The Gang of Five
Howdy, everyone!

The member joining awards for 2019, 2020, and 2021 have been posted. We admins would like to thank each and every one of you who have made the forum their home over these years. It is because of people like you that the forum is the welcoming place that it is. :)

The forum supporter awards for those who maintained the forum on Patreon in 2023 will also be up shortly. Again, thank you all for what you do to keep our little corner of the Internet online!

Fanfiction Prompt Challenge Discussion

rhombus · 481 · 156073


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Just to add to the general suspense, here are the prompts that have been submitted so far:

From Diddy:  Write a spiritual story involving any Gang member and a deceased member of his/her family.

From OwlsCantRead:  Greed. A deadly trait, and one which can consume someone entirely should they fall prey to the enticing allure of it. As mortal creatures who live and breathe under the Bright Circle, an individual can lose themselves to their selfish nature at any given time, falling victim to the temptation of going astray in their pursuit for more. Pen down a story where a dinosaur risks everything for the sake of greed. Whether they end up succeeding or lose it all in their high-stakes gamble is up to you.

From Rhombus:  Write from one of the following two prompts (or combine the two in some fashion if you prefer):

a)  Write a story that features one of Ducky's siblings taking the place of Ducky for a day in the gang, or one of Petrie's siblings doing the same for Petrie.  Perhaps it is part of a prank and the gang isn't able to tell swimmers or flyers apart very well.  Perhaps Ducky or Petrie is busy and the sibling wants to find out what the gang gets up to on their adventures.  Perhaps it is a bet between the siblings that the other cannot handle being in the other's place for ever one day.  Regardless of the plot device that makes it possible, show how they adapt to the fun (and chaos) that the gang gets up to on a typical near-death experience adventure.

b)  A variant of the first prompt if you prefer a supernatural variant that is a bit more devious: due to a curse one or more of the gang's parents is forced to take the place of their child for a day and must play the part convincingly in order to be changed back.  Show how they adapt to seeing first-hand what the gang gets up to on a typical near-death experience adventure.

From RainbowfaceProtégé:  Write a LBT story that incorporates science fiction elements. What will it be? Time travel? Alien visitors? The possibilities are endless!

From Ducky123: Write a story in the LBT universe inspired by another work of fiction. This can be anything from a novel, drama or folktale to a TV-series or movie or even a game if it has a story to tell.

Who will get what?  We will have to wait until August 1st to find out.  :bestsharptooth  Though keep in mind, if you wish to join the prompt exchange you still have until 7/31/2020 to do so.  :yes

Go ahead and check out my fanfictions, The Seven Hunters, Songs of the Hunters, and Menders Tale.


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@OwlsCantRead  @RainbowFaceProtege @DiddyKF1 @UnionRags123 @Ducky123

Alright, everyone, as announced on the Discord channel I have completed the drawing for the summer prompt challenge.  We all will have until October 15th to complete these prompts.  So without further ado, lets see what everyone has been assigned by my six-sided dice!  :MoEvil  :bestsharptooth

Diddy: Gets Union's prompt - The Gang end up on another adventure. However, this time they are accompanied by two characters who do not get along (like Mr. Threehorn and Mr. Thicknose). Will that cause this adventure to turn into a misadventure?

OwlsCantRead: Gets Rhombus prompt - Write from one of the following two prompts (or combine the two in some fashion if you prefer):

a)  Write a story that features one of Ducky's siblings taking the place of Ducky for a day in the gang, or one of Petrie's siblings doing the same for Petrie.  Perhaps it is part of a prank and the gang isn't able to tell swimmers or flyers apart very well.  Perhaps Ducky or Petrie is busy and the sibling wants to find out what the gang gets up to on their adventures.  Perhaps it is a bet between the siblings that the other cannot handle being in the other's place for ever one day.  Regardless of the plot device that makes it possible, show how they adapt to the fun (and chaos) that the gang gets up to on a typical near-death experience adventure.

b)  A variant of the first prompt if you prefer a supernatural variant that is a bit more devious: due to a curse one or more of the gang's parents is forced to take the place of their child for a day and must play the part convincingly in order to be changed back.  Show how they adapt to seeing first-hand what the gang gets up to on a typical near-death experience adventure.

Rhombus: Gets Rainbow's prompt - Write a LBT story that incorporates science fiction elements. What will it be? Time travel? Alien visitors? The possibilities are endless!

RainbowfaceProtégé: Gets Diddy's prompt - Write a spiritual story involving any Gang member and a deceased member of his/her family.

