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RainbowFaceProtege's Plush Projects!!


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@Vojeds Aw, you're too kind, thank you!! :OhYou

Sorry, I still haven't done a Chomper. Funny, though, way back when I first got into sewing years ago, I wanted to make one of him. But then the LBT TV series merch came around, so I ended up getting myself an official Chomper instead.

"I don't see anything!"--Cera

"Maybe your eyes are getting in the way."--Rainbow Face


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I know this thread hasn’t been touched in a while, but these all look so good! I love how true to their canon designs they are.


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Hi, everyone! :rainbowwave Today, I’m dusting off this old thread to share a passion project I’m very excited about! I’ve been wanting to have something like this for YEARS, and some of you might remember my previous attempt at making it happen. There were earlier attempts, too, which were never posted here, but none of these other attempts were a version I was very satisfied with. Now, finally, I’ve achieved the plush toys I’ve wanted for ages!

Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, it’s the Rainbow Faces!! :Mo

Although I haven’t had any new Land Before Time projects to post in this thread for a while, I’ve made plenty of other plush toys over the past bunch of years. My skills have expanded a lot since the last time I tried to sew some Rainbow Faces, which was about 10 years ago. In December, I noticed some of the colors I had in my felt supply matched the male Rainbow Face’s coloring, so I decided it was finally time for another attempt at creating this duo. But I decided to go about it differently than before, because I wanted to finally do this RIGHT!

There were multiple issues from my last try that I wanted to avoid… :rhett_ohsnap

First, the seams. They were way too visible on my old projects. The thread I used was too dark, which made my stitching stand out way too much, and the fleece fabric I usually chose did nothing to cover it up. To make matters worse, these characters involved even more seams than most projects due to the multitude of different fabric colors it took to create their heads. It was too difficult for me to keep that many seams neat and symmetrical, which is why the heads came out so misshapen.

Second, the poses. In the past, I put the characters’ legs at a 90-degree angle to their bodies, trying to achieve something resembling a scientifically accurate Gallimimus posture. This resulted in no hope of the characters ever standing up. The best they could do was lean back against their tails while their legs stuck out in the front, which looked awkward. Plus, their head and neck positions meant they spent a lot of time staring intensely at the ceiling, and the fact that their facial expressions looked rather glazed over didn’t help.

Third, the proportions. In the movie, the Rainbow Faces look pretty graceful as far as LBT dinosaurs go, with slender limbs and narrow heads.

Fleece fabric tends to expand when stuffed, however, and my stitches weren’t as firm as they should’ve been, so my previous Rainbow Faces turned out far chubbier than they should have. Of course, I could have taken in the seams afterward, but I was afraid to. The thick legs and tail were the only reason these Rainbow Faces were able to sit up at all.

This time around, I took a totally new approach. I decided to use felt to sew a base form with minimal coloring, then needle felt completely over it with the final colors. Needle felting is when you take a preexisting surface, usually foam or felt, and use a certain tool to stab loose felt fibers into it until the surface is covered to whatever extent you want. This would eliminate my problem of having to deal with new seams every time a new color was introduced. I wasn’t sure how this would turn out at all, since I didn’t have that much experience with needle felting, but it seemed worth a shot. Well, things turned out far better than I imagined!

I made the male Rainbow Face first, since I already had all the colors I needed for him. I didn’t take as many WIP pictures as I should have, but I do have a few here. Take the head, for example! (Haha, see what I did there, because this character says “for example” all the time? Oh, never mind.)

After sewing the basic shape, I was surprised at how nicely the final colors stayed in place with needle felting. It TOTALLY covered up all the seams that were underneath. It was a pretty forgiving process, too, since if I mistakenly added a color to the wrong area I could just go right over it with a different color!

