The Gang of Five
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The Great Plague

Ducky123 · 333 · 74038

The Anonymous Person

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"Me on it!" Petrie responded to Ducky, and with that, he flew off.


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"As I recall he was laying down and pretty weak before we left to go to the Land of Mists.  He wasn't awake most of the time either."  Cera said.  "He got fine once he ate the Night Flowers we brought."


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"Nightflowers?" Chomper repeated, and then gave a relived sigh. “Oh, is THAT all? Alright then!” He hammered his right hand down into his left palm. “So we just have to wait until nightfall, and we can go gather up some flowers near the thundering fallsóyou know, those really pretty yellow and purple onesóand then we hand them out to all the adults and they’ll get better!”
He gave a wide , eager smile, which slowly faded a second after as he thought about what he just said. “Wait, why do they have to eat the flowers at night? Are flowers any different at night than they are during the day?”


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Ruby smiled sympathetically at ehr charge. "I don't think the Nightflower is in the Valley, Chomper. I certainly have never seen it because I have not." She paused. "I do not think it matters when you eat them..." she looked at Cera, waiting for a cue. "Well, you know more about this flower because you do."
"Not all who wander are lost"
J. R. R. Tolkein


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Meanwhile Littlefoot arrived back to where his Grandparents were worry on his face.


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"Cera shrugged.  "I've only heard it grows in the Land of Mists.  It only blooms at night.  Can't miss it since it's bright." Cera said, not sure how to describe what a night flower looked like.  "We ran into Dill and Icky, a belly dragger and mean flyer.  Though Archie seemed ok.   Then there was some creature covered in some sort of fuzz that Ducky named tickles.  He seemed ok, and the tree of them also."


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“The Land of Mists?” Chomper muttered, cupping his claws together tightly. “My dad told me that sharpteeth and flateeth have both taken turns trying to live there over the years, but no settlement has ever lasted for long… Uh… m-maybe this illness really isn’t the same thing Grandpa Longneck had,” he said cautiously. There were more than just stories about failed settlements in the Land of Mists. He remembered hearing snatches of ghost stories near sharptooth story circles about strange unseen things that lived there in the water, and a quality in the soil that did things to folks when they set foot on it. Wether those were just stories or if they had any truth to him, Chomper didn’t want to find out.
“I mean, you said that only Grandpa got sick last time, right? So it’s got to be something different,” he continued, not lifting his eyes to look at Ruby or Cera.


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Ruby caught the panicked hint in her charge's voice. She laid a comforting claw on his shoulder. "Chomper, you can calm down. No one said we were going off right away as soon as we could." She smiled encouragingly and nodded. Then turned back to Cera.
"Well, it sounds possible that the grownups could have this same sickness, but also not. I'm not sure at this point. We do not have much to go on." She looked out at the Valley, almost wistfully. "We need to see the other grownups, I think."
"Not all who wander are lost"
J. R. R. Tolkein


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Ducky walked in circles looking into the sky. She was pretty impatient though she usually wasn't impatient but patient. She waited to see Petrie coming back. The little Flyer finally appeared in the corners of Ducky's eyes.
"Petrie's back!!!" she screamed jumping around in joy. Her mood enlightened.
Inactive, probably forever.

The Anonymous Person

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"Me always come back for you, Ducky! Anyways, me find Cera, Chomper and Ruby," said Petrie while Ducky listened. "They talking about night flowers from the Land of Mists. 'Member?"

Ducky nodded before Petrie continued.

"They say it the same illness Littlefoot's grandfather had some time ago. 'Member that too?"

Again, she nodded.

"Maybe we go to Land of Mists again? See Ali, too?"


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"Yay! I would like to meet her again, yep, yep, yep!" Ducky shouted. "Where are they, actually?"
She climbed on Spike's head so that it looked as if she'd command him.
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Spike wasn't so keen. He wanted to help the grown-ups sure, but what good would all their kids getting killed do them?


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Chomper craned his neck to look up at Ruby, and gave a reservedly hopeful nod. "That sounds like a good idea, Ruby. Maybe we could ask Mr. Threehorn and Grandpa Longneck if we could hold a meeting."
Just as he finished saying this, he saw Petrie flying in the direction of their cave. Chomper tugged Ruby's arm and pointed up it at him. "There's Petrie," he said. "Littlefoot and the other must be looking for us."


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"Knowing the grown ups they would rather argue like usual." Cera said, remembering how the adults tended to argue while she & the others went ahead & did what was needed doing.

She looked up to to where Chomper was pointing.  "Maybe the rest of  us should meet & talk."


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Ruby nodded. "I agree. Maybe Littlefoot and the others will have an idea or more than one idea about what we should do." She let Chomper tug her along.
"But should we ask the grownups for the truth? They are the ones who are sick after all, so they will be able to tell us what is true ot not." She bit the edge of her beak. Finding Mr. Threehorn and asking him if he was sick didn't appeal greatly to her at the moment.
"Not all who wander are lost"
J. R. R. Tolkein


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Chomper shrugged as he walked across the slightly dry grass. "Well, they can't just tell us nothing's wrong, right? I don't think they'd lie to us about something this obvious."
He, Ruby, and Cera walked off in the direction they had seen Petrie. It took only a few minutes for them to run into the others.
"Guys!" Chomper shouted, waving them over. "Have you guys been seeing what we've been seeing?"


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"Yea, I don't see why they don't just tell us what's wrong so we can go and get what they need." Cera said, a bit annoyed at how grownups did things.


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Ducky was pleased to see Chomper, Cera and Ruby. But when Chomper asked Ducky immediately felt sad and uneasy again. "Yep, Yep, Yep!" she sighed, every 'yep' sounded sadder than the one before.
"My Mommy did not eat anything and she slept while Spikie and me were eating our greenfood!" Ducky explained. "I am very very worried that something bad will happen, I am, I am!"
She looked at the ground not willing to show her friends how depressed she actually was, her eyes became wet.
Inactive, probably forever.


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Ruby bent down to the little Swimmer and patted her shoulder comfortingly. "Now, now Ducky. Make your eyes not wet, we will figure this out soon because it looks like we will solve this mystery." She smiled encouragingly and nodded.
"I am certain!" She looked up at the Gang, then. "Well, I guess we will have to go and split up to ask the grownups with is bothering them, then."
"Not all who wander are lost"
J. R. R. Tolkein


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"& see if they will tell is anything or if we'll have to figure what we need to do and go and do it." Cera said with determination in her voice.  She knew she and the others would help the grown ups, even if the grown ups didn't want them to .