The Gang of Five
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  • Chomper: "Threehorns are better at everything, including rumpsteaks"
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One point that confuses me however, is why Littlefoot refers to his grandfather as 'Grandpa Longneck,' as supposed to simply, 'Grandpa.'

That never even dawned on me before, but yeah, I guess it doesn't make much sense.

I think I said this already, but when I originally put up the first episode, it didn't have that narrator intro. It just had the short scene with the Professor just coming in, and then Littlefoot having his scary sleep story.

I think after I quickly wrote up the first 5 episodes in a week, I was pretty much out of ideas for new episodes at that point, so I just started adding some things to what I already wrote. I didn't think the start of the very first episode was very good, and I got the idea to just parody all of the Narrator intros that all of the movies have. I thought that would grab people's attention right off (along with the Grandpa is already dead bit, and you don't see what actually happened for awhile.) It also shows that this is kinda a comedy series too. I thought the funny scene right along a sad, dramatic scene would be a good representation of how I was gonna write the rest of the series. I just think a really good, well written story is one that makes people both laugh and cry, that brings out a lot of different emotions.

With the "this felt kinda rushed" bit, this was the first episode, and I didn't have much time to get a ton of things covered, but I had to leave hints of how this is different from regular LBT, to give the reader an idea of what'll be explored later on. Grandpa already gone wasn't dwelt on very much here, but it was a good hook to keep people reading to find out what happened to him.

The professor's bit was rushed too, but I tried to get a few points across. He's a meat-eater (and I expand on this some more in the next 3 episodes, actually). He's very secretive towards the Dinosaurs at first, even lying to cover his own rear end. From his speech and actions, he's not... normal XD. He's more an old, amoral, crackpot of a mad scientist. He's also very different from anything that's been in the LBT series, aside from maybe the rainbowfaces. If it was just some little kid that came to the LBT universe, I just don't think that would be as interesting. With the Professor, there's so much that's different between him and everyone else in the LBT universe, and I thought that would lead to a lot of comedy, conflict, and characters development and stuff. I just think it's so funny how the gang tries to go along with whatever the Professor is up to, and learn about him, and they don't understand barely anything about what's going on with him. :DD

I should probably shut up now.

Anyway, fixed those errors people pointed out, thanks :)

Hopefully I can at least get some writing done of season 3 while I'm off from work today and tomorrow. I know I've been saying that for months upon months at this point, though.
Come check out my new Youtube gaming channel, Game Biter!
Littlefoot: "Look, Chomper. You're uncle is dead, and it's just right for your friends to be there for you. You'd be there if someone we know died, right?"

Chomper: "Well, sure I would!"

Come give my LBT TV Series fanfiction, PAST-O-RAMA, a read!


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I'm sure this has been mentioned before, but I have noticed your writing has definitely improved as the series went on. Sorry if I seemed a bit harsh in the first review, and I think that the script writing may have confused me a little bit, since it makes everything seem a lot quicker than in novel format. :lol
I suppose I should mention that now since I forgot last time. Although I prefer writing in novel format myself, I found your way really interesting and how it's set out to look like an actual TV episode script really intrigued me. In general, I also like how many characters you brought back, such as the rainbow faces and Ali's herd once again, and of course, Pterano!

I might review a few episodes at a time now, but I can't really do much now since I'm in a lesson at school.  :DD

I just wanted to say that it is enjoyable to see your improvement as I read on and I'll be looking forward to new episodes. No worries, though. Take your time, I understand how hard it can be sometimes to get things done.  :yes

"Some things you see with your eyes. Others, you see with your heart." :MomCompassion


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Right, first review in a looooooong time. I'll try and do a few episodes in one post (I think I already said this), and perhaps shorten it down a little bit, mostly so that I can get through this a little quicker, so here goes:
Episode 2 (read on
My first reaction: “HOLY WHOA CHOMPER PROFESSOR WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!” This really surprised me, but the good thing about this is that it's all explained later in the series, so it wasn't completely out of the blue. It was also nice to see some brotherly talk between Littlefoot and Shorty, and of course his opinion of the Great Valley and what's it's like to be there. I've probably said this before, but I really like your unique writing style here. Ah, and that's a good explanation for Ruby and Chomper's absence in the first episode.
Just watch out for a few typos here and there (most of them are just common things like accidentally pressing the key next to the one intended. These things happen, so I'm going to go on too much about it, but if you want I'll point out the ones I spotted), and some capital letters are either not there or not in the right place, but since I'm reading the fanfiction version here, it may have been updated already here. All in all, this episode surprised me and it shows the characters and their personalities a bit more (especially Shorty).

Episode 3:
Okay, I'll get this out quickly now: I just love some of the words the professor uses! They're so... brilliant!
Moving on... I was saying about how I liked the growing brotherly relationship between Littlefoot and Shorty, and I'll say it again, only this time with Littlefoot and Chomper. I noticed that there are a lot of differences in Littlefoot's “brotherly relationships” with Shorty and Chomper, and I think that adds a lot of character development, which is something I really like. I'm also enjoying the added mystery of the professor with him lying about being a vegetarian and such. I can also see that Chomper sees right through him there, so we can see he doesn't like him at all, but of course you're halting the explanation as to why he attacked the professor in the first place. I quite like series where a lot of things seem to be separate and surprising, but everything pulls together in the end and makes sense. I haven't read this in a while, but I'm reviewing as I'm reading it again. Anyway, I'm liking this! Again, a few capital letters in wrong places, but aside from that, much improvement in the grammar since episode 1!

Episode 4:
Aw... good to see Grandpa Longneck... well, hear him, rather. :DD
Loving the comical moments in this episode, like when the professor took his shirt off. It was funny, but it was also a very realistic reaction from the dinosaurs, giving that dinosaurs haven't seen clothes before. Dang it, stop making the professor more mysterious! Well, I guess he taught Chomper that ground crawlers don't have to be the only thing on the menu. I liked the ending too. What did Chomper eat?
Well, not much else to say about this one, other than it was quite a heartwarming episode on Littlefoot's end. The grammar is much better in this episode, so good job with that! The only thing I found that was misspelt was clothes. :yes

Anyway, hope you don't mind me reviewing every single episode here, but since they all have different plots, I thought it would be nice to share my views on each of them. :lol

"Some things you see with your eyes. Others, you see with your heart." :MomCompassion


  • Chomper: "Threehorns are better at everything, including rumpsteaks"
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Thanks for the reviews, SomeRandomFangirl! Sorry I didn't reply any earlier.

I recently went to my brother's house, and got a new usb cable for my old external hardrive. turns out it wasn't the harddrive that was broken, but the cable, so I didn't lose all of my writing afterall!
Come check out my new Youtube gaming channel, Game Biter!
Littlefoot: "Look, Chomper. You're uncle is dead, and it's just right for your friends to be there for you. You'd be there if someone we know died, right?"

Chomper: "Well, sure I would!"

Come give my LBT TV Series fanfiction, PAST-O-RAMA, a read!


  • Chomper: "Threehorns are better at everything, including rumpsteaks"
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It's been a year and a half now since I posted an episode of my fanfiction. Wow, that's a long time! I'm sorry sorry for taking so long.

Looking back now, when I last posted an episode, I was still living with my brother, going from temp job to temp job, worrying that I couldn't afford another semester of college. I was still driving my old piece of scrap metel, a '99 Mazda 626, which was doing so bad with overheating, I literally had several gallons of water on me at all times for the couple of times I'd have to add new water to cool the engine down every time I wanted to drive the 30 miles between work and my brother's house. Money was super tight as well. One song I liked at the time was "Living on a Prayer", for obvious reasons.

Now, I've been living at my own play for almost a year now. I don't have a car anymore, but I can still get to work, as I now only live a mile away. I haven't gone back to college yet, and still don't know if I ever will. I'm paying off my student loans now, but money is a lot better now. I have a stable job now, one where I just got a promotion at!

Overall, after looking back and having some self reflection, things are going a lot better now. I've decided to try to get back into writing fanfiction again. I know I've said this before, but I hope I mean it this time!

Here's the second part of the eggstealer two-parter I started a year and a half ago. Before reading this, I HIGHELY recommend you go back and read the first part. Even if you have read that part already, you've probably forgotten it over all this time, and a refresher would do some good. You can find the link to that episode in the OP of this thread. I keep links to all the episodes in there, so they'll be easier to find.

Anyway, enjoy.

Episode 32 - Not Without my Eggs! Part 2

For those that need psychiatric help. Yes, I'm looking at you!

Scene: The Mysterious Beyond, in a forest

Ozzy and Strut are running though the forest, eggs in tow, with Ridge racing after them, Harper on his back.

Harper: "Good... good. Just keep on their tails, Ridge."

The view switches over to the two eggstealers.

Strut: "Ozzy! They're still after us!"

Ozzy: "Blasted kids! Why are these little brats still at it? Why do eggs always have to be such a huge pain in the hindquarters?"

Strut: "They're not worth it! Just drop em, Ozzy!"

Ozzy skids to an abrupt halt. Strut smacks into his back, and false backwards.

Ozzy: "Don't you ever... EVER, say it's not worth it!"

Harper and Ridge closes in on the pair, and stops, dumbfounded.

Ridge: (Whispers) "Hey, Harper? What are they doing?"

Strut looks likes he's almost on the verge of tears.

Strut: "I'm... sorry, Ozzy. I didn't mean to..."

Ozzy: "Oh, just shut it! You little weedwhacker! Don't you EVER have your priorities straight?"

Strut: "...But Ozzy..."

Ozzy: "I mean, what in the freaking great beyond is wrong with you!?"

Harper: (Whispers) "...Wow."

Ozzy sets the two eggs down to his side.

Ridge: (Whispers) "Now's our chance!"

Ozzy: "Since we both popped out of... eggs, you've never liked em!"

Strut looks up at his brother defiantly.

Strut: "Well, maybe it's because I CAME out of an egg!"

Ozzy: "Well, you HAVE to eat eggs! Without eggs, you'd die!"

Strut just keeps staring at his brother.

Ozzy: "Anyway, let's get going now."

Ozzy tries grabbing for the eggs, but comes up with nothing.

Ozzy: "Hey, what the..."

The view switches over to Ridge and Harper, running off with the eggs.

Harper: "Now we've got it! Let's get out of here!"

Ridge turns around.

Harper: "What are you doing? We have to get away from them!"

Ridge: "But home is this way, and I just want to go there already!"

Ozzy: "ah, now we've got you!"

Harper: "Ridge!"

Suddenly, a loud sharptooth roar bellows out of the forest. Everyone's heads shoot up.

Strut: "wh... what was that?"

Ridge: "I don't really wanna find out!"

Ozzy quickly grabs the eggs, then runs off. Harper quickly notices, and flies off after him.

Harper: "Oh no, you don't!"

The ground shakes. Ridge and Strut lay there, petrified.

