The Gang of Five
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Blanking the Slate

Serris · 921 · 120301


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"Thanks man. Glad to hear you're okay," Soren said as he cut the connection and stuck the phone back in its charging cradle.

He opened the door and found Uziel standing there, "Hey amigo, you better see this."

Soren gulped; he had a vague feeling that he was not going to like what he was about to see.

Sure enough, the TV in the living room showed grainy still pictures of himself, Axel, Anne, Marita, Maria, Rose and Emilena. The news reporter announced that these were members of a gang of armed robbers responsible for attacking a robotics factory in Lanthae and killing many workers. In addition, it warned they were armed and extremely dangerous and that there was a 500,000 credit bounty on each of them.

"What the fuck!? I wasn't anywhere near that factory!" Soren protested. It was a lie; he knew that factory was actually a Purifier base.

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Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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Axel stepped into Ned's, lowering his hood, and almost instantly the smell of cigarette smoke, cheap booze and sweat hit him in the nose with the subtlety of a truck. Patrons were crowded along the bar that stretched the length of the left side of the establishment, most of them leaning over their drinks, lost in their own thoughts or engaging in loud, bawdy discussions with their neighbours. Dotted around the place, rickety tables supported even more customers as they nursed their alcohol. A permanent haze clung to the air within, and Axel felt his eyes start to sting as smoke wafted towards him.

As he looked around, Axel felt almost relieved by the familiar surroundings - he'd lost count of the amount of evenings he'd spent holed up here.

Picking his way across the bar he dropped into a stool at the end, tucked into the corner, and leaned on his elbows over the bar, blinking his greasy hair out of his eyes. The bartender, a small but almost alarmingly muscled pug, saw him and made his way over. "Hey beanpole, it's been a while! How's life been treating you?" The pug paused. "You figure out how not to look like you're always eating a shit sandwich?"

Axel shrugged. "Sure, Max. I'm a regular clown now."

Max chortled. "Ah, you miserable son of a bitch. You want a drink, or you just here to grace us with your sunny personality?"

"Get me a whiskey." He swallowed, his throat dry. "Double."

As Max went over to fetch his drink, Axel settled down into a familiar silence, eyes downcast, and when the pug slid the glass over to him he handed the credits over without looking. He took a sip of the whiskey, his mouth burning as it went down, and almost immediately started to feel better. The return of an old friend. Axel smiled bitterly to himself and took another drink.

"... Almaya, Axel Whent, Anne..."

At hearing the tinny voice, Axel quickly raised his head, looking up at the cheap, boxy TV suspended above the bar. The grainy image onscreen showed him and the others making their way around a building. A cold sensation rushed through him as he recognised the Purifier's base instantly.

"... Lanthae, and the deaths of many other augmented," the voice over the images continued. "Police have warned that these individuals are extremely dangerous. A reward of 500,000 credits..."

Axel's hands began to shake. He felt his teeth chatter. Suddenly, he became very aware of everyone around him.


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Marita was watching the bulletin, her face frozen in a mixture of shock and anger' those Purifer filth!! she snarled. " trying to pin the blame on us for blowing up their base!
 Marita! Do you have any idea hows many cred..' Marie said then froze as she saw the look on Marita face.." DJ's not the only one whos going  to need  a new name. We all are' Marita said in a slow sullen voice. ' we.. have 500000 cred bounties on our heads. 500000 EACH, you, me, Rose, all of our friends.. so... forget about going into work tomorrow.. or anytime thereafter. all it takes is one bullet and you're history. same goes for Rose..
 Rose walked in as she said this and shook her head fervently ' No way! I'm not going to quit my job at the theater! not when i'm so close to taking a big role! i'm riding this out..
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aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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Bailey was walking back to his car from Marita's house. "I hope I made myself clear to them..." he muttered. After counting out the credits but before taking his leave he'd none-too-subtly warned that if anything were to happen to Flora, those dogs would be in a lot more than financial trouble.

