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Insane Cafe 4: The Insane Frontier

Nick22 · 5699 · 424679


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Oliver, you are special." Panty said." You have inside you abilities that set you apart from your peers. For instance, Flash and Mona have magic, but you... have magical hunger. When trained you'll be able to eat prey much larger than yourself and entire groups of prey at once. When the hunger takes you, your eyes will glow red, and your strength will grow immensely." Panty said." Obviously, we can't just release you into the open and let the hunger run free. Too many bodies and pieces of bodies, too much obvious bloodshed, too much risk of being recorded. We'll need to come up with a cover for your training..." Panty said
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"I can eat people?" Oliver said, impressed by this knowledge. "I know I've gotten hungry a lot easier than normal recently, but I never imagined it could be something like that." He rubbed a paw over his own stomach. "Where did this power come from?"


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From me." Panty said." I.. gave your mom a blessing when she was pregnant with you. Gods favors manifest in different ways, in this case you gained some of my abilities.  Now, I am going to take you to one of my... meetings. You'll get to meet  other gods and goddesses , some of them longstanding others new to the job, like you. There will be food and drinks provided. The seers dragon Lord Tarrax will be there, you can't miss him , he'll be the largest being in the room.  If you have any questions, he's the being to ask. " Panty said
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"So....I'm like, a god? That's so cool!" Oliver beamed as he followed the Goddess of Hunting. "Where is this meeting going to be at?" He now was imagining himself eating some of his enemies, namely Roscoe and Desoto the Dobermans.


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You'll see" Panty gestured and created a portal." Through here." She said, as she stepped through." They appeared in a large room filled with beings of every size and shape. As Panty said, Tarrax was easily notable, as his head brushed the ceiling. The great dragon was talking with the Mawashiian leader-deity Ozai who was recounting a sumo challenge he had done with a neighbor planets wrestling god." Old Sini still claims he won that bout" Ozai laughed mirthfully " But the judge sided with me. " Well , I was never much for wrestling myself, Lord Ozai. But we will have to continue the conversation later. The newcomers are arriving." Tarrax said
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Oliver awed as he looked at all the gods and goddesses in the room. "Amazing...." he said, and then he noticed that he recognized a few. Besides Tarrax, Oliver had obviously met Ozai back on Mawashi.

"Hello there," the small cat said to the huge sumo. "This is my first time at one of these meetings."


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Naturally " Ozai said." He is a demigod of Hunger, specifically of The Quiet Hunt." Panty said." So a halfling then " Ozai smiled " Table 4 then, you're seat 6. You are seated next to.. hold on where is that blasted list?  Your pardon Oliver, this is usually Shifu's job to remind me of such things, but he is currently back on Mawashii- ah here it is, it was in pocket 12 not 21... anyway you are seated next to. Harvest God Tiger of Green River.. his chief priestess is a girlfriend of your mother as luck would have it. Go have a seat. You can order as much food as your stomach can digest." Ozai said
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"Which is probably going to be a lot," Oliver chuckled, patting his belly with pride. "It's nice to see you again, King Ozai," he bowed respectfully. "My friends still buy a lot of your merchandise."

As he and Panty went to their table, he saw Tiger and Kitty sitting down precisely where Ozai said they'd be. "Did not expect to see you here, Oliver," Kitty said, surprised.


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Ms. Swimmer let out a breath as she poured herself a steaming mug of green tea. "There is very obvious anti-non-Human sentiment around here. I wasn't allowed into any of the shops." She then held up her magic staff. "I nearly got this confiscated. Apparently, non-Humans are not allowed to possess magic wands or staves. I only got away because the Aurors — what they call the police around here — had to deal with a major emergency. As in, someone bombed a government office."

She shook her head as she drank her tea. "We've landed here at the worst time."


Memories surged through Captain Carson's head. She staggered slightly as the deleted memories surged back. Luckily, the dizziness was short-lived. Once she regained her bearings, she spoke. "First off, I think we should speak to the local authorities to get everything straightened out. Then we can perhaps talk to the locals and see if they have any information available on potentially friendly areas."

She then tapped her chin. "Unfortunately, there seems to be a substantial bias against non-magicals. While you get things cleared up with the magical authorities, I'll speak to the rest of the team and see if they have found anything."

Under the cover of a Disillusionment Charm, two Aurors were watching Stripetail and Captain Carson speak. They had seen him cast magic in front of a Muggle and conversing with her. The same Muggle that previous Aurors had obliviated after she had seen an attack on an Auror outpost by some Pinkstone supporters, no less!"

Captain Carson then began the walk back to Esbenshire. Once they figured she was far away enough, they revealed themselves to Stripetail.