Ridge: "I really wanna go home right now!"

Strut: "Me, too!"

Redclaw lumbers out, knocking down trees in his wake, and the spiketail and eggstealer scream. They take off together.

The two pairs run into two different caves in the side of a cliff, Harper and Ridge in one, and Ozzy and Strut in another.

Harper: "oh, those poor, poor eggs."

Ridge: "Well, at least we're safe here, huh, Harper?"

Harper keeps staring out at the other cave entrance, with Redclaw prowling around in between.

Ridge: "...Harper?"

The small flyer shoots off out of the cave."

Ridge: "Harper!"

Harper soars past Redclaw, missing a snap from his jaws by inches, before she barrels down the entrance of the other cave, with murder in her eyes. The view switches to the two eggstealers, still catching their breaths.

Strut: "Ozzy, He's gonna get us!"

Ozzy: "Relax, Strut. Nothing can get us in he..."

Harper screams into the cave, and engulfs the older eggstealer in pecks and scratches.

Ozzy: "Aaaahhh! Get it off! Get it off!"

Strut: "H...hold on, Ozzy!"

the younger eggstealer rushes to grab the little flyer, but just keeps slapping and clawing at Ozzy.

Ozzy: "Ahh!"

Strut: "Sorry."

Ozzy: "Get out! Strut, get out!"

The eggstealers run out of cave. Redclaw roars at them again, and they turn about-face.

Ozzy: "Back in! Back in!"

Harper grabs the two eggs, and rolls them a small distance away from the eggstealers.

Ozzy: "Bring those beauties back, thief!"

Harper: "Never!"

Ozzy: "Strut! go grab em, then!"

Strut takes a long look at Ozzy's face, which is covered with cuts and scrapes.

Strut: "No way, Ozzy!"

Ozzy: (Angry and annoyed grunt.)

Harper: "You're not taking my mother's eggs anywhere!"

Ozzy: "Well, you aren't either, weedeater! Just look outside."

The little Pteranodon stares at the massive predator outside the cave.

Harper: "Hmm. Guess we're at a Standstill, then."

Scene: The Great Valley,

Mr. Thicknose is laying at his nest, wide awake. He rustles around some, unable to go asleep.

Mr. Thicknose: "Why? Why does this always happen to me? I see something, or someone talks to me, and then everyone laughs me up for it."

The old creature works himself to his paws again, and starts pacing.

Mr. Thicknose.: "Just tell me whats wrong... with me. Just tell me what's wrong! Who am I talking to? OH, I don't know. I don't even ??? know who I'm talking to anymore!

The old Thicknose flops back on the ground, and looks into the sky.

Mr. Thicknose: "Am I really just seeing things? Please, please just let me know. Tell me, you... you, whovever you are!"

Suddenly, a bright beam of light shoots off from the distance, going from the ground, up into the heavens. One of the beams that signifies a rainbowface that's just left the valley. Mr. Thicknose lowers his face to the ground, and covers them with his front paws.

Mr. Thicknose: "...I shouldn't have asked."

--------------------------------------<Commercial break>----------------------------------

Scene: The Great Valley, at the Flyer nest.

Pterano swoops in, with all of Petri's siblings following him in a loose formation. The old flyer takes his perch on the ledge near the peak, and his young colleagues follow suit.

Petrie's sibling #1: "Wasn't that fun?"

Petrie's Sibling #2: "Sure was! Gee, thanks for taking us along, Pterano!"

Pterano: "Don't mention it, pupils!"

Almost as if on cue, Mrs. Flyer swoops into her nest, suddenly sending chills down Pterano's spine.

Pterano: (Whispering) "I mean really don't mention it! Just fly along and play for a short while, okay, students?"

The children dart away fro the nest, and their mother, almost without thinking, says a well memorized line.

Mrs. Flyer: "you take them out in the mysterious beyond again?"

Pterano: "Well..."

The old flyer waits around for the inevitable answer, but it doesn't come. Instead, Mrs. Flyer starts pacing again, looking worried as ever.

pterano: "Now THIS is a change! For a moment, I envisioned you feeding me to Chomper, or at least something equally horrific for my transgressions, but no harm comes!

She just keeps pacing, now mumbling to herself.

Pterano: "...Sis?"

His sister isn't even paying attention to him anymore.

Pterano: "Now, sis. What's gotten into you?

Mrs.: Flyer: "Oh... Those poor... poor eggs."

Pterano: "...Eggs? What eggs?"

Scene: The Mysterious Beyond

Redclaw continues his rein of terror on the poor little cave entrance, and the poor little residents making it their refuge. The view goes into this cave, and shows the situation is much the same. Ridge is staring out into the deadly light. Harper is still clutching the two little eggs, holding a staring contest with Ozzy. Strut is little bit further in the cave. Redclaw gives a light roar. Ozzy, not even moving his eyes from his target, calls out to his little brother.

Ozzy: "Strut! Get over here! And get that stuff out of your mouth, while your at it!"

Strut walks back from his hiding area. He has some moss in his mouth, which he swallows.

Strut: "Oh, come on, Ozzy! How did you even know I was eating again? You never looked over here."

Ozzy: "I don't even have to look anymore, Strut. I already know you always have some kind of green mess in your mouth!"

Strut: "But ozzy!"

Ozzy: "Just shut up already!"

Ridge: "I think your a bit hard on your friend there."

Ozzy: "Oh yeah? Well, I think YOUR friend over here is a little too obsessed with eggs!"

Harper: "I think the same thing, egg breath!"

The massive sharptooth growls at his captives.

Ozzy: "Better than being some flying snack that eats green slop!"

Strut: "Ozzy! Shouldn't we see about some way of getting out of here?"

Ozzy: "I already told you, I'm busy!"

Ridge: "Yeah, Why can't we just find a way out of here?"

Ozzy: "Sure, just let me help a leafgobbler! See how many eggs that get's me!"

Ridge: "sir, I really don't care right now. I just wanna go home!"

Strut: "Me, too!"

Ridge: "Harper?"

Harper: "Sorry, Ridge. Too busy right now."

Ridge starts banging his head against the rocky wall. Strut sees this, and starts doing the same.

Strut: "Well, haven't heard any growling in awhile, at least."

Ridge: "Yeah, we've got that."

The spiketail's eyes open, and he glances out of the cave.

Ridge: "Hey, guys! I think Redclaw is gone now!"

Struts: "Hey, that's great!"

Ridge nudges on the little pteranodon.

Ridge: "Let's get going already, Harper."

Harper turns her head.

Harper: "Oh, alright."

Ozzy suddenly shoots off after her, snatches the two eggs, and screams out of the cave, leaving his brother behind.

Harper: "Hey!"

Strut: "Come back, Ozzy!"

Everyone else exits the cave, going after Ozzy. Strut catches up to his brother, whose going a little slower than him because of the eggs he's carrying.

Ozzy stares over at the smoking mountain.

Strut: "Ozzy!"

Ozzy: "Blast all of this! That little monster is still after us! Just can't shake her off!"

Strut: "Oh, come on, Ozzy."

Ozzy: "I've gotta do something to get her out of the way, then."

Strut: "Huh?"

Ozzy: "I've got an idea!"

Strut: "Really? What?"

The older eggstealer grabs his brother's hand, and shoots off to the side, towards the smoking mountain. Strut struggles with the change of direction, nearly dropping his egg.

Strut: "...uh, Ozzy? You really wanna go into a big smoking mountain like that?"

Ozzy: "Well, we can't get them off our tails, Strut! So, we're just gonna have to..."

Strut: "What? You mean.."

Ozzy: "Yes, Strut. We've gotta eggsterminate them!"

--------------------------------------<Commercial break>----------------------------------

Scene: The Great Valley.

A nearby bush rustles, Alarming the old thicknose.

Thicknose: "Who is it?"

The Male Rainbowface steps out from among the foliage. And the two creatures stare at each other. The view switches between them both, getting closer and closer with each switch. Suddenly, Mr. Thicknose turns friendly.

Mr. Thicknose: "Well, look who it is! Hey! Buddy!"

The Rainbowface walks up.

Male Rainbowface: "Hello again, old friend!"

Mr. Thicknose: "Wher've you been?"

Male Rainbowface: "Oh, you know... around."

A hearty laugh bellows out from the old creature.

Male Rainbowface: "How has the valley been?"

Mr. Thicknose: "Same old boring valley."

He sighs.

Male Rainbowface: "Hey, you've got that old..."

Mr. Thicknose: "Human?"

Male Rainbowface: "Yeah, Human. You have him now."

Mr. Thicknose: "I guess so. A lot of residents think he's crazy, just like they all think I'm... looney."

The rainbowface looks deep in thought.

Male Rainbowface: "You still telling everyone about how we came from ooze?"

Mr. Thicknose: "You mean murky ooze? Yes, I am."

Male Rainbowface: "Hmm."

The little creature passes back and forth.

Male Rainbowface: "And you never stopped to think why I told you not to?"

Mr. Thicknose: "I don't see why anyone shouldn't know something!"

The rainbowface walks away from Mr. Thicknose a small distance.

Male Rainbowface: "Well, it was a little... slip up that got out.

Mr. Thicknose: "Really? Why would you say that?"

Male Rainbowface: Let's just say it's better for people to figure things out on their own.

The rainbowface turns tail, and starts walking off.

Male Rainbowface: "It's been great getting to catch up on some things, friend. Let's do it again, sometime.

Mr. Thicknose: "Hey, Friend?"

Male Rainbowface: "Yes?"

Mr. Thicknose: "You ever gonna get 'round to showing me where you're from?"

Male Rainbowface: "Oh, I don't know. Maybe one day."

The alien keeps walking, before stopping out of earshot of the old creature.

Male Rainbowface: (sighs) "Well, that was a total failure."

He puts his claw up over his face in anguish.

Male Rainbowface: "I just hope the same thing doesn't happen to that inquisitive little longneck."

Ridge: "Harper, let's just get out of here!

Scene: "Inside of the volcano.

The two parties are now inside the hot and dangerous inferno. Ozzy and Strut are walking along one ridge, while Harper and Ridge trudge along a nearby ridge that's farther up.

Ridge: "Harper, why are we even here!? Let's just go back home already!"

Harper: "Not now, I almost have them!"

Strut: "Your insane, Ozzy! your gonna get us both killed!"

Ozzy: "Just a little more. I know I can get them outta my scales somehow!"

Harper: "Hey, Ridge, I gotta idea!"

Harper shoots off of Ridges back yet again. The teenaged spiketail simply sighs this time, as Harper grabs the two eggs, returning back up to him."

Harper: "Wow, wonder why I never tried that before."

Ozzy: "Come back down here! I just wanna eggsterminate you two!"

Strut: "Ozzy, just stop it. Just let it go, please."

Ozzy: "Never!"

Strut puts his claw over his forehead, sighing.

Strut: "What's wrong with us?"