He walked past a rundown clinic, where a flash of orange caught his eye. Some people were tearing up the inside using homemade weapons and molotovs. Whether it was a looting or a hate crime, he wasn't sure, but he knew better than to get involved.

World sure is going to hell, he thought to himself. Maybe I should have talked to dear old pop a bit more about how he kept himself safe in the aftermath of the Pelvanida incident...


The ocean was bitter cold this late at night. Emilena shed her jacket almost immediately as it filled with water and threatened to drag her head under the surf. She had a few tricks un her sleeve for staying afloat, but getting as far away from the shore as possible took priority at the moment.

She spared a single glance back at shore and was temporarily blinded when someone's smartphone cast a piercing light over her. "There!" someone shouted.

Emilena took a deep breath and dove underwater, anticipating gunfire, but nothing happened. Huh. Maybe they're letting me--

Suddenly a meaty hand grabbed her by the neck and wrenched her back into the surf. Someone had followed her into the water, a sailor by his stocky build. Emilena swiped at him with his knife but missed. The man smacked her upside the head and screamed, "Over here! I've got her! Help!"

Emilena gritted her teeth and on her next swipe embedded her knife into the fleshy spot under his shoulder. The man cried out and kneed her painfully in the crotch, and Emilena got enough of a grasp to awkwardly grapple him. As both of them dragged each other under the surf, Emilena grunted and swallowed salt water as the man headbutted her desperately. With little other options she dug her fangs into what she hoped was his neck and tore into him savagely.

The snap of a collar bone warned her she'd missed the mark somewhat, but the damage was done. With a second knee to the groin the man kicked her away in a panic, leaving her swirling and gasping for air in a swirl of bubbles. This late at night, she realized she couldn't even tell which direction led back to the surface.

A bullet slamming into her pelvis quickly helped her with that particular problem.

"Don't shoot!" shouted someone from the shore. "You might hit Angus!"

"No, I got her, I'm sure of it!" the other voice shouted back. "Reloading!"

"Help me!" cried the sailor in the water. Emilena meanwhile was kicking off her boots and abandoning her vestful of survival gadgets, electing to keep only her combat knife slid inside her sock. She needed more buoyancy and a flotation device, fast. Removing her pants and knotting the leg openings shut using her teeth and undamaged hand, she held the waistline open and swung them over her head, trapping air inside.

Her ability to paddle awkwardly around the cruise ship informed her that her pelvis wasn't shattered; the bullet must have been sufficiently off-target or dampened by the water to only bruise. Her next course of action was to choose where to swim to. Every paddle felt harder than the next; at these temperatures and losing this much blood she feared she had less than twenty minutes before passing out.

Can't go back to shore...there will be search parties... Struggling to see over her deflating flotation device, she spotted a pair of red lights roughly fifty meters out to see. Hell with it. Best case scenario, boat I can hijack. Worst case scenario, a buoy...

Willing her numb legs to keep paddling, Emilena gasped for breath and made her way further out to sea.

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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Twenty agonizing minutes later, Emilena felt her knees scrape across pebbles, and handful by handful she dragged herself onto a tiny atoll. Little more than a large rock, Emilena suspected her new hideout wouldn't even exist come morning when the tides came in.

Shivering violently, Emilena quickly slid her soaking clothes off and curled into a ball. Proper survival methods dictated removing wet clothes and wrapping up in blankets or some form of insulation, but on this rock she would have to settle for the tepid bay air.

I'm safe from the mob...but what the hell do I do now? In her current position her mangled wrist was pressed against her snout, mixing the smells of her own blood with the ocean salt. Well, stemming the bleeding is a good first start. Using her knife, she sliced a long ribbon out of her shirt and tourniqueted her right lower arm. As much as she often hated Lily, this was one of those moments Emilena wished she were around. She always refuses to heal me, but surely even she wouldn't want me to lose a hand...

