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Insane Cafe 4: The Insane Frontier

Nick22 · 5699 · 424724


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"You'll look after him after I'm gone, right?" Arlene asked Panty. "I trust you completely with doing so."


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He'll be able to take care of himself by then, long before then, actually. " Panty said. My goddess duties require much of my time and attention, it's why I have only had a few lovers and fewer children over the ages. Oliver is my first child in at least half a million years." Panty said
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"That long, huh?" Arlene asked, surprised. "What was your last one like?" she said to the goddess of hunting.


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She was a huntress, like myself. Reclusive, stayed detached from the world. Often happens with demigods and demigoddesses , they don't relate to the mortal world. Many immortals go even further: they openly detest mortals. Mertavius, even by those measures, is extreme. I've run into him more than a few times over the ages, we've never come to blows, fortunately. He's far more powerful than I am, he would make short work of me." Panty said " Fortunately I am a goddess and a fellow immortal, so he leaves me alone. You , o the other hand, Arlene, had better not cross his radar."
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"From everything I've heard about him, I know to avoid him," Arlene nodded. "Though I know as the goddess of hunting you LOVE devouring mortals," she smiled, lightening the mood.


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When I can, of course " Panty chuckled." Now, of course, is not a good time, dealing with that Chong fellow. I will pop in and out, as time permits. I've been quietly helping the seer, you don't need to know the details. Just keep an eye on our son, and hang out with his friends and yours" Panty said
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"And maybe bring him some presents the next time," Arlene chuckled lightly. "When do you want his practice to begin?"


"Being rich is me following in the family path of success," Kovu grinned proudly to his father,


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He's too young for training yet" Panty said " it will be awhile. In the meantime don't worry so much about him getting hurt. The Duke used that fear against you during the games and it drove a split between you Kitty and Dixie that lasted for awhile. Granted the girls were busy serving Prince Onca for most of that stretch " Panty chuckled" What some ladies will do for the favor of a prince. Oh, I could tell you stories, but then again you don't have 10000 years to hear them."
Following in my footsteps is not giving a darn what others think of you " Scar said . " Being a king is not a popularity contest, if you have the ability and the bloodline, you rule. If you don't , you don't. It's pretty simple, really . I will buy a few things of yours, toss you a few bucks. Not that you really need it." Scar said
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"Of course, I'll be getting paid a king's wage in the near future," Kovu smiled. "Glad you and mom are doing well, by the way."


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Son, money isn't a concern for you , now or in the future. Not with the way your colognes are selling " Scar laughed. " For now, I have to get back to work."
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"Give our regards to mother and Nuka," Kovu and Vitani said.

Kovu then saw Sima and Vushu still in their bout. "These sumo gals are determined warriors," he complimented.


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Vushu finished beating Sima in their match., flexing as she got out. " Bowing hour is about to start." She said to Sima
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"You don't want to miss that," Kovu nodded. "Sorry that I can't join in, I have to remain in bed for the time being, after all."


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Kopa was finishing up paying for the Scarmobile, while Kiara was walking around the vehicle a big grin on her face " He'll pay you back for the cost of the vehicle " she said." Ancestors know he can afford it now " And here I thought that money was going to cover the expenses of raising the football teams worth of cubs you are planning to have." Kopa chuckled " well, not all at once." Kiara laughed " I'm just happy we got him back safely."
Tigeress finally spotted some ruins on the side of a hill. " Going to type in the name of the ruins, see if those are it." After a a couple minutes her face fell" No those aren't them, but I know where they are now, northwest of here."
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"And I'm going to make sure he gets everything he wants," Kiara vowed. The siblings then heard a ringing. Kiara recognized the ring tone. "It's Kion," she smiled.


"Then keep going," Jing said, "I don't know how much longer they can last."