Harper, whose still up on the higher ridge, looking over the two eggstealers, starts pondering.

Harper: "Well, seeing as how everything is okay now, I think I can eggsplain things."

Ridge: "Oh, come on! Not you too!"

Harper calls out from her pedestal of sorts.

Harper: "My, would you two listen to yourselves for a minute!?"

Ozzy: "Hmm?"

Strut: "What?"

Harper: "You're both brothers, aren't you?"

Ridge: "Um, Harper? What are you doing?"

Harper: "Ozzy? Is that your name? I see you're being being very hateful towards your brother. Really, I don't know why he stays with you, but he must see something in you. Though, I do think you should try being a little more nice to him."

Ozzy: "You thing so?"

Harper: "I know so."

Ozzy: "I'll see about that!"

The older eggstealer starts trying to climb up towards his prize, while Harper continues.

Harper: "...And you, Strut. Yes, Ozzy is very firm with you sometimes, but he only does it because he loves you.

Strut: "He does?"

Harper: "Well, yes. I believe he does love you. He only wants what's best for you, and he's just pushing you to do what he thinks is right."

Ridge: "Harper!"

Another earthshake rumbles through the volcano. Harper loses her grip on the eggs.

Harper and Ozzy: "The eggs!"

The flyer and the eggstealer leap off of the cliff face, towards the falling eggs.

Ridge: "Harper!"

Strut: "Ozzy!"

The Larger spiketail and the smaller eggstealer sling their heads downward, catching their falling comrades tails in their mouths.

Harper: "Nooo!"

Ozzy: "My eggs!"

Harper and Ozzy watch, horrified, as the two eggs plummet down, plopping into the lava. THe lava pops and bubbles up, in a mini boil, from the water inside the eggs being super-heated, and looking for any excape. The little flyer and the eggstealer just keep staring on, as Ridge and Strut drag them back up to safety.

Scene: Outside the volcano.

Ridge steps out of the volcano, with Harper on his back. She can't even speak. A few moments later, Strut lumbers out, Supporting
Ozzy on his side, who barely seems interested in even walking. No words are spoken by anyone. Both parties slowly walk off into the distance, their rides looking defeated.

Scene: The Great Valley.

We join everyone near the flyer nest. Pterano, his sister, and the Professor is there. Pterano's a distance away from Mrs. Flyer, talking to someone off screen. The Professor walks up on the female flyer.

Professor: "I was just out here for a walk to... think about some things, and I saw you two here. I'm so sorry for your family... Um..."

Tara: "Tara."

Professor: "Oh yes, right. Well, my condolences go out to you. Loosing your eggs like that must be awful. It must be so hard for you and Pterano."

Tara: "Thank you so much, creature. It really helps having people... hey, wait. What do you mean 'me and Pterano'?"

Professor: "Well, I... it's just he's the only male flyer around and..."

Tara: "WITH MY OWN BROTHER!?!? Well, I never!"

Pterano, whose now a small distance away, look on as the Professor bolts past the screen in terror, with Tara following from the air.

Professor: "I'm... I'm sorry about that, mame, I didn't know!"

Tara: "That someone could even have the audacity to think I'd ever think of... UGH!!!!!!!"

Professor: "Oh God! I'm sorry!"

Tara: "Come back and tell all of that to my beak, or my claws!"

Professor: (Blind screams of utter terror.)

The view moves over to Pterano, whose a ways away from all the commotion.

Pterano: "So, the last time she took a little trip into the Beyond, she... er... had a little two much fun with some bombastic young male flyer. She seemed really embarrassed about it when she told me, so don't tell anyone else about it, okay? I Definitely don't yearn for this whole thing getting out, friend."

Pterano takes off to the air, and the view moves over a little more, to Mr. Thicknose, whose deep in thought.


Now that that's done, the next episode will be coming out... when it's done.  :lol
Come check out my new Youtube gaming channel, Game Biter!
Littlefoot: "Look, Chomper. You're uncle is dead, and it's just right for your friends to be there for you. You'd be there if someone we know died, right?"

Chomper: "Well, sure I would!"

Come give my LBT TV Series fanfiction, PAST-O-RAMA, a read!


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Ah, gotta love Ozzy and Strut! :DD

Man, I'm so glad you've made it at last :)

First of all, Ridge and Parker are cool characters. The chase was an epic one, really :yes The side stories were pretty well-done imo. Oh, and you're never failing at making the peeps laugh :lol

Keep writing! :goodluck
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Hiya guys. I've hadthis episdoe 34 already written up for over a year, and never posted, because I wanted to get 33 up first. Meh, That's not happenning, so you should at least get to read this one, so it's the new episode 33. This features a OC from TrulyFantasticMe, not that she even remembers that character now.  :neutral

Anyway, hope you like thislittle moresilly episode! :DD

Episode 33 - Always the Same Ham

William Shatner would be proud!

Scene: The Great Valley, just outside the Professor's Cave.

The senile old professor and the Gang are gathered up. Most of the Gang are talking to each other, while Ducky and the Professor are off to the side.

Ducky: "This is going to be fun, is it not, Professor?"

Professor: "Yes, yes, but before all of that, let me give you a lesson on how to laugh, little swimmer!"

Ducky: "But I already know how to laugh, silly!"

Professor: "Not the right way, though! Here, you're supposed to laugh like this."

(The old man starts laughing maniacally.) (Ducky follows suit, but gives a more playful laugh.)

Professor: "No, no, no! Not like that! It has to come from further down! From the gut!"

(The Professor laughs maniacally again.) (Ducky gives another playful laugh.)

Professor: "Oh, it's hopeless!"

Ducky: "Oh, it is okay, Professor!"

Littlefoot: "Yeah, we're just gonna have some fun today!"

Professor: "So, everyone here yet?"

Petrie: "Not me uncle!"

Professor: "Wait, HE wants to play this, too?"

Pterano: "Of course!"

Professor: "Ahh!"

The Professor jumps around in a frenzy to see the old flyer.

Professor: "You know not to surprise me like that!"

Pterano: "Oh, so sorry about that, poor old..."

Littlefoot: "...Human."

Pterano: ...Yes. Well, whatever you are."

Littlefoot: "So, you're ready to play with us, Pterano?"

Pterano: "I've already said so, child!"

Professor: "You really wanna play some kid's game, old Pteranodon?"

Pterano: "This isn't just some child's play, Professor! I believe it's something everyone should try out. It sharpens the mind. Sharpens the tounge. It's a very important skill, after all."

Littlefoot: "It is?"

Pterano: "Oh my, it is! You can get yourself out of an abundance of trouble with it!"

Cera: Humpth! You would know!"

Petrie: "Oh no, oh no, oh nohoho!"

Cera: "What's it this time, Petrie?"

Petrie: "Sh...sharptooth flyer back!"

Chomper looks up into the sky, and see's this new flyer, who's blue in color.

Chomper: "Wait, he's not my friend! Who is that?"

Petrie: "Me no wanna find out!"

Cera: Um, me either!"

Petrie takes off, while Cera starts to bolt. Chomper goes to hide behind some bushes.

Littlefoot: "Everyone! Run!"

Pterano's voice suddenly changes to a much less eloquent, more rukkish tone.

Pterano: "Holy Hola Doughnut! Could it be?"

The blue flyer tackles Pterano.

Petrie: "Uncle!"

Petrie flies back, but notices the two flyers are actually hugging.

Flying Sharptooth: "It's been such a long time!"

Pterano: "I know, you crazy old flyer!"

Flying Sharptooth: "You're the crazy one, ya old flyer!"

Pterano: Oh, I know. Just playing with ya, is all!"

Petrie: "...Uncle?"

The rest of the Gang and the Professor come back.

Professor: "What's the meaning of this!?"

Ducky: "Yeah, what is going on, Pterano?"

Littlefoot: "And what about your voice, Mr. Pterano? It just sounds so...differenty."

Pterano: "My voice?"

Pterano clears his throat, and returns to his regular, eloquent self.

Pterano: "Oh yes, That. Sorry about that, children. This brave, valiant young lad here just brought up... something in me."

Cera: "Who IS this flyer here, though?"

Professor: "Yes, let's get on with it!"

Pterano: "Well, if you'd give an old flyer the time of day to explain himself!"

He motions to the sharptooth flyer.

Pterano: "Anyway, this is Devon here."

Ducky: "Why, hello Devon!"

Ruby: "Yes, hello to you, Devon! To you, hello!"

Littlefoot: "Welcome to the Great Valley!"

Devon: "Well, thank ya, kids! This is a pretty nice place, now that I've seen it!"

Cera: "What's up with this sharptoothed flyer though? Is he like those OTHER flyer friends you had?"

Pterano: "Sort of, I suppose, but not exactly. He's... well, I think that's better left in the past."

Devon: "Yeah, don't really wanna think about that!"

Professor: "So, what brings you around here, Devin?"

Devon: "Nothing much., just finally decided to follow my papa here."

Littlefoot: "Father?"

Pterano: "Yes, Littlefoot. Devon is my beloved son!"

Cera: "WHAT!?"

Professor: (Laughs maniacally.) "My, I'd love to see what his mother looks like!"

Pterano: "Hmm? Oh, no, no! I don't mean like that! You see, I adopted him."

Ducky: "Oh. You mean like when my mommy adopted Spike, right?"

Pterano: "Yes, little swimmer, just like that. I adopted Devon because he didn't have any fam..."

He glances over at Devon, who looks back blankly.

Pterano: "...Well, let's just say he had no one that loved him, shall we?"

Professor: "So, will you be staying here, with us, Devin?"

Pterano: "It's Devon."

Professor: "Devin?"

Pterano: "...No, aged creature,.I said Devon!"

Professor: "Devin?"

Devon: "It's Devon! Devon! Get it right, you fuzzy faced... thing!"

Professor: "Da Von!? Who the tail names their son Da Von!?"

Pterano: "You wouldn't want to know, poor old Professor. Believe me!"

Littlefoot: "So, we ready to start, Professor?"

Devon: "Start? Start what?"

Pterano: "Ah, yes! Of course!"

Professor: "Then, let's begin!"

Everyone scampers off quickly, leaving Devon behind, just standing there, confused.

Devon: "Hmm, where'd everybody head off too?"

He starts pacing around the field, looking around. Suddenly, a bush shakes, and the flyer's head snaps.

Devon: "What was THAT!?"

Littlefoot jumps out of the bushes, looking angrily at Devon.

Littlefoot: "Back, foul beast!"

Devon: "Foul beast? Whatcha even talkin' bout?"

Littlefoot: "Leave this peaceful little valley alone! Go back and tell you're master that, too!"

Devon: "Now hold on a minute there, I ain't here to hurt anybody!"

Littlefoot: "You mean you haven't come from Ducky? The evil Professor Ducky?"

Devon: "I don't even know what your talking bout!"

Littlefoot: "That's good, I guess. It's probably better you don't know about her."