Ducky123: Gets Owl's prompt - Greed. A deadly trait, and one which can consume someone entirely should they fall prey to the enticing allure of it. As mortal creatures who live and breathe under the Bright Circle, an individual can lose themselves to their selfish nature at any given time, falling victim to the temptation of going astray in their pursuit for more. Pen down a story where a dinosaur risks everything for the sake of greed. Whether they end up succeeding or lose it all in their high-stakes gamble is up to you.

UnionRags: Gets Ducky's prompt - Write a story in the LBT universe inspired by another work of fiction. This can be anything from a novel, drama or folktale to a TV-series or movie or even a game if it has a story to tell.

Good luck, everyone! I look forward to seeing what you all come up with! :) Also keep in mind that the following prompt is still in progress:

July 2020..............................Jul 1 – Aug 31   

One word prompt : Alternatives

Dialogue prompt : "Not all was as it seemed."

Major prompt: History is often written by the winners and this is no less true in the Land Before Time... apart from the whole writing thing. :p Write a story that presents an alternative character interpretation (or a hidden side) of a canon character.
« Last Edit: August 01, 2020, 02:19:55 AM by rhombus »

Go ahead and check out my fanfictions, The Seven Hunters, Songs of the Hunters, and Menders Tale.


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Well, this will be like nothing I've ever written before. But I accept the challenge, of course--better get started!
And @rhombus I'm looking forward to seeing your response to my prompt! I know you're no stranger to LBT sci-fi. :OhYou


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- Jokes about getting Rhombus' prompt because I was already writing Waves Crashing Upon the Sky, which currently has a similar concept of taking someone's place to understand them.
- Actually gets it.
- surprisedpikachu.jpg

Well, it's a very interesting prompt to say the least. I'm in a pickle over who should be the POV character, but I'll see what I can cook up in this three months.
Would it be possible for swimmers and flyers to get more love around here? Both figuratively… and literally.

That one guy who writes LBT fanfiction and accidentally makes them five times longer than he'd originally intended.


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I still like the idea of having a One Word, Dialogue, and Major prompt to choose from for each month. :yes

I also wanted to inquire if this particular prompt could be brought back at all for the next year...
March 2020

Special prompt : Make a story that focuses on another author's OC.  You will need to obtain that OC creator's permission first in order to use their OC, and do give them credit for the OC in your author's note.

Alternative prompt : Write a story that is set in the universe of another LBT fanfiction. Once again, make sure you get the original author's permission again.

I was actually going to participate in it last time, but then I hit a creative writing burnout (along with a bunch of other stresses earlier in the year). But I think it's a cool and unique idea for a prompt, and in fact I still have my story idea that I could use if it were to come back. I'd love to be able to give this one another shot.


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I still like the idea of having a One Word, Dialogue, and Major prompt to choose from for each month. :yes

I also wanted to inquire if this particular prompt could be brought back at all for the next year...
March 2020

Special prompt : Make a story that focuses on another author's OC.  You will need to obtain that OC creator's permission first in order to use their OC, and do give them credit for the OC in your author's note.

Alternative prompt : Write a story that is set in the universe of another LBT fanfiction. Once again, make sure you get the original author's permission again.

I was actually going to participate in it last time, but then I hit a creative writing burnout (along with a bunch of other stresses earlier in the year). But I think it's a cool and unique idea for a prompt, and in fact I still have my story idea that I could use if it were to come back. I'd love to be able to give this one another shot.
I stalled out on this specific prompt too back in March and April due to extenuating circumstances. I actually have about 2,000 words written as a draft, so hopefully if it returns I can finally finish it up.
Would it be possible for swimmers and flyers to get more love around here? Both figuratively… and literally.

That one guy who writes LBT fanfiction and accidentally makes them five times longer than he'd originally intended.


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I'd like to see this particular prompt return at some point. I was going to partake in it, but I ultimately conceded due to creative writing burnout and disinterest to write. I had about 1,000-2,000 words written, but since I deleted that file, the work I did went to waste.


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@OwlsCantRead  @RainbowFaceProtege @DiddyKF1 @UnionRags123 @Ducky123 @Anagnos @LBTlover247 @The Mr E @Sleeping-force's-inside @StardustSoldier

Good evening, everyone!

I will have an official welcome post for the new season of the fanfiction prompt challenge as soon as December 1st comes around.  But, before we get to the official beginning, I did want to run by a rule change and the proposed monthly prompts before we get started. 

