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Messages - Mr. Clubtail

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Random Role Play / Littlefoot gets Rext
« on: October 18, 2019, 06:28:18 PM »
Littlefoot was walking in the streets in New York. "I wonder if there are any Treestars here" he says. Suddenly, an orange T. Rex named Rex appears and shouts "WHAT ARE YA DOIN IN MY CITY"

General Land Before Time / Re: I've left LBT...
« on: October 14, 2019, 02:32:03 PM »
I do not mean to hurt their feelings but Elsa looks like Doofah and is chubby and Woog is definitely the dinosaur equivalent of fat man

Role Play Discussion / Re: "Flyers...Beyond" Discussion thread
« on: October 14, 2019, 02:15:43 PM »
Oh my gosh I thought Fury was gonna have to get killed by Chomper because he was throwing one heck of a tantrum

LBT Fanfiction / Re: My Fan-Characters
« on: October 12, 2019, 01:58:26 PM »
Given how Reggie is portrayed, I imagine her with Zira's voice

LBT Fanfiction / Re: Flyers in the Great Valley
« on: October 06, 2019, 01:46:21 PM »
What were your opinions on that fanfiction

LBT Fanfiction / Re: Flyers in the Great Valley
« on: October 06, 2019, 09:29:37 AM »
Sorry I wasn't aware that I wasn't supposed to do that in fanfics

LBT Fanfiction / Re: Flyers in the Great Valley
« on: October 06, 2019, 08:06:26 AM »
The Petrie finds a Treestar tree and eats the Treestars

LBT Fanfiction / Re: Flyers in the Great Valley
« on: October 05, 2019, 06:19:38 PM »
"I'll go get another one" says Cera as she runs off to get another acorn. Meanwhile the Flyer kids were playing tag. Cree tags Petrie and starts laughing, "HeHeHe, you're it" says Cree. Petrie trips and falls into a river and climbs back up and sprays water at Ptina who giggles. Then they start to sing

All 7 of them: Good Times, Good friends. Playing/Playin in the valley we were lookin for. Good times, good friends. Having fun and some more

Ptina:Think we're having fun?

 Cree:Say it, Petrie!

Petrie: Huh

All 7 of them: Good times, good friends
Glad we have this time to spend
Good times, good friends
Wish that it would never end

Then all 7 of them start laughing

LBT Fanfiction / Re: Flyers in the Great Valley
« on: October 05, 2019, 04:30:58 PM »
"Toss me that fruit" Petrie says. His sister tosses him the watermelon. However the watermelon squashes Petrie. "Oops" says his sister. They pushed the watermelon and found Petrie was still living. "In case you kids are hungry, here you go" says his mother with a pile of papayas next to her. "And if ya kids are hungry, here are  :TreeStar for you" says Etta
"Thanks, we hadn't had much time fer food" Glider says in his Shrek accent. The 3 eat the  :TreeStar. Petrie, his siblings, and his girlfriend eat the treesweets too. Petrie's mother eats the watermelon. Meanwhile a coral Apatosaurus named Littlefoot plays "Toss the Acorn" with an orange Triceratops named Cera, a green Saurolophus named Ducky, a brown Stegosaurus named Spike, a purple T. Rex named Chomper, and a pink Oviraptor named Ruby. "Toss me that crunchy" says Littlefoot. Ducky tosses the acorn to Littlefoot. However when Littlefoot kicks the acorn, it ends up in Spike's mouth and he eats it. "Spike no!" Littlefoot says

LBT Fanfiction / Re: Flyers in the Great Valley
« on: October 05, 2019, 04:20:38 PM »
"Toss me that fruit" Petrie says. His sister tosses him the watermelon. However the watermelon squashes Petrie. "Oops" says his sister. They pushed the watermelon and found Petrie was still living. "In case you kids are hungry, here you go" says his mother with a pile of papayas next to her. "And if ya kids are hungry, here are  :TreeStar for you" says Etta

LBT Fanfiction / Flyers in the Great Valley
« on: October 05, 2019, 04:15:21 PM »
(Based on a roleplay I did with a Simbathekinglion on the Land Before Time Wiki that started on late 2019.)

