The Gang of Five
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Insane Cafe 4: The Insane Frontier

Nick22 · 5699 · 424727


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well, i might as well answer your questions. First you did have a girlfriend and her name was Aimee, you loved her, but she did not return that love in the same For Death, his powers were not absolute as he was destroyed himself, his powers paled next to mine in any event..My goal is to give an old friend of mine a little challenge, to see if hes up to it..if a joke like chong can test him for 6 months he might be losing it a bit ' Mertavius laughed, it was a laigh that was heartless and cruel." A little advice my dear, I know what I am being lied to,so it is always wise to be completely honest when dealing with me. as for you not cooperating, you don;t have a choice. i brought you back, i can kill you without breaking anything close to a sweat. you were no match for death, you;d be even less of a match for me.You are to free chong from prison and help him get revenge on his enemies. in exchange. i will reunite you with aimee, you can live together for the rest of your days..'mertavius said.
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"Oh....her...." Hailey muttered slightly "She was never my girlfriend, I mean, yeah, I did have a crush on her and all, but it's as you said, she never did return the feelings back to me"

She listened to what he had to tell her as she contemplated it but then stopped.  Being reunited with Aimee would be something, but that was just it, she was just unsure on that.  For now, she ignored that and focused on the mission that was given to her.  To free this Chong person and, as much as she didn't like the thought, to help him with his revenge.

She just nodded to Mertavius in the end "Alright, I'll do it" was all she said.  But in her mind, the thought of at least seeing Aimee again, was something she did want to have happen to herself.


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i Will make her love you , my dear, if thats what you are concerned about. for someone like me it is easy' meravius gestured and brought forth a robe and a weapon ' wear this and use the weapon to subdue the guards if they try and stop you.. which they will, guards are extremely predictable that way.he gestured again and a portal appeared. this portal will take you to the planet where chong is being held.. good luck my dear' mertavius grinned and vanushed into thin air.
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Hailey just went silent at that.  He was just toying with her emotions, she was certain of it.  But when he bought out the robe and weapons, she did put the robe on and grabbed the weapon.  She was certain she wasn't going to use the weapon as such as she just put it away for now.

She activated her fire powers upon her right fist as she just simply nodded back to him and stepped through the portal 'Time to rescue this Chong fella now...' she thought to herself as she took in her new surroundings on the other side.


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(wedding reception)
 The room had turned completely silent as Stripetail had said those words.. 'You can't bring someone back from the dead though' Pa Doo said "its not natural, its not morally right..and its impossible..' Scooby had turned had Dixcie and for that matter almost everyone in the room.' stripetail gavePa doo a very cold glance. "I agree with you on its morality, however it is not impossible. It is extemely difficult to do though, the magic required to do so is such that only a very small number of beings have the power to revive the dead. I am one of those beings, but I will never revive someone who is dead, the dead need thier rest."
 So whoever did this.. is as strong as you are...'Dixie said in a small voice.. "Why would they do this?" ' that I don;t know, but what I do know ,, is that you two will have to hold off on your honeymoon" Stripetail said causingh both Scooby and Dixie to drop thier cups of punch. " We need to stop this creature, whoever he or she is, before they do terrible things to the cosmos.. my friends, this will be by far the strongest enemy you have ever faced, compared to this being, Chong was nothing, absolutely nothing..
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"So someone at the edge of death got their brain transplanted into a cyborg exoskeleton, big deal," Deimos replied, tossing back another glass of white wine.

Dr. Zanasiu sipped his glass of hibiscus punch. "Judging from Stripetail's reaction, it's a little more than that."

"So exactly how can we do this? We don't have an army like last time and even then, Chong wasn't that easy to take down," Lt. Martin said.

Major Lockie and Captain Fairchild looked at each other. Both of them poessesed more firepower than anyone else present.

