The Gang of Five
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  • The Gang of Five
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As opposed to using a shovel or a pick axe. I get it.


  • Ruby
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Yeah boi! When I was two, I wanted to be a lion when I grew up. When I was three, I wanted to be a vet nurse like autie Alayne. When I was four, I had already made the choice to become a Paleontologist. Like every kid, I guess, for five minutes. But I never stopped- I'm doing a double major in Zoology and Geology next year, hoping to eventually come out with some sort of Phd that will make me attractive to employers like Ewan Fordyce (My countries top Paleontologist- OMG hot hot jj he's a leetle to old for me- pah), either for the Museum or for the Universities. My ultimate dream is to work with Jack Horner on something Deinonychid-y!!!
 Dinosaurs are the best thing ever, and the best thing about them is we will never really know. We have to use real intelligence to get at them!!! :idea  :idea  :idea

>I've seen damn near any bit of junk utilised at a dig. I saw a bit on Fordyce excavating something (Might have been Waipatia maerewhenua) with some paintbrushes, a little dentist's pick and yes, a toothbrush, plus a carefully used chissel. Very important not to damage the rock that has taken the place of bone. I'm not a Professor Fordyce stalker, I just breathe this stuff. :lol


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  • Petrie
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Well, I wouldn't say I have any aspiration to be a Paleontologist, but I certainly did want to be when I was little. Basically, my childhood aspirations were:

toddler to 5: Circus strongman
5-11: Paleontologist/archaeologist
11-now: General cartoonist

But I've still retained my love of the dinos. Just a shame that I've got only 1 book on the subject, and no dino-related videos apart from Land Before Time DVDs. Though, I may look back at that old Walking With Dinosaurs series, that was awesome.

And I do like to research and read about dinos around the net. One little interesting fact I found out: The dinosaurs that the LBT13 yellowbellies are supposed to represent, they look absolutely nothing like the yellowbellies.
Oh, and I recently discovered that the hypothesised largest dinosaur to ever live is about 60m from head to tail. That's about twice as long as a Diplodocus.... Just a pretty amazing thought.

But yeah, I think that if I never rediscovered cartoons when I was 11, and if I had a decent biology teacher who wasn't an absolute horrible person, I may have stuck with paleontology as a future career. Then I would have remembered that you need a PhD in the subject to get anywhere, and my aspirations would be sunk,


  • Ducky
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Fossils fascinate me. Many things fascinate me, so that isn't huge news, but I do love fossils. If I were rich, I'd invest in the construction of one, or a series of museums for fossils. I've been to the Thermopolis Specimen of the Archaeopteryx Lithographica, and they had a cast of the Microraptor Gui fossil there among other cool things. I've been to several museums, I love them. I love learning about the various creatures or stones, or whatever they have at each museum. I love it, love it, love it!


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  • Petrie
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Well, sometime on my summer vacations, our family's apparently headed for a place calle dthe Fossil Coast. Being a fossil beach, it'll probably be ammonites and sandworms and other sea animal fossils, but I'll keep my eyes peeled for anything neat.

Also, I discovered this book that any aspiring palaentologist should look out for, called "The Dinosauria". It basically is a reference guide for all the known kinds of dinosaurs. I dunno how up to date it is (Concerning things such as feathers, etc), but its well worth a look.


  • Cera
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Yeah I thought about doing this stuff when I was young. But now not any more at all. But I did find it fun and interesting to go and search for fossils and stuff.


  • Ruby
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I'm hearing that the earth is not billions years old but only thousands of years old. And dinosaurs died by the flood while noah and his family and the animals he took aboard were safe.


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  • Littlefoot
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I've heard that as well. And I don't believe a word of it. There's plenty of evidence for the earth being billions of years old. No creationist has ever brought up proof of the earth being that young, and any attempt of them doing so has been proven false. Yes, despite what some creationists may have you believe, science and people that know science have been able to show evidence contrary to what they believe.

So until a creationist can show proof that the earth is only a few thousand years old that doesn't involve the bible and instead involves evidence that can be tested, then the earth remains 4 billion years old and the dinosaurs died out because of a meteorite (the strongest supported theory regarding their extinction), not because of some flood, which by the way has no geological evidence of ever happening.


  • Ruby
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The bible is God's word and God is Truth. Man may think they have all the answers and wisdom, but only God know everything even every single hair on your head.


  • Cera
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That is a load of bull and I can't believe you believe in that stuff. The earth is like five point five billion years old or older. And the dinosaurs where around sixty five million years ago. And some scientist's found dinosaur fossils. So the Earth is billions of years old.


  • Chomper
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Quote from: DarkHououmon,Aug 13 2011 on  09:50 PM

...and the dinosaurs died out because of a meteorite (the strongest supported theory regarding their extinction), not because of some flood, which by the way has no geological evidence of ever happening...
Scientifically regarded this is wrong, because birds (Avialae) belong to the dinosaurs and so dinosaurs didn't die out.


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  • Ducky
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Yes, the earth was around for about 4.2 billion years old. Correct me if I'm wrong, but this planet has been in creation for billions of years and will still exist for another billions of years. And, think of all the Time Periods and Eras BEFORE the Mesozic Era. I believe there's about 2 Eras before the Mesozic that lasted for about 4,252 years and in those two Eras were six Time Periods that lasted hundreds of years each. If you ask me, the Earth has existed for billions of years with plenty of evidence suggesting that fact as well.