The longneck turns around, slowly pacing dramatically.

Littlefoot: I've been trying to stop her, for she's trying to take over this very valley!"

Devon: "WHAT!?"

Littlefoot: "Yes, I'm afraid. She's after... something. Something that would give her great power."

Devon: "Wow, sounds awful!"

Littlefoot: "I'm trying to stop her, you see. I'm the Looone Dinosaur, afterall!"

Devon: "...Really?"

Littlefoot: "Of course!"

The longneck starts pacing some more.

Littlefoot: "It's just this time, I'm not so sure..."

Devon: "So sure of what?"

Littlefoot: "That I'll be able to stop her. I've stopped her before, yes, but if she finds that... stone, I don't know what'll happen!"

Devon: "Bummer."

Littlefoot: "This time, I'm gonna need help."

Devon: "Oh... k."

Littlefoot: "So, would you like to join me on my quest?"

Devon: "Me?"

Littlefoot: "Yeah. You seem pretty okay to me, and I'm gonna need the help!"

Devon: "Oh, what tha heck, I got nothin better to do!"

Littlefoot: "Then, let's go!"

Littlefoot starts marching off, with Devon following pretty far behind. Suddenly, The Professor sticks his head out of some nearby bushes.

Professor: "BREAK!"

--------------------------------------<Commercial break>----------------------------------

Scene: The Great Valley.

Littlefoot is huddled up at the bush the Professor is hiding in, while Devon stands back.

Professor: "We really gonna let him play along?"

Littlefoot: "Well, he kinda said he wanted to, so we kinda have to."

Professor: (Sighs.) "Oh, alright, but you're not making this easy on me! All this improvising at the last second and what all!"

The old man rushes back into the foliage, while the longneck turns around and rejoins Devon.

Devon: "Hey, what was he doing there?"

Littlefoot: "Who?"

Devon: "You know, that old...thing that can't say my name right."

Littlefoot: "I don't know what your talking about. It's just the two of us here."

Devon: "No, I mean there was something in that bush. You were talking to em!"

Littlefoot: "I wasn't talking to anyone, flyer."

Devon: "Oh, never mind."

Littlefoot: "Anyway, let's get going!"

Scene: The Great Valley, near the watering hole.

Littlefoot and Devon are still walking along.

Devon: "So, this valley here is a little...different, isn't it?"

Littlefoot: "It's great, isn't it? I mean, that's why we call it the Great Valley, afterall!"

Devon: "Yeah, really... great."

Littlefoot: "Alright, we're coming up to the watering hole. Just keep low."

Devon: "Why?"

Littlefoot: "It's the pointy one's lair."

Devon: "Pointy one? Whose..."

Cera: "Humpth! Who goes there!?"

Littlefoot: "Oh no, it's her!"

Devon: "But's it's just some little threehorn."

Cera: "Hello, I asked you two hatchlings a question! Who goes there?"

Littlefoot: "It is I, The Looone Dinosaur! And this here is..."

Devon: "Devon."

Littlefoot: "Really? That's not a very interesting name."

Devon: "What?

Littlefoot: "Well, you can come up with something better than that, can't you?"

Cera: "Yeah, it's no fun otherwise."

Devon: "Hmm. How bout fearsome flyer?"

Littlefoot: "Much better!"

Cera: "Now then... NONE SHALL PASS!"

Littlefoot: "But we must!"

Cera: "This is MY waterng hole, and it's my saying who's passing and not passing!."

Littlefoot: "We're gonna pass, even if I have to fight you for it!"

Littlefoot charges forward, knocking Cera into the water.

Cera: "Ow! That's not fair!"

Littlefoot: "Yes it is!"

Cera: "I ain't gonna give up, you know!"

Littlefoot: (Whispers.) "Hey, we're already late, just move on already."

Cera: (Whispers.) "Oh, okay. "(Shouting.) "Oh, you've beaten me! Please, have mercy on me!"

Littlefoot: "I'll spare you, if you help us take down Ducky!"

Cera: (Gasps.) "You mean THE Ducky? The evil Professor Ducky?"

Littlefoot: "The very same! So, will you help us on our quest?"

Cera: "Hmm. Oh, alright, just as long as I get all the credit for it!"

Scene: A forest in the Great Valley.

The threesome walks along a bit more, before the flyer get's a question.

Devon: "So, where we off to right now?"

Littlefoot: "Looking for some more help."

Devon: "We really have to?"

Cera: "Look, you've got me, you don't need anybody else!"

Littlefoot: "You know, I can't do this alone. I don't even think the two of us could do it, or the three of us. That's why I'm here. I'm looking for somebody that can help us. I'm looking for a certain... flyer."

Devon: "Flyer? You mean Pterano?"

Littlefoot: "Is that what your kind calls him? I only know him as the fearless flyer!"

Devon: "Well, yeah. He is a pretty awesome dad, ain't he?"

Littlefoot: (Gasps) "You mean, your realated to the fearless flyer?"

Devon: "Well, duh! Already told ya that, smart egg!"

Littlefoot: "Where is he?"

Devon: "I don't really know. Guess he'd be over at his nest or something."

Littlefoot: "Nest... nest... do you mean the flyer nest on tall, tall ridge?"

Devon: "What are you even talking about?"

Littlefoot: "Let's go!"

Scene: The Great Wall, at the flyer nest.

Littlefoot, Cera and Devon trek up to the base of the cliff where the flyer nest resides.

Littlefoot: "Hello up there!"

A few moments go by before the old flyer replies from atop the nest.

Pterano: "Who DARES to disturb my slumber?"

Littlefoot: "It is I, the Looone Dinosaur!"

Pterano: "Piff! What does some simple longneck want with me?"

Littlefoot: "We need your help, fearless flyer! We have to take down the evil professor Ducky!"

Pterano: "Ah, so the land crawlers are finally wisening up, and begging for my assistance?"

Littlefoot: "I'm afraid so. It's a pretty bad situation."

Pterano leaps off from his perch, and lands right in front of the group.

Pterano: "Grand! Let us get our tails in gear, and get going already!"

The group starts to walk off, before the Professor sticks his head out of a bush yet again.

Professor: "Hey, I'm gonna need a few more minutes to think of something, so... BREAK!"

--------------------------------------<Commercial break>----------------------------------

Littlefoot and Pterano are standing up at the bush the Professor is at, while Devon stands back, confused.

Littlefoot: "You really think that is gonna work?"

Professor: "It better. We've already taken too many breaks as it is!

Pterano: "Well then, let's begin again!"

The Professor goes back into hiding.

Devon: "Hey, what's going... ah, just forget it!"

Littlefoot: "The time is now, everyone! It's time to take back our valley!"

Littlefoot, Cera and Pterano all yell, then run off, while Devon just stares.

Devon: "What the HELL was Pterano thinking when he joined this crazy, messed up place!?"

He takes off into the air, following the rest of the group.

Scene: The Great Valley, by the swimmer nest.

Ducky is standing on a rock, while Ruby and Petrie cower under her.

Ducky: "I rule this valley now, oh yes I do!"

Ruby: "Please, have mercy on us!"

Petrie: "Yes, don't hurt us, me scared!"

Ducky: "I think the first thing I will do is make the longnecks get me those treesweets. You know, the ones way up high in the trees that I could never get,  yup... yup... yup!" (Laughs maniacaly.)

Littlefoot: "Oh no, you won't!"

Ducky: "Ah, so it is the Looone Dinosaur again, is it not?"

Littlefoot: "I'm here to put a stop to you!"

Ducky: "Oh, yes, you may have stopped me before, but..."

Ducky picks up a rounded off stone, and shows it off.

Ducky: "...With this stone of cold fire, no one can stop me now, oh no no no!"

Pterano: "DUCKY!"

Ducky: (Gasps.) "That... voice. Could it be?"

Pterano flies in, landing between the other heroes and Ducky.

Pterano: "That's right, Professor!"

The Professor sticks his head out of another bush.

Professor: "Eh, wha? Someone call me?"

Devon: "Be careful, dad!"

Pternao: "Don't worry, I have this under control!"

Ducky: "I thought I beated you already!"

Pterano: "It's takes more than a little flowing fire to stop me!"

Ducky: "Oh, no matter. I have the stone now, fearless flyer! No one can ever hope to stop me, not even you, I am afraid, oh yes I am!"

Pterano: "You aren't going to take over this peaceful valley, evil one!"

Ducky: "Oh yeah? And how do you think are you going to stop me, if I may ask?"

Pterano: "With this!"

The old flyer charges forward, and grabs the rock right out of Ducky's hands.

Ducky: "Ahh! My... stone! My precious!"

Pterano: "I"m getting rid of this mischief maker once and for all!"

(Pterano yells out in fake pain.) He tosses the stone away, and starts falling towards the ground.

Ducky: "NOOOOO!"

Pterano gently lands on the ground, while Devon rushes towards him.

Devon: "Dad!"

The blue flyer takes his father in his wings.

Pterano: "...Son?"

Devon: "Yes, I'm here, father."

Pterano: I could never... fathom that it would end like this!"

Devon: "Dad, no! Don't talk like that!"

Pterano: "Your father has always loved you. Just remember that. From the day we first met, I always have!"

Devon is in tears at this point.

Devon: "I know, dad! I know..."

Pterano turns his head to the side, sticking his tounge out. (He makes some fake dieing sound.) Devon starts to tremble.

Devon: "Daddy! Nooo!"

Devon sticks his head down, weeping, while the Professor walks up.

Professor: "Alright, I think that's a wrap!"

The rest of the Gang rush up, looking cheery.

Littlefoot: "Hey, good going, Pterano!"

Pterano's limp body suddenly springs up.

Pterano: "Oh, thank you, my child! I definately had a most entertaining day today!"

Devon: "Wh...what's going on?"

Pterano: "Hmm? what do you mean, Devon?"

Devon: "You just died, dad!"

Pterano: "Oh, that? I was just acting, son!"

Devon: "Acting?"

Littlefoot: "Oh yeah, Devon, we all were!"

Ducky: "Oh yes. It was very fun, was it not?"

Pterano: "Wait... you thought this whole little charade was the real thing!"

Devon: "Um... yeah."

Everyone else bursts out laughing.

Professor: "How could you think such a thing, Devin?"

Devon: "For the last time, it's DeVON! But for your question... you all just made it seem so real."

Pterano: "That was just all the acting lessons I've been giving them."

Littlefoot: "Yeah, he really helped out."

Devon: "This almost seems like those tricks I always play on you, dad!"

Professor: (Chuckles.) "From one ham to another, I guess."

Pterano: "Hmm?"

Devon: "What?"

Professor: "Oh, it's just a figure of speech."

Devon: "Well, I think I'm ready to spend the rest of the day with you, Pterano."

Pterano: "Of course, son! I'm gonna go back to the nest to get ready."

The old flyer takes off.

