The Gang of Five
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Flyers of the Mysterious Beyond

Jrd89 · 820 · 100825


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"Hey," Luke said indignantly, attempting to flex his muscles, "We can take care of ourselves, can't we Jared?"

*Thanks for the encouragement, FlipperBoidSkua  :) *


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"Yes, we can." said Jared. "And we have this cave for shelter and a place to sleep."

Then, Jared went into the cave.... and noticed that the floor had soft leaves on the bottom and he also noticed 3 soft leaf beds.... with soft pillows, too.

"Oooooh.. hey look at these beds. They look very soft and comfy. I wonder who made them?" said Jared, scratching his head curiously.


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*Uh-oh nobody's posted in 8 days?  :unsure:  time for an update.  :yes *

Jared liked the beds and wished he had one of his own to sleep in. They looked so soft and comfortable.


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*Yeah, sorry, I was waiting for Redtooth101 to post - I'll reply to keep this bumped*

Luke joined Jared and pressed down into the bed. His friend was right - his claw sank comfortably into the leaves. "Ahem," he cleared his throat nervously and looked longingly at the bed, "Any chance whoever made these could make some for me and Jared?"


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(Sorry my email didn't tell me anything came in)

"Take mine, not like I need it" Sierra said but not in an all too pleasant manner.

"Leaves are hard to find ou' here, not sure I can make another anytime soon" Rinkus said to them shrugging.

"In the meantime I'm sure you two could fit in a bed made for a flyer of Sierra's size" Pterano told them.


  • Petrie
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note to bushwacked: Uh-oh, You got Sierra's color wrong earlier. Sierra isn't grey.
here are the flyer colors ;) :
Sierra is dark brown, i'm light tan, (we know our pal Rinkus by heart :D ), you're green, and Pterano is dark orange.

to Redtooth101: :yes *I checked a "Very Important Creature" youtube video just to check and study it. You're right. Rinkus is the smallest of the flyer trio, and has the smallest wing span. He is much smaller than Sierra. So, Yeah, Luke and I could fit in Sierra's bed :yes *

Jared thought to himself, Rinkus was right, there weren't many leaves out where they were. All he could see were caves, rocky cliffs, and mountains. He really loved that big, comfy leaf bed.

Jared knew he could easily fit along with Luke int Sierra's old bed. It was big enough.

He also knew that even though Rinkus couldn't make him and Luke their own separate beds quite yet, Rinkus was still being kind, considerate and thoughtful.

After looking and studying the size of the bed, Jared turned to Pterano.

"You're right, Pterano. I think Luke and I can fit into this bed." said the light tan flyer.

"We'll be able to sleep very good and comfortable tonight. It may be a bit of a tight fit, but it will do fine for now. It sure beats sleeping on a cold hard rock or on the ground."

Then he looked at Rinkus and said.

"And Rinkus, Don't worry. I'm sure there'll eventually be a day you'll be able to find some leaves and make two beds for me and Luke. But Sierra's old bed will be fine for now.

It's ok, buddy. You were thinking of us, and after all, it's the thought that counts." said Jared nodding at Rinkus


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* To Jrd98 - Wow, you're right, I always thought he was grey, sorry  :oops

"Thanks guys," Luke said, looking gratefully at the three flyers, "I can't tell you how much this means to us." He sat down on Sierra's bed and sighed contentedly, scatching the end of his beak.
"In the morning, I'll make it up to you. You know, after I've had a couple of naps."


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"Your welcome, it's the least we could do" Rinkus said smiling with the kindhearted nature he once has as a hatchling.

"Yes it's just hospitality, who are we to shun those in need. And after all, if you have enough to share why bother keeping it for yourself" Pterano said to them wih a friendly smile.

"Whatever" was Sierra's simply response not even bothering to look at the other flyers.


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*guys, I put out a thread on the fanart and fanfiction thread if anyone was interested in drawing a scene from the story. I'm very eager to see what Luke, me, and Rinkus look like together*

Jared nodded his head. He couldn't agree more with Pterano's statement

"Ahhh, very well put, Pterano" Said Jared. "Well, i'm gonna take a nap now, I need to rest my sore, tired wings. Ohhh, is this bed comfy." And with that, Jared got into Sierra's bed, and fell asleep.