Please let me know if you have any objections or suggested changes to what is proposed.   I am certainly willing to make revisions.  :yes  Additionally, please post into this topic any requested prompts that you would like included on the request list.

Proposed Rule Change:

For each month's prompt a writer can either utilize one of the prompts for that month, or, alternatively, they could use one of the user-requested prompts in place of that month's prompt.  A single author can only use a requested prompt once, but multiple people can use a requested prompt. In either case, the prompt response would be valid for the month concerned.

The only people who can request a prompt for the requested prompt list are those who have participated in the prompt challenge within the last two years.  The requested prompt should be sent in by December 1, 2020.

Proposed prompts:

December 2020


Write a story from the point of view of this character: Mama Flyer

Or, use this prompt as the premise of your story:  The difference between falling and flying is the matter of control.  But sometimes life gives us situations where we are not sure if we are in control or not.  Write a story where this realization hits a character rather suddenly.

January 2021


Write a story from the point of view of this character: Guido

Or, use this prompt as the premise of your story:  "It was then that my mind cleared and everything went into sharp focus.  I had been to this place.  I knew this place.  But from when I could not recall... I would have to investigate."

February 2021


Write a story from the point of view of this character: Mr. Thicknose

Or, use this prompt as the premise of your story:  Certainty is comforting, but it is in uncertainty that we discover new wonders.  Write a story where a character has a previous certainty in their life shattered, but it leads to new revelations.

March 2021


Write a story from the point of view of this character: Ozzy or Strut

Or, use this prompt as the premise of your story: Write a story that begins with an admission, and ends with a lie.

April 2021


Write a story from the point of view of this character: A leaf

Or, use this prompt as the premise of your story: "It was at that moment, as (name) chased after me, that I realized that I probably had taken things too far."

May 2021


Write a story from the point of view of this character: Either of Chomper's parents

Or, use this prompt as the premise of your story:  Hunting can be a reassuring experience; a reaffirmation that you are on top of the food chain.  But, rarely, you can be reminded of your own mortality.  For sometimes the hunter can become the hunted.

June 2021


Write a story from the point of view of this character: One of the gang's siblings

Or, use this prompt as the premise of your story:  Write a story where the gang has an atypical guest along on one of their adventures.  It could be one of their siblings or it could be a stranger.  But, as always, the adventure will lead to the unexpected...

July 2021


Write a story from the point of view of this character: Screech or Thud

Or, use this prompt as the premise of your story:  "(name), if we end up living through this, promise me that this part stays out of the story."

August 2021

Write a story based upon one of the requested prompts that you have not previously used.

Requested Prompts:
These may be used in place of any of the monthly prompts by any number of people.  When used for a prompt they will simply be treated as if the person did the monthly prompt.

Make a story that focuses on another author's OC.  You will need to obtain that OC creator's permission first in order to use their OC, and do give them credit for the OC in your author's note.

Write a story that is set in the universe of another LBT fanfiction. Once again, make sure you get the original author's permission again.

(More to be submitted by participants)
« Last Edit: November 17, 2020, 10:48:04 PM by rhombus »

Go ahead and check out my fanfictions, The Seven Hunters, Songs of the Hunters, and Menders Tale.


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@OwlsCantRead  @RainbowFaceProtege @DiddyKF1 @UnionRags123 @Ducky123 @Anagnos @LBTlover247 @The Mr E @Sleeping-force's-inside @StardustSoldier

Good evening, everyone!

The next season of the fanfiction prompt challenge is now live!   Please also post into this topic any requested prompts that you would like included on the request list.  The requested prompt list will be open to additions until January 1st.  :yes

Rules for the prompt challenge

Rule 1: Concerning Monthly Prompts
Each month I will propose a series of prompts for potential stories in the Land Before time universe.  This may be a plot detail that would need to be in the story, or it could be a piece of dialogue that must be used, or it could even simply be a plot idea.

You also, as an alternative, could use one of the user-requested prompts in place of that month's prompt.  A single author can only use a requested prompt once, but multiple people can use a requested prompt. In either case, the prompt response would be valid for the month concerned.  The only people who can add a prompt to the requested prompt list are those who have participated in the prompt challenge within the last two years.  The requested prompts should be sent in by January 1, 2021.