The air was doing a better job than she expected; her muscles were still cramping up from her perching on a slippery rock, but her skin was already feeling dryer and the temperate air was beginning to feel manageable. I've survived worse than this... she thought to herself, realizing with a troubling lack of alarm that she was slowly passing out. I can get through this.......


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the Girls were arguing amongst themselves  over what to do ' even if your boss allows us to come work with you..' Marita said ' I highly doubt the others will be willing to join in . I cant see Soren quoting Shakespeare or playing Injun Joe. Emilena would taking killing people off in Hamlet quite literally, and  in any event we have to protect Flora here. we have 20 million credits. enough to move the 4 of us out of Seryet and go.. wekll anywhere we want..
 I'll talk to mr Hong tomorrow' rose replied ' i'll see what he says.. hes a good sort.. ' He may be.. but what about your co-workers?" Marie said ' once this report gets around we likely wont be able to keeo our jobs, at least i wont.'
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As the news reporter continued talking, Axel's heart felt as if it was about to explode. His wide eyes were fixed on the screen, and it felt impossible to breath.

What the fuck... what...

From somewhere behind a group hunched over one of the tables burst out laughing, and the raucous noise snapped Axel out of his shock. Blinking, trying to force the fog to clear from his head, he tried to discretely glance up the bar to see if anyone was watching.

With a sinking feeling in his gut, he saw here and there, a few were looking up at the screen, some with mild or non-existent interest, others staring with their full attention. Max was bent down at the other end of the bar, working on something under the counter.

Axel swallowed. Alright... nobody's seen me, just need to get out and then... And then what? He had no idea. All he knew was that he needed to get out of here as soon as he could. Then maybe he could lie low, keep his head down. Try to figure out what the hell was going on...

Rising slowly, trying to make as little noise as possible, he slid off the bar stool and started to slink across the room, keeping his eyes down. After each step, he expected to feel a hand clamp down on his shoulder, someone to yell out in recognition. He felt his mouth grow dry as he approached a cluster of patrons who'd been watching the TV... but, absorbed in their conversations, they didn't seem to recognise him. He skirted around a bar stool that was stuck out - and the door grew even closer. Closer...

"Hey Axel!"

At the sound of his name, Axel jolted, glancing back without thinking. Max was leaning over the counter, cleaning a glass and looking curiously across at him. "You going so soon?"

"I... ah..." Axel's mouth opened and closed as he tried to think. "Yeah, just remembered I've got, ah... something to take care of. I'll see you around Max." He quickly turned back, his long legs carrying him quickly towards the door.

From further back in the bar, two men watched the rat leave. As his thin frame slipped through the door, the burlier of the two turned to the man sat across from him. "You sure that's the guy?"

"Yeah, I'm fuckin' sure."

"Alright... alright, but think about the creds, man... We could-"

"Fuck the creds..." The second man's face darkened, his voice low with hatred. Downing the last of his beer, he stood up, one hand reaching under his jacket to feel the cold metal of the revolver tucked into his belt. "Let's go."

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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As the minutes passed, Flora got more and more upset at her predicament.

I am a platinum artist and a technical maverick... she thought to herself angrily, glancing at the plain off-white walls and rustic decorations of her simple bedroom. I've redefined popular culture and I am NOT going to remain cooped up in a hovel with three desperate housewives!

Sliding her phone into her back pocket, she resorted to a distinctly low-tech but effective piece of technology; the knotted sheet rope. Forcing the window as quietly as she could, she scaled the wall of the complex and dropped to the ground.

You can make it all the way to Daryl's... she told herself, with the unfounded confidence that originally drove her into show business. You used to hang in the slums all day before boarding'll be just like old times...

Trying to visualize the map from her smartphone app, Flora picked a direction and started running.


A soaking wet splash of seawater abruptly roused Emilena from her slumber with the abruptness of a whiplash.