"Good day, fellow Wizard," one of the Aurors said.

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Good day. Gentlemen " Stripetail said as the Aurors approached " Lord Stripetail at your services . What can I do for you?" He said calmly " I am not surprised that you have been watching me, after all, your job is to make sure that magic kind is protected from external threats.Or internal, as the case may be . I do need to speak to you about Auror Firch, if either of you are him, then we will have a few things to discuss, such as Obliviating my employees. If neither of you are him, then kindly tell me where I can find him so I can straighten him out over this.. misunderstanding. " Stripetail said "

"With respect, My Lord. We don't permit magic use in front of Muggles" the second Auror said." You are not from here clearly, but we ask you not to do that again in the future " Even though she works for me?" Stripetail started " Yes, milord. It is also not permitted to reverse a Oblivation. It is for security reasons, sir. We don't want Muggles learning about us." With all due respect gentlemen, my magical world works differently from yours. Magic is not something that you hide." The Auror shook his head."   

"We cannot speak for your world sir, but while you are here among us,we expect you to follow our rules. No more public displays of magic my Lord. You are clearly a extremely powerful wizard , as it is not easy, at all, to reverse a Obliviation. And we are simply doing our jobs, and giving you fair warning, about your actions."

Stripetail sighed " what about Auror Firch?" Neither of us are him. And we cannot tell you where he is, for security reasons. You must understand." " He Obliviated someone who posed no threat and who was utterly unaware of the rules. Furthermore she works for me and I can't let someone mind wipe my employees. I will not stand for it."
" She saw something that she shouldn't have, which posed a risk to magic security. We have to ensure that Magic kind and Muggles remain separate for the security of both."

"The fact that someone  or some persons bombed your local office is a far greater security threat, sir, than a nonmagical woman seeing a few seconds of magic. Magic, moreover that she is used to seeing under my employment " That may be true, but we have to treat all threats seriously. Auror Firch did what he had to do ." He could have avoided all this , by simply talking with me.  Surely wiping another's  mind requires a serious transgression. Captain Carson did nothing warranting that ." Then make sure she avoids finding herself in a similar situation in the future."

"May I at least inquire about meeting with the Minister? " The Minister of Magic has a lot of demands on his time, sir, even more so now, in light of the current situation." I understand that he is busy, as a leader myself I know only too well the time demands of the position. I only request a brief audience of 15 minutes at most."

"We will ... pass along your request. We make no guarantees that it will be granted. You must understand " Yes I understand. If you run into any more of my other employees, don't Obliviate them. Give them the same ' fair warning 'that you have given me. They may be.. unaware of how things work here."

"Then you need to get them informed. As they are your employees you are responsible for their conduct. Get them together, whether it is those dog like creatures or those beings that look like dragons, or the Muggles, or anyone else, and make sure they conform to our rules." The Auror said." Such as the curfew?" Yes, anyone who is out on the street after 8, who is not authorized, or who is not headed home or inside, is subject to arrest or fines. " I will inform them. Is there a  rule book that I can use for their instructions?"

 "You can find a magic rule book at the courthouse, it's mostly updated, although it does not cover the current situation. We have posted decrees covering certain issues, copy them down and make sure that they know what we expect. Please note my lord that if you do magic in public again in front of a Muggle , we will arrest you and send you to Azkaban."

 Stripetail's face tightened." Is that a threat, sir?" he said tersely." No, my lord. In truth we have already given you a good deal of leeway by simply warning you. Reversing a Obliviation is a term in Azkaban , minimum 5 years. Performing magic in front of a Muggle is a year in Azkaban or a fine of 100000." Azkaban is a magical prison?" Where we send our worst, sir." You don't have a medium security prison , low security prison or local jails?" No, just Azkaban  . We have special wings for the most dangerous." Surely you have had escape attempts given the caliber of the prisoners ?" We employ Dementors around the prison, which are authorized to Kiss any escapees." What does that do?" It removes their soul, sir" So , kill them, essentially ." More or less." The Auror said firmly
« Last Edit: February 11, 2022, 11:57:40 AM by Nick22 »
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Ember and the others had similar experiences." Dixie sighed as she sipped tea" We got really unlucky in our timing but we need to make the best of it. We need a place to blend in, some place that will be more accepting of us than the reception we have gotten so far. After all , Stripetail didn't send us here to watch magical tv and stay in a hotel room for a month. We have a job to do." What about turning us into humans?" Gabuna offered." Gabuna.. well that's not a bad idea." Scooby said. " It would definitely take getting used to, thought." Part of being undercover." Warfang said " We had to do it before, it's just another disguise to wear."
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"I know. We have to gather information on what Chong is planning and what he's up to," Ms. Swimmer said, pouring herself another cup of tea. At the mention of disguises, the Saurolophus held a hand to her chin. "That'll work for you but I'm too large and heavy to disguise as a Human."

