The Gang of Five
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Darwin's Soldiers

Serris · 697 · 94555

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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Shelton used his private radio-flashlight to contact Zanasiu and Donitz.

"Werner, I tried to get you security but the com's dead. I might be able to get it back up, but it'll take some time. Meanwhile, is there anyway I can help from the control room? I have access to all the base systems from here."

f-22 "raptor" ace

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the terrorists arrived at their rally point. "Why did we just leave we almost had them,' the terrorist complained to the commander. The leader took his shot gun and fired blowing his head off. "any other questions,' he asked the other terrorists. "None good now go find the other experiements,' he ordered. "Hans I mean sir where do we find them,' another asked. "Just look at the signs on the wall,' hans replied. As the other terrorists ran down the hall hans was unaware that a experiement was behind a wall. "I hate this job the only reason why I joined this group is because they threatened to kill my family soon they will realise that they made a mistake when they did that,' hans thought to himself.

A programmer was watching the scene through a security camrea "So we are dealing with professionals,' the programmer said.


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A voice from behind Werner and the others spoke up, clearly agitated by what had transpired.
"Wha-What the heck is going on?  Who are these guys, and more importantly, why are they shooting at us?"
PX-0715-91, known as Neku asked, looking down the hall, a small spiral of electricity around his hand serving as a visible indicator of his nervousness...


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James grabbed the intercom and activated it.

"See if you can access the defensive turrets near the Advanced Weapons Testing Range. If you can you maybe able to keep terrorists from that area. We will be heading out there to arm ourselves. Also, see if you can call the US military." James said.

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.

f-22 "raptor" ace

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Hans looked behind the wall and saw the experiement that was watching him. He looked around to make sure no one was around. "I'm gonna let you go this time,' he said to the experiement. the experiement had a look of shock on his face as he turned and ran from hans as fast as he could.

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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"Roger," said Shelton, saluting the radio.

He had an idea. He broadcast a distress call over the international radio, knowing full well the terrorists would jam it. He then carved 'SOS' on a long-range probe droid, which was the same color as the Nevadan desert, and sent it off towards the nearest military base, smiling at his own brilliance.

"Now, onto those AWTR weapon turrets," he muttered, sitting down in a nearby computer console.

To his horror, when he logged into the remote-access mainframe, the screen erupted into color. He recognized the Zwings virus. The terrorists had injected the entire base's programming with bugs!

Shelton hurriedly contacted Zanasiu. "James, the military's been contacted, but the computer mainframe of the entire base has been compromised. I can't help you artillery-wise until you or another team gets to the Central Processing Unit. I'll tell you what to do from there."


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"Oh damn it!" James shouted.

"What?" asked the Clydesdale.

"Terrorists have hacked the Central Processing Unit. They may be able to lock us out of the AWTR or even turn the turrets against us."

"It's too dangerous to head to the Advanced Weapons Testing Range, those turrets will rip us apart." the Clydesdale said.

"Agreed. It's not like we can simply shoot them down either, it takes something like an RPG to destroy them." James said, "Our best bet is to go to the Central Processing Unit and see if we can reestablish control."

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.

f-22 "raptor" ace

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"Sir,' the programmer said to Shelton "You may want to look at this'. The programmer played the video feed from the hall where Hans was from the minute when the other terrorists arrived to the point when he freeded the experiement that was watching him.


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From behind Werner, Neku spoke up again.
"Pardon my intruding sir, but I might be able to disable those turrets, if you need me to.  Name's Neku.  PX-0715-91, by designation.  Psychokinetic and Electrokinetic, at your service, sir!"
Neku said, snapping a sharp salute...

f-22 "raptor" ace

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The experiement that hans released was a psy experiement known as joey to everyone ran up tho the group. "Joey what were you running from,' werner asked. Joey stood there trying to catch his breath "Some terrorist in hall 32B,' he said in between breaths.


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"Excellent!" the Clydesdale said.

"Uh, I don't think electrokinesis is going to help. These turrets are shielded from electromagentic interference." James replied, "However, battering them with a heavy object may disable them."

"So, what's our first target?" the Clydesdale asked.

"The AWTR. The terrorists may be very heavily armed and we need some weapons." James replied.

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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After viewing the video feed, Shelton raised one eyebrow. He contacted Zanasiu.

"Also, if you come across a terrorist that looks like a 30-year old version of Warner. Don't kill him. He might be on our side."

f-22 "raptor" ace

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"Tells us about him,' werner said to joey. "Well I was watching him give orders to the others  well he noticed I was there but he let me go for some reason,' joey told them. "That is strange,' werner said.

f-22 "raptor" ace

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"Copy that,' a security team member replied.

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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(Note: If anyone ever needs Shelton to do something for them from the control room, just contact him, and you have my permission to make him do what you need. Just phrase it something like this:

The soldier activated the radio. "Shelton, get the lights on in Hallway 3-D!"

After a few seconds, the lights flicker on.


Just so the story can continue easily.)


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"What on Earth is going on?" Siberys thought to himself as he heard the gunshots.

"What is going on, Neku?" He asked one of the other experiments. HIs wings flapped in concern.


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Neku looked at Siberys, momentarily startled, then replied...
"We're under some sort of attack by Terrorists!  I'm not sure how they got in here, or what they're after, but they're dangerous!  We're heading towards the Advanced Weapons Testing Range, but who knows how many guys are between us and there.  You gonna come with us?"
He then turned towards James.
"I was thinking option two.  Are they shielded against being pulled out of the walls?"
He said, grinning somewhat...


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Siberys closed his eyes to think about it. On one hand, he could be injured by the terrorists. On the other hand, he could help to secure the base.

"Sure. I'm coming." He said after a few moments of thought.

f-22 "raptor" ace

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werner checked the clip in his AK and reloaded it. "I was running low anyway,' he muttered to himself.


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James turned to Neku. "I don't know how much force it takes to pull them off the ceiling. The turrets weigh a half ton, at least, thanks to that armor. If you can weaken the bolts securing the turret, gravity should pull them down."

"Shouldn't we take radios, so we can contact Shelton?" the Clydesdale asked.

"Yeah." James replied. He took 5 radios and handed them to the Clydesdale, Werner, Siberys, Neku and kept one for himself.

"Are we ready now?" James asked the assembled group.

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.