Blinking with disorientation, she tried to adjust to a sitting position and found all four of her extremities were completely asleep. Another wave hit her dead in the face, sending her spluttering and coughing with alarm.

Where is...? Where am...? As reality slowly reasserted itself she realized with a cold flash of alarm that she was up to her chest in water. The tide was coming in!

Trying once again to get to her knees, she accidentally put all of her weight on her tourniqueted arm and went tumbling stupidly into the water. Skidding on her backside along the sharp pebbles, she grasped the rock desperately but the next wave carried her into the unknown.

Part of her brain realized in a panic that what little supplies she had remaining were nowhere to be seen, but a different part of her brain was preoccupied with the bizarre behavior of her wounded hand. While her other extremities were erupting with tiny tingling stabs, the hand was worryingly painless. In fact, she didn't feel anything from it at all.

Filling her lungs and spreading her arms and legs to maintain buoyancy, Emilena floated to the top of the surf and trusted in the current to carry her to shore. As her panic became controllable, the languid calmness of floating along warm morning surf gave her ample time to slowly get her bearings and remember all the pertinent details of last night's events. Dr. Lee was almost certainly dead or in jail. Lily could either be dead or still waiting for the Purifiers to destroy Lee's lab. If Emilena could get there first, she could warn Lily that their contract was terminated and Lily could save herself the regeneration. Also, they both needed to learn exactly what the news article revealed about the Lanthae incident. It mentioned Emilena by either description or name, any number of the old gang could be incriminated.

Emilena knew she was procrastinating on looking at her hand. She knew it could only be bad. But even she wasn't prepared for the terrible sight when she finally held it up. The colorless skin was bloated with water and peeling off to the wrist, revealing clammy limp muscles clinging to her reinforced Augmented bones. Down to the tourniquet, everything was either pale dead flesh or gleaming silver chrome. Had Emilena any food in her stomach she would have certainly vomited.

Oh my god, can Lily heal this??? Emilena wondered in a panic. That's my dominant hand! How the hell am I going to fire a gun? Or  even use a fork?

Her brain was still whirling in horror when her back scraped up against sand. The tide had carried her to shore.


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Marie decided to go introduce herself to Flora and distract herself from the news that had just landed in their laps. " she knocked on the door to Floras room, only to find it opened on its own " DJ? She called out before coming in " I just wanted" she stopped and her mouth fell open as she saw the open window and the rope hanging out of it " my God!" she screamed and  ran down  the stairs " Flora ran off!" she said breathlessly. Marita froze in shock, then ran to her computer and began typing '  Bailey gave us her cell phone number so we could keep an eye on her at all times.  That man thinks of everything.I'll give her a call, and even if she doesnt answer, it will tell us her location. Get in the car girls ' we're going to go find her..20 million creds wont save us, if we cant get her back..'

- Marie and rose randown the stairs towards the complex's parking garage, and got into their vehicle, which was a 10 year old van. it got good gas mileage and got a good top speed, but it wasnt high end. Marita started the van, and pulled out of the garage, driving with one hand while calling Floras phone with the other. " She heard the phone ring, and ring, and silently hoped Flora would answer.
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Flora had never sent an incoming call to voicemail faster than the unlisted number suddenly ringing her. Three guesses who that is, and the first two don't count, she thought wistfully.

She turned down another alleyway and found a dead end. Crap. By her mental map, there should have been a street connection... Swiping her phone's screen, she checked the map app. Due to her limited functionality, she couldn't update it via satellite, but if she could just triangulate her position...

She realized someone else had entered the alley behind her. She turned to spot a short man in a stained T-shirt. He had a gun.

"Give me your wallet," he said under his breath. "Quietly."

Flora pulled her wallet out as fast as she could and tossed it to him.

"And the phone!" he threatened. Flora threw her phone on the roof of the nearby building. "What the hell did you do that for?" he snapped angrily. Flora dropped to the ground and covered her head in fright. Cursing under his breath, the man took one last look at the smartphone and made off with what he had gotten ahold of.