I also decided to pose my Rainbow Faces differently this time. In order to have these two stand up well, it was time to just get over scientific accuracy and go straight for that tail-dragging dinosaur pose of the 80s and 90s. The Rainbow Faces actually stand that way quite a few times in the movie, anyway, because this is LBT we’re talking about. Let’s face it, these cartoons weren’t doing any scientific research at all! I also repurposed an unused wire hanger in my closet to give some support to the legs and tail of these Rainbow Faces, shaping the wire into a tripod of sorts. Now I wouldn’t have to worry about whether the legs and tail were thick enough to hold the characters up, so I was free to keep their proportions accurately slim.

Anyway, back when I posted those last Rainbow Faces years ago, some of the feedback I received pointed out that their poses looked stiff, with the hands in a pretty generic dinosaur pose. I wanted to improve on that this time around, too. So I rewatched the movie to see what facial expressions and hand gestures the Rainbow Faces tended to use the most. I love these characters’ personalities, and I wanted to showcase that in these renditions of them!

The male Rainbow Face is warm and welcoming to the gang, always eager to help them out or teach them something new, to the point where his enthusiasm often brims over and nearly causes him to reveal classified information. I always got the impression that he was the rookie of the duo, still getting the hang of going on missions and such. But even with his occasional fumbles, you can still tell he’s very intelligent. I always thought his voice and word choices made him sound like a kindly professor!

He’ll often hold up his forefinger when he’s trying to make a point, so I stitched down some fingers on his right hand to create that pose, and his other hand is opened outward. I wanted him to look like he’s excited to teach somebody some science. :DD

Of course, some people I know have pointed out how the fact that he only has three fingers could also make it look like the one he’s holding up is, well…you know. But whatever. That’s how it looks in the movie, too! :p

For his facial expression, I decided I wanted his eyes to be fully open for that friendly, enthusiastic look.

The orange areas of his eyes were cut from sheets of felt, and his pupils are plastic eyes from Etsy. I think the shiny pupils really helped give him the bright-eyed smile I was looking for!

So here’s the finished plush! :ChomperImAwesome He’s about 12 inches tall when standing, but he can also sit down because of the wire in his legs. In the end, he took about a few weeks to make. What do you think of him?

Did I mention I LOVE HIM SO MUCH?!? :duckyhappy

Up next, I’ll show off his colleague in a separate post once I’ve taken more pictures! :)petrie
« Last Edit: April 19, 2024, 08:26:37 PM by RainbowFaceProtege »

"I don't see anything!"--Cera

"Maybe your eyes are getting in the way."--Rainbow Face


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These look really good, especially the new rainbowfaces. I like how he sticks his finger up. it looks very cute!  :rainbowwave


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Amazing work!!!  :Tickles
I would definitely love to have it if young myself saw it at shop near my home.  :Mo

And it was interesting to read through history of making it. Thank you.


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That's incredible! The hard work you put in really shows.

~*And I'm something called a Jared Padalecki*~


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@f-22 "raptor" ace  Thank you!

@Mumbling Thanks, glad you think so!

@Rattymon Thank you, it’s good to hear the improvement shows! I have to be honest, I was at the point where those older Rainbow Faces hurt me to look at—in fact, even back when I first posted them here, I wasn’t thrilled with them. This was my description of the female:
This one's kind of old, and I'm admittedly not very happy with how she turned out. The proportions are just plain off. I might be able to salvage her with an overhaul, though...maybe I'll finally do that some time soon. I gotta have a better plush of one of my favorite characters than this, after all!
Needless to say, I’m much happier with my new Rainbow Faces. And thanks for the compliment regarding his hand! I thought it was cute as well! :^^spike

@Sneak Thank you, it made me smile to read that! And I’m glad you thought the post was interesting! I didn’t know if anyone would actually bother to read the whole thing, haha… :lol

@Mouse-a-saur Thank you, that’s great to hear! This process definitely took longer than previous tries, but it was worth it!

"I don't see anything!"--Cera

"Maybe your eyes are getting in the way."--Rainbow Face


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oh my god, these are the coolest!! i'd LOVE to see more pics if & when you have the time.


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Thank you @Atroxia !