It was then there was a knock on the door. Ms. Swimmer got up and opened the simple wooden door. Standing in the doorway was Captain Carson and two of her guards.

"Good day, everyone," she said as she entered and closed the door. She sat down in one of the rustic wooden chairs and looked at the group. "Now, Stripetail has asked me to inquire about what you have learned so far."

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Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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Greetings Captain." Scooby said." As for what we have found out, well.. not much.  They don't like sentient animals here, at all . Dragons , in particular. " They tried hitting me with a Stupify spell" Skylands grumbled." Whatever that is." I had 3 attacks on me." Dulcy said." Ok maybe I crashed into a building.. but it was a accident "
They don't like anyone who doesn't do magic." Gabumon said. " So we have been laying low." They refused to sell me some magical candy." Warfang said " I even put some gold on the counter, but they said they couldn't service me."
« Last Edit: February 12, 2022, 11:57:42 AM by Nick22 »
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Captain Carson nodded. "We need to wait for Stripetail to straighten things out with the authorities before things get even worse."

Her face hardened as she heard Gabumon speak. "Indeed. I would consider yourselves lucky not to have had the local law enforcement react to the degree that I have had." Captain Carson poured herself some tea from Ms. Swimmer's pot.

"What happened?" Ms. Swimmer asked, refilling her own cup.

"I witnessed an attack — likely magical — against a government building. Apparently, there is an extreme prohibition on Muggles — what they call non-magicals — seeing magic. According to Stripetail and my crew's body cameras, they wiped our memories and deposited us outside Esbenshire. Luckily, Stripetail was able to restore our memories. I strongly urge you to avoid seeing magic if possible, but if it can't be helped, get away from the area as fast as you can."

Ms. Swimmer scowled. "That's awful. Why would they do such a thing?"

Captain Carson simply shrugged.

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Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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 ' now if you will excuse me and my colleague , mylord, we must return to our duties.  be sure to inform your group of our rules and requirements. One final word of warning, sir. we don;t say things idly. if we do cross paths again, because of an infraction on your part, or of those underneath you, you will find us much less charitable than we have been in this meeting. " ' please  send my request to the Minister , with all due speed. I must speak with him, as one leader of honor to another. " as I said milord, I cannot make any guarantees.  but if the minister wishes to meet, you will receive a letter by owl, as is customary here. " Stripetail nodded. ' Thank you gentlemen. forgive me for having taken up some of your time. No doubt you have urgent business to attend to, that I am delaying you from. ' Enjoy Pottermore , my Lord. good day to you.' The Auror said, before he and his counterpart vanished .'  Stripetail's face soon dropped the polite smile he had been wearing, and he pulled out his wand. ' teleportius ' he commanded.. and Stripetail vanished.
  in a few seconds, Stripetail magicked into view inside the hotel room where the others were. '  Well, everyone, I've just spoken with two of the Aurors who serve as police here. If you are looking for good news- I have none to share." ' what happened , Stripetail?' Gabuna asked. "  " well as Captain carson likely has already told you, an Auror wiped her memory and of those around her- its called an Obliviation spell. the Aurors I met refused to tell me where that Auror is, on security grounds. They were also lukewarm on arranging a meeting with the Minister. But the worst part  was what they threatened me with, if I performed magic in public again- they threatened to arrest me and put me in prison.' At this the mouths of everyone of the gathered Omniderate dropped  wide open. " you're joking boss' Scooby started. ' Scooby, my fellow, I don;t joke about serious matters. needless to say, we are in a very tough spot. All of you gathered here are used to seeing magic , on a regular basis. But here, they jealously guard it, like a secret or a treasure.  Anyone who breaks the rules , if the breach is  big enough  gets sent to Azkaban, their wizard prison . They told me that the rules I broke merited a minimum  6 years in Azkaban.' Stripetail said. ' ' Six YEARS/' Dixie started. '  yes, Dixie.  i could serve the term out, obviously,but that would give Mertavius a free hand for  6 years. and he wouldnt need 6 years to act. he wouldnt need 6 months 6 weeks  or even 6 days. within hours he would start asserting himself , and bluntly, the cosmos would enter some VERY dark times,  and all because some magical backwater cant respect magic properly.' Stripetail said. as he slumped down in a chair. ' this situation is untenable. performing magic to me, is as natural as breathing. we need to find a safe haven. one that accepts regular displays of magic, as well as a variety of creatures. Otherwise, i'll likely find myself in a few days  wearing a prison number and be l;locked in some remote cormer with 3 oor 4 soulsucking demons outside my window. For ambiance, of course' stripetail said.
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Captain Carson shook her head. "Six years for performing magic within sight of non-magicals... I would normally say we get off this planet but my suspicions are that Chong is somewhere here and we cannot leave him to his own devices. For all we know, he could be colluding with the government."

