The Gang of Five
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Armegedon in the Beyond

The Great Valley Guardian

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As Zaine gave his explination Longtail had tried his hardest not to laugh...but failed miseribly as he fell over and started laughing his merry little head off. He wanted to reply but was too busy laughing and trying to breath. After a few more moments of laughter Longtail finally quieted down attempting to get his breathing under control.

He then said "Protecting the valley...AND settle the fight between us. This must be my lucky day." He then looked at Zaine with a serious face and said "Korr may keep one end of his deal but never both." And he put as much emphisis on the word never as he could.

"So he's either going to protect the valley and then stomp on you, or he's going to let the valley meet its end, and still come after you?" asked Hunter who had overheard Zaine speaking.

Longtail's only response to her question was..."Yep."


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Zaine had a feeling Longtail would respond like that, but he had to find some way to convince him otherwise. "You have every right to not trust him, but why can't you think about this through my point of view? When I last saw him lying on the ground near death, and he surrendered and promised to leave, I knew he truly meant it. He came back to save me, and then he made me a promise that I won't let him break. Why can't you give him a chance?" Zaine knew if he pushed Longtail any further he would regret it, but he prepared himself for what was coming next.

The Great Valley Guardian

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Longtial honestly had to struggle to keep his anger in check..and it really wasn't working too well...and just as he was about to be overcome with his anger...he took a deep breath and looked Zaine in the eyes. He could tell his friend was speaking the truth...and after realizing this, Longtail's anger dissapeared as he slumped to the ground tried.

With a solem sigh replied "I know Zaine...I should always give others a chance. Alright...if you say I can trust Korr, then I will. If he attacks me, well...then let's just hope that doesnt' happen."


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Zaine mentally sighed and was thankful that Longtail didn't completely tear him apart because of what he was asking him to do. He could tell how much Longtail did not want to work alongside with Kor. "I hope he doesn't ry anything either. Don't worry, this time I will die before he lays a horn on you. That I promise you."

The Great Valley Guardian

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Longtail took a deep breath as he sighed and said "He's right behind me....isn't he?"

At first Hunter was a little concerned as to what Longtail was talking about, but as she looked behind him she smirked mentally as she saw who was standing behind her friend.

Indeed as if on cue, Korr walked into the clearing and sat down focusing solely on Zaine with a smile.


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Zaine noticed Kor was smiling at him, but it seemed he was ignoring Longtail. What is he planning? "Kor, where were you? Those sharpteeth are on their way here and we need you to help protect the valley, like you promised." Then he hesitated before asking the next question. "By the way, where's that other red horn that was with you before?"


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"Kor.  Good to see you again, my friend.  What news of the enemies approaching the Valley?"
Virgil asked, nodding his head slightly at the Red