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How's the Weather?


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Rain, rain, go away!  Come again another day!  Especially with the fact that I want to do business with a certain someone which will require me to send something of mine by mail that I want to be modified. x(cera


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I love the rain. :^^spike

Although it is not raining at the moment here. It's a fairly warm, sunny day out, which is still pleasant.


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Sun has finally returned here to me where it belongs. So lovely.  :)


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For me, tonight is nice and cool, with the temperature low at 40F (~4.4 Celsius) and Mostly Clear Skies. Good weather, but the rest of the week is either cloudy or rainy though. That's fine by me though, it stays much cooler like that. Speaking of which, my area has only reached at or above 70F one time so far.

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Last week was moderately warm for the most part. Yesterday we had an unexpected snowfall and thus it was a colder day out. The snow is already melting, but it's still fairly cool today.


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Last week was moderately warm for the most part. Yesterday we had an unexpected snowfall and thus it was a colder day out. The snow is already melting, but it's still fairly cool today.

Ah yes, snow. On Long Island where I reside, it seemed like in the 2017-2018 winter season, it kept snowing so much every month. December, January (where we had one blizzard), February, March, and even a Winter Weather Advisory on April 2nd with Snow! The 2016-2017 season was much the same, except no April snow and the blizzard occurred in February. But wow! :lol: Contrast that to 2018-2019 winter, where we had barely anything at all, but then it suddenly starts snowing in March, I mean uh... what? It wasn't much either anyway, probably like ~6-8 inches for the season.

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Seems like the sun is not on the good mood today. Might start raining soon.  :( Although I feel bit hot. It's about 8 °C right now.


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The sun is not in a good mood today here either, nope, nope, nope. It also started snowing several minutes ago.


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Well my area has been in a cloudy or rain streak the past couple of days already, with more rain expected Saturday Night and throughout Sunday. Typical spring weather. But good news...sunshine returning for three days starting Monday next week! :)
Temperature today peaked at 69 °F (~20.55 °C) Expected to be 14° cooler tomorrow, but rebounding to about the same temperature the following day.

The sun is not in a good mood today here either, nope, nope, nope. It also started snowing several minutes ago.

Well, our days of snow are long gone here.
« Last Edit: May 02, 2019, 05:44:05 PM by ImpracticalDino »

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Well the snow is gone now. It was a pretty brief snowfall. It's a little warmer here today, but still somewhat cool. About 15°C. It's also been consistently cloudy out. It looks like it's about to start raining, but it hasn't yet.


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Well the snow is gone now. It was a pretty brief snowfall. It's a little warmer here today, but still somewhat cool. About 15°C. It's also been consistently cloudy out. It looks like it's about to start raining, but it hasn't yet.

I do wonder what constitutes hot or cold for you. I can go out without a jacket at 40°F (~4.4°C) and be just fine, albeit with weak or no wind. And in the summer, while it is pretty uncommon for it to go above 90°F (32.2°C), it's always feels MUCH hotter due to the humidity, even though most of the time the temperature ranges from the upper 70s to the lower & mid 80s (25°C - 30°C).

It's also uncommon for the dew point in the summer to be at 55°F (12.8°C) or lower, the level at where people would feel comfortable. I would like a dry heat for once, thank you very much. :(

But then again, being near the coast you should expect conditions like that. :P

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For me, 15°C is in the range of being neither cool nor warm, which is often ideal for me. I was wearing a hoodie today when I was out walking, but I think there was a bit of a breeze. Even with no wind, however, I almost certainly would be wearing a jacket if it were 5°C out, but then again I like to wear hoodies a lot in general.


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For me, 15°C is in the range of being neither cool nor warm, which is often ideal for me. I was wearing a hoodie today when I was out walking, but I think there was a bit of a breeze. Even with no wind, however, I almost certainly would be wearing a jacket if it were 5°C out, but then again I like to wear hoodies a lot in general.

Interesting, I thought you would be more resilient to the cold than I am. But then again, you wear hoodies a lot like you said. ;)

Still waiting for the sunshine to return on Monday for me. I don't mind the clouds though as it feels much cooler with it.
Also, rain for me tonight and tomorrow. It seems like in total we will be getting at least 1.25 inches (3.175 cm) of rain before it subsides.

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^Which is funny, because I otherwise don't mind the cold much. I'm more tolerant of it than a lot of people I know. As long as I'm dressed up properly, even on a frosty day, I'm all set.

...which is good for me this weekend because it is cloudy and cold right now, and it's been snowing again, albeit mildly.


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...which is good for me this weekend because it is cloudy and cold right now, and it's been snowing again, albeit mildly.

You're still getting snow even though daytime temperatures are getting into the 15°C and above range? You're having that snow at night, right? If so, then that's a huge temperature contrast from day to night. On average, when do you stop seeing snow?

That reminds me. One time in February very recently, the temperature in the day peaked at 60°F (~15.5°C), which is abnormally above average. But, a Blizzard Warning was also issued which was going to take effect that night. The temperature dropped to 32°F (0°C) and snow would start falling after midnight. Then the next day was a full blown blizzard with snow accumulating about 8-12 inches (20.32-30.48 cm). The snow ended that evening and the overnight low was forecasted at 16°F (~ -8.8°C).

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Nah, it hasn't been snowing when it's above 0°C. At least not as far as I've noticed. :olittlefoot

It has been snowing off and on throughout the daytimes this week, but the temperatures have been fluctuating. It was 15°C yesterday and so we didn't get snow that day. Today it was around 5°C and so it didn't snow throughout most of the day. Later in the evening, however, it began to snow, so the temperature must've dropped a little by then.

As for when on average we stop seeing snow, that's a tough question to answer because it can vary a lot. And I often forget exactly what happened in previous years. Regardless, early May is certainly an usual time for us to be seeing snow. But then again it doesn't surprise me as the weather here can be rather random and unpredictable. :P


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Believe or not, even bordering the coast where I am we can even have a 40°F (~22.2°C) temperature differential between day and night time, but it's very uncommon and it only happens during spring, autumn, and maybe winter. Also, a cold front would need to be passing through as well.
« Last Edit: May 05, 2019, 01:22:51 AM by ImpracticalDino »

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^That's too bad, cause sun once again has returned more brighter than ever before.  :)