Rule 2: Concerning Acceptable Stories
Must be submitted to both and the Gang of Five: If you wish to participate please place a copy of your resulting story or poem for the challenge on both the Gang of Five fanfiction section and on 

Must mention the prompt challenge in an author's note for the story: In an author’s note in your story mention that this is a response to a prompt challenge, mention that this is organized by the Gang of Five forum, and mention the specific prompt that is used. 

Must be at least 1000 words long: The only length requirement on stories is that they need to be at least 1000 words or, in the case of poems, 500 words. 

Must not be more than 25000 words except in one particular case: We do discourage extremely long fics as prompt responses (25,000 words or more) except in the specific case where a single story is used for multiple prompt responses in one year, with individual chapters being used for separate prompts in that year.  This rule is just in place to ensure that everyone can have time to read and review a story before the 2-week voting period for a prompt is over.  This can be done with a long fic that is started and slowly added upon during a prompt challenge year, but it would not really be possible with a 500k story that was posted for one prompt, for example.

Additional requirements if you submit a song fic as an entry:  Songs can be submitted as poetry, but to prevent abuse and ensure originality a few conditions must be obeyed:
    a) They must be original works, that is to say they should not be based on existing music.
    b) They still need to adhere to a poetic formula. Obviously this is pretty loose, since poems can take many forms, but essentially it needs to be visually organized like a song (lines, stanzas, etc clearly defined).

Rule 3: Concerning Submitting Your Prompt Response
PM me with links to both the Gang of Five and the copies of your story.  I will then add a link to the prompt masterlist in this topic.  DO NOT post your story to this topic – we are trying to keep this topic as uncluttered as possible.

Rule 4: Concerning Voting and Banners
After the month is complete there will be a vote between the participants on which story (you cannot vote for yourself) was the best prompt response.  The voting will take place in the voting topic. If a tie happens that is resolvable by a second round of voting between the top two stories, then I will impose that.  Otherwise I will break any ties.

Everyone who participates will be entitled to a participation banner with the Land Before Time character of their choice on it.  The winner of each month's vote, however, will also be entitled to add a star to their banner as an acknowledgement of their success.

Rule 5: Concerning Forum Fanfiction Awards
Please keep in mind that submitting your stories as a prompt response does not disqualify them from the annual forum fanfiction awards.  In fact, I encourage you to participate in both of them if you are interested.  :yes


And now... the prompts for this season:


December 2020 (due at the end of January)


Write a story from the point of view of this character: Mama Flyer

Or, use this prompt as the premise of your story:  The difference between falling and flying is the matter of control.  But sometimes life gives us situations where we are not sure if we are in control or not.  Write a story where this realization hits a character rather suddenly.

January 2021 (due at the end of February)


Write a story from the point of view of this character: Guido

Or, use this prompt as the premise of your story:  "It was then that my mind cleared and everything went into sharp focus.  I had been to this place.  I knew this place.  But from when I could not recall... I would have to investigate." (note that a third-person variant of that dialogue is also perfectly fine)

February 2021 (due at the end of March)


Write a story from the point of view of this character: Mr. Thicknose

Or, use this prompt as the premise of your story:  Certainty is comforting, but it is in uncertainty that we discover new wonders.  Write a story where a character has a previous certainty in their life shattered, but it leads to new revelations.

March 2021 (due at the end of April)


Write a story from the point of view of this character: Ozzy or Strut

Or, use this prompt as the premise of your story: Write a story that begins with an admission, and ends with a lie.

April 2021 (due at the end of May)


Write a story from the point of view of this character: A leaf

Or, use this prompt as the premise of your story: "It was at that moment, as (name) chased after me, that I realized that I probably had taken things too far." (note that a third-person variant of that dialogue is also perfectly fine)

May 2021 (due at the end of June)


Write a story from the point of view of this character: Either of Chomper's parents

Or, use this prompt as the premise of your story:  Hunting can be a reassuring experience; a reaffirmation that you are on top of the food chain.  But, rarely, you can be reminded of your own mortality.  For sometimes the hunter can become the hunted.

June 2021 (due at the end of July)


Write a story from the point of view of this character: One of the gang's siblings

Or, use this prompt as the premise of your story:  Write a story where the gang has an atypical guest along on one of their adventures.  It could be one of their siblings or it could be a stranger.  But, as always, the adventure will lead to the unexpected...

July 2021 (due at the end of August)


Write a story from the point of view of this character: Screech or Thud

Or, use this prompt as the premise of your story:  "(name), if we end up living through this, promise me that this part stays out of the story."

August 2021 (due at the end of September)

Write a story based upon one of the requested prompts that you have not previously used.

