The Gang of Five
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  • Cera
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I couldn't fit what I wanted to say into the title, so here it is in typing: (No one get offended with each other. I am well aware that some opinions and going to clash, so please, do not be spiteful. I don't think you will, but this kind of discussion can get intense.)

This is more intended to be a discussion after everyone who wants to bother with this states the following: You list your favorite regular character from the LBT series and why and then you list your favorite guest character and why. And if you really feel like opening things up for discussion, you list your second favorite regular and guest characters.
Then, list your least favorite regular character and your least favorite guest character.

Favorite regular Character: Littlefoot.
Why: I can easily identify with him on several issues. He, from an early age, has been placed in difficult situations and has had to adapt tremendously several times, something I identify with all too well. He also has had a lack of a father figure in his life, other than his grandfather. Same here. And, I am impressed by how well he deals with situations and how he always seems to find his way out of a mess.

Second Favorite Regular Character: Ducky.
Why: She is a fun-loving to soul who gets along with others easily. Its types like her who makes my best friends.

Favorite Guest Characters: Alli and Chomper. I couldn't decide which one I like more.

Why: Chomper: He brings the misunderstood outsider element to the bunch. Something I identify with all too well. He is sensative and good-natured to those he holds dear, something I find appealing in people. He also seems willing to try to make unlikely friendships.

Alli: What can I say, finally, a female character who's as likeable as Ducky. I was never that fond of Cera. I like Alli, because she is pretty much like a friend of mine: Shy, intelligent, and willing to help out to extremem measures.

Least Favorite Regular Character: Cera.
Why: Why? Why? Oh, because, she is prideful, stubborn, too quick tempered, violent, and sometimes just plain mean. She is very much like a bully I once knew and hated to no end.

Least Favorite Guest Character: The Retarded Pink Spiketail from LBT8.
Why: I found him annoying, and well, retarded.  
"All you have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to you." -Gandalf


  • Chomper
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Favorite regular Character:  Cera!! She takes no crap from anyone like mee! Shes funnyy too! And shes always sarcastc! yay for sarkyness! :lol

Second Favorite Regular Character: Littlefoot and Ceras dad
littlefoot- well u cant really not like him. not much to sayyy
Ceras dad- hes so cool! He argues all the time and hes funny  :DD

Favorite Guest Characters: Ali
Why: i didnt like much guest characters but ali was ok. mostly cuz she sang most ofthe all sorts song, me likesss that songg

Least Favorite Regular Character: Spike
me hates him!!! hes so damn annoying! all he does is eat, be stupid and make retarded litte noises! :angry: me hates him so much. thats why so many bad things happen to him in the fanfic im writing :lol

Least Favorite Guest Character: The egg stealers
me hates them too! they are so retarded! They spend ages just tryin to get revenge on the gang for stealing 'their' egg! GET OVER IT!!


  • The Circle
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Sounds like a nice idea.

First favorite: Petrie - Petrie is a worrywort for the longest time and he overcomes his fear by the end of the first film.  Reason I like him so is because I was afraid to make friends in high school, and only when I got to college did I actually start trying to talk with people and move away from such isolationism.  :^.^:

Second favorite: Ducky - nicest one of the bunch, enough said. :)

Favorite guest: Mo - the voice did it! :D  He's just a playful little squirt. :)

Most hated regular: Probably Mr. Threehorn...very egocentric, and in ways totalitarian "my way or the highway" stature.  More often than not, that leaves you with more enemies than friends.

Most hated guest: Mr. Thicknose - give this guy some singing lessons if you're going to give him a solo performance.  :blink:  Otherwise he's fine, but I just dreaded  that song so much that he's my most hated guest.


  • Cera
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Good idea to me too.

1st favorite regular character=Littlefoot.  Littlefoot represents curiosity, friendship (not as much as Ducky though), and some courage of the group.  He also has an open mind and the tendency to learn quite fast.  A great ideal friend.

2nd favorite regular character=Petrie.  Petrie is more of the comic relief of the group.  His constant worry and nervousness (and sometimes courage something else) brings out pretty funny situations in their adventures.  LBT1 ("vowing" to protect Littlefoot's tree star) & LBT9 (talking about imaginary friends)

Favorite guest=Doc.  He has a great mysterious personality that stayed with him throughout the movie.

Least favorite regular character=Threehorn.  He is thick-headed, big-mouthed, and close-minded which keeps him from being liked.  He doesn't learn much, unless it has to take something a little drastic to make him change his mind. (the fire in LBT3 surely helped)

Least favorite guest=Ichy the bird.  This guy can get so annoying, you'd want to swat him in midair if you see him.


  • Chomper
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Ahh! Too much typing.

Fav Character: Littlefoot
Why: Main loveable character.

2nd Fav: Petrie
Why: Funny high pitched voice.

Fav Guest: Can't decide
Why: Too many.

