The Gang of Five
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Darwin's Soldiers

Serris · 697 · 94568

f-22 "raptor" ace

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"Good to go,' werner said giving james a thumbs up.


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(OOC:  Nuts...missed the opening...  But I got most of my chars ready!  Here they are:

Name:   Victor “Vic” Summers
Age:  32
Species:   Human
Faction:   Soldier
Specializations:   Medical & small arms, minor in engineering
Personality:  Cunning, observant, resourceful, rather cautious as he has had no true combat experience

Name:   Professor Josephine “Dr. Joe” Smithson
Age:  31
Species:   Human
Faction:   Scientist
Knowledge:  Biochemistry, physics, & psionic research
Personality:  Hard-working, independent, devoted to research and care of the experiments

Name:   Snow
Age:  6 (maturity of 20)
Species:   Anthromorphic White German Shepherd Dog
Faction:   Experiments
Specializations:   Psionic powers
Powers/Cybernetic enhancement:  Telepathy (communicate with others to an extent), Pyrokenesis  (create and control fire)
Personality:  Shy, very cautious, reluctant to be with the scientists and other experiments, now frightened as the terrorists attacked the base

I have a terrorist in the works, so he'll be in shortly)

Meanwhile, things had not gone smoothly in other parts of the base.  The research wing where Dr. Joe and two other scientists were also hit by terrorists.  One scientist was killed immediately, and several compressed canisters erupted when the killers tried to shoot the second trying to escape.  The entire room, and the terrorists, was engulfed in flames.  Dr. Joe managed to hide in some metal cabinets when the chamber exploded, causing most of the ceiling to collapse and trap her inside.  The explosion also shattered the glass of nearby holding containers, where several other experiments resided.  All except one were killed in the blast, the lone survivor a frightened anthro dog, huddled in a corner of her room and shivered with fear...


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Neku accepted the radio, clipping it onto his belt.
"Right.  I'm set.  Hey, Siberys.  You think you could give me a hand with getting those turrets off the walls?  I could totally do it myself, but it'd get done faster if we teamed up."
He grinned, then turned towards James.
"Half a ton, huh?  Then I might just be able to give those terrorists a little 'surprise'"
He chuckled, cracking his neck and turning down the hallway...


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A loud explosion tore through the air.

"What was that?" The Clydesdale asked.

"I don't know but we can't deal with it right now." James replied.

"I'll call for help." The Clydesdale pulled the radio from his pocket.

"Shelton, there's been an explosion in the Biologics Wing! We need you to send over a security squad."

After a few seconds, Shelton's voice crackled on. "Roger that. Security Team 6 is en route."


"The AWTR is this way." James said, walking down a large metallic hallway. There were bullet holes and casings everywhere.

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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Neku walked besides James, scanning the hallway.
"What happened here?  Whatever it was, it was pretty nasty, I'm guessing.  How far to the Test Range?"
He asked, kicking at a bullet case idly...

f-22 "raptor" ace

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Werner looked around at the bodies of the scientists and terrorists "Well if any did survive the before the explosion they'd be dead no,' he said.


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Siberys ran to catch up to Neku. "So, what's the plan, James?" Siberys asked.

f-22 "raptor" ace

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"This reminds me of my grandfather's war stories,' werner said. "Still things were different back then you told me about that time in your history remember,' joey said.


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Neku gave Siberys a nod, then turned to Joey.
"Oh hey.  I forgot to ask you.  You're a psy, right?  What powers do you have?"
He asked, smiling broadly...

f-22 "raptor" ace

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"I can move objects with my mind,' joey replied demonstrating by moving the debreis close to "DR. Joe".


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Neku's eye twitched for a moment, then he turned towards the rubble, tilting his head curiously.
"Hey guys...? I think there are people here.  I'm gonna try to get them out."
He leaned as close as he could to the wreckage, saying...
"Okay...If anyone's in there, just stay calm.  We'll try to get you out."
He then flipped on his headphones, shutting his eyes and moving several medium-sized pieces of debris.  He saw Dr. Joe and Snow, a fellow elemental-control experiment, and he smiled faintly as he continued moving detritus away...


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"Same here, Neku. I can move up to a ton." Siberys replied.

Siberys began to help with moving the debris, moving some of the larger pieces away.

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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Shelton's voice crackled through the radio. "Might I recommend we split into two teams, and one of them cleans out the Central Processing Unit? 'Cause I can't give you any technological or weaponry-related support until that virus is eradicated!"


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Neku shook his head.
"That sounds fine and dandy and all, but it's just too darn risky.  We just don't know how many there are between us and the goals.  I think we should stick close."
He said into his radio, looking at the group...


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"Neku, we should not split up. We do not know how many terrorists are present and what they are armed with." James said.

The Clydesdale said nothing as he headed over to where Neku and Siberys were moving rubble. He then helped in pulling away some smaller pieces.

"This...doesn't look... like a... lab accident.." the Clydesdale grunted as he lifted a large fragment of a lab bench away from the rubble pile.

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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Shelton shrugged. "It's your call, mates. I'll see if I can make do up here. Oh, and FYI, I'm picking up a life sign or possibly more extremely close to your position, but the radar doesn't say whether they're terrorists or survivors. Recommend using extreme caution before approaching anything alive."

Shelton turned to the programmer. "Let's try and get the cameras working in their area. I'd like to see what's going on."


  • General of the Great Valley
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James picked up the radio and listened to Shelton's statement.

"Roger that." James said into the radio. He then turned to Werner, "Shelton has detected life signs near us. We need to be on guard. It's possible that they are survivors from this explosion but I think they are more likely to be terrorists because it doesn't look like anyone survived."

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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Dr. Joe struggled to get the door opened, but it was closed tight by the tons of rubble when the ceiling collapsed.  She paused suddenly, hearing noises from outside, but it was hard to make out the voices.  Her heart began to pound in her chest, anticipating the worst to happen when she is discovered...when she heard a voice call out.  Perhaps other survivors?

"Who's out there?" she called back.  "I need help!"

Snow continued to shiver as she cowered in her corner, her sensitive ears twitched as she picked up sounds of someone nearby, digging through the mess.  She was aware the human scientist was still alive underneath the concrete, but her fear kept her from moving an inch to investigate.


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Neku shook his head.
"They aren't terrorists.  I'm feeling no hostility from them.  They're scared beyond belief, but that's all I'm feeling.  I think we can trust them."
He said, lifting another piece of rubble and pushing it aside...

f-22 "raptor" ace

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Well we'll find out who they are when we finish clearing this debries,' werner said.