Requested Prompts:
These may be used in place of any of the monthly prompts by any number of people.  When used for a prompt they will simply be treated as if the person did the monthly prompt.

Make a story that focuses on another author's OC.  You will need to obtain that OC creator's permission first in order to use their OC, and do give them credit for the OC in your author's note.

Write a story that is set in the universe of another LBT fanfiction. Once again, make sure you get the original author's permission again.

Write a transformation-based story that does not involve characters turning into sharpteeth.

Imprinting is an amazing thing.  In many species, a new hatchling will form a permanent emotional connection with the first thing it sees upon escaping from its egg. Write a story where an odd case of imprinting forms part of the narrative or premise.

Write a LBT story that includes a scene in it that comes from a piece of fanart you produced.

(More to be submitted by participants)
« Last Edit: December 17, 2020, 03:31:15 PM by rhombus »

Go ahead and check out my fanfictions, The Seven Hunters, Songs of the Hunters, and Menders Tale.


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Are people allowed to submit more "Requested Prompts" throughout the year?


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Are people allowed to submit more "Requested Prompts" throughout the year?

My current plan is to allow people to submit them throughout this month, but they will be locked in at the beginning of the year.

Go ahead and check out my fanfictions, The Seven Hunters, Songs of the Hunters, and Menders Tale.


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Alright, thanks for the clarification.

Speaking of which, I started on my first new fanfic story today. :)


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Alright, thanks for the clarification.

Speaking of which, I started on my first new fanfic story today. :)

That is good to hear! :)  I look forward to seeing what you come up with!

Go ahead and check out my fanfictions, The Seven Hunters, Songs of the Hunters, and Menders Tale.


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I must extend my sincere apologies for my tardiness in providing an update.  With one entry posted for the month of December, DiddyKF1 is the winner of the December 2020 prompt challenge.  Congratulations!  :)littlefoot  You may discuss the matter of banners with Darkwolf, as I am unsure of the exact banner arrangements for this year.  :yes

I realize that most of us have been busy with work, school, and other projects (myself included), but this is just a reminder that the January and February prompts are still active if anyone wishes to participate for those entries.  Also keep in mind that the requested prompts can be done in place of either of those prompts and still count as participating for either of those months.  As always, I look forward to what you all come up with.  :)littlefoot

Go ahead and check out my fanfictions, The Seven Hunters, Songs of the Hunters, and Menders Tale.

Gentle Sharptooth

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I responded to the April Prompt:

“April 2021


Write a story from the point of view of this character: A leaf.” (Rhombus)

It’s called “Night Night Flower” and is in poetic verse. :)

“The Past is Gone..” -Dream On, Aerosmith


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As the sole entrant for March 2021 you are the winner of the monthly prompt challenge.  Congratulations!  :)littlefoot  Please contact DarkWolf if you wish to claim a 2021 Fanfiction Prompt Challenge banner.  :yes

As for those of you who have participated in the April prompt, I must apologize for the delay in me giving a proper review.  I plan on reviewing your April prompts once final exams are over this week.

Go ahead and check out my fanfictions, The Seven Hunters, Songs of the Hunters, and Menders Tale.


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Oh, thank you! :)

I hope more people join into future prompts!


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Congrats, Mumbling  :^^spike

Best of luck with your exams, Rhombus :ChomperPOG

~*And I'm something called a Jared Padalecki*~


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@OwlsCantRead  @RainbowFaceProtege @DiddyKF1 @UnionRags123 @Ducky123 @Anagnos @LBTlover247 @The Mr E @Sleeping-force's-inside @StardustSoldier

Good evening, everyone!

The next season of the fanfiction prompt challenge is now live!  The rules have mostly remained the same and some unused prompts from last year are being reused - but please notice a change in policy on posting fanfictions.  To be in the prompt challenge they MUST be posted on the forum, but then they MUST also be posted on AT LEAST one of the following: or Archive of Our Own.

Rules for the prompt challenge

Rule 1: Concerning Monthly Prompts
Each month I will propose a series of prompts for potential stories in the Land Before time universe.  This may be a plot detail that would need to be in the story, or it could be a piece of dialogue that must be used, or it could even simply be a plot idea.

Rule 2: Concerning Acceptable Stories
Must be submitted to both (or Archive of our Own) and the Gang of Five: If you wish to participate please place a copy of your resulting story or poem for the challenge on both the Gang of Five fanfiction section and either on or Archive of our Own. 