Flora needed a few seconds to get her bearings. Flashbacks from being shot in the stadium flashed before her eyes. Get ahold of yourself! she thought, gritting her teeth and getting to her feet. She glanced at the three-story condo she'd thrown the phone onto. Noticing a fire escape within jumping distance of the dumpster, she scaled the side and began the long climb to the roof.

Unbeknownst to her, Marita had called the phone again, and this time it went to voicemail. Marita's technology could track it now...


Staggering to her feet, Emilena noticed with alarm that despite the lateness there were still some beachgoers sunbathing, jogging, and swimming around her area. A series of 24/7 floodlights kept the beach permanently illuminated. Hope this beach is clothing optional... Most of Emilena's wounds were clotted or mostly hidden due to the constant exposure to salt water, but her hand was going to be somewhat conspicuous. With no other option, she buried it in her own hair and pretended she was awkwardly scratching an itch as she stumbled through the sand towards civilization.

She still got some odd looks as she lurched dizzily to more solid ground. Emerging onto the tiled section dedicated to showers and lockers, Emilena ducked into the girls' bathroom, where she wrapped her hand in paper towels. Loitering in the furthest stall, she waited for a muggable target to enter the stalls alone.

Emilena took a deep breath of relief when she left the stalls about an hour later clad in a sunny orange dress with her hand tucked in a purse slung over her shoulder. Okay...I think we're back in business. Step one, buy takeout. Step two, find a newspaper. Step three, get back to Lily.


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the voicemail from Marita said '; Flora stop at the next street corner you are on. we'll catch you there and take you out to dinner. Bailey is paying us a lot of money to look after you.. and.. he doesnt like it when people don't meet his expectations. Rose told us about her previous meetings with him. Not a guy you want to piss off. at any event running off wasnt a smart move on your part. Seryet isnt a very safe town to be out on the streets at night in.. people get mugged, robbed, stabbed, and shot all the time around here. we've had run-ins with the Purifiers before Flora, they are deranged fanatics who will gladly rip out your eyeballs and show them to you while you are  still breathing before chopping you into bits. they are not the sort you want to get involved in."
marita locked onto floras position' ok shes on the complex, two blocks to our left
 she said, turning down the street and making a beeline for it..' she silently thanked who ever had invented satellite telephones.
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Soren headed to Dai Wong near Egeson Street. The eatery was a cheap sit-down restaurant that served filling -- and rather greasy and salty Cantonese fair. The drizzling rain had stopped and was replaced by watery sunlight peeking through the smoggy haze that veiled Seryet City's gleaming monoliths of concrete and steel.

That said, Soren still kept his windbreaker with the hood raised as he entered the building. Loud Cantonese voices emanated from the kitchen as waiters hustled back and forth with dishes of all sorts.

He took a seat at a large table next to two burly men who looked like oil farmers, they were soon joined by a middle-aged Shetland Pony mare with a metallic horn sticking out of her forehead.

The Human picked up a rather greasy menu sandwiched between a bottle of hot sauce and soy sauce and cracked it open. Stained glass tumbler full of steaming hot tea was passed to everyone at the table.

Soren sighed as he read over the dishes. He needed something quick and simple to eat. He looked at the mare sitting next to him...she looked very familiar...

The waiter approached and soon took their orders. Soren opted for white-cut catfish with scallion-ginger sauce and rice. It was Cantonese workingman's dish -- simple, filling and unpretentious.

He took a sip of the steaming hot tea as he looked around the eatery. In the front were two Augments cooks cutting up some catfish with literally mechanical precision.

In the back corner, two giggling Crab Eating Mongoose were sharing a large platter of deep fried crabs with a Chinese woman and a white woman. Judging from their excessive makeup and skimpy clothing, they appeared to be prostitutes. Prostitution, while technically against Seryet City's public nuisance ordinances was tolerated (as long as a sizable bribe was made to the police).