Devon: "Alright. Be right there!"

Littlefoot: "The only question I have now, is where did Chomper go off to?

Devon: "Chomper?"

Cera: "Yeah. I thought he was gonna play along too!"

Ruby: "We were so caught up in this, I didn't even think of introducing you to him."

Suddenly, Chomper bursts out of some foliage."

Chomper: "Hey, am I late, guys?"

Devon: "AAHHHH!"

The blue flyer shoots off backwards, but he's flying so low, he smacks the big rock Ducky was standing on earlier.

Come check out my new Youtube gaming channel, Game Biter!
Littlefoot: "Look, Chomper. You're uncle is dead, and it's just right for your friends to be there for you. You'd be there if someone we know died, right?"

Chomper: "Well, sure I would!"

Come give my LBT TV Series fanfiction, PAST-O-RAMA, a read!


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Episode 34 - Veal and Friends

Remind me to have Brekclub committed! ...On second thought, I should probably be committed too...

Scene: The Professor's Cave.

The Professor is working again on some contraption.

Professor: "And... that should do it, I hope."

The view changes, revealing the device the Professor has been working on is his time travel device. He closes a hatch he had open on the contraption, turns it over, and flips a small switch on it. The thing comes to life for a moment, before short circuiting, and falling over, motionless. The human bangs his fist into the table, grunting in frustration.

Professor: "Oh, blast it all!"

Male Rainbowface: "Having some trouble there, being?"

Professor: "Who let you in!?"

Male Rainbowface: "I live here now, remember? Don't tell me your forgetting things now, old friend!"

Professor: "Old Friend? So you accuse me of being an alien, bring me back to my time, break my time machine, get kicked out of your world, and crash in my pad for a couple days and we're old friends!?"

Male Ranbowface: "Tsk, Tsk, Always so negative. How are you gonna get something done with that kind of atitude?"

Professor: "Sometimes you need some cynicism, too, you know. Keeps you from being too dissapointed when everything inevitably blows up in your face."

Male Rainbowface: "Someone who tries the same thing over and over again, expecting a different result. The very definition of a fool."

Professor: "...Einstein?"

Male Rainbowface: "No idea what you are talking about, but maybe a different approach might help."

The colorful dinosaur pulls out a grey clump of gooey, putty looking stuff.

Professor: "What the hell is that pile of goop?"

Male Rainbowface: "It's not a pile of goop. Well, unless you want it to be a pile of goop. It's something we call a universal tool. (Clears his throat) Form of electrical screwdriver. point three units wide."

The Grey putty quickly forms into a tiny screwdriver, and turns solid.

Professor: "What kind of technology is that? Never seen it before."

Male Rainbowface: "Well, that's... classified. You know, as I'd always tell that inquisitive young quadruped, 'That would be telling.'"

Professor: "Wow, that thing can really turn into anything, can it?"

Male Rainbowface: "Pretty much, yes."

The disosaur offers the gadget to the human.

Male Rainbowface: "Here, I'm sure you could find a use for it here."

Professor: "Ah, thanks, old friend!"

The old man grabs it out of his hand, examining the object for a moment, before thinking of what he wants.

Professor: "Now, form of... nose hair clipper!"

The device changes into a nose hair clipper, and the Professor proceeds with shoving it up his nostrils.

Male Rainbowface: "UGH!

After the Professor finishes his... thing, he drops the device on his table, and then starts heading towards the exit of his cave.

Male Rainbowface: "Hey! I thought you were going to finally fix your machine!"

Professor: "Eh, I feel like if I try any more right now, I'll just end up smashing it again in anger. I'll just go see what the young-ins are up to, I guess."

Male Rainbowface: "Seeya."

Scene: The Great Valley.

The gang is laying in a grassy field, relaxing, and chatting amongst themselves.

Ducky: "I remember hearing a lot of talking from the flyer's nest last night, yup.

Cera: "Yeah. Me, too. Could barely get any shut eye from that!"

Littlefoot: "I wonder what was up. Petrie?"

Petrie: "Oh, me no know."

Ducky: "Hmm, what is that?"

The swimmer points in the sky over the great valley wall, a small dot slowly grows, turning into a sharptoothed flyer.

Littlefoot: "Ducky! Petrie! lookout!"

Littlefoot flops on top of Petrie, while Spike comes over, and covers up his sister. Up in the sky, a bright, thin line darts by the flyer quickly. A shot, from the Professor's weapon, leaving the tip of the sharptooth flyer's tail singed.

Chomper: "Professor, stop it! He's a friend!"

Chomper sighs, looking at all the commotion going on around him.

Chomper: "Does EVERYONE in this valley have to get so worked up every time that same sharptooth flyer comes? I thought you guys would remember him by now, geez!"

The sharptooth flyer finally lands, growling at the professor, before Chomper runs up to him, roars something, and they both start talking to each other in sharptooth.

Chomper: "Oh no!"

Littlefoot: "What's wrong, Chomper?"

Chomper: "It's my uncle!"

Petrie: "Pterano?"

Cera: "No, bird-brain! It's Chomper's uncle!"

Petrie: "...Oh.

Ruby: "What's wrong with your uncle, Chomper? Is he sick?"

Chomper: "No, he's... dead."

(Everyone else gasps.)

Professor: "My... how tragic."

Littlefoot: "I'm sorry to hear about that, Chomper."

Chomper: "I gotta go see him!"

Cera: "...Wha?"

Littlefoot: "Why do you wanna go see him? He's already gone."

Chomper: "Well, I gotta go! I just have to!"

Professor: "But Chomper, my little carnivore. They're so far away from here. It'll take a couple days to walk there, you know. Unless we use my ship, I suppose."

Chomper: "To the ship!"

Scene: Inside the Professor's ship, flying somewhere over the Mysterious Beyond.

The Professor, Chomper, Littlefoot, and Cera are there.

Chomper: "Are we there yet?"

Professor: "Stop asking, little guy! We'll be there soon!"

The Professor turns around from his seat to the rest of the Gang.

Professor: "So, why are you leaf eaters tagging along again?"

Littlefoot: "I don't really know actually. Guess We just wanna be with Chomper."

Chomper:" You didn't have to come along, friends. I already told you guys you might not like it there."

Littlefoot: "Look, Chomper. You're uncle is dead, and it's just right for your friends to be there for you. You'd be there if someone we know died, right?"

Chomper: "Well, sure I would!"

Cera: "You sure he's not just bringing us along as appetizers?"

Chomper: "Don't worry, Cera. I wouldn't ever do something like that, and besides, we've got something to eat there already!"

All the leaf eaters cringe.

Ducky: "You... do?"

Chomper: "...Eeyup!  You guys even been listening to me?"

Cera: "How do you know? Did that flying sharptooth tell you that to? Oh, and why are you going, again?"

Chomper: "Well, I have to go, because it's in the code."

Professor: "Code? What code?"

Chomper: "The Sharptooth Code, of course!

Littlefoot: "...Huh?"

Chomper: "Yeah, it's a code that we all live by, and that's why I'm coming to see my uncle."

Cera: "A sharptooth code? You'd think sharpteeth would be too busy thinking about food to worry about some code."

Chomper: "Well, you guys always just see them when they're hungry, cause that's when they show themselves. Sharptooth aren't ALWAYS thinking about food."

Cera: "Honestly, I find that hard to believe."

Professor: "Get ready, gang. We're almost there!

Scene: The Mysterious Beyond, by a small stream. Chomper's parents are standing close to their fallen friend, Chomper's uncle. Cutter and his two brothers are there, too. Chomper and the gang are a small distance away from the sharpteeth, in their own group.

Papa Sharptooth: <We are gathered here to remember a fallen friend, my brother, fierce hunter...>

Papa Sharptooth continues his speech, in the background and untranslated, as the view focuses on the Gang.

Ducky: Ooh, it is nice to see your other friends are here for you, it is!"

Chomper: "Yeah. So glad to see Cutter! Though I'm sure his brothers are just here for the food."

Petrie: "Oh no! They come to eat us!"

Chomper: "Calm down guys! I've already told you guys a thousand times, you're safe here."

Littlefoot: "I know we are, buddy, but it still just makes us a little... nervous being around so many sharpteet, is all.

Papa Sharptooth starts singing the Song of Passing, slowly the other sharpteeth join him in the sad song, except Cutter's brothers. Chomper joins in it too, with a tear in his eyes. After the song is over, Littlefoot steps up to the little sharptooth, guilt showing in his face.

Littlefoot: "I'm sorry we're keeping you from being so close to him, and your family and other friends, Chomper. It's just... I just feel like it's making us feel a little better having you with us, is all."

Chomper wipes the tears from his eyes.

Chomper: "You don't have to explain things, Littlefoot. I understand. Can't stay here with you guys much longer, though."

Littlefoot: "Really? Why not?"

Chomper is already gone from the group, running towards the other sharpteeth.

Cera: "Hmptth! Typical."

Littlefoot: "Don't worry, guys. He's just... emotional right now. Can't even think of what he's going through his mind right now. We're still safe here, I think."

Suddenly, all of the sharpteeth start tearing into the carcass of their fallen friend, loudly and ravenously.. The rest of the Gang sees and hears all this commotion, and start screaming.

------------------------------<Commercial Break>--------------------------------

Scene: Back in the Mysterious Beyond. The gang are all over in a nearby forest, away from the carnage. They're all laying down, looking disturbed and on edge. Chomper walks in, looking very full and happy with himself.

Chomper: "Well, THAT was good!"

The Professor walks up next, holding his backpack, which now looks stuffed with something.

Professor: "Hey, Thanks again Chomper for letting me cut off some bits for myself!"

Chomper: "Aww, your welcome, buddy!"

Littlefoot: "What in the beyond is going on!? Did you sharpteeth all just..."

Chomper: "...clean up?"

Cera: "Oh, that's what you call it!?"

Petrie: "Oh, me just wanna go home! Mommy!"

Littlefoot: "...w...why?"

Chomper: "Like I already told you, friends. It's in the sharptooth code. 'Never let anything go to waste' is a big one.

Littlefoot: "So, you mean, you sharpteeth eat each other too?"


Chomper: "We aren't evil, Cera!

Littlefoot: "But, why did you do that, Chomper? Didn't you love your uncle?"

Chomper: "Yes, I loved my uncle. That's why I did it!"

Ducky: "That does not make any sense, Chomper. Friends do not eat friends, no no no!"

Chomper: "Look, it's a...sharpooth thing. There's no way you'd understand it."

The little sharptooth takes another look around him at the group. They're all giving him strange looks.

Chomper: "Well, you guys didn't need to come, you know! You knew what you were in for!"

Petrie: "No, me no know!"

Ducky: "I never thought about this, no no no!"

Littlefoot: "Yeah, we didn't think anyone could do something like that!"

Professor: "Well, what the daft you guys thought would happen, exactly? Mr. dead rexxie was just gonna sprout wings and fly up to the great beyond or something?"