Least Fav: Spike
Why: I don't know.

Least Fav Guest: Doc
Why: More plot holes. Argh! :angry:


  • Cera
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Plot holes? I'm not criticizing you, but can you expand on that.
"All you have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to you." -Gandalf


  • Chomper
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Doc raises so many questions. Who is he? How old is he? Where did he come from?


  • The Circle
  • Cera
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I think that was the whole point. Doc's identity was supposed to be (excuse the cliche) shrouded in mystery. You're not supposed to know an awful lot about him. That's the impression I got anyway...


  • The Circle
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Oh yeah! Characters! <clears throat> Here's mine:

Fav Character: Littlefoot (should go without saying really LOL)
Why: Hard to say... I guess he's how I saw myself as a kid. Fun-filled, adventurous and always leading friends into "unintentional" trouble! Heh heh! :lol

2nd Fav: Hmm... probably Cera!
Why: She is just such a character and she reminds me of my older sister. Stroppy from time to time but still caring  ;) (Note to self - double check if older sister cares or still prefers to slap me for no reason PMSL!  :DD )

Fav Guest Character: Either Mo or Bron
Why Mo: Hyperactive, playful and overall fun-loving! All the qualities I love!
Why Bron: Erm...dunno really. Just something about him that I admire as a character

Least Fav Guest: Probably Hyp, Nod and Mutt (bullies from LBT 3)
Why: Meh...another flat answer but...just didn't appeal to me despite their change towards the end of the movie. Mutt is probably the only one I'd let off.


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Favorite Chatracter: Littlefoot. Inquisitive, kind-hearted, and always manages to save the day.
2nd favorite: Ducky. three words. Yep Yep Yep
Guest character: Ali. Shy, but becomes a good friend. If she returns they could develop her relationship with Littlefoot more( not anything more than friendship, of course)
Least favorite Guest: Mr Thicknose. Couldn't sing if his life depended on it.
Least Favorite Regular: Mr Threehorn. has a major attitude, cocky and short-tempered. Cera appears to be emulating him.
Winner of these:

Runner up for these:


  • The Gang of Five
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Here are mine!

Most Favourite: Cera
Why: She has a bit of pride that is in her way, her friends know this and don't let it ruin their friendship, she brave (sometimes not but try to hide it) And a hell of a temper that comes out one time and again. Plus she shows that cans for those around her trying to help if really needed. (reminds me of the out bursts I had with my brother Alan. I really went into one a few times and after that day we got on with life like it never happened forgiving each other in a matter of sense)

2nd favourite: Ducky
Why: sweet and caring and hates getting anger the oppsite to Cera. (My sister Hazel is sweet and caring giving gifts without even asking if I or the family wanted anything but to a note she can be quite annoying at times but not always. She my sister so I love how annoying she can be  :lol .)

Favourite Guest: Doc
Why: Very mystery and keeps things back, few questions I like to know but have to think about it.

Least favorite Guest: Pterno
Why: Too hot headed and too self resuring. two things that equals to trouble all the time.

Least Favorite Regular: Has to be... no one
why: Because they all fit the character of being parents.


  • Ruby
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That's for me!

Favorite regular Character:Petrie
Why:He acts so funny and is always having bad luck.

Second Favorite Regular Character:Cera
Why: I dunno why, I just like her.

Favorite Guest Characters: Rainbowfaces
Why: They know everything lol... even the "futur" which lead to funny moments

Least Favorite Regular Character: Ducky
Why: Argh, can,t stand her manner of speach, she annoys me a lot.

Least Favorite Guest Character: Nod, Mutt and Hyp
Why: Annoying bullies and stupid "know it all"


  • Cera
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All good so far, people.
"All you have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to you." -Gandalf


  • The Circle
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Quote from: WeirdRaptor,Dec 19 2004 on  01:23 AM
All good so far, people.
You mean there's a wrong answer?  <_<


  • Cera
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No, I'm congratuating them for remaining civil. Its easy for opinions and personalities to rub each other the wrong way with threads like this.
"All you have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to you." -Gandalf


  • The Circle
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I highly doubt a thread about one of our favorite animated films could do that. ;)  I'd say there's topics in AM that would have a better chance of doing that.


  • Cera
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You're apparently never had the misfortune of seeing the Message Boards on Internet Movie Database, then.
"All you have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to you." -Gandalf


  • The Circle
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There is stuff for possible conflict in this topic if people are not able to live with the idea of other people thinking differently. For example my view of Bron is the complete opposite of Littlefoot-1616's view, for reasons I've written about already. But I don't think anybody here is going to get at anyone's throat because of different views.


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No, at least not on this topics. Politics, maybe, Movies, maybe. But not on somrthing like this.
Winner of these:

Runner up for these:


  • Cera
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You guys are really a nice bunch. I can couintless forums and such where they'd be at each other's throat over something like this.
"All you have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to you." -Gandalf