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Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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We'll have to find out who this creature is, first and what he wants..or she.. and i don't think they are interested in taking over the worls like chong was, no, this will likely be for much bigger stakes than a small planet..' Stripetail replied.
You guys need help/ kopa stoos up " what do you need? ' allies Stripetail said. "Deimos reviving the dead, is not like a  transplant. the body is already dead and decaying, reviving someone involves restoring the body to what it was before death and bringing the creatures soul back into the body  as well.
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(Prison Planet)

An alarm was indeed, starting to blare throughout the prison as guards were being taken out left and right as Hailey was indeed, searching for Chong within this prison area.  Part of herself felt guilty for what she was doing however.  But she did know the stakeso it all in the end, after all, if she failed to do as she was ordered, he would just simply take her life away once more.


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Hsiely had cleared 2 levels worth of guards, but there was styill several more levels to search..
The alarms blarimng throughout the prison reached Chongs cell " So what is this all about? He said " some sort of drill..
 Stripetail had gone off to consider what moves if any he should make at this time, while Scooby had told the guests to go back to enjoying themselves for the time being..
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"This is going to take forever...." Hailey muttered to herself as she continued to take out guards still.  She did grab one guard by the scruff of his neck and slammed him against the nearest wall.

Her fist was clenched up and on fire as she pulled it back in order to threaten the guard "Chong, mind telling me where exatcly he is before I decide to rearrange your face?"

The guard simply gulped back and nodded to her "He's being kept in an anti-magic prison a few more levels down.....but, you'll never be able to break him out, he's still heavily guarded"

"We'll still see about that" Hailey let the guard go as she turned and rushed off towards where Chong was suppose to be imprisoned.


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Dixie had gone over to talk with some of her family members in particulat, her mother Clara and her father Dixon, who she had not seen for a few years " So its always something with you eh dear/ Clara smiled.. "Even on your wedding day, something comes up.. 'Mom, tonight we are going to enjoy ourselves, whatever. " Comes up" will wait for tomorrow.."
 What about that Stripetail fella, he said you'd have to postpone your honeymoon. 'Dixon said  hes my boss actually, its a rather long story, but basically he summons Scooby and I and a few friends to do jobs for him. its rather unique work.. " Kinda like superheros? " Dad, do I look like I go around dressed in garish costumes and spandex? Theres no Dixie and Scooby signal that flashes in the sky.."
 Clara laughed..' Relax Pa, our girls not into that kind of thing..we should really enjoy tonight, our girl is now married and hopefully soon will be presenting us wiyh our grandchildren " Dixie blushed ' Come on Mom! I just got married, and already you're wanting grandkids.. I told you Scooby and I want a couple years of married life before having any..
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(Prison Planet)

Armored troopers wielding rifles quickly took their positions outside and inside the maximum security magical prison. Heavy blast doors slid shut as they sealed off the entire prison block.


Some more guards went after Hailey. One of them launched an electrical net from a shoulder fired launcher at her.


(Wedding Reception)

"How the f--- am I supposed to enjoy myself when some whackjob worse than Chong's on the loose!?" Deimos yelled, thrusting his arms to the side and showering red wine all over the grass.

"Calm down," Mr. Bigmouth said. "Stripetail's got everything under control. If he needs our help, he'll come for it." He took a sip of hibiscus punch. "Besides," he added, "it's supposed to be a joyous occasion."

Deimos took a deep breath. "I guess you're right."


Captain Fairchild rolled up to Stripetail. He had to move very carefully to avoid crushing anyone. "Stripetail, if this involves space travel, I'm afraid we can't help you. We may not need to breathe but our engines need air and we can't be stuck inside some landing bay; we need some time  to stretch our wings - metaphorically speaking - and fly." A smile then graced his snout and he lowered his voice. "On a brighter note, some of my military friends are going to put on an airshow later. Lt. Martin's joining them. Oh, don't tell anyone else, I want it to be a surprise."


Speaking of Lt. Martin, she and Major Lockie were nuzzling each other and engaged in some mutual grooming by the runway. Both of them were quite intoxicated.

