The Gang of Five
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The cramp twins


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Hi guys,when I reminded myself of horrid henry,I also re-discovered a cartoon called the cramp twins,and now I realise how TERRIBLE the show was.The first of all,there's nothing good about min characters of the show,wayne and lucien.Wayne is a sadistic,egoistical,rude psychopath(who is purple for some reason)who bullies his brother and other kids for fun,and laughs at it.After season 3 his ,,Pranks " cause deadly events(which may have killed some people,if tried in real life),and his parents are praising him for it.His brother Lucien has an obsession on nature,and in one episode he doesn't want to kill lice,which appeared on his head.He is supposed to be the ,,Good" twin,but he's not really that good,because his revenges on wayne,like putting a group of leechs on him when he sleeps,are sometimes even worse than wayne's ,,pranks" on him.Their mother is germophobic,and has an obsession with keeping everything clean,and if one of her sons gets dirty,she may beat,torture,and abuse both of her sons,and even her husband.Her obsession with it is so big,that she gets mad,after one milimeter of her house isn't perfectly clean.Her wester-obsessed husband,and father of the boys has the saddest and hardest life of them all.He has depression,no one loves him,wayne is bullying him,and he works for low pension,for his boss who is overusing him,and humiliates him for almost everything.In one episode,when the boys's dad asked him for pension raise,his boss jumped on him,and started to ride and humiliate him.The episodes are awfull and disguisting,just because yes.Also both of their parents don't love each other,and have crush on somebody else.The city in which the show takes place,is placed on a swamp(which the citizens hate)which is inhabited by a tribe called swamp people,which are very discriminated everywhere in the city,by its racist citizens.The show has a lot of controversial episodes,and the most controversial two of them are the one in which wayne and lucien try to divorce their parents,so they will get more spoiled,the episode where one of the secondary characters brings a plushie from a swamp(This one contains very disturbing scenes),and it turns out that it got infected with a fungus,which infects all other plushie toys,which are later taken away(and probably destroyed off-screen) from children of the city.The show has two lost episodes,and because how controversial the show is,I wouldn't be suprised,if it turned out,that they are real,but were too disturbing to show on tv and on dvd.

But what are your thoughts about the show


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I've heard of this cartoon, but never seen it. Judging by your review, I'm not missing much :p
Current hyperfixation: Total Drama

Yacht life! :DD