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"I hope you guys don't mind", Luke said, "but I'm going to have to call it a night too. I'll see you guys in the morning." He nodded a final thanks at the three flyers, then lay down next to Jared. He sank into the rustling leaves, and was asleep in a few moments.


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"That's if you live until morning" Sierra said and chuckled rather evilly but then Pterano gave him a light hid on the head.

"How many times must I tell you that this behavior is simply unacceptable" Pterano scolded Sierra who glared at him. Rinkus just sighed and went and sat in his bed not quite sleeping yet.


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Luke was woken by a sharp, piercing beam of light. He groaned and opened his eyes slightly. The damp night had turned into a bright, clear day and sunlight spilled onto the cave floor.
 Luke hissed and hid his face under his wing. He never liked days like this - it was too hard to take naps in. When his eyes had grown accustomed to the light, he turned to his friend and tapped him on the shoulder. "Hey Jared, should we get better acquainted with our new friends?"


  • Petrie
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*Sorry for the delay, guys. I had no internet connection Mon-Wed, my parents forgot to pay the phone bill. But they were able to pay the bill today and now I got the internet again*

Jared woke up turned to Luke and said sleepily. "Yeah, we should get more acquainted and get to know them better. Let's go talk to them.

Rinkus is really nice. He cares about us, he's a long-tailed flyer just like us and he's our pal, too. Pterano is very wise, generous, and caring, too. He wouldn't hurt us one bit. I'm not sure about Sierra, though. He scares me."

Jared wings shook and shuddered as he thought about Sierra. He was worried that Sierra might do something nasty or try to hurt him. But then, Jared also knew that Pterano and Rinkus would be right there for him if Sierra went and did such a thing.

Jared felt a little better after that thought, and he wasn't so nervous as he was before. He was still scared of Sierra, though.


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With a yawn Pterano woke up, getting up from the bed a stretched and then looked at Luke and Jared. "Good morning you two, had a pleasant sleep I hope" he said the them. His talking stirred Rinkus who just moved a bit but didn't wake up and didn't seem to effect Sierra who sat leaning against the side of the cave apparently sleeping.


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"Very pleasant, thanks" Luke agreed. He glanced at the sleeping Rinkus and Sierra, and smiled. "If the life you three lead is half as relaxing as it looks now, I might just stick around."


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Jared agreed with what Luke said. It was quiet and relaxing in the cave. He had slept so comfy and well the night before and his wings felt wonderful again. He loved living with Pterano in the cave. He also knew Pterano cared about him and Luke and would watch out for them if there was any trouble.

"I want to stay with you too, Pterano. It's calm, quiet and relaxing here in this cave. I feel very safe with you around, and you're the wisest and smartest flyer of the five of us." said Jared.

"As for our fellow long-tailed flyer Rinkus, he isn't any trouble at all. Luke and I get along fine with him, and he's nice and friendly to us, too. It's Sierra who i'm afraid of. I don't trust him, I think he hates me, and I don't know why."

"And I'm afraid he'll come over and hit me, or maybe even tear my tail off!" said Jared, grasping his tail with one hand, playing with the tip of it with the other with his legs shaking.

"I know you'll be here to protect us if Sierra threatens to do something mean to me or Luke, w-w-won't you, Pterano?  I'm just such a scaredy flyer." said Jared nervously as he got close to the dark orange flyer.


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*Redtooth, you go ahead and post next. I want to go gently nudge Rinkus awake next, but if you wanted Pterano to comfort me on my fear of Sierra, then you go ahead and write what you wanted to put in first*


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"Don't you worry about Sierra, he's practically harmless provided you don't do something foolish" Pterano said and then looked at Rinkus. "Well I suppose it wouldn't hurt, although it is quite rude to wake someone up"


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Jared then stopped and thought that Rinkus might get annoyed with him if he woke him up.

"Welll... now that I think about it,  I'll take your advice. I'll let my pink pal sleep. He needs his rest."

"You do give good advice, Pterano. You sound very wise. I trust you." said Jared, being fully honest with every word.


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Luke nodded, studying Pterano's confident posture. "I haven't known you very long, but I can tell you're a good leader. Rinkus and Sierra seem to respect you, anyway."
He put a claw to his beak questioningly. "How do you keep Sierra in check? He looks a lot stronger than you - no offense intended."