Created by: Davis Doi

Music by: Michael Tavera


Jeff Bennett as Petrie the Flyer, Petrie's brother

Anndi McAfee as Petrie's mother

Nika Futterman as Petrie's sister

Reba McEntire as Etta

Grey DeLisle as Ptina

Tara Strong as Tara

Michael J. Gough as Glider

Cree Summer as Cree

Kari Wahlgreen as Skywing (I'll change her voice actor if her actual owner, Simbathekinglion, thinks differently)

Jess Harnell as Skywing's father

Meghan Strange as Skywing's mother

In the Great Valley, 65,000,000 years ago, there were 7 flyer children; Petrie, his brother, his sister, his girlfriend Tara, and Etta's children; Ptina, Glider, and Cree. They were sleeping in their nests Petrie yawns and slowly gets up. He looks around at his sleeping friends and siblings.

Children, it's breakfast time" calls a voice, “Coming!” yells Petrie as he flaps up. His friends and siblings join him and they all eat the treestars that Petrie’s Mother found for them. After that, when no one is looking, Petrie kisses his girlfriend Tara, who kisses him back but Ptina notices.

"Eeewww" Ptina says but Glider forces her to look away from them, "Don't look at these kissing Flyers" he says in his Scottish Accent.

"We should go to the Gray Meadow." Cree says since she believes the Gray Meadow has no Sharpteeth there, “Have fun children!” Mama Flyer calls out, as they fly away.

Petrie and his friends fly over a large lake that leads to the Gray Meadow. But Petrie realizes that one of them might be allergic to dandelions. After a while, they made it there. Then he hears a sneeze and turns around. It is from Glider who is allergic to dandelions. However, Ptina, Cree, and Tara like the dandelions

“A A A A A A A A A A A A A A AAAAAAACHOOOO!” Glider sneezes, "Leave the Gray Meadow if you are sneezing please." says Petrie's brother. Glider leaves the area.

While flying he comes across a Tapejara called Skywing.

"Who are you." Glider says to Skywing, "My name's Skywing, what's yours?" the Tapejara says, "My name's Glider." he says

“I’d fly down there, but I’m allergic to the dandelions,” she says, “So am I!” Glider yells excitedly.

Meanwhile, Ptina, Cree, and Tara were enjoying the dandelions. Petrie is watching them, and then decides to show off, “Me fly all the way up into the sky and drop down lots of dandelions on you!” he says as he collects tons of dandelions with his mouth, hands, and feet, flies up, and drops the dandelions for the girls, who end up covered in dandelions and laugh.

However Cree accidentally swallows one and chokes on it. "Me got you, Me got you" Petrie says as he grabs Cree and she spits out the dandelion

The dandelion flies off into the distance but the wind carries it into Glider. "AAACHOOO!" Glider sneezes causing him to crash into Skywing and the two land into the dandelions

Meanwhile, Cree is coughing. “Are you OK Cree?” Petrie asks before hearing a scream, “Yep. That Glider.”, "Yes" Cree says, still coughing. Meanwhile, Glider and Skywing crash land into tons of dandelions.

“Gah!” Skywing coughs, splutters and sneezes before flapping up, “What were you thinking!”

“It was an accident!” Glider says.

Petrie and his friends leave the Gray Meadow. Petrie and Tara find a log as a boat while his other friends fly over the lake. Tara makes a strained face, does a huge grin, and a few other odd faces as Petrie laughs and he too makes silly faces.

After a while, they finally made it to the Great Valley. Skywing and her family were relatively new to the Great Valley, so her parents were not aware that she couldn't leave the Great Valley without them. "Did you meet any Sharpteeth?" Skywing's father says.

“No I didn’t,” Skywing says.

“Any Sharptooth Flyers?”


“Sharptooth Swimmers?”

“No Sharpteeth of any kind.”