Littlefoot: "I don't know! I just... never really think about it. I... we don't like thinking about any of that stuff!"

Professor: "All the more reason you guys shouldn't have come in the first place. But NOPE, gotta be with our friend here!"

Chomper: "Yeah!"

Professor: "You know, A long time ago...or a long time yet, whichever you wanna believe, some of my kind would eat each other too.

Littlefoot: REALLY!?"

The longneck takes a step back.

Professor: "I remember hearing of one group of our kind that would eat their fallen.

Littlefoot: "Um, Professor?"

THe rest of the leafeaters, minus Littlefoot, leave the group.

Professor: "Whenever someone died, they'd have this whole ceremony where they'd cut up the body and cook it over a fire..."

Littlfoot: "Professor? Could you stop? Please?"

Professor: "The men ate the muscles, while the women ate their brains. (Mumbling to himself) "Heh, the females of your kind would probably starve to death if you tried that!"

Littlefoot walks off-screen, looking woozy.

Chomper: "Wow! Your so much like us, Professor!"

PRofessor: "No, actually, we're not."

Chomper: "Huh?"

Professor: "It's taboo for us now.

Chomper: "What's a taboo?"

Professor: "Oh, it's a thing that pretty much everyone in a group thinks is wrong, basically. Had more of my fair share of those back where I came from. Some people are ust so finicky, aren't they?"

Chomper's fast biter friend, Cutter, comes running up, and tackles the friendly sharptooth.

Chomper: "Hey, get off!" *giggles*

Both of the sharpteeth start growling and chirping at each other, as they start play-fighting eachother.

Professor: "Hey! Don't wanna freak out the leaf eaters any more!"

The old man looks back, seeing Ducky covering her mouth, Cera covering her ears, and Littlefoot covering his eyes.

Professor: "Oh, never mind."

Littlefoot walks up to the Professor, and lays his head and neck over on The Professor's side.

Petrie: "Can we just go home already?"

Professor: "Yeah, I'm starting to side with them, Chomper."

Chomper: "No, we can't go yet! I'm having so much fun, and I don't get to see Cutter that much."

Professor: "I think they need a little time to... stew over everything that just happened."

Chomper: "Well, their fault for not listening to me! Just think of my parents! How much do I get to see them these days? Until somebody gives me a better reason, I don't wanna go!"

A roar is heard.

Chomper: "Hmm. Wait. That doesn't sound like my mommy or daddy."

The rest of the gang, oddly, aren't startled by this at first, partly from already hearing so much roaring, and partly from still being shocked from the after funeral meal. The roar is heard again, louder than before.

Chomper: "Um, guys? I think we got some other sharpteeth coming."

Redclaw breaks out of the nearby forest, with Screech and Thud close behind.

------------------------------<Commercial Break>--------------------------------

Scene: Back to the same place in the Mysterious Beyond. Redclaw and his cohorts are advancing on the sharpteeth.

Guaro: <Redclaw? Come on, no one needs a Redclaw in their lives!>

Redclaw: <You all have a feast, and don't invite THE Sharptooth?>

Mama Sharptooth: <THE Sharptooth?>

Both of Chomper's parents break out laughing. Redclaw starts rushing headlong at the duo. Back with the Gang, the Professor is on edge.

Professor: "Yeah... now's a good time to go home! Come along now, gang!"

The Professor starts gathering up and guiding the green eating members of the gang toward his ship, while Chomper goes after his parents.

Chomper: "No, I gotta make sure my folks are okay!"

Professor: "Chomper! Come back here, you crazy little carnivore!"

Littlefoot, in his shocked state, suddenly notices Redclaw, as well as Chomper, who is running toward the scarred sharptooth.

Littlefoot: "Chomper! Hey, wait!"

The little longneck rushes off towards the battle, leaving the Professor to fume.

Professor: "Littlefoot! Come on. Not you, too!"

The human finishes ushering the rest of the gang into his ship, before pushing a button to close the hatch. He then starts walking over in the direction of the battle, grumbling to himself.

Professor: "Ugh. All these young-ins. Honestly, sometimes it fells like I'm herding cattle!"

Back with the sharpteeth, Redclaw snaps at Mama Sharptooth's tail, but is butted out by her husband, ramming his forehead into the scarred sharptooth, sending him back a little ways. Redclaw gets to his senses, and instead tries grabbing a quick bite at the t-Rex carcass, but he then gets whacked by both tales of the hunter couple. Redclaw takes a moment to take a good sniff in, and cackles.

Redclaw: <Why are you so protective of a dead brother? You couldn't have cared much for em anyway, since you gorged yourselves on him!>

Papa Sharptooth: <How dare you!>

Chomper: <Mommy! Daddy! I'm coming!>

The friendly little sharptooth closes in on the whole scene.

Mama Sharpooth: <Stay away, son! It's too dangerous!>

Redclaw: <Ah, the little pipsqueak is here?>

Chomper: <I'm not little!>

Redclaw: <Well, maybe my two useless lackeys could make themselves useful now?>

Screech and Thud pop out of a nearby bush, and start chasing Chomper. The little one doesn't seem to notice, however, still charging straight towards his parents and sharptooth friends.

Littlefoot: "Hey, Chomper! Look out!"

The duo of fast biters both turn their heads towards the longneck. The stop, let out a laugh, and start racing towards Littlefoot.

Littlefoot: "...what th..."

He has little time to react, as all three dinosaurs collide with each other.

The screen goes black for a short moment, then it brightens up on Screen opening his eyes. He looks over to Thud.

Screech: <Idiot! Why'd you have to crash into me like that?>

Thud: <You should have just stayed out of my way. You're the slow one, after all!>

Both fast biters look poised to keep arguing, before they gaze over at Littlefoot.

Screech: <Hey! I guess it worked after all!>

A short distance away from them, Littlefoot is laying, motionless, with a little bit of blood on his side. The two sharpteeth get up, and casually walk up to the longneck, licking their chops, when they hear a oh so familiar roar.

Redclaw: <Help! Could I get some help over here, bug catchers!?>

Thud: (growls in frustration) <Of all the times the big one needs help! Oh well, I guess this just means we gotta delay this little dinner date, Longneck. Hope you understand!>

They head off towards the other sharpteeth. Redclaw is getting his butt kicked now, by the two other fully grown t-Rex's, who seem to be still overpowering him. Screech and thud leap into the air, after the male sharptooth, but they both get whacked away by the other T-rex.

Redclaw and his two henchmen start running away. Chomper's father  raises his head to the sky, and let's out a loud taunt.

Papa Sharptooth: <By the way, I care about my uncle leagues more than a piece of dung like you! Why, I'd never let my family take a bite out of you. Heck, you'd probably give them gas!>

Chomper runs up to nuzzle his folks for a bit, before chirping goodbye to them, and making his way toward the ship. He's stopped in his tracks, however, by the sight of Littlefoot.

Chomper: "oh... oh no!"

The sharptooth rushes to his big brother's side. He starts crying now.

Chomper: "Oh, it's not true! no!"

The predator wipes the tears from his eyes.

Chomper: "Is this really it, then?"

Suddenly, he looks hungry again."

Chomper: "I guess... I guess Littlefoot would have wanted it this way anyway."

The sharptooth starts licking his chops, poising to take a bite out of his friend's tale.

Littefoot: "...Hey...buddy? What are you doing?"

Chomper shoots his head back up.

Chomper: "Huh?"

Littlefoot: "Sharptooth code, right? Well, it's a good idea to make sure a guy is dead first. Just saying."

Littlefoot gets up, while Chomper looks deeply embarrassed.

Chomper: "Maybe we should go back home now?"

Littlefoot: "...Good idea, little guy."

Professor: "Hey! Get over here already!"

The duo look over toward the angry voice, seeing the Professor is apparently back right beside his ship. They both start going toward the ship.

Chomper: "Um... Littlefoot? I'm sorry about all of this. It's..."

Littlefoot: (annoyed) "Could you stop for today, please? Apology accepted, whatever. I just don't wanna think about all this crap anymore!"

Chomper: "Oh... okay."

A small skip later, the ship takes off, and flies off into the sunset. The view pans out, showing Chomper's parents looking at them leave.

Papa Sharptooth: <So, what do you think?>

Mama Sharptooth: <Must be really stressful, I'd imagine.>

Papa Sharptooth: <Could be a little messed up after this, perhaps?>

Mama Sharptooth: <Maybe. Either way, it's a bad influence for him.>

Papa Sharptooth: (sighs) <I just hope our son is normal after all this is said and done.>


Thanks Ducky, for helping me get this together a bit at the last second. :yes.

And thanks Rhombus, for still letting me enter in the awards this year. :yes.
Come check out my new Youtube gaming channel, Game Biter!
Littlefoot: "Look, Chomper. You're uncle is dead, and it's just right for your friends to be there for you. You'd be there if someone we know died, right?"

Chomper: "Well, sure I would!"

Come give my LBT TV Series fanfiction, PAST-O-RAMA, a read!


  • Chomper: "Threehorns are better at everything, including rumpsteaks"
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Yeah, this fanfiction is a few years old at this point, but I'm trying to get back into it finally, Snik.

What do you think about it? :DD
Come check out my new Youtube gaming channel, Game Biter!
Littlefoot: "Look, Chomper. You're uncle is dead, and it's just right for your friends to be there for you. You'd be there if someone we know died, right?"

Chomper: "Well, sure I would!"

Come give my LBT TV Series fanfiction, PAST-O-RAMA, a read!


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Quote from: vonboy,Sep 11 2017 on  11:37 PM
Yeah, this fanfiction is a few years old at this point, but I'm trying to get back into it finally, Snik.

What do you think about it? :DD
well, there's a lot of reading, so I don't know, but general idea is great, and if plots of some episodes are deep and serious and consider guest characters more properly and right... I definitely would like it!!!


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Overall this was a nice return to form in a series that was dormant for about 3 years.  :) I am still collecting my thoughts for what will be my overall review for this story in the fanfiction awards, but the enjoyable humor told in a sitcom like manner is still present in the same lighthearted style that I always enjoyed.  In particular I enjoyed the playing with perspectives that happened in this chapter, with the gang obviously being horrified and probably having lingering nightmares over the "funeral" whereas Chomper's parents are concerned about Chomper coming out alright.  This is the same kind of playfulness that sucked me in years ago and I am glad to still see it remain present in the story.  :)

Go ahead and check out my fanfictions, The Seven Hunters, Songs of the Hunters, and Menders Tale.


  • Chomper: "Threehorns are better at everything, including rumpsteaks"
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Scene: A dense, dark forest in the middle of the night. A very young green longneck is meandering through it, looking scared and lost.

Longneck: "Oh, where am I now?"

Some bushes close to him rustle.

Longneck: "What was that!?"

The little longneck walks up to the foliage to inspect it.

Longneck: "Is anyone in there?"

