- Total Time Spent Online:
- 0 minutes.
- Total Posts:
- 13178 posts
- Total Topics Started:
- 187 topics
- Number of Polls Created:
- 0 polls
- Number of Votes Cast:
- 0 votes
- 12 am
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- 11 pm
- Unfinished RP's
3629 posts of the member's 13178 posts (27.54%)3629
- The Party Room
3203 posts of the member's 13178 posts (24.31%)3203
- Role Play Discussion
803 posts of the member's 13178 posts (6.09%)803
- Random Role Play
713 posts of the member's 13178 posts (5.41%)713
- Finished RP's
546 posts of the member's 13178 posts (4.14%)546
- Old Captions
488 posts of the member's 13178 posts (3.70%)488
- The Fridge
274 posts of the member's 13178 posts (2.08%)274
- General Land Before Time
213 posts of the member's 13178 posts (1.62%)213
- Land Before Time Captions
206 posts of the member's 13178 posts (1.56%)206
- Real-Life Captions
193 posts of the member's 13178 posts (1.46%)193
- Unfinished RP's
3629 posts of the board's 14633 posts (24.80%)24.80%
- Real-Life Captions
193 posts of the board's 1191 posts (16.20%)16.20%
- Old Captions
488 posts of the board's 5799 posts (8.42%)8.42%
- The Party Room
3203 posts of the board's 48821 posts (6.56%)6.56%
- Episode Discussion
81 posts of the board's 1291 posts (6.27%)6.27%
- Animation
114 posts of the board's 2534 posts (4.50%)4.50%
- Role Play Discussion
803 posts of the board's 18036 posts (4.45%)4.45%
- Character Discussion
112 posts of the board's 3246 posts (3.45%)3.45%
- Brain Food
170 posts of the board's 4964 posts (3.42%)3.42%
- Land Before Time TV Series (2007)
136 posts of the board's 4533 posts (3.00%)3.00%