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Insane Cafe 4

Nick22 · 617 · 92992


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we;re going to have a lot of characters and worlds in this one..
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Sure sounds like it.  I mean myself.  I probabally wont have too many.  It all depends on what I can figure out within my mind right now.

Only one that's a real given to show up is Aimee.  But how she would show up....I don't know, guess I'll see how this one opens up and go from there.


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Thats fine.. add them in as you feel necessary..
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That uh, would be rather difficult to do as they are connected with Aimee.  As this version of Aimee is based upon what happens after Darwin's Soldiers is finished.  Even though, of course, the RP itself isn't finished sort of thing.

And these others fit into her story and are connected to her in a certain way.  Basically, these others are part of her team.  Yes, she has her own team, which is why I said that they would be difficult to introduce later on after I bring in Aimee.


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Oh I see.. That is understandable...
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Keeping in line with the MLP arc, a random idea I had is that all of my characters end up with a cutie mark after some magic there goes awry. Thankfully for them, it vanishes once they leave the planet.

Dr. Zanasiu - stylized shotgun shell (reflecting his great affinity for and prowess with a shotgun)
Dr. Kerzach - two crossed knives superimposed on a stylized dish. One is a cooking knife, the other is clearly a switchblade. (reflecting his great affinity with knives - both for cooking and battling - and his skill at cooking)
Zachary - stylized rifle cartridge (reflecting his affinity and prowess with a rifle)
Deimos - crosshair with a rifle cartridge in the middle (reflects his prowess as a sniper and affinity with a rifle)
Rime - none
Strut - none
Mr. Bigmouth - a leafy branch atop a metal gear superimposed over a red cross (represents his affinity for herbal medicines and modern technology and his skill at medical care)
Ms. Swimmer - two crossed fighting sticks superimposed over a spear (reflects her affinity for melee weapons and prowess at melÈe combat)
Lt. Martin - stylized missile superimposed on a storm cloud with a lightning bolt (represents her great flying and dogfighting skills)
Captain Fairchild - stylized picture of a tank that's on fire (represents his prowess at destroying enemy armor)
Major Lockie - stylized aerial bomb in freefall surrounded by several stylized artillery shells (represents his skill as a bomber and his  prowess in battle along with his affinity for heavy weapons)

Humanoid charcters have the marks appear on the back of their right hand. Dinosaurs have it appear on their right hip. Living planes have it appear on the wings and fuselage of the aircraft.


Can I imagine both starships being armed with mining lasers and mass drivers (scrounged from old mining ships)?

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Sure thing Serris.. nice idea well I can't imafgine finding out they have these "marl\ks' going over too well.. :p
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Think non dragon and pony types would keep their form or be changed ?  

I guess Jason may keep his imperial dragon form.  Maybe shrink himself down to more pony size, or Guilmon size.  I guess Guilmon, if he is in this, may be unchanged since he is a dragon type of digimon and looks like, I guess, a dragonish type in his young teens or pre teen type. & I doubt he or they would have cutie marks since Spike doesn't have any.   Though I can see how some folks may.  I think rightly it should be up to each person since I can see how some may find it fun to have one.  

If Velma had one I'd guess it would be a magnifying glass perhaps.


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Quote from: Nick22,Aug 22 2011 on  08:17 AM
Sure thing Serris.. nice idea well I can't imafgine finding out they have these "marl\ks' going over too well.. :p
Yeah, they won't. The living planes will especially hate it given the fact that ruins their paintjob/camofluage and they can't conceal them with clothing or personal equipment.

Though Deimos will actually like his cutie mark (though calling it a cutie mark is a good way to get cursed out). Come on, a tattoo of a crosshair with a rifle cartridge is actually pretty badass.

I actually plan for Rime to get his cutie mark later (delayed magic) and he will hate it, big time. Though the fact that said cutie mark is a... well, let's just say not as badass as the others.

Should Strut remain without a mark or should he get one.

Form changes and cutie marks are at the choice of the RP'er.

Plotwise, it might be interesting if my characters were shunned by the inhabitants of Ponyville once they see the cutie marks my characters have and this causes resentment towards the townspeople. Reason for all this: Cutie marks that show martial prowess are kind of a taboo thing in Ponyville. Though other places don't have that taboo. Though one wonders how do the ponies of Ponyville even know what a shotgun shell, rifle cartridge, artillery shell or bomb look like?