Must mention the prompt challenge in an author's note for the story: In an author’s note in your story mention that this is a response to a prompt challenge, mention that this is organized by the Gang of Five forum, and mention the specific prompt that is used. 

Must be at least 1000 words long: The only length requirement on stories is that they need to be at least 1000 words or, in the case of poems, 500 words. 

Must not be more than 25000 words except in one particular case: We do discourage extremely long fics as prompt responses (25,000 words or more) except in the specific case where a single story is used for multiple prompt responses in one year, with individual chapters being used for separate prompts in that year.  This rule is just in place to ensure that everyone can have time to read and review a story before the 2-week voting period for a prompt is over.  This can be done with a long fic that is started and slowly added upon during a prompt challenge year, but it would not really be possible with a 500k story that was posted for one prompt, for example.

Additional requirements if you submit a song fic as an entry:  Songs can be submitted as poetry, but to prevent abuse and ensure originality a few conditions must be obeyed:
    a) They must be original works, that is to say they should not be based on existing music.
    b) They still need to adhere to a poetic formula. Obviously this is pretty loose, since poems can take many forms, but essentially it needs to be visually organized like a song (lines, stanzas, etc clearly defined).

Rule 3: Concerning Submitting Your Prompt Response
PM me with links to both the Gang of Five and the copies of your story.  I will then add a link to the prompt masterlist in this topic.  DO NOT post your story to this topic – we are trying to keep this topic as uncluttered as possible.

Rule 4: Concerning Voting and Banners
After the month is complete there will be a vote between the participants on which story (you cannot vote for yourself) was the best prompt response.  The voting will take place in the voting topic. If a tie happens that is resolvable by a second round of voting between the top two stories, then I will impose that.  Otherwise I will break any ties.

Everyone who participates will be entitled to a participation banner with the Land Before Time character of their choice on it.  The winner of each month's vote, however, will also be entitled to add a star to their banner as an acknowledgement of their success.

Rule 5: Concerning Forum Fanfiction Awards
Please keep in mind that submitting your stories as a prompt response does not disqualify them from the annual forum fanfiction awards.  In fact, I encourage you to participate in both of them if you are interested.  :yes


And now... the prompts for this season:


February 2022 - March 2022

Write a story from the point of view of this character: Guido

Or, use this prompt as the premise of your story:  "It was then that my mind cleared and everything went into sharp focus.  I had been to this place.  I knew this place.  But from when I could not recall... I would have to investigate." (note that variants of that dialogue are also perfectly fine; what is important is the premise)

March 2022 - April 2022

Write a story from the point of view of this character: Mr. Thicknose

Or, use this prompt as the premise of your story:  Certainty is comforting, but it is in uncertainty that we discover new wonders.  Write a story where a character has a previous certainty in their life shattered, but it leads to new revelations.

April 2022 - May 2022

Write a story from the point of view of this character: Screech or Thud

Or, use this prompt as the premise of your story:  "(name), if we end up living through this, promise me that this part stays out of the story."

May 2022 - June 2022

Write a story that has the following dialogue: "I wish I had a brother or a sister, then things would be a lot more fun..." (or a variant thereof)

Or use this concept:  Siblings can be both a curse and a blessing.  Write a story that shines light on a sibling relationship in the LBT universe, focusing on the (positive or negative) impact that living with siblings has on your main character.

June 2022 - July 2022

Write a story that involves two characters with very different worldviews gaining understanding of each other’s way of thinking.

Or use this concept:  Pain shapes people in many different ways.  Some people become quiet and lonely, some hurt others because they're hurt themselves and others become kind due to knowing pain all too well. Write a story set in the LBT universe which features at least two characters who are going through a lot of pain or turmoil but are dealing with it in vastly different ways.

July 2022 - August 2022

Write a story from the point of view of this character: Ali

Or use this concept: We all know that in canon the gang settled down in the valley, but what if this were not the case?  Write an AU where at least one of the gang (and their families) were far-walkers or at least didn’t get to the valley until later than the films indicated.

August 2022 - September 2022

Summer prompt exchange! Everyone writes a prompt of their own choosing, then the prompts are shuffled and redistributed back to the writers. The writers must then do a story based on their new prompt!  Entries can be sent to me between June 1st and July 15.  I will assign the prompts using a random-number generator by July 24 - but no one can receive their own prompt.

Go ahead and check out my fanfictions, The Seven Hunters, Songs of the Hunters, and Menders Tale.