Soren sighed and kept an eye on the door.

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Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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Axel kept walking down the sidewalk as fast as his legs could take him, his feet squelching through puddles in the cracked and worn concrete. Though the rain had stopped, a clammy moistness clung to the air, making Axel feel sodden. A few weak patches of sunlight showed here and there through the clouds, but did little to dispel the dismal, oppressive dark of the overcast sky.

At least there wasn't anybody around, a fact that Axel was more than glad of. What the hell am I going to do?! he thought desperately. It's not like I can go to the cops to try and explain... Oh jesus... He felt as if his chest was collapsing in, helplessness starting to overwhelm him. Come on... come on, think...

Grinding his teeth, deep in his thoughts, Axel didn't hear the soft footsteps coming up behind him. Then there was a heavy crack on the back of his head, and everything went white with agony.

When the fog cleared, he was lying face down on the concrete, his cheek pressed into the cold, damp ground. The back of his head felt on fire, and something wet was trickling down the back of his neck. Groaning, Axel started to slowly push himself onto his hands and knees, his stunned brain trying to process what was happening. A pair of strong hands grabbed him around the shoulders, and he felt himself being pulled up, his own arms held back.

As Axel started struggling, trying to wrench from the grip of the person behind him, another person stepped in front of him before him into his line of sight. Beneath his short dark hair, the man's eyes were like cold stone. He leaned in close, his face inches from Axel's own. "You thought you could just get away with it?" he hissed.

 Axel blinked. "I di-"

 The man stepped back, swinging his arm, and Axel just had time to register the small revolver clenched in his hand before the handle smashed into his right temple. Gasping, Axel was thrown to the side, the man holding him almost losing his grip.

Holding the rat tighter, the burly man swore under his breath. "We can't do this here, Jim. Someone could call the cops."

The dark haired man with the revolver shook his head angrily, looking around the deserted street. "Nobody's gonna call the cops. Especially not for a piece of shit like this." He paused. Maybe it was better to make sure. "Alright, fine. Bring him there." He pointed to a dark alley across the road and started to walk over.

Shrugging, the burly man started to drag the dazed rat across. Inside, he couldn't help feeling a pang of regret. Sure, this was personal for Jim, but... 500, 000 credits was a lot of money...

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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Flora gritted her teeth as she climbed rung after rung. This shouldn't be tiring... She hoisted herself over the wall and onto the roof, far more out of breath than she expected. It's because I'm missing weekly yoga. I'm already getting out of shape!

Locating her phone, she grabbed it and her heart skipped a beat. The screen was cracked, and  this infuriated her. She hated when people treated her like a stereotypical teenage girl, and having such an associated symptom of that clique was unnacceptable. I'll sue those three women, it's their fault!

As if on cue, she saw a car pull up that she recognized from their parking lot. "Go away!" she shouted loudly. "I'm not coming down! You can't make me!"

She cast her eyes around the roof. The entrance to the stairwell was visibly locked, and there were no other roofs in jumping distance. Her mind raced as she looked for another escape.


Emilena bit her lip when she saw Dr. Lee's lab was trashed almost beyond recognition. Ducking under the collapsed doorframe, she scanned the charred, wrecked remains of the clinic. "Lily?" Emilena had no idea when the hit happened, technically she wasn't even sure if it was safe to enter yet.

Emilena finally located her confidante crushed halfway underneath an operating table. A number of bloodied instruments indicated that Lily had been subject to some mutilations before the Purifiers had finished.

Grunting with exertion, she pushed the table off Lily and used it to block the only clear window to the outside. Lily's chest was moving, meaning she was more than halfway done with regeneration. Emilena kept herself occupied locating painkillers for her hand and experimented with some skin synthesizers in forlorn hope of regenerating it. But she quickly realized any hope of natural recovery was impossible, even with modern medicine. Her right hand was completely dead.