Ms. Swimmer tapped her fingers on the table. "This is ridic—"

There was a knock on the door. Ms. Swimmer got her staff ready and Captain Carson drew her pistol.

The Saurolophus tapped her staff on the ground and a shimmering barrier rose up as she took the first steps towards the door. She opened it and to her surprise, there was a simple envelope addressed from "Carlotta Pinkstone". Ms. Swimmer gingerly picked up the envelope and opened it. Inside was a manifesto railing against Minister Fudge, the Statute of Secrecy and Carlotta Pinkstone's sentence. There was also a mention to meet at Platform Nine  in Crux Regis station in Londinium and look for the woman wearing a pink stone brooch and pink stone necklace.

Captain Carson holstered her pistol and looked at the note. "I think we should have been a bit more careful," she said with a scowl. "Someone's been listening on us. We were very lucky that they appear to be on our side or at least neutral. Normally, I'd call this a trap but something tells me that we should investigate this."

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We need to be on our guard naturally." Stripetail said after the letter was shown around " on the other hand, we really don't have a choice but to see what this woman has to offer. The alternative is camping out in hotel rooms and ordering carry out for the duration. And that would get old fast. Only so much tv, food and "couple time" you can take . "  Some couple time is fun."  Dulcy said with a smirk "  After a month locked up in a hotel room, you'd feel differently, no matter how much you enjoy their company. The spark dims and all that." Stripetail said."
We go together, as a group "Emanu said " No magic everyone. We try to blend in."  Stripetail gestured and pulled a rulebook out of the air
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"We should also prepare some snacks for my father, too," Jing told her friends who were helping her with the cooking. "He's fought hard this entire time, helping me and his friends get off Planet Clockwerk."

Sly, Bentley, and Dimitri had gotten back into contact with the Panda King over the binocucom. "Glad to know you're still alive," Bentley told the Panda King. "How are you holding up? We've had to put some heist plans on the backburner since you were gone."


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Ms. Swimmer nodded. "Do we have a choice? If we don't go, we're letting Chong do whatever he wants."

Captain Carson then spoke up. "I didn't see any non-Humans around here so if we are to head to Londinium, we need to use a disguise," she said.


Inside the Ministry of Magic's chambers, the two Aurors who met with Stripetail apparated into Prime Minister Fudge's office.

"Minister Fudge," the first Auror said. "We have met with this new wizard who arrived from offworld. He appears to be an Animagus...perhaps one whose spell misfired as he has taken the form of an anthropomorphic squirrel. But he fancies himself a lord, referring to himself as 'Lord Stripetail'. He is a very skilled wizard who apparently shows a disregard for the Statute of Secrecy."

The second Auror snorted. "Disregard is putting it lightly. He showed utter contempt for it by reversing a Memory Charm and openly working with and performing magic in front of Muggles, who are likely to be offworlders like him. We've warned him that if he continues to flout the Statute of Secrecy, he will be arrested and sent to Azkaban. Regardless, he has requested an audience with you, Minister."

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reversing a memory charm is not easy  gentlemen. As for his ignorance of our laws it is not surprising, he is an offworlder. A time or two, could be forgiven, well if we weren;t dealing with this Pinkstone nonsense' Fudge said. ' You should have asked for proof of his peerage. if it's not a bought title or simply self styled, there would be evidence and documentation, which he could provide. At any event, if he is as powerful as you say, we cant really afford to alienate him, not with all the crazies stirred up already. hmm ' Fudge paused. "I think that I will take that meeting with him. Send him a owl tonight, saying that I will meet with ' fudge flipped through a booklet on his table. ' 7 pm tomorrow evening.. at  Londonium Magic Baking. perhaps a talk over coffee will be.. less tense. ' Fudge took off his glasses and dabbled at his eyes with a cloth. ' One does not meet an offworld peer that often. it would be good to get to sit down with one, and exchange pleasantries. I  rarely get to do that these days.  for now, to other matters. go get Auror Firch, have him bring up the file on Daniel Lawder. he;s being sentenced next week to his fourth stint in Azkaban. I want  the sentence as long as possible gentlemen.  he;s an unrepentant Pinkstone  supporter and shouted at being found guilty that,  quote " I have Fudge for brains" . " Fudge sighed.
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