“Well still young lady, I’d like to have a word with these friends of yours.”

"What is it about dad?" Skywing says. Skywing's parents do know that she would never do anything wrong

“Since you would never do anything wrong I’m willing to bet these ‘friends’ of yours dragged you into the meadow, where I told you that you couldn’t go to,”

“Dad, I went on my own,” Sky (Sky is Skywing for short) says, but her Dad isn’t listening.

“What were you thinking bringing my daughter to the meadow, she’s allergic to dandelions!” he yells at Glider.

"C'mon I didn't bring her there!" Glider says "Sorry I was just nervous about my daughter." Sky's dad says. Then Skywing's parents leave. "Hopefully that dumb Flyer will leave me alone." Glider says. "Don't call him that." Skywing says. "Oops that was just a mistake." Glider says.

"Surely next time she doesn't go anywhere near dandelions." Skywing's father says. "Just remember she sleep flies sometimes." his wife says, "I know that." he says.

Hours later, Petrie, his friends and Skywing are exhausted, “We’ve been flying for ages. I’m tired.” Tara says as she, Petrie, his siblings, Skywing, and his friends go to sleep. Glider later wakes up. He looks around and notices Skywing is gone.

Skywing's parents notice that she is gone too. "Holy Treestars and Crunchies!" her father says, "Not so loud mister." his wife says, "Sorry I was just worried about my daughter." he says apologetically.

Meanwhile, Skywing accidentally swallows a dandelion and while she gets sick, a Fast Biter (Deinonychus) looms over her while Petrie and 2 of his siblings fly over.

"I thought there were no Sharpteeth there" Skywing says. However when the Fast Biter notices she is sick, the Fast Biter shows sympathy and runs off.

Skywing decides to fly off but realises she’s too sick before Petrie carries the sick Tapejara and tries brings her home but Petrie accidentally drops her due to her being too heavy and he looks down and spots two Belly-Draggers (Sarcosuchus) coming out of some nearby water. Petrie dives down and grabs her with the assistance with his brother and his sister. The 3 carry her and reach the Great Valley for good.

“Thanks for the help guys.” Skywing says.

“It seems I misjudged you.” Her father says, “You’re the best friends my daughter could ever have.”, "You're welcome" Petrie's brother says. The next day, Skywing was not sick anymore.

"Hooray she not sick anymore." Petrie says, "We should go to the Sand Creeper home" Ptina says as Petrie and his friends leave, and Skywing waves goodbye. After a while, they made it there and Petrie's sister sees a whirlpool and dives in there and starts getting sucked in.

Ptina dives in the whirlpool to get her out of here as Petrie's sister gets tangled in water greens (kelp). Ptina grabs her and starts flying towards the others and then finally collapses on dry land and drops Petrie’s sister.

“I think it time we go.” Petrie says as Ptina gets back up.

They leave the Sand Creeper home. "How was your trip to the Sand Creeper home." Skywing says, "Not too good." Petrie's sister says.

“Well, I know somewhere you can go,” Skywing says, "The Great Log Running Game Place."

Petrie, his siblings, and his friends like the idea of going there. After a while, they made it there.

The flyers all start to balance on logs.

However, Petrie and Ptina accidentally fall off the log and into the water. They flap about in the water, while their friends fly in to help them.

Petrie and Ptina go back into the logs. However Tara notices a rock and collides.

"Are you all right" Petrie says. "I hurt my right leg" Tara says. Petrie brings her to a grassy area and gets some Treestars and mud for Tara's leg, “It still hurts.” she says

"Wait a while for pain to go away. Take few deep breaths while pain go away" Petrie says to Tara. “I think it’s time we leave.” Ptina says.

"Yes we should." Glider says as they leave the Great Log Running Place.

After a while, Petrie and his friends went to the Great Valley. "How was your adventure" says Skywing.

“Tara hurt her leg.” Petrie says.

Skywing gasps at that quote. Petrie then gets a berry from a berry bush and says "You want that" to Tara.