Thirty minutes later, Lily made the deep gasp that always meant she was clearing her lungs for the first time. Coughing badly, the lacerated human rolled over and clutched her abdomen. Emilena waited patiently for Lily to get to her feet on her own. Lily didn't like being touched.

"Emilena?" Lily croaked hoarsely. "Why are you...?"

"We had some technical difficulties with the plan," the vixen admitted. "Long story short, it went to hell and Dr. Lee signed her own death warrant. How soon until you can walk?"

"Soon..." Lily wheezed. She looked in wonder at the clinic around her. "Jesus, they trashed this place."

"You didn't notice? You were there." Emilena offered her a morphine shot. Lily refused it.

"They kinda went for me first..." Lily sat up. "Were you followed?"

"Don't worry, I spent a lovely evening in the Seryet Canal. Speaking of which..." Emilena held out her decayed hand. Lily gasped and recoiled instinctively. "Yeah. Look, I know you don't do heals, but come on. Just once?"

Lily hesitated, then shook her head. "I'm sorry, Emi..." She scooted backwards.

"What?" Emilena balled her still-intact fist. "This is my dominant hand! I can't even shoot! Come on, you'll heal in minutes and go about your way!" She advanced in a rage. "I could have just grabbed you while you were regenerating and gotten it for free, you know!"

"I...can't," Lily glared at the hand through tear-streaked eyes. "I won't. I'm sorry."

Emilena squeezed her fist so hard the morphine shot shattered. "Goddammit, I want to strangle you sometimes!"

"Not on our watch, please," a cocky voice leered behind them. A Purifier death squad pushed the doorframe aside and took up positions around the room.

Lily's eyes went wide. "Oh god, it's them. They came back."

The leader grinned wickedly. "We always double-check our hits for survivors. Could've sworn we finished you off, Ms. North, but it's our lucky day we didn't." He licked his dagger. "They want you and Echo alive. Orders from the very top. You can come quietly or make this difficult."

Emilena slashed Lily's neck open with a swipe of her claws. "She would have rather died than come with you, trust me," she explained to her stunned assailants as Lily's body dropped to the floor with a gurgle. "You've got me, though. Hope your higher-ups are okay with one out of two." She raised her arms and offered no resistance as one stabbed her in the stomach with a cattle prod.
« Last Edit: September 19, 2018, 05:28:23 AM by aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato) »


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Marita pulled up alongside the building and got out.  she heard floras shout and replied" Flora! this was not a good move on your part! I dont care how many people have sucked up to you, or literally sucked you off, that doesnt give you the right to run off like this. this isnt a music video production, you do something stupid here ,its for good. We dont have the creds to get you all augmented up if you mess yourself up, and in any event , Bailey will quite literally kill us if anything happens to you, even if it is your own fault. We're being held responsible for you, and we take that seriously. Just come on down, get in the van and we'll have a nice talk as we get drive through. you're not 18 yet, once you are 18, you can smoke, drink have all the freaky sex you like with guys or girls who are your age, but right now, you're not 18, and someone legally has to look out for you, and well. that someone- someONES- are me , Marie and Rose. we're getting paid to do it, and it would not look good if Bailey came around and found you bolting off into the blue. hed chew you out, and do worse to us. Do you really want that? Now.." Marita  was cut off as shots erupted, and began pinging off the   stairwell t hat Flora had just finished climbing. the loud  ping ping ping of bullets, interspersed with shouts - Marita caught one _ Die! Augmened Bitch! Die!'- were loud and clear. Marita braced herself against the van as the bullets were fired ' after a couple minutes the bullets stopped and the loud squeal a tires was heard as a car pealed out from around the corner.
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Flora's eyes grew wide and she ducked under the lip of the roof as the bullets peppered the side, damaging the ladder. "Are you crazy?!?" she shouted in a blind panic. "I'm not fucking going down there!"

