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Does LBT make you cry?

Hyp · 141 · 35295


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Being 21 I feel like it makes me a huge crybaby, but I don't care. The first movie even a few sequels makes me cry. During those times when you were young it just reminds you of all the innocence you have before you lost some of it. I don't know about anyone, but i did go through things that have changed me lately, and just to look back on a lot of things it helpeed me to see what I have in my heart and never take it for granted. I almost lost my heart, because of this cruel world and what happens in it, but I remeber as a human being I'm glad I have feelings and can express them from what i listen to and see, because that's part of what make me alive today. I don't make sense or not.


  • Spike
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It was sad when his mother died,and that scene with the shadow was nearly as sad as the deathscene,but neither of them makes me cry now.Ican't say anything sure for the first time I saw it,becose i was too young to remember,but i don't think itmade my cry then.


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I don't cry, but whenever I see any of the first 3 films I always feel quite sad. Maybe because of the nostalgia.

Though I remember when I was little I used to get upset at Littlefoot looking for his dead mother.


  • Spike
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I used to not be able to even get through the first movie because I would get so upset.  It wasn't even the part where Littlefoot's mother died. It was the scene after with Rooter. I guess it was the way he just broke down. :cry

Now I only get misty-eyed.  :(

The Anonymous Person

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Not once, not never. If I was the emotional kind of guy, I would, but I don't.


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I just can't stop my tears when I rewatch Land Before Time. Because each time I am like I watch it for first time.

Littlefoot fan 1990

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I used to cry at the part where Littlefoot's mother died in the 1st film and during the song Bestest Friends from the 10th film.


  • *feels like Pterano*
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Call me weird but I never cried when watching any LBT movie. Feeling melancholic? Quite, but no tears, nope, nope, nope  :blink:

I'm not totally immune to emotional moments in movies, especially in recent days but LBT judt doesn't make me tear up because I know what's coming, I guess...
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Gentle Sharptooth

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Yes. I always blubber dirimg credits and “If We Hold On Together.” 

“The Past is Gone..” -Dream On, Aerosmith

Gentle Sharptooth

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I usually cry when Littlefoot’s mom dies and Littefoot says, “mother? Mother?!” The sheer loneliness of losing the one person who will always love you and care for you in a dino eat dino world is heartbreaking and it always fills my soul with a longing and loneliness.

Diana Ross’ “If We Hold On Together,” always makes me cry. Its moving on its own, but had major relevance to my life.
« Last Edit: April 06, 2021, 06:43:42 PM by Gentle Sharptooth »

“The Past is Gone..” -Dream On, Aerosmith


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It doesn't make me cry but my god I really want to cry while watching it. :duckysad

Gentle Sharptooth

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I find the main theme music pulls at my heart strings too. Must not weep!  :thudLOL

“The Past is Gone..” -Dream On, Aerosmith


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I find the main theme music pulls at my heart strings too. Must not weep!  :thudLOL


  • A Winchesterian Paradox
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Littlefoot's reaction to the death of his Mother just kills me  :rhett_sad

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I always get tears during that death scene.  The more I think about it, the more it makes me cry.  :(petrie

Gentle Sharptooth

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Another scene that gets me teary eyed is when Littlefoot sees the longneck shadow and thinks its his mother. When he licks the wall and realize she is still gone.. boy that gets me weepy.

“The Past is Gone..” -Dream On, Aerosmith


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This was one of the first films to really make me cry as a kid.

Gentle Sharptooth

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The music, instrumental, is so moving it can pull at those melancholy strings.

“The Past is Gone..” -Dream On, Aerosmith


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When I was a kid, I don't recall ever crying at LBT. When I re-watched the LBT films as a teenager... nope, nothing. I felt sad, but they never made me cry.

When I watched them again at the ripe ol' age of 22... yeah, I was full on ugly crying at some scenes. I cried at Mama Longneck's death, I started full on sobbing when If We Hold On Together played during the credits, I cried when I went back to listen to the soundtrack... and I shed tears at the end of LBTX when Littlefoot was saying goodbye to his grandparents. I dunno why, cause I've seen these films many times and knew what was gonna happen, but there we go. Maybe adulthood has just made me more emotional.  :lol

"Some things you see with your eyes. Others, you see with your heart." :MomCompassion