No one replies, so the apatosaurus walk off. In front of his path, a single white feather slowly flutters down, and rest just in front of him.

Longneck: "Hmm, that's weird. Don't know of anything with white feathers like that."

A white blur rushes past him, startling him.

Longneck: "Ahh!"

The child starts running now, not in any specific direction, but just to get away from his unknown stalker. Suddenly, the ground gives way below. He's fallen into a trap.

Longneck: "Gah! What in the world have I gotten myself into!?"

The longneck feels something jump onto his back. He's too frightened to look up behind himself.

Longneck: "Wh... Who are you?"

???: (laughs) "You're out way past your bedtime, huh, little guy? Eh, probably should have listened to you're mother. Oh, well..."

The longneck finally gets the courage to look behind himself. He sees a fast biter, covered in feather, and completely white, except for his red eyes, and some red around his smiling jaws.

???: "Let's start with the left eye."

Past-O-Rama Episode 35 - Valley of the Dead

Sometimes, scary stories can lead to something even more frightening!

Scene: A small geothermal vent in the Great Valley, at night. Cera, Ducky, Spike and Petrie are gathered around in a small circle. Spike has dozed off, while the swimmer and flyer both have their ears covered, trying to not hear anymore of Cera's scary story.

Cera: "And the next morning, when his parents finally tracked down where the dumb little flathead had wandered off to, The only thing they saw was one of the trees, where that fast biter had decorated the branches in his..."

Petrie: "Shutup! Shutup! Petrie no wanna hear anymore!"

Ducky: "Yes, I do not feel so well. You do not want me to lose my dinner, Cera!"

Cera: "Hmpth! What a bunch of babies!"

Ducky: "Maybe you should tell your scary story to Chomper. He might like it better."

Cera: "Well, he ain't here, is he? I think he's still not feeling too well."

Ducky: "Hmm, I wonder if it was something he ate?"

Petrie: "You mean his uncle?" (Shivers)

Ducky: "Petrie! I already do not feel good! Urg!"

The little swimmer gets up, and runs off behind some foliage. Spike noticed his big sister is gone, and wonders off after her as well.

Topsy: "And what are you little fellas up to?"

Mr. Threehorn is standing behind Cera, looking at her lack of an audience.

Petrie: "Listening to a scary story... And Petrie not like scary stories!"

Topsy: "Ah, and it sounded like some stupid little hatchling tale to me!"

Cera: "...daaad, why you have to ruin our fun?"

Topsy: "Fun? Hmpth! This little get together is deader than the last sharptooth that messed with me!"

Topsy: "NO, no. What you all need is an actual scary story!"

Petrie: Oh no, me take no more!"

Cera: "Hmpth! Weakling."

Ducky begrudgingly makes her way back to the group.

Ducky: "Please do not make it another story of sharpteeth playing head ball. My tummy can not take anymore of that, no!"

Topsy: "No, I won't have anything nasty like that. You can't really be scared if your hurling everywhere, anyway. No, no. I'm just gonna give you tykes an actual scary story!"

The elder Threehorn clears his throat, ready to address the younglings.

Topsy: "Now, do any of you hatchlings know the mystery of the strange creature that wanders in the night, spewing strange things, and talking to himself?"

Cera: "You mean the Professor, dad?"

Topsy: "What? No, the other one! Mr. Thicknose!"

Cera: "Oh, okay. Suddenly so much less interested in this now."

Topsy: "Just shutup girl, and let me continue!"

The old threehorn clears his throat, before turning to the rest of the kids, and speaking in a more hushed voice.

Topsy: "So, do you all know the story about Mr. Thicknose's past?"

Ducky: "Um... he said he always liked to tell stories, yup yup yup."

Topsy: "I'm sure he did."

Cera: "I don't really remember anything. You'd have to ask Littlefoot, the crazy longneck that always listens to the crazy thinknose."

Topsy: "I'll just save you the time, then. He wasn't part of our herd originally. He... was already in this great valley when we first made it here."

Petrie: "Wait, other dinosaurs here before us?"

Topsy: "A great land for threehorns! And other leafeaters, I guess. Though, When we found him, in this wondrous paradise, he was talking to skeletons!"

Everyone else gasps.

Topsy: "They looked like other Thicknoses. His family, perhaps? His herd? No one knew, he would never tell us anything about it, but we would always find him talking to those bones. He seemed to be telling the dead stories.

Cera: "Talking to skeletons? Kinda stupid, if you ask me."

Topsy: "Yes, little one. Very unusual. We knew almost nothing about the old dinosaur. All that we knew, was he was probably out of his mind! So, we did the sensible thing any group of dinosaurs would do, and got rid of all those bones. I'm not one to believe in curses, but we took all of those bones to a place that was surely cursed. The valley of the dead!"

Cera: "Valley of the Dead? Actually sounds interesting!"

Topsy: "A barren valley of nothing much to eat, about a day's journey from here, following the setting of the bright circle. We thought we had finally put the whole ordeal behind us with that.

Cera: "...And here comes the but.."

Topsy "I said shut up, Cera! Anyway, The crazy old dinosaur would tell stories, but we just ignored him at first. Some of our group would tell us about what he was doing, wandering in the black of nigth, telling his stories to anyone who couldn't get any sleep."

Ducky: "Oh, I like stories when I am trying to get to sleep, yup!"

Petrie: "Yeah, just not scary ones!" (He shivers)

Topsy: "The thing is, the ones he did talk to in the middle of the night, end up gone, never to be seen again."

Petrie shivers again, and every else looks scared, even Cera a little bit.

Topsy: "Is it some curse the old one places on them? Do they learn something they're not supposed to know, and have to be taken out for it? What about those skeletons? Did he cause whatever happened to them? Dooming them to a resting place where they can never get away from his stories? To this day, no one knows why it happens. But mark my words.

The kids are shaking in fear.

Topsy: "Some say you can still hear him, wondering around in the night. Talking to himself? Talking to spirits? To the mountains? the Sky? Who even knows at this point! All I can tell you, is don't listen to the strange storyteller, or you might just end up disappearing into the darkness forever!"

The kids scream. Tria comes up to her made, motioning him to come back a little ways and have a talk."

Tria: "Topsy? Honey? What's with that whole scary story? Sounds nothing like you, to believe in that stuff."

Topsy: "Oh, I don't believe any of that dung! Made it all up. I just love scaring the kids, is all!"

Tria: "You know how curious those kids are!

Topsy: "It's fine Tria. They oughta know better, now that I';ve scared em like that!"

Tria: "Well, just look behind you."

Tops looks back at where all the scary stories were being told. All the kids are gone.

Topsy: "...oh."

Scene: The Longneck nest.

The only one at the nest is Littlefoot, Finally having fallen asleep, when his fastrunner friend wakes him up with a yell of frustration.

Ruby "I'm getting sick of this! This little biter here is making me so sick!"

Ruby walks up to the longneck nest, with Chomper following close behind her. A large leaf is wrapped around her tail.

Littlefoot: "Hey Ruby! What's wrong?"

Ruby: "Oh, mommy and daddy biter said this might be a little annoying. A LITTLE annoying, they said to me!?"

Littlefoot: "Um, Ruby?"

Ruby: "I'm sick of this for tonight. You take care of Mr. won't stop biting things, Littlefoot!"

Littlefoot: "Take care of Chomper? Why?"

Ruby walks off, not even acknowledging the longneck's question.

Littlefoot: "That's... weird. Wonder what is on her tail..."

Littlefoot: "Ow!"

The longneck looks behind him to see Chomper's jaws on his tail.

Littlefoot: "I'm still not dead, Chomper!"

Chomper: "Ah. that feels better."

Littlefoot: "What is it this time, Chomper?"

Chomper: "it's my teeth, Littlefoot. They hurt so much!"

Littlefoot: "If you're teeth hurt, then why are you biting things?"

Chomper: "I'm not biting. It's called teething, I think. It's what my mommy calls it. My teeth start to hurt really bad, and I just need something soft to teeth on."

Littlefoot: "Well, can you find something else soft then, please? I do kind of like having a tail!"

Chomper: "No, not really. Nothing else is really soft, just meat... er, dinosaurs. I mean, I can't just teeth on rocks or dirt or grass or anything like that.

Littlefoot: "Doesn't mean you get to make me feel bad, too!"

A little ways from the young ones, Bron comes walking up to Grandma Longneck, looking concerned."

Bron: "Hey, old one?"

Grandma Longneck: "I wish you'd just call me

Grandma Longneck: "What's wrong?"

Bron: "I'm kind of worried tonight. I just saw Chomper with Littlefoot in our nest. He was kind of... biting my son's tail. He's making me pretty uncomfortable. Maybe I should go and...

Grandma Longneck: "Don't worry, Bron. I'll check up on those two, and see what is up."

Bron: "Alright, I guess."

The elderly longneck walks off from her son-in-law.

Grandma Longneck: "I guess now is as good a time as any for him to learn."

------------------------------<Commercial Break>--------------------------------

Littlefoot: "Could you please stop, Chomper!"

Chomper: "No, I can't! they still hurt so much!

The little sharptooth reaches down to Littlefoot's tail again, but he misses it. Littlefoot pulls his tail away from the teething biter, and brings it back, smacking him in the face, hard. The Sharptooth falls back, but doesn't get back up. Instead, he just rolls over on his belly, crying.

Littlefoot: "Serves you right!"

Grandma Longneck: "Oh dear!"

Littlefoot's Grandma comes out of where she was hiding to see what is the matter.

Grandma Longnenck: "Oh, you poor, poor thing!"

Littlefoot: "Grandma! Yeah, my tail hurts real bad now! He keeps on..."

The elderly longneck ignores Littlefoot, and instead gently sticks her tail under Chomper, and lifts his head up towards hers.

Grandma Longneck: "What's wrong, little one?"

Chomper: "My teeth hurt really bad. And... and he hit me!"

Littlefoot: "Hey, Grandma! I'm over here!"

Grandma Longneck: "Littlefoot! How could you! Smacking a little one when he's already in pain!"

Littlefoot: (Annoyed) "Grandma! He's a sharptooth, and he was hurting me!"

Grandma Longneck: "Would You listen to yourself, grandson! This is your friend here, and he's hurting! Like Ruby let me know earlier, Chomper's teeth are really hurting, and he doesn't have his parents around to look after him. He needs someone to look after him. Make sure he's being taken care of!"

Chomper: "Ow! OOOW! They hurt so much now!"

Grandma Longneck: "Oh... Oh dear! You better starts teething on something, then! Here, this will help you feel better!"

She picks up Littlefoot's tail, and drops it in front of Chomper, who quickly starts teething on it again.

Scene: The Mysterious Beyond, just outside of the Great Valley.

Part of the gang have started their journey. Cera, Ducky, Petrie, and Spike are heading to the Valley of the Dead, along with the Professor.