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nice thinking serris..good way to buildup conflict
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Quote from: Nick22,Aug 23 2011 on  12:33 PM
nice thinking serris..good way to buildup conflict

I planned it to not only cause tension between the Pelvanida group, the "Thunderbolts" (name for the group of living military planes) and the inhabitants of Ponyville.

It will play out like this:

Rime, Strut and Mr. Bigmouth get decent treatment from the inhabitants of Ponyville (due to Strut's lack of a cutie mark and Rime and Mr. Bigmouth having non-martial cutie marks).

The rest of the group is not too upset until they see ponies with similar martial cutie marks (not realizing that they are members of the Royal Equestria Army) and said ponies get good treatment. This then severely pisses them off. Deimos, Ms. Swimmer, Captain Fairchild, Lt. Martin and Major Lockie take it the hardest because all of them are very proud of their martial prowess. Dr. Kerzach is also angered because his cutie mark clearly shows a weapon (switchblade) but he feels that the locals ignore his talent in cooking and focus only on the weapon on his mark. Zachary, being an equine, is incensed about the poor treatment he receives.

In a fit of rage, the others then completely shun Rime, Strut and Mr. Bigmouth. Of course, Deimos and Captain Fairchild (being rather violent and hotheaded characters) try to pick fights with the locals in retaliation for the poor treatment they received.

It then takes something MAJOR like an attack on the downed starship by Chong's hired muscle to get the others to work together with Rime, Strut and Mr. Bigmouth. Of course, I imagine that some of the ponies help to repel the attack. They then learn about the plot to assassinate the Wonderbolts during the debriefing.

Even then Deimos, Zachary, Captain Fairchild and Ms. Swimmer are reluctant to help protect the Wonderbolts because of the poor treatment they received from the locals. In response, I imagine that Stripetail or the other player's characters chew them out for their horrible behavior. This then shames them into assisting in thwarting the plot to kill the Wonderbolts.


Wow, that was a wordy plot summary. Complains, questions, comments?

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And thats just a subplot :)  the main challenge will be to kill Chong, as Stripetail will have put a massive bounty on Chongs head, which Angela Ratchet and clank will be aiming to collect.. And yes Stripetail will probably chew them out for thier complaining..
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I've no idea who they are so my comment may not make any sense.  But mean it to be sort of silly, maybe serious or not:

& they can maybe tell him if he wants no complaining that costs extra.


Also not sure if some are annoyed with Jason being a time lord or the difference between the current tv series and jason's time lord history.


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I have no problweem wiith Jason being a time lord. I think of him as like Paradox in the Ben 10 series.
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So which arc will be first?

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well the irst part will be the party/wedding then the first reports that Nick and Aves are in trouble.
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I just watched the 2nd half of the episode where he appears.  Interesting character.  

Jason could be from another universe from the one where the current tv series happens.  I don't really like the current series of dr who.  I watched it for the first 2.5 seasons before I quit.  Since Jason is from an era far far after the doctor's time and instead of being stuck going only forward and back in 1 universe (except for some exceptions like Inferno and the e-space though espace was connected to the so called n-space)  the modern tardises can go forward, back sideways, slantways, ect to time, and other universes & alternate time lines easily.

I would say how the history may be different from the classic dr who series, I started to but it would be a very loooong post so I changed my mind.


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Then you can base him more on Paradox if you wish.. i like the ben 10 series but the whole " open as a superhero' idea doesn't sit well with me. Superheroes are supposed to have secrets thats part of the allure..
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I may take some ideas from that 10 minute clip I saw of the 2nd half of the episode he was in.  Seems an interesting character.  

Jason when he appears may be far older.  Maybe he was before.  Traveling around in time and to other universes, alternate time lines, one can lose tract of time so he may be tens of thousands of years old or older.  

I'll likely keep his being a time lord and having a tardis since if I changed that it would change a lot of the character as he was before and his concept.  And as he's from another universe then the tv doctor some details are bound to be different.  Like it could have been the 3rd doctor who is responsible for erasing the daleks from history of the universe he's from.  I'm the only dr who fan I know of who dislikes the daleks, never liked them.  & the only one also who dislikes the current series.


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no Kor, in any series there are people who dislike certain aspects of the show. You are certainly not the only DR who fan who doesn't like the new series very much, or who dislikes the daleks..
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