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Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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Cthe horns grew louder and louder as guards run past chongs cell " intruder in level 5! fo let it down to the lowers floor!' said a voice over a sopeaker..
_ A smile played on Chongs lips.. "Perhaps someone is trying to bust a prisoner out..
If this does involve space travel captain, the spaceships these days are enermous, big enough to allow planes to fly around the entire ship" stripetail said..' and we will likely be stopping at several different planets allowing you and your group to fly around the atmosphere In any event Captain we will need you..
 Shaggy was drinking a lot of fruit punch he did not like what Stripetail had said, he had enough fighting against Chong, to lasdt him a few lifetimes..
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As guards rushed at her position, Hailey engulfed herself in flame and straight away, started to turn up the heat in the area "No more games" was all she said as she fired fireball after fireball at each of the attacking guards.

Her head did snap at the electric net that was fired at her as she launched a fireball of her own back at it to stop it in midflight before she turned her attention to theblast doors that were being sealed shut around the prison base.

"I don't have time for this...." she once again, muttered to herself asshe was trying to quickly think of a way to get through the blast doors.


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meanwghile genki had completeky beaten the game and was loooking for another game to play ' Come on guys I want a challenge' He boasted.. ' heres a challenge Genki. See how long you can keep your mouth shut! Tiger said " We've got trouble brewing somewhere..
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(insane cafe)

Hearing they had a new spaceship that they put the insane cafe into Jason poped over there for a look, walking out from behind a column for a look around.  & missed the part about dead being brought back to life.

"Just heard of this place.  Nice place you have here.  To bad you want at the reception." Jason said, eating a bit of cake.   "I"ll have to visit here again, yes diffidently.  " jason said walking and liking the way things looked.  He walked behind something and if anyone did follow him would find he had somehow wasn't there.  

(back at the reception)

"Sounds like something very naughty is up." Exile said.

"As long as I can get to bite some touche's I don't care how naughty they may be." Blitz said.  


Jason having heard part of what the planes said as he walked by (having returned from his brief jaunt to the insane cafe spaceship), "There's fuel types that have oxygen included in their fuel if you don't mind an engine upgrade.  Or if you prefer there are reactionless drives, but I don't think your world has discovered them yet.  Then there is also enchantments, potions that can be added to regular fuel.  Professor Euclid Bullfinch, the landlord of the place where danny dunn lives, nice kid.  He has some adventures from time to time, like the time he accidently invented antigravity point in the professors' home lab.  The professor has some I'm sure.   Not sure if he's in this universe or another one. "   Jason said as he briefly paused in his walking by.


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(Wedding Reception)

"I'd rather my engines be left alone," Captain Fairchild said. "In any case, I'll be ready but now, I want to relax."


(Prison Planet)

The guard's armor protected them from the high radiant heat but the temperatures that the fireballs reached were another story. Even worse, the high heat actually caused their ammunition to cook off. One of the guards was knocked unconscious when the rifle he was carrying exploded.

A rather loud explosion echoed through the cell block as the net launcher's batteries violently failed, killing the guard holding the weapon.

By now, the high heat had already killed most of the prisoners in the nearby cells.

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Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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the door were corroded away by the intenmse heat and the stairs to the lowesr levels were open.. it would not be long now before the intrude had reached the bottm of the prison..
 Screams of agont reached Chongs cell, he was silenty (or not so silently) rooting for whoever the intruder was.. the screams were getting louder
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Hailey did not let up with the heat she was producing, but instead, she was turning up the heat even more, not taking any chances with the guards around as she started to decend down to the final level of the prison.

Guards rounded the corner, only to be struck by fireballs.  Yet, one guard in particular got closer to her andactually attempted to grab onto her, but quickly pulled away from the imense heat she was giving off as she turned around and punched the guard in the face in order to take care of him as she continued down the hallway, getting closer and closer to Chong's cell.


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The air in the prison was actually so hot that it began to shimmer and the metal floors and walls began to glow a dull red.

As time went on, the metal actually began to soften and melt.

The intense heat also heated up pipes carrying pressurized carbon dioxide overhead. A plume of frigid and choking vapor screamed forth from the burst pipe.

The firefighting system in this section of the cell had been shut off for repairs but the carbon dioxide extinguishing agent still flowed.

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.