The Gang of Five
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F-14 Ace's characters

F-14 Ace

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Name: Strafe
Species: Iguanodon
Age: 18 (in dino years) (Physically 9 years)
Gender: female
Personality: Initially Strafe was a quiet and shy young girl. She did not talk much and kept to herself around strangers. However, she became stronger after meeting her new friends. Strafe is a devoted friend and will do whatever it takes to protect those she loves. She is playful and enjoys water games. She is still quiet sometimes but now Strafe is much more outgoing than at first. There is really nothing she enjoys more than spending time with her friends, who she considers her new family. Despite her seemingly gentle nature, Strafe can be a fierce fighter, especially when her friends are in danger.
Physical description: Strafe has bluish-grey scaly skin on most of her body with black stripes running down her back and tail. The three stripes at the end of her tail form complete bands and the tip of her tail is black. She has ashy grey undermarkings. On her right shoulder is the scar from her fight with Shriek. Strafe also has green eyes. Strafe is lean and muscular as a result of the hardships she endured on the journey to the Great Valley

History: See link below.


Name: Snork
Species: Parasaurolophus
Age: 20 (dino years) (physically 10 years)
Gender: Male
Personality: Snork is kind and generous, as demonstrated when he risked severe punishment to bring Strafe food. He is typically fun-loving and friendly, if a bit cocky sometimes. Snork cares very much for his friends and has risked his life for them several times. Snork enjoys playing with his friends and exploring his new home in the Great Valley. His favorite food is treestars although he likes ferns as well.
Physical description: Snork is fully grown. He has mostly tanish-brown colored skin and a light underside. He has a green stripe down his back and has brown eyes. He has several scares, results of his father's abuse and encounters with predators. Three particularly noticeable scares can be found on his right hip, his tail, and on one of his thighs. Snork is lean and muscular asa result of his journey to the Great Valley.

History: See link below.


F-14 Ace

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My non-LBT characters

Name: Fletcher

Species: gryphon

Age: 56 (gryphons are immortal and don't grow old)

Gender: male

Personality: Fletcher is not very social.  He is not quick to trust others and tends to keep to himself.  He does not have many friends, not that he sees that as a problem.  He is witty and sarcastic and has little respect for anyone but himself.  Still, he is not malevolent and does not go looking for trouble... usually.  Like all gryphons, Fletcher is very proud and does not put up with crap from anyone.  Although he is less likely to rip you to pieces than most gryphons, getting on his bad side is still not a good idea.  Fletcher does not like to kill but that is his limit.  He has no problem maiming someone who pisses him off.  The murder of Fletcher's mate left him deeply depressed and bitter and he hid the happier side of himself deep within his soul.  Fletcher is highly intelligent and has a strong mind, a common trait of his species.  The only person Fletcher truly loves and shows affection for is Tas, his hatchling son.  After the death of his mate, he had to raise Tas all on his own.  He is highly protective of Tas and the quickest way to incur Fletcher's wrath is to endanger his son.  Raising a son alone has proven difficult for Fletcher, though it has brought his lighter side back out a little.  Despite his bitter and reclusive nature, Fletcher is a good person at heart.  If you manage to earn his trust and befriend him, you have just won yourself a powerful ally.  Fletcher is brave and there is little he is afraid of.  He is a fierce fighter and a clever opponent.  Fletcher is picky about his appearance and spends great deals of time grooming himself.  His behavior tends to be very catlike.  

Physical Description: Fletcher is a large creature, roughly the size of a horse.  Being a gryphon, he he has the head and front legs of an eagle and the back end and tail of a lion.  unlike a bird though, Fletcher has a pair of feline-like ears on top of his head.  He is covered in dark brown feathers with subtle hints of gold.  His lion half is covered in golden-tawny fur.  His eyes are a piercing amber color.  On the end of his tail, rather than having a tuft of fur, he has a large fan of feathers that aids him in flight.  Fletcher is lean and muscular and possessed great physical strength.  His talons are extremely sharp and are six inches long each.  Fletcher is strong enough to carry passengers on his back, not that anyone is ever likely to persuade him to give them a ride.  Fletcher is elegant, graceful, and majestic both on the ground and in flight.  He walks with his head held high and proud and he is a very fast and agile flier as well.  His beak is hooked like that of an eagle and it is by far one of his deadliest weapons.

Bio: Fletcher's early life was rather unremarkable.  He grew up in a remote mountain range and left the nest as a young adult.  From there, Fletcher spent his time exploring the mountains in search of a suitable home for himself.  One day during his travels he met a beautiful female named Aurora who was searching for a mate.  Fletcher had never considered the prospect of starting a family nor was he sure he wanted to, but he found Aurora charming.  She was sweet-natured and her calm and gentle demeanor seemed to balance out his tough guy attitude quite well.  Before he knew it, Fletcher had fallen in love with Aurora and it wasn't long before they were expecting their first clutch of eggs.  Aurora eventually laid a single egg which hatched and turned out to be a male.  They named the hatchling Tas. Fletcher looked forward to raising his newborn son alongside his mate but unfortunately fate had other plans.  He returned from a hunt one day to find a band of raiders attacking the nest.  Gryphons had long been victims of man's cruelty and gryphon hatchlings were highly sought after on the black market.  Fletcher quickly joined his mate in fending off the armed renegades but during the  melee, Aurora was stabbed through the heart with a dagger, mortally wounding her.  Enraged, Fletcher proceeded to rip apart every single one of the attackers ignoring his own injuries.  Unfortunately it was too late to save Aurora.  Before she passed away, Fletcher promised he would look after Tas and that was the last thing he ever said to her.  With his mate gone, he was heartbroken.  The only ray of light he had left in his life was his son.  Keeping his promise to Aurora, Fletcher raised Tas, caring for him and teaching him everything he needed to know to survive in the rapidly changing world.

Abilities: Being a gryphon, Fletcher possesses magic abilities.  He can not cast spells but he can manipulate his magic to do specific things such as what is listed below.

Telekinesis: Fletcher's magic gives him the power to move objects with his mind, although this is only limited to small objects.  He can deflect arrows, spears and other projectiles but he cannot stop large projectiles or move big objects as it requires too much energy.  His power is useless against things like bullets though because they travel too fast for him to focus on.  

Screech: All gryphons can emit a shrill, magically enhanced screech that will stun or disorient an opponent in battle.  It causes an opponent extreme pain and will quickly disable an opponent, leaving them writing in pain.  Even though it can be easily avoided by using ear protection to block out the sound, it has a devastating effect on groups of unprotected enemies.

Stealth abilities: Fletcher is very silent in flight and very quiet when he walks on the ground, despite his large size.  He only makes a noise in flight when he flaps his wings.  When he is just gliding along he makes no noise and you probably won't hear him coming until it is too late.

Combat: Like all gryphons, Fletcher is a fierce fighter.  He possesses great physical strength, razor sharp talons, and a powerful beak, as well as retractable hind claws.  With his deadly array of weapons and his magic abilities, he is truly a force to be reckoned with.  His weakness is that he isn't such a great fighter on the ground, as gryphons are more suitable for air combat.  He is also at a disadvantage against opponents using ranged weapons.  Sure, he can deflect arrows and spears but that is only if he sees them coming.  After all, unlike dragons gryphons don't have hides thick enough to stop arrows.  

Name: Tas

Species: gryphon

Age: 3 years

Gender: male

Personality: Like any child, Tas is lively, inquisitive, and playful.  He loves to play with his father and the two are seldom apart.  Tas is intelligent but he doesn't fully understand how the world works.  His curious nature gets him into trouble all the time.
There is not much to be said about him at this time since his character will develope through the RPs.