“Thanks, Petrie.” Tara says, before she eats the berry.

Tara then attracts Petrie for amusement by putting her hand on his beak, "Why you hand on me beak" Petrie says. Then Glider starts grabbing Skywing's father's leg, begging him to let Skywing join their adventures. "Yes she can go with you as long as there are no Sharpteeth or dandelions" her father begrudgingly says

“I suppose there won’t be.” Glider says.

Skywing flaps over and beams at her friends.

"How about we go to the Thundering Falls" Skywing says, "Thanks we hadn't had much time for water" Glider says. The flyers (except Petrie's siblings) then fly off to the Thundering Falls and drink to their hearts content.

"Whoa me bloated." Petrie says and then realises he’s too exhausted and full to fly. Then most, if not all, of the Flyers realize they are too full to fly. “Do we have to walk?” Tara asks.

"Yes we might" Ptina says. The flyers start walking back, but even that is too much for Petrie. Then they all start to sleep.

In the morning they continue, better, but still too full to properly fly.

Petrie accidentally touches Tara's belly with his elbow and it makes a sloshing sound

"That funny noise." Petrie says.

Then Petrie's mother lands next to Petrie and his siblings. "How much did you eat or drink" she said surprisingly, "A bit too much Mama." Petrie says, "Have you drank that much before when you were a kid."

"No." Mama Flyer says, "I knew that if I drank too much I wouldn't be able to fly."

Skywing's parents land next to Skywing and notice that she is bloated and Skywing's father says "Why is your stomach like that."

“I drank too much.” Skywing says.

Skwing's father pokes her stomach and hears a sloshing sound, “Oh my.” He says.

"Can you try to fly?" Skywing's mother says as Skywing flaps up, but comes crashing down. “Nope,” she says.

Etta lands next to her children Ptina, Glider, and Cree and says "How much did you eat or drink"

“A lot.” Glider and Cree both say. Ptina then says “But I can still fly.” as she drank less than the others.

Etta then puts a hand on Cree's stomach

“My, little lady, you sure drank a lot.” Etta says. "I hope you get a good sleep."

The children then sleep with their parents. After a day, their stomachs have deflated in size and they are able to fly now as they all fly home.


LBT Fanfiction / One weird XV concept
« on: October 05, 2019, 03:38:33 PM »
It starts with the Gang of Seven playing some sort of "Dino Football" in the Great Valley.

Then their ball is kicked all the way to the Mysterious Beyond. They run all the way to there but are chased by Sharptooth until he trips over a single atom and falls 30,000 feet to his death.

Then Chomper's parents, who are voiced by Kevin Michael Richardson and Reba McEntire, appear and have a conversation with Chomper (this time in Flattooth and changing the word Longneck into Yellowbelly).

Then they go to Berry Valley where Doofah ate all the berries. Then Ourano Shrek appears and says "WHAT ARE YA DOIN IN MY SWAMP". Then Alberto Scat kills Chomper and his parents, who die instantly from his 10000000000000000 frequency roar. However the rest of the gang somehow does not die.

Then the Flossing Euoplocephalus shows up and makes the gang and the Yellowbellies do the floss. Then they chase them all the way to a cliff.

Then the Gang of 6 and the Yellowbellies dance the three off a cliff. Then the Gang goes to the Big water and drink the entire ocean. Then Spike burps and releases all of the water and collides with the gang, who also release all of the water. Then they fall 1000000 feet into Berry Valley. Then all the Yellowbellies feed the Gang all the berries in Berry Valley.

LBT Fanart / Re: My art nest
« on: October 05, 2019, 03:33:02 PM »
Since I can't post my art without a Photobucket or Flickr account, I might as well say the names of my art:

1. Shrek

2. Donkey

3. Fiona

4. Gingy

5. Gaston

6. ROS remake poster

7. Adult Prehistoric Pals

8. Adult Prehistoric Pals in clothes

LBT Fanart / My art nest
« on: October 05, 2019, 03:23:40 PM »
Here I will try to post my artwork

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