Seconds later the squeal of tires left only the sound of blood thumping in her ear. Clutching her stomach, Flora rolled over. Her heart hammered in her chest and all she could focus on was the old newspaper her face was pressed against. "Why the hell would I go down there and get shot?" she screamed at Marita, not brave enough to actually look over the edge of the building at the Great Dane.


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they've gone! Marita shouted back. Now get the heck down here before they decide to come back! Eithe you come down willing or I'm coming up there and DRAGGING your pampered posterior down here! you just got a taste of what i was telling you.. theres shooting and muggings every night around here. Almost as bad as Lanthae , really. now whats its going to be? Come Down willingly or have the pissed off Great Dane drag your furry butt? You have 5 seconds to answer.' Marita said.
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aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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Flora gritted her teeth and squinted her eyes shut. The afterimage of the words on the newspaper were burnt into her retinas. Suddenly she blinked in surprise. Exactly four seconds pause, then... "I'm coming down!"

Climbing daintily over the side, she grasped the ladder and slid down without using the rungs. Hitting the ground hard, she rebounded quickly and sprinted into the car, unable to keep a hint of a smile from her face.


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Alright' Matita said as she got back into the van. Marie buckled Flora Tightly into the seat, strapping her in. ' when was the last time you were truly punished Flora, and I mean in the ' go to your room, no phone, no tv, no NOTHING' sort? I'm guessing its been a long time.. ' well, she swiped Floras phone from her and noticed the large crack running down the middle of the screen., ' consider this the revoking of your phone privileges until Marita can fashion a new screen for it.' shes pretty good at fixing phones, apart from her various computer gigs. anyway... dinner." she segwayeds as marita drove off again.' We;re going to Nixons, they have good food there.. " Marita said.
 I want some checkers Nuggets- a large order' Rose said.' Get me a big Robert Frosty' Marie said. Are they doing the Impeachment special again?
 should be  they do it every August.' Marita replied ' i'll get that. What do you want Flora, theres the kick Nixon around combo , the, 100000 votes and 2 states short combo, and the breakin burger.
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Two men, their faces veiled by the hoods of their windbreakers entered the eatery. They sat down and cracked open their menus. One of the men kept stealing glances at Soren.

The Human ignored them and continued sipping his hot tea.


"That the guy?" one of the bounty hunters asked between sips of ice water.

The other brought up a smartphone with a mirrored coating that prevented shoulder-surfing. He adjusted the image and discreetly snapped a picture of Soren. A few seconds later, the words "95.8% match" scrolled across the screen.

"That's him. Let's go." The two got up as if to go to the bathroom. As they did so, they headed straight for Soren.


Soren noticed the men approaching. Alarm bells went off in his head. Judging from the hardened expressions on their faces, hands in their pockets and menacing posture, they were not here to talk.

"Soren Almaya. You're coming with us," the first bounty hunter said, pointing a metallic finger at the Human.

"Okay, who are you? And who the hell sent you?" Soren demanded, narrowing his eyes and clutching his tumbler of tea.

"Not your concern. All you need to know is that you'll make us quite rich."

Soren gulped. The word about the 500,000 cred bounty must have spread. He swallowed the bile rising in his throat and glared at the man. "I am not interested in helping you with whatever fucked up scheme you're pulling."

The bounty hunter chuckled. "I'm afraid you don't have a choice. Now come with us or we shall use...creative methods to ensure your compliance."

In a fluid motion, the Human threw his glass tumbler at the bounty hunter, forcing him to dodge the glass projectile as it shattered against a bronze altar dedicated to the Kitchen God. That split second allowed him to leap from his chair and sprint through the swinging doors into the kitchen.

"After him!" The two bounty hunters charged through the swinging doors, evoking angry shouts from the staff.

The patrons seemed, at best, mildly amused. It was testament to how rough Dai Wong could get.

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Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.