I’m finally getting around to my second Rainbow Face plush post! I did a lot more documentation of my process for the second one, so I had a lot more photos to upload before I could make the post. Also, Google decided to make all the photos from my previous post disappear, so I had to upload those to Imgur, too! Argh!


This Rainbow Face is the more reserved one—and the one with more attitude. She’s strict about following rules, she has no patience for ignorance whatsoever, and she’s not afraid to give a retort to anyone who challenges these standards. At the same time, though, she seems to respect those who display intelligence, since she brings down her harshness when interacting with Littlefoot. But she’s still not letting him have any classified information! Yeah, as far as alien characters go, she’s very much the classic, secretive, “above you” archetype. She often has to scold the other Rainbow Face about saying too much, and he typically defers to her, suggesting that she’s the leader of the duo. She was my very favorite LBT character when I was a kid. I thought she was SO cool. Come on, her boldness was enough to startle Mr. Threehorn! What a boss!

“Have you really seen all there is to see? Are there no mysteries left for YOU?”

The fact that she’s a lot more closed off than her colleague shows in her body language, because she uses less hand motions. This made it quite a bit harder to pick out a defining pose for her, unlike my first Rainbow Face, whose pose I settled on almost instantly. In the end, I noticed having her hands clasped together in front of her was a recurring pose, so I tried to replicate that in the way I positioned her hands. I stopped short of actually sewing them together, though. I don’t like to restrict the poses of my creations that much.

I also gave this Rainbow Face half-lidded eyes, as they’re rarely open all the way in the movie. She’s too sassy and snarky for that! Her eyelashes are made of some twine I just happened to have lying around in my craft supplies. I love when some random thing I have around ends up being unexpectedly perfect for a new project!

Here’s the WIP photos. Before I felted her final colors on, she looked quite a bit different!

Now…I will admit that my sizing of these characters relative to each other isn’t perfect. In the movie, the female Rainbow Face seems to be slightly shorter than the male. By accident, however, my female turned out slightly taller than my male. But the good news is that if I manipulate the wires in their legs the right way, the characters still appear to have accurate heights, even though they really don’t. Heh heh heh!

Guys, I LOVE them so much you don’t even know. They are so incredibly special to me, and it brings me joy every day to look at them!!!

Thank you for reading!!! :rainbowwave
« Last Edit: April 19, 2024, 03:09:29 PM by RainbowFaceProtege »

"I don't see anything!"--Cera

"Maybe your eyes are getting in the way."--Rainbow Face


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Wow! You did an amazing job with the rainbowfaces.  :rainbowThinking

Well done!  :Dducky


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ooh, she's gorgeous! she looks like she knows something i don't  :lol


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AAAAAAA! Lo-o-oks like Mo-o-o-o returned to the forum at such a go-o-od time! Lo-o-ok at how much yo-o-ou improved, Rainbow! I'm very proud of you. :Mo :Dducky :olittlefoot

Love the reflection and history lesson of the prior rainbow face plushies you tried making. This fishy will always eagerly await for mo-o-ore of your projects in the future. :DD

Discord! I'm howling at the moon! And sleeping in the middle of a summer afternoon...


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She is amazing. The pair of them turned out so great and I'm glad they give you a lot of pride and happiness. Give them a hug from me :)


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@Rattymon Thanks so much!! :)littlefoot

@Atroxia Haha, thanks!! She definitely does (and she won't tell me what it is, either)! :lol
@ImpracticalDino Thank you for the support, you're always so kind!! :spikeblush It's really felt good to return to my roots and do some LBT projects again! (I actually have another in mind already, though I don't have enough time to work on it yet.)
@Mumbling Aww, thank you!! They really do... And I will! ;)Cera
@Sneak Thank you!! Heh, I meant to post this last bunch of photos ages ago, but...I was lazy. :ChomperBurned

"I don't see anything!"--Cera

"Maybe your eyes are getting in the way."--Rainbow Face