The Gang of Five
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Discuss: Return to Hanging Rock


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Ill admit it.  I want the gang of five back.  I actually swore out loud at the end when Ruby decided to go back to the great valley.  I really hoped she would have stayed with her family.  I really thought this ep was to get rid of Ruby and that they planned to get rid of chomper later too so they would just have the gang of five in the second season.  The fact that they have Ruby and Chomper in there is the only fault I find in the tv series.  And the poor animation, but that's understandable.


  • Spike
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Quote from: landbeforetimelover,Jul 8 2007 on  03:13 PM
I really hoped she would have stayed with her family.
I got that feeling about the episode too, and I wished that would have happened, but Ruby is going to be around for however long Red Claw is around, and that will probably be 'till the end of the series.


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Well, haven't we known about this mission Ruby has for a while, just forgot about it?  I was pretty much reminded when she said it was her mission to stop Red Claw.  Thanks to this ep, I have been able to make my theory on the final ep a little more detailed, but a part of me hopes that a certain part of it doesn't happen.

Anyways, this ep was interesting to say the least.  The writers were really building us up with this one. :)

Now, as for Skip, it seemed kind of interesting that he knew the Mysterious Beyond.  I feel that he could be used within the story I'm currently doing.  Where I'm going to put him is still questionable. :P:

As for the songs, I like the fact that Red Claw interupted "I Feel So Happy", because I feel so sick about it! (Bad joke there! :lol:) The other one was okay, but I really felt it was unnessacary.  Maybe they could've done without it.

Overall, this was good, but I feel it could've been better.

Well action9000, expect those lyrics tomorrow. :)

See ya later! :^.^:


  • Spike
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Quote from: pokeplayer984,Jul 9 2007 on  08:55 AM
The other one was okay, but I really felt it was unnessacary.  Maybe they could've done without it.
Aren't most of the songs like that?


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It would have been bad if Ruby went back with her family in the episode. She and Chomper hadn't learned how to save the Mysterious Beyond from Redclaw. Had she gone back in the episode, then Redclaw would still be at large, defeating the purpose of going into the valley in the first place.

The Great Valley Guardian

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I have yet to see this particular episode, however I would have to agree with DH on this one, as having Ruby leave would actually defeate the purpose of her and Chomper being in the series in the first place....

That and I've grown to like these two as well...


  • Ducky
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I think I actually like Redclaw now because he stopped them from singing. Why doesn't he do it more often? XD


  • Spike
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Quote from: KingdomKey23,Jul 11 2007 on  11:14 PM
I think I actually like Redclaw now because he stopped them from singing. Why doesn't he do it more often? XD
Same here. If it becomes a running gag with Redclaw I will applaud the screen writers.


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I liked it, but it would be tragic to have it happen all the time.  Then you'd think "well, they've started singing so here comes redclaw".  It would make it totally predictable and boring in my opinion.


  • Spike
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I wouldn't like it to happen all the time, just sometimes....actually then it would get a bit boring. Gags only work if they're done in a slighty diffrent way each time, and there's not much Redclaw can do aside from roar.


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Didn't you just love when they interrupted the "I feel so happy" song? I'm getting sick and tired of them using always the same songs in the series and changing their lyrics, it just makes no sense and it's boring!

As for the episode itself, it wasn't that bad, but this series is kind of getting too old too fast.
I'm hip, I'm cool. I'm a happening fool


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Quote from: Ratiasu,Jul 12 2007 on  12:30 AM
I wouldn't like it to happen all the time, just sometimes....actually then it would get a bit boring. Gags only work if they're done in a slighty diffrent way each time, and there's not much Redclaw can do aside from roar.
Maybe Redclaw could stomp his foot down, nearly crushing them in the process, and then roar, beginning a little chase scene. :D

Maybe he could crash through a thin cave wall and roar at the gang.

Okay, so those ideas aren't much different, but at least they're something. :)

On top of liking Red Claw interrupting "I Feel So Happy", I have seemed to have gotten a fondness for "It's Good to be Home" from the "Hermit of Black Rock" episode.  Maybe because it made a mockery out of the song we all hate. :^.^:

*Feels like singing "It's Good to be Home" right now.*


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Redclaw: Polish my claw! No no..not with that! You'll make it loose its reddish glow!


  • The Circle
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One thing I wonder is why didn't Ruby's family go to the great valley with her?  It'd be a safer place to raise their kids.


  • Spike
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I saw this episode today, and it's become one of my favourites, if only for Redclaw interrupting their song XD

Hah… I laughed when it happened. So unexpected…


  • The Circle
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It was a bit funny, though it can easily be overdone.  I still wonder why didn't Ruby's family go with her to the great valley, though that is another topic.


  • Cera
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i saw it this morning. i found it funny that towards the end ruby's song was interrupted by red claw.


  • Ducky
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Great Episode.

My theory for why Ruby's parents didn't go with her, and why they sent her in the first place etc. and all the mystery surrounding Ruby is a pretty simple one:

Redclaw is after Ruby.

Possibly for something her parents did or took part in - beyond mere average hunger.  A Sharptooth as large as Redclaw would hardly put as much effort into going after such a small meal without another type of gain.

It would explain why:

A) Her parents sent Ruby away to the Great Valley (theres no sharpteeth there after all)

B) They won't tell her the real reason she went there (shes so sensitive - might freak out). The reason they gave is a pretty shakey one - what could they possibly expect a little fast runner to do against a massive sharptooth?

C) Redclaw only appears when Ruby is around, and has never been in it prior to the TV series

D) Her parents won't go with her to the Great Valley (perhaps they think they won't be welcome, but since Chomper said HE was they thought maybe Ruby would at least be safe there)

E) The reason they know all of Redclaw, Thudd, and Screetch's names. Ruby must have told them, so she had been tangling with them long before the TV series started.

F) Why Ruby's parents sent only her with Chomper, and not her two siblings.

G) The Look Ruby's parents give her after they introduce themselves - it defintively said "Oh no shes back". Plus her mom telling her it was too dangerous - I mean they must not think its too dangerous to send her tromping off with Chomper to some unknown valley, but coming back is now suddenly dangerous? It didn't make sense, unless of course they didn't want her to come back.

It seems kind of unlikely of a reason at first glace, and i didn't even think of it until the steaming geysers episode when Redclaw suddenly appeared and chased them, but oddly enough seemed to ignore Chomper to snap at Ruby.