The Gang of Five
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Game pictures

F-14 Ace

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Yup.  I have bombers, historic planes, civil avaition planes and fighters and helicopters.  I happen to have B-52s, B-17s, and a Russian TU-95 Bear bomber.  (fighters are cooler though.)


  • Petrie
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cool do you get to use the weapons however? I'm still goin to buy it I'm just asking. its a cool game.

F-14 Ace

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Sorry.  They have missiles but they are just for looks.  Some can drop the bombs but they don't blow up.  But yes, the game is cool.  It isn't really meant for combat.  If that is what you want, then get the latest version of Combat Flight Simulator.  Flight Simulator 2004 doesn't support weapons. I have a Tornado Gr.4 with a firing machine gun but it doesn't blow anything up.


  • Petrie
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ok just wanted to know. still goin' to buy it. aw cool you can make your own Air base

Littlefoot Fan

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I think I actually have this game. I remember playing a Flight Simulator game a long time ago and it was like incredibly hard to fly the plane (It showed it from the inside). Don't know if it could have been 2000 but I think it was 2004

F-14 Ace

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I think this picture is just beautiful.  That is an F-14 flying over Cape Cod at sunset.  I thought it made a real nice pic.  Unfortunatly, I forgot to turn off the aircraft lable before posting the picture.  

Littlefoot Fan

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Wow nice!!! :D That's an amazing picture :) but yea, too bad the plane label is at the top :rolleyes:

F-14 Ace

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I'll post a picture of the base I made later.  I'm in the middle of a flight now.

F-14 Ace

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Here is my latest pic!  My Russian Mig-29 flying over farmland in Utah.  You'd think they would have sent up some F-16s by now! :lol  :rolleyes:

F-14 Ace

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Isn't that the Round Table from Ace Combat Zero?  From this side,
it looks a lot like it only the Round Table doesn't have that much vegitation
on it.  I found this mountain on the boarder between Utah and Nevada.


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Ganondorf explains why it is good for all kids to eat their veggies.  :lol:

f-22 "raptor" ace

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Yea it does look like the round table from acecombatzero. by the way f-14 what is your favorite mission of acecombatzero? Mine would have to be mission 9.

F-14 Ace

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My favorite mission is the second to the last.
Here is my Sopwith Camel flying over southern Oregon at dawn.

Littlefoot Fan

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Very cool :D Btw I like your sig pic, F-14 Ace :P:

Well I got some cool screenies from F.E.A.R. B), one of my current favorite shooters!

Here's me blowin the crap out of a soldier :lol: The picture looks weird for 2 reasons...1: I'm in Slow Motion so everything (mainly the sides of objects and humans) kind of smudge as you move. It looks very cool in gameplay. And 2: The grenade lets out a shockwave that distorts everything around it (you can see by looking at the couch next to the soldier :lol)

Here is a little area which I thought looked very creepy and atmospheric. It's too bad there isn't a way to turn off all the hud stuff (eg: Health, weapon, grenades, etc.) since it would make a pretty cool photo :p The gun I'm holding (Can't see it since I'm in the shadows) is a sub machine gun, or so I believe (Can't exactly remember which gun I had but it seems to be that one.). Dunno just felt like pointin that out :rolleyes:

F-14 Ace

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Here are my latest pics.  This one is the virtual cockpit of the Winnie Mae, the Lockheed Vega that Willy Post flew.

And here is the outside of the Winnie Mae.  

ANd here is a little trivia question: Wht other famous aviator flew a Lockheed Vega and what accomplishment did they make with it?  Hint: It was a woman

F-14 Ace

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F-14 Ace

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I now have weapon effects on my flight simulator.  I found rocket and bomb effects for Flight Simulator 2002 but they work just fine in 2004 as well.  You just copy the effect files into the game's effect folder and edit some lines in the configuration file of whatever plane you want to use those effects in.  If anyone wants to see some pics, just let me know.

F-14 Ace

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Here are some screenshots from the new Ace Combat game, Ace Combat X: Skies of Deception.  It is the one for the PSP only.  Therefore I can not play the game which sucks big time.  The game takes place in 2020 so that explains the high tech stuff.  It looks like there is some kind  of laser weaponry.

It looks like something you would see in Star Wars.


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Littlefoot Fan took this funny picture when we were playing Halo online with DarkHououmon the other day.  Littlefoot Fan blew me up with a rocket launcher and I landed in this weird angle where my arm just sagged to the floor.    :lol  :lol

F-14 Ace

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The Su-32 Strike Flanker is a variant of the Su-27 Flanker.  The Su-32 is designed for extremely long-range missions that can take a very long time.  The plane has a very arge flight deck.  There are two seats in the cockpit side by side.  Behind the cockpit, there is a room with a bet, simple kitchen, and a toilet.  One crew member can cook a meal, go potty or rest while the other flies.  After all, who can sit in a seat for 24 hours?  This jet is designed to fly anywhere in the world with the aid of mid-air refueling.

Here is the area behind the cockpit mentioned above.
Below is the Su-32 flying over the Rocky Mountains at dawn.

Below is my Su-32 escorting an AI passenger plane.  I almost ran into it at one point.