatchling? :cry

Another gorgeous use of the nighttime atmosphere. This episode sure doesn't disappoint there!

Now Chomper is joining in on Littlefoot's search for Saro. I love how his sense of smell was used as kind of a special sharptooth power in this series.

You know, they aren't very consistent about Chomper's size compared to Littlefoot. I think he doubles in size over their journey!

Wow, Chomper can JUMP! :lol

And Saro is still fuming mad--stomping his foot and causing an rockslide, even! I didn't recall him being such a fool, but he kind of is. He saves Chomper and Littlefoot, at least, but he doesn't even apologize to them, he's just like, "You shouldn't have followed me. Those rocks are now blocking the way back to the Great Valley!" (Or, more accurately, maybe you shouldn't throw a foot-stomping fit when you have giant feet!)

I actually kind of like the instrumentals in this song. The tune might be reused, but they at least put a new spin on it.
"I hooope you're riiiiiight..." Um, Chomper sounded pretty eerie there. Play that line in a dark room by yourself, I dare ya! :bestsharptooth
(Change the video speed to 0.5x while you're at it!)

I like that Tall Stepper and his sis are a species that hasn't been used before, but Tall Stepper's color scheme is just like Rhett, and his sister shares Ali's new color scheme. Maybe I'm nitpicking, but is it really that hard to use different colors on your characters? :p

Alright, Grandpa Longneck's here to save the day!

Haha, look at Chomper riding on Saro's foot. :DD

Finally, Saro and Grandpa Longneck make up with each other, but I'm still finding it hard to forgive Saro for that stomp...

This episode was pretty different from any others so far. The way it takes place completely at night gives it a very unique mood, and while that results in some gorgeous backgrounds and animation, it also leads to the episode feeling sort of...I dunno, sleepier in certain parts? It doesn't help that the plot seemed to move slowly for the most part, only to be suddenly rushed to the resolution towards the end. And although I didn't remember having anything against Saro when I watched this as a kid, I find myself not really caring for him now. I guess I'm gonna sum up my opinion by saying this episode isn't bad, but it's not great. It's the kind of thing I'd have to be in the right mood for.

Gentle Sharptooth

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“The Legend of the Story Speakers”

Finally saw where this Grandpa Longneck emote came from

I like Starwatcher, the longneck who looked at the stars. I might add him to “The Quest for Telling.” ;) 

Stars came down to see Starwatcher. Cute. [Add, I think you might be right, this could be the work of Rainbowfaces!]

Saro, neat to know Grandpa Longneck had a friend from the past.

Grandpa: That’s Chomper, he was hatched by Littlefoot.

Chomper: I want to learn how different dinosaurs get along.

Grandpa is a Great Story Speaker

Trees sang to the Bright Circle
History of Longnecks is intriguing.

The Night Circle is a longneck’s friend. The kindness of the Night Circle made them longnecks. This raises the question, do longnecks worship the night Circle as a god?

So Saro wanted Grandpa to become story speaker missionaries, going to all longnecks around the land.

Saro: You’ve turned your back on longnecks and their traditions! Luna Wills it!

Grandpa Longneck is hanging his head low and sad, my heart is broken. :o

Young Grandpa Longneck in a flashback!

Remembering song makes me melancholy.. sobs.

Littlefoot: I cannot let longneck stories be lost.
Admirable, i feel the same about my beliefs and traditions.

Cool Chomper and Littlefoot alone in their quest, Dynamic Duo!

Chomper riding on Littlefoot in the water, clinging to his neck, so cute! XD

Three greco gods?:

Sun god: Wants the tree worship and makes them so tall short necks couldn’t eat.

Moon god: Made longnecks necks long so they could eat, taking pity on them.

Wind god: Takes Tall Stepper’s sister away and challenges him to a race to save her.

Saro has graduated from Story Speaker Padawan to Story Speaker Knight. Now go forth and teach new generations the Stories!

What? I wanted to hear about First Voice! She sounded so interesting!

Overall a good episode. The stories seemed very far fetched. But it does lend insight into the Longneck belief system and mythos. I really liked Sorrow, its nice to have another male grown up longneck than Bron, Doc, and Grandpa Longneck. All in all a good episode.

“The Past is Gone..” -Dream On, Aerosmith


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Really liked this episode and the idea of story speaker longnecks (Guess who I think will become a story speaker:  :rhett_brag )

Saro appears to have anger issues shown in this story as he immediately turns away Grandpa Longneck when he refuses to come with him and he causes a landside acting out his frusteration. These are flaws of him of course, but interesting flaws.

I just wish the story went into more depth and have Saro try to improve on his errors with at least him realizing he allowed his feelings to danger those around him and use that as an excuse why he can't be a story teller. It be interesting if he didn't feel he could tell stories is because he thinks like his mistakes make the stories he tells hypocritical and worthless.

I like Littlefoot and Chomper working together, I always do, but I felt like it would have been better to focus more on Saro. Maybe the idea was he'd appear in Season 2 and we'd get more development from him and understand more about his flaws.

Gentle Sharptooth

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@Goldenwind Yeah Saro did seem quick to judge Grandpa who gave a reasonable explanation for staying in the Great Valley. His behavior had the hallmarks of Borderline Personality Disorder, “Yoy are either with me or my enemy; you either agree with me or are my enemy.” Borderline is triggered by rejection or the perception thereof, Saro felt Grandpa was rejecting him because his story speaking mission was being turned down. Granted, Saro comes around in what I agree is a speedy resolution and reconcilation. I would have liked for Saro to apologize for saying to Grandpa, “You have turned your back on longnecks and all our traditions.” That was cruel. Anyone who makes Grandpa sad deserves either a consequence or must give heartfilled apology.

“The Past is Gone..” -Dream On, Aerosmith

Little Bro

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Sorry if I'm disturbing anything by butting in here, but Saro did seem selfish when Grandpa Longneck said he was staying for his family. I mean, what was he supposed to do, leave Littlefoot and Grandma? I don't really know if this episode taught that this is not what you do when someone does something you didn't like.
Go Chomper!

Gentle Sharptooth

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Sorry if I'm disturbing anything by butting in here, but Saro did seem selfish when Grandpa Longneck said he was staying for his family. I mean, what was he supposed to do, leave Littlefoot and Grandma? I don't really know if this episode taught that this is not what you do when someone does something you didn't like.

Feel free to butt in Cera style.  ;)Cera This marathon is open to anyone who wants to comment. :)

I agree with you, there didn’t seem to be any discouragement towards Saro’s behavior other than Grandpa is sad. Saro never has a introspective moment, nor is he corrected about such “all or nothing,” behavior. If kids are to learn via the parables and moral tales in this series, this was a near miss. 

“The Past is Gone..” -Dream On, Aerosmith