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Sis, why do I get the feeling that getting him everything he wants will result in a huge hole in my wallet?" Kopa teased before his phone buzzed and an image of his younger brother appeared along with a pair of hyenas " Hey Kion, what's going on back home? Or is this a ' subjects request ' call? Kopa asked
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"Sort of," Kion smiled, "Heard you got Kovu back safely. That's awesome! As for now Jasiri and Janja have a request," he explained, turning the phone over to the hyenas.


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Hi , your majesty " Jasiri waved at Kopa." Janja and I have a few requests. Most of them are hyena wide although a couple are personal. First, we need more blankets beds and pillows for our pack, the ones we have are becoming threadbare, lumpy and they reek.Second, the elephants are being cheap again about paying us for our work in helping them build a elephant play area for the youngins. Third, we need more and better housing. I know you are busy working with this wizard guy, but any help you can provide, we will be grateful." How much are they shorting you?" About 1 million bucks."Janja said." I'll make up the difference." Kopa said. "I'll look into stacked housing to see if that's a possibility.  I'll include bedding, blankets and the rest  too. What was the personal stuff you want? Permission to expand the restaurant and increase food prices. Imports aren't cheap and have been eating away at our profits. Janja wants a all you can drink fridge, he's trying for the world records in loudest belch and longest belch and he needs regular carbonation.  Also, tell Kion to get me a girls uniform , the last time he got everyone in the guard boys uniforms, and Fuli and I can barely squeeze into them. " Jasiri said. " Also I need a raise to cover Janja eating all the Pride pies at yesterday's pie off, Nala was pissed and is making us buy replacements." Alright, Ill fold it into Guard upkeep, it's been needing a overhaul anyway." Kopa said.
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"Just be careful about where Janja practices," Kiara smirked, "We don't want glass to shatter or an earthquake to be triggered. It's to see all of you doing well, I've missed eating at the hyena cafe. The food there is always yummy."


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(Spire of Winter)

The captives that Stripetail had rescued were all recuperating in the ship's medical bay. In addition to treating their physical wounds, specialized healers from Weyard had been brought in to monitor their magical state and treat any magically caused injury. After all, Mertavius was a powerful mage and he was not above using his magic to cause injuries that could only be healed by magic.

"How is everyone doing?" one of the doctors asked as they looked over the rescued captives.



"And another great showing from Stripetail! That crater'll be there for eons as a monument to his might!" the announcer bellowed from the announcer box. "And for those who have just arrived, this is the final showing of the Dreadzone! All  concessions are 90% off and all souvenirs are 75% off! And now, onward to the next planet for the showing of the Lord of the Cosmos's might!" The announcer finished with a theatrical flourish before ending the connection.

"Okay, now that's done, let's get out of here!" Thankfully, the equipment was light and easily put away for storage. The two armed guards were nervously looking around. Every rustle of grass nearly caused them to unleash a fusillade of rifle fire. But that was to be expected after the third guard was dragged away and rather messily devoured.


Despite the discount on souvenirs, not much was being sold as there were few in stock and the usual "goodies" of the combatants' remains and destroyed materiel was not available. Simply due to how dangerous this planet was with its wildlife, making recovering them extremely difficult. And of course, the sheer power of Stripetail's attacks usually left only ashes behind.

Though that is not to say that people tried.



Sirens rang out as the station started to plummet to the moon's surface. Thanks to the nearly nonexistent atmosphere of the moon, the station began to accelerate.

"There's no more time!" the ODIN trooper bellowed over the sirens.

Dr. Zanasiu picked himself off the ground. "All we have is a handful of USB drives from Vox's office."

"Good enough!"

The duo ran to the hangar where their ship was waiting. As they exited the space station, they watched as it rapidly picked up speed. A bright flash of light was visible as it smashed into the moon, leaving behind a new crater.

Dr. Zanasiu sighed as he radioed Stripetail and Captain Carson. "This is Dr. Zanasiu. The Dreadzone has been destroyed. It was not our doing but Vox or one of his men crashed it into the moon that it orbits. Both of us narrowly escaped with our lives."
« Last Edit: May 01, 2021, 10:58:53 PM by Serris »

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