The Gang of Five
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Darwin's Soldiers: Disruptive Selection

Serris · 5385 · 287912


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"Security guard for a logging company may allow you to gather information and gossip. If my thinking is right, Dragonstorm would be hiding out in the forests of Oregon," Dr. Zanasiu said.

"Aren't you guys worried about the possibility of a Dragonstorm raid on us?" Dr. Bailey asked.

"That's why we got you a pistol. And besides, Dragonstorm probably thinks we're dead."

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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They reached the landing zone, but before they landed, Erin catches something in her scope.  "Captain, we're being followed."

Vic looked over.  "What do you see?"

"I see six figures heading to our position.  Shall I pick them off, sir?"

"Shine a light on them first.  They may be some anti-Dragonstorm operatives we've ran into before."

All six helicopters, hovering at 50 feet, set off their bright lights at the newcomers...

Snow, who was in another helicopter, gets a very familiar scent in the air.  "Could it be...?"


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"Do the parameters of this mission allow me to open fire upon encountering confirmed Dragonstorm personnel? Or do we take them alive?" Corporal Stern asked. He hoped that the answer was the former.


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Neku waved at the helicopters, and then, in a flash of an idea, he drew and activated his prototype saber, the blue glowing blade a familiar sight to any who knew him...


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"We don't want to blow our cover, Corporal," Dr. Zanasiu replied. "Observing and gathering information will work for now. However, if you can find a way to kill them without raising suspicion, you may do so."

"We want to take at least one alive so we know where everything is," Dr. Bailey added.

"Good point."


Dr. Yuri Kerzach or "Dr. Bradley Gallo" as he was now known, examined his surroundings. He was deep inside the Oregon forests and around him, Dragonstorm's scientists were carrying out their work. Of course, some were assigned to guard the perimeter as well and others were cooking food.

He was carrying a Mossberg 500 shotgun and dressed not in a lab coat  but in flannel and denim.

To outside observers, Lab 101 appeared to be doing a forest survey for logging.

At least no one recognizes me. But will James and the rest of the crew recognize me? Speaking of which, where the hell is Shelton? he thought.

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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"Understood. I can see that working real well" Corporal Stern replied, with a slightly vicious look on his face. "I'll take one alive, sure. I can't wait to... ask him a few things." The Corporal was as his name suggested, Stern. He would not torture them, but he was not above pulling a few tricks at times. They were in lumber country, after all. A lot of saws. This might help him if he had to frighten them.


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"I was thinking maybe we comb the countryside and back roads late at night. We're bound to catch something," Dr. Bailey said.

"One problem, we'd look pretty damned sketchy ourselves doing that but we're going nowhere so far so this might be our best bet," Dr. Zanasiu said.

"Not like we have a choice," Zachary added.

Dr. Zanasiu shrugged. "All right then. 12 Midnight. Meet by the van. I'll try to see if Alfred, Aisha and Dr. Landon have found anything," he said.

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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"Do we have any way of keeping in contact? Dragonstorm will doubtlessly coordinate its efforts if it is active here. We have to do the same." Stern replied.

"Situational awareness" was a cliche, but it was indispensable nonetheless.


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"One of them just drew a sword," Erin said.  "Glowing blue blade..."

"Wait, that's Neku!" Vic was stunned.  "They're on our side.  We can land now..."

As the helicopters lowered to the ground, Snow could then catch sight of Neku's blue sword and her heart skipped a beat.

The gunships landed nearby the newcomers...


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"We have radios," Dr. Zanasiu said. "At least Zach, Dr. Bailey, Cobalt Squad and myself do,"


"So Aisha, you want to go out for dinner tonight?" Alfred asked as he carried their bags up to their room.

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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Sure, and I don't care where we go.. I'm getting tired of potato chips' She made a face. " and If Dr Landon makes me do ONE MORE crossword puzzle I will SCREAM!' she clenched her fists "sorry.. I'm just tired of  the same things..
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"Can our radios be tapped? I don't want any of those scum listening in on me, or any of us." Stern replied. "Do we have secure frequencies?"


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Dr. Zanasiu shook his head. "Only Cobalt Squad has secure frequencies," he replied.

Zachary flipped open his cell phone and dialed Alfred's number. "Hey Al, this is Zach. We're going to walk around town later. Want to join us? Meet me in room 261," he said.


Alfred unlocked the door to the room and placed the luggage down. He then turned on the light and sat down at the desk and picked up the guide and looked for places to eat.

Suddenly, his cell phone rang. He fished it out and held it to his ear with one hand

"Hey, Zach, Aisha Doc Landon and myself just arrived at the hotel. Oh about the walk around town? Sure! Just gotta get dinner first." he said. He then hung up and turned to Aisha and Dr. Landon. "Guys, Zach just called me. Cpl. Stern, Dr. Bailey, Dr. Zanasiu and himself are in room 261. They want to do a walk around town and meet up in their room first," he said.

Alfred then continued looking for a place to eat. He finally found one: Zemoth's Vegetarian Cafe. "The cheapest place I found to eat is a vegetarian cafe. Is that all right with everyone?" he asked.

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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Alright, lets just hope the food is good" Aisha said ' Do they have a type of pot pie on the menu? I've been craving pot pie for weeks" Aisha said, her mouth beginning to water at the thought of pot pie..
- A walk around town would be great" Dr landon said.
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"Well, let's meet up with James and his group first and see if they want to come with us," Alfred said.  "On a side note, we may be able to get some information there," he added.

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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Very well then" Dr Landon said. the room was small, but it had two beds and small counch, which would serve as his bed for the night " How long are we planning to sty at the hotel, anyway/" he asked out of curiousity.
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Alfred shrugged. "I think we'll have it serve as a base of operations," he said.

He then went to the bathroom to wash up. A few minutes later, he returned. "I'll wait while you all freshen up," Alfred said,

He then sat on the couch and turned on the TV. The local news was on.

"Police are concerned with the rash of disappearances among outdoorsmen. Though they say the disappearances are not suspicious nor are they related, they are still urging everyone to use caution in the woods," the newscaster said.

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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Neku walked over to the landing copters, flicking his blade off as he did so.  Kagetora, Hawkeye, and Cale were close behind him, each smiling a little.


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Stern had seen the same report on the TV in their room. "Can you believe this? 'Not suspicious' my a... it's full of crap" The corporal added, politely. "Why would Dragonstorm be out in this remote area, anyway? To steal wood? Chop trees? Hope really hard that we won't find them?"


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(OOC - Alfred is not in the same room as Cpl. Stern. However, it can be assumed that Dr. Zanasiu also turned on the TV and is watching the same news report.)

"Remember that we are probably the only people in this town who even know of Dragonstorm," Zachary said.

"Cpl. Stern, we'll need you to gather info on those missing outdoorsmen. They'll probably be vital clues," Dr. Bailey said

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.