On the subject of Paleontology, I get to go to the Royal Tyrell Museum sometime this week, I'm really excited to go! It's been SO LONG since I've gone to that place. I'm also excited that since I know about Dinosaurs quite well, I'll be able to point out facts that they don't have written down already. *Insert evil laugh here*


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  • Littlefoot
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Scientifically regarded this is wrong, because birds (Avialae) belong to the dinosaurs and so dinosaurs didn't die out.

Sorry. I should have said non-avian dinosaurs.

That is a load of bull and I can't believe you believe in that stuff. The earth is like five point five billion years old or older. And the dinosaurs where around sixty five million years ago. And some scientist's found dinosaur fossils. So the Earth is billions of years old.

I'm not surprised they believe that stuff. I've heard some creationists believe even more bizarre stuff, such as a drop of rain can be stretched to cover an entire planet, the ice caps came because a fast moving comet "gently" landed on both ends, oh and froze the mammoths, and if you lock a chameleon in an airtight room, it'll grow up to be a triceratops.  :rolleyes:

It's pretty much pointless to try to argue with creationists because they seem to pretend to not hear you, or try to say it's not enough, etc. Even if they were provided with strong evidence that proves something (such as the age of the earth or the dinosaurs living millions of years ago), they would dismiss it and make some kind of remark trying to counter the claim, even if this remark is insane and makes no sense. Or they'll even just run away, as I've seen this happen in the past. They just stop talking. Oh and then they'll block anyone who argues against them (on Youtube). How mature.

And yes, I'm aware not all creationists are like this. I'm simply referring to the ones that are.

One interesting thing I should point out is, according to what I've heard, there are a lot of scientists who do believe in a god or some kind of creator, but also in evolution. In fact,  creationism (the idea that everything just appeared out of nowhere, fully formed, and the earth is only a few thousand years old), is considered outdated by most religions and pretty much given the boot (including, interestingly enough, Christianity, though there are still some creationist Christians out there, obviously). Most religions now accept evolution as a way that their creator allows species to adapt to their environment.

I do have respect for rationalists (yes that is what they're called; that's the name given to people who use real evidence to figure stuff out about their world, not a bible) like that. Yes it is possible for one to be religious and scientific. It's possible to believe in a god, but also be scientific. After all, proof of a creator doesn't negate evolution.

In fact, evolution cannot, in anyway, interfere with the existence of a creator as it has nothing to do with the origin of life; just how it changed over time. I'm aware that some creationists try to say otherwise, but creationists have made up a lot of stuff about evolution (either due to spite or misunderstanding).

For instance, I heard stuff like "if evolution were true, we'd see crocoducks", "evolution says our grandmother was a monkey", etc. Such claims pretty much just prove how little they truly understand evolution and prove they are not fit to debate it. Any amount of researching evolution would show these two accusations I showed (plus others I've heard) are wrong.


  • Ruby
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I don't know if I should call myself a creationist, but I'm Christian and I do believe in God's word. And if you think it's silly and disagree there is nothing I can do about it really. And I can't control what you believe and that's the matter of fact. And Dinosaurs were mentioned in Genesis. THe term dinosaur wasn't used back then. And a lot of terms for that matter. And I'm not judgeing anyone. And like I said I can't or no one can't control what people believe in. And your free to share your opinions and views with me if you want. So that's my respond to all of the opinions above.


  • Ruby
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I don't think I was correct about the flood part. Dinosaurs died out after Adam and Eve sinned and were seperated from God. It was because of sin. Even if you don't believe in sin it exist no matter what. It's sounds like it's crazy, but when you read Genesis and looked at what Adam and Eve did, which is disobeying God, everything pretty much fell apart and died.


  • Ruby
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Quote from: DollFace,Aug 14 2011 on  03:01 PM
I don't think I was correct about the flood part. Dinosaurs died out after Adam and Eve sinned and were seperated from God. It was because of sin. Even if you don't believe in sin it exist no matter what. It's sounds like it's crazy, but when you read Genesis and looked at what Adam and Eve did, which is disobeying God, everything pretty much fell apart and died.
I'm still studying about it, and at first dinosaurs didn't really eat each other. God gave each creature something to eat, but it was sin that made them attack eaach other and turn on each other. And then there is Noah's story and about his Ark. But i understand your point of view to. You didn't see dino fossils with human fossils/bones.


  • Ruby
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and I got it from this link it will explain more about it. [img][img]


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  • The Gang of Five
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^ Yeah, because we all know how much credibility a site like that has.....


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  • Littlefoot
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There's a lot of creationist sites out there that misrepresent data in hopes of deceiving the public. That's why I don't go to them and I don't trust them.

If you want accurate, honest information, read peer-reviewed scientific papers. These papers have been looked over and are ensured to be of the best quality (of that time). Any papers that is not able to stand under scrutiny are picked apart.

Science is a tough business to get into. Any new theory or idea has to be able to stand on its own and anyone supporting that idea/theory must be able to defend it and provide evidence to support it. The fact that science is so rough on anyone trying to pass off crazy stuff, and the fact that it updates itself when any new data is discovered or old data modified is what makes science so much stronger than religion.

This is why, in the end, when it comes to religion trying to debunk science, science will always win.

There's been attempts in the past, particularly by dishonest creationists, and they've all failed.


  • Ruby
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Why you judge me. And you said it's okay to be crazy? I mean that's what I believe in, and why should it matter. And why bash me? I just don't undestand.