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Ancient Egypt Trivia.

Saft · 33 · 14022


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I thought it might be ''fun'' to try this.  I think almost everyone have done the Ancient Egyptians at some point in their education, even if it was in Primary/Elementary school.  

So easy question.^^

Who was the jackal headed god of the dead?


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  • Ducky
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Anubis was the son of Nephthys (mother) and Osiris or Set, depending on the stories....
He prepared the mummies, embalming, to enter the afterlife.
With, random bit of usless information here, his egyptian name being ''Inpu''...Anubis is technically the Greek/Roman name.

Well your turn Malte.


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Which are the names of the rulers for whom the three large Pyramids at Gizeh were built, which of the three is the largest, and the tip of which of the Pyramids is higher than that of the two others?


  • Ducky
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Not sure about the tip being higher..but

THe three rulers were: Cheops (Khufu), Khafre and Menkaure.  With the largest pyramid being Cheops' (obviously he wanted a bigger one.) and the tip of Khafre's is the biggest at 53 degrees?  (I think?)


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Right :yes
While the Cheops (Khufu) Pyramid is the highest the Khafre Pyramid towers a bit higher as it is located on higher terrain. Menkaure's was the smallest of the three (kind of interesting how the Pyramids got ever smaller (the Khufu one is the oldest the Menkaure Pyramid the youngest) when in other cultures the rulers tended to try to surpass what their predecessors had built (sometimes by building right over their predecessors buildings).
Your turn :yes


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Okay, three rivers flow into the Nile which are they?


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What was the name of the battle that resulted in what might be the first peace treaty in history? It had to do with an Egyptian Pharaoh and a foreign country.


  • Ducky
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Battle of Kadesh.  Involving Pharaoh Rameses II (the great) and the Hittites.:D


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Which Pharaoh is dubbed the ''Napoleon of Egypt''?


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Thutmose III?
I think it is a somewhat odd thing to name a ruler after another who lived more than 3000 years later. Did they have anything in common apart from conquering large territories (same as a number of other rulers)?


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Yes! :D

Thutmose is widely known for his military campaign and his expanisions.  Thus he is regarded as one of the greatest of the warrior Pharaohs by his expansion of tranforming Egypt into an empire.  So thus, the Egytpologists consider him to be one of the greatest of conqueors and have dubbed him ''the Napoleon of egypt.''


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Speaking of Napoleon and Egypt, the little corporal did have his campaign there too before rising to emperor in his own country (some assume that he held phantasies of becoming a new Alexander and Emperor of a huge oriental empire). What famous quote did he say to encourage his troops during the battle of the Pyramids?


  • Ducky
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Was it:
"Think of it soldiers from the summit of these pyramids, forty centuries look down upon you."

I'm not sure, I haven't really studied much on Napoleon.  


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But it was the quote I meant :yes
There are different traditions of it (which I presume to be partly based on various translations of the original French quote), but you surely meant the same quote I meant. Your turn.


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What is the city that Akhenaten and Nefertiti moved the capital to and why did he do this?

The Friendly Sharptooth

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He created a new capital called Akhetaten, or "Horizen of Aten." Today, the site is known as Amarna. He created it as a central focus of his religious beliefs. Things were not going well with him and the priests of the god Amun-Re. The king wanted Aten as the soul god of Egypt. The time finally came when the king disbanded the priests of other sources of worship.

He not only changed his name to what it is now known as, but he created a capital under the same name, showing his immense dedication to his belief. He used that new capital as a central hub for the god's worship. The king was so eager to start religious work in his new capital, that it began there before the city's construction was even complete. He wanted a place absolutely dedicated to the god he served, and the new capital Akhetaten came as a result. I think I fully covered the answer.