Cera: "Can't wait to get there, and see if my daddy was pulling our legs, or not! What do you think we'll find there?"

Professor: "A bunch of bones??? I mean, that's all I can think of from that stupid story your dad apparently told."

Ducky: "I do not want to see, no! Can we just go back?"

Professor: "I'm not usually the type of guy to dig up dead stuff to look at, That's more my pet's fortay,  but I guess I have to make an exception for you guys!"

Petrie: "Chomper probably like it much more. He does seem... weird like that."

Professor: "You guys still talking about that little... get together?"

Ducky: "I cannot forget about it..."

Cera: "Yeah, can't ever unsee that sharptooth funeral."

Professor: "Look, I'm sure you guys still find it disturbing, but you have to understand how they live. They usually have a hard time finding food, and... Huh, where was I going with this?"


Professor: "Well, it's better that they eat something that's already dead, than to have to kill something first. Would you have wanted them to go out and hunt that day, then?"

Cera: "Well, no, but..."

Professor: "They kind of see it as their way of giving back. They go through life eating others, but they know they'll probably be eaten, too, someday. Kind of keeps you from thinking your above it all, I guess.

Petrie: "Me guess so."

Decky: "This is a very nice talk, friends, but can we stop it now?"

Cera: "Yeah, kinda don't wanna think about it anymore for awhile.

Professor: "...fine."

The old man looks up, and scans the horizon.

Professor: "Well, that mountain might be a good place to look. Kinda matches what Topsy said, I guess."

Cera: "Let's go, then!"

------------------------------<Commercial Break>--------------------------------

Scene: "Back at the longneck nest."

Chomper has settled down mostly, and is laying against Grandma's tail, with Littlefoot's tail still in his mouth. The little longneck still looks annoyed.

Littlefoot: "...Are you done yet?"

Grandma Longneck: "Sounds like it's time for a story, to ease the little guy."

Grandma Longneck: "A long time ago, before we even came to this valley, Our herd was still out in the Mysterious Beyond, in search of the fabled Great Valley. A place said to hold more food than you could possibly imaging, and surrounded in high walls, to keep the dreaded sharpteeth at bay!"

She suddenly looks down at Chomper, whose just staring up at her.

Grandma Longneck: "Well, the bad sharpteeth, anyway. One night, we decided to stop the trek for awhile, and rest. Littlefoot was sleeping on my back that night, and he wasn't doing too well."

Chomper: "What was wrong?"

Littlefoot covers his head with both of his front legs.

Grandma Longneck: "Oh, he was having some stomach troubles. His mother thought it was something he ate, but we never really found out. Anyway, he was asleep on my back, and I was about to enter some sleep story myself when..."

Littlefoot: "Grandma, don't..."

Grandma Longneck: "He... had a big accident."

Chomper: "What? He threw up?"

Grandma Longneck: "...Actually, it was coming out of both ends."

Chomper: "Ew!!!"

The little sharptooth started laughing, and Littlefoot started groaning, trying to stick his head in some nearby ferns in almost a futile attempt to disapear.

grandma Longneck: "And I couldn't really do anything about it, either. We weren't near any streams or ponds or anything. Just had to go on with that smell all over my back for a couple days."

Chomper: "Were you... mad?"

Grandma Longneck: "I had no reason to be angry, young one. Infact, I was deeply worried for Littlefoot. I'm greatful he kept himself together long enough for us to find some water for him.

The old longneck brings her head down to look at both of youngsters, as she brings her tail down to gently work Littlefoot's head from the foliage.

Grandma Longneck: "When you're taking care of a little one, You have to stop thinking about yourself, and think of your little one. Caretaking isn't easy, but It's rewarding, to see someone grow, and be a better dinosaur."

Scene, a small, barren valley between high rocky walls. On one end end of the valley is a gap in the wall, with a big drop. This is a small valley dug out of the top of a mountain range. The excibition crew is slowly working their way down a steep incline of loose rocks.

Professor: "'Valley of the dead' certainly describes this place pretty well. Can't even count how many different skeletons are down there.

Ducky: "Can we go back? I do not like this place. no no no."

Petrie: "Petrie agree. Me thinks bad things happen here."

Spike nods in agreement.

Cera: "Aww, lighten up, babies. I don't see anything around here that can hurt us."

Professor: "Yeah, and whatever happened, happened years ago, from how most of these scelectons look. We took the time to come here. Mind as well look around."

The human takes another look around the the base of the valley.

Professor: "Kind of reminds me of Death Valley, Actually"

Ducky: "What is death valley? Some place from where you are from?"

Professor: "Well, yes, but it's also the place you guys call home."

Cera: "What in the tarpit are you on about?"

Professor: "It's what Shartpeeth call the Great Valley, at least that's what your little meat-eating friend told me."

Cera: "Sharpteeth are that scared of our home?"

Professor: "You guys have made quite a reputation for yourselves. Sharptooth scary stories about the Valley are pretty scary, I hear. Usually involving some sharptooth kids making their way into the 'idealic land of plenty', and in their greed trying to take from the fat prey."

A tail whacks the human in the face.

Cera: "Shutup, We're not fat!"

Professor: "Hey, I"m just retelling the story, you can go whack some sharpteeth in the face later for it, if you're really feeling up to it... Anyway, The kids try to find some food in their greed, and they end up as little red spots on the valley walls."

Ducky: "Professor! Do not say such things. That sounds awful, no no no.!"

Professor: "'You can come in the valley any time you like, but you can never leave!' That's how they usually end their stories."

They're all at the bottom of the incline by now. The dinosaurs and their human companion make their way over to look at some of the bones.

Cera: "What's all here?"

Professor: "Not really sure, gang. Here, maybe this thing here my brother gave me will help."


The professor bends down, with his backpack on the ground, digging thrugh it."

Professor: "Ah, here it is!"

He finally pulls out a book. It reads 'Paleontology for Dummies' on the front cover, with a graphic at the lower right of the cover, the top half of a velociraptor skeleton in a similar pose of an actual 'for Dummies' book.

Professor: "Well, a book is kinda like a portable... Ruby or a Thicknose or something in a way. It just holds information about some topic, or maybe a story or something, that you can look back to later. It's a way we can keep knowledge, so that other people can know it later.

Petrie: "Don't tell Ruby you have another Ruby. She not like that!"

Ducky: "Oh, I think that she would like it.

Professor: "Now, let's see again... Ah, yes. We have some Spinosaurus, Iganosaurus, Saurolophus and a couple of what looks like young Triceratops over there. Strange, there's no adult threehorn bones here, just the little ones."

petrie: "Oh, poor things."

Ducky: "Poor everything that is here, oh no no no."

Cera: "Dumb dinosaurs died, probably from being dumb. What else is new?"

Ducky: "Cera! that is not a nice thing to say!"

Cera: "Well, I never knew any of these dinosaurs, did I? Maybe if they knew me, they'd have a little threehorn sense, and not be a pile of bones now!"

Professor: "And... nope. No Pachyrhinosaurus's here."

Petrie: "What that?"

Professor: "It's what Mr.Thicknose is... I think? It's kinda hard to tell. Never even heard of that word before until now."

Petrie: "So, big scary story not true?"

Cera: "Yeah, I knew he was trying to pull our legs. My dad is great at many things, but telling lies ain't one of em. Unless you're gullible, of course, like Chomper with that stupid, falling apart a tooth at a time story!"

Ducky: "You do not have to be so mean to Chomper all the time, Cera."

Cera: "Hmpth! I know he cares about us, or whatever. Still doesn't mean he ain't gullible!"

Professor: "Well, is there anything else you guys wanna see?"

Petrie: "Not really. Scary stories make petrie tired."

Spike is already climbing back up the rock slide.

Ducky: "I think my brother has the right idea. Let us go back then, yup."

Scene: Back at the Longneck nest.

Chomper has fallen asleep at Littlefoot's side, while the little longneck is still talking to his grandmother.

Grandma Longneck: "He is cute when he's asleep, isn't he?"

Littlefoot: "Yeah, I guess so."

Grandma Longneck: "I don't wanna sound mean, or anything, but I am kinda getting a kick out of knowing Sharptooth parents have to know what sharp teeth feel like. Must be real nice, now that's he's asleep, and not biting that tail anymore."

Littlefoot: "It's called Teething, Grandma. But yup, it's pretty nice!"

Grandma Longneck: "Well, you sound like you can take care of things form here. I'll see you tomorrow, Littlefoot. Right now, I just have the sudden urge to go relax."

She get's up, and walks away from

Scene: The bubbling Mud. Ruby is laying down on her back in it, with little more than her head sticking out of the warm mud bath.

Ruby: "Ah, this bubbling mud is so nice. So nice to be in this bubbling mud, instead of looking after chompy, for once."

The ground starts to shake, sending ripples through the mud.

Ruby: "Odd, I didn't know this bubbling mud messaged you too. I should come here more of... AHH!"

A tsunami of mud engulfs the little fast runner. After she finally pops here head out of the mess, she starts spitting mud out of her mouth, and looking around, confused.

Grandma Longneck: "You're not the only one that needs to relax tonight, missy!"



Petrie: "Ooh, it was scary! All of the bones everywhere! Me wonder what happen... anyway, Petrie fly off to nest now. Goodnight, uncle!"

Pterano: "Goodnight, Petrie."

The old flyer walks out to a cliff face, facing the Great Valley.

Pterano: "...Why? WHY must this continue to haunt me? I... I didn't mean to lead them all astray. It all happened so fast, and there wasn't anything I could do and..."

The old flyer starts breaking out in tears.

Pterano: "I... didn't mean to hurt anyone!"

EDIT: Thanks to Rhombus for letting me at least reverence some things in his 'The Seven Hunters' fanficion series. I was so rushed the day I posted this, I forget to include this here.
« Last Edit: November 20, 2017, 11:54:28 AM by vonboy »
Come check out my new Youtube gaming channel, Game Biter!
Littlefoot: "Look, Chomper. You're uncle is dead, and it's just right for your friends to be there for you. You'd be there if someone we know died, right?"

Chomper: "Well, sure I would!"

Come give my LBT TV Series fanfiction, PAST-O-RAMA, a read!


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And instead of Ruby getting swamped with her parental duties she gets swamped by Grandma Longneck.  :p This was quite a nice chapter that had several plot elements going on at once.  First, the parental element between Chomper and Littlefoot was nicely done, as was Littlefoot's turn to be embarrassed by his grandparents bringing up an embarrassing time from his hatchling days.  Also the conflicting instincts between caring for a child (Chomper) and not getting one's tail eaten was also a delight to read. The story-telling segment and Topps' trolling of the kids was quite amusing to read as well, though I feel the professor's journey could have been elaborated upon a bit more.  That being said I quite enjoyed this chapter and look forward to the next chapter.  :)

Go ahead and check out my fanfictions, The Seven Hunters, Songs of the Hunters, and Menders Tale.