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Ask Stardust anything


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If you were given five million dollars to open a small museum, what kind of museum would you create?


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What moment in your life would you like to relive again?

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More great questions!

@ Anagnos: I had to think about this one for a bit. Right now, I'm thinking that I might do a museum of city street names and history. Which may seem like an odd answer, but as of lately I've taken an interest in learning about the street history in my own city, and I've been finding it quite fascinating.

@ ImpracticalDino: Not necessarily one specific moment, but I would love to be able to spend more time with either my grandfather, or else my first cat, Patches. I still miss them.


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What’s the most rage inducing game you’ve ever played?


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Action 52 for NES. While I only ever played a minority of the games on the cartridge, the ones that I did play were absolutely dreadful. :anger


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Tear gas makes people cry and laughing gas makes people giggle, what other kinds of gases do you wish existed?


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I wish for a gas that could lull people into a feeling of tranquillity. :)


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The first movie that came to mind was The Hunger Games: Mockingjay - Part 2. Even though I have seen darker, it's the darkest I've seen in the past few years, and by far the darkest in a series that was already quite grim. There were some brutal deaths, and the film itself just has such a dreary, downtrodden tone to it.

Going back further, there was this adaptation of Dracula/Vlad the Impaler that I saw many years ago at a party with my friends. I can't remember the exact name of the film, but it was quite gruesome, and Vlad certainly lived up to the "impaler" part of his name. :DD

Also at a party with my friends once, I saw Pan's Labyrinth. That was messed up...

If I can include TV shows, I'd also like to nominate several episodes of The X-Files. That show could get awfully graphic and disturbing sometimes.
« Last Edit: May 14, 2019, 09:50:25 AM by StardustSoldier »


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I'm curious, how was your overall experience when you were still in school, and which years did you consider the best?

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What mythical creature do you wish actually existed?


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@ImpracticalDino: I struggled a lot with grade school growing up. That wasn't to say it was all bad or anything. There were definitely fun times, and I got to meet a lot of cool people. Especially the friends I made during that time, and all the parties and fun hang-outs we used to have, which I think in many ways helped me survive my school years. But there was also a lot of hardship with things like bullies, and I got bullied a lot. I likewise struggled with the work load and/or not doing well in many of my classes. I'm also autistic, and while I am much more well-adjusted now, that is certainly something that made socializing with others hard, and also contributed to a lot of my struggles with course work and the school curriculum.

As to which school years I consider the best, I'd have to say once I was at the college. I still struggled a lot with post-secondary as well, but thankfully there were no more bullies, and overall it was a more stable environment. In particular, while I didn't care for Multimedia Production a whole lot (the program I ultimately got my degree in), the couple or so years when I took General Studies were generally a lot more fun. :DD I had a really awesome teacher too.

Before post-secondary, however, my high school years were probably the best (which for me was Grades 9-12). Again, it wasn't an easy time, but the number of bullies had largely thinned out, I had more friends at that point, and I was slowly but surely learning to adjust. If nothing else, anything was better than junior high. ::)

@Anagnos: My initial response was going to be dragons. And while I do think they are neat creatures, having them in real life could be very potentially dangerous. :o So I'd probably go with a hippogriff instead.


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@Anagnos: My initial response was going to be dragons. And while I do think they are neat creatures, having them in real life could be very potentially dangerous. :o So I'd probably go with a hippogriff instead.

Not unless that dragon in real life happens to be Spike the Dragon. :DD

That sounds like a very harsh experience from elementary to middle school. I sympathize with you, because it's one thing to be bullied. But it's another thing to be bullied with autism. You must of felt very awkward all the time, maybe feeling that you didn't fit in with the others? But certainly, you wouldn't care about trivial things like that. Also, I'm glad that you were able to overcome your adversities. Cherish the good moments you've had and never forget the friends that have surrounded you and made you feel better. While the bad moments may still hurt, never forget any lessons that were brought with it. Bullies suck, don't they? The only reason why they do it is either because they're insecure about themselves, they've been bullied themselves before, or just for malicious intent to get harsh reactions from people. But yeah, it's not surprising that the amount of bullies have dwindled to a minimum in high school and college. People are more mature there and better as individuals. Although, there will always be some people who um...skip classes, do drugs, get into fights, bully others, but that's to be expected. Congratulations though, you always held your spirits high throughout this ordeal, I'm sure of it. :DD

I've had bully free record going through school so far. Then again, bullying awareness is through the roof these days and nobody would dare to try and belittle others anymore.

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Or Spyro the Dragon. Those are two dragons I'd be completely okay with.

Well the truth is, I haven't always held my spirits high throughout my ordeals. But ultimately, I did pull through and have moved forward. Either way, thank you for your kind words. I appreciate it, I really do.


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No problem! Anyways, back to our regularly scheduled program!  :p

Did you ever had any moments where you just randomly say something so dumb and illogical?
I've had that happen to me many, many times quite frankly. Maybe like once a week maybe? :lol

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Oh yes. I've done that plenty of times myself. I would rather not list any specific instances on my part as I don't want to drudge up any embarrassing stories, but I can assure you that you're not alone there. xP


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What weird food combinations do you really enjoy?


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Have you done yoga before?

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@ Anagnos: I enjoy chocolate or vanilla-covered pretzels. Which I guess isn't really all that strange, but it seems like the salty/sweet contrast would be gross, and yet I really enjoy it. I'm also a big fan of white rice and soy sauce. Another favourite of mine is putting ketchup and mayo together, especially if it's on a burger. More generally, I have a habit of mixing different beverages together, even though some of my concoctions don't always turn out that great...

@ ImpracticalDino: No. Although a year ago my father, quite randomly, asked me if I'd be interested in joining him and my brother for a hot yoga class at the university. To the best of my knowledge, my dad has never done yoga before, let alone hot yoga, so I'm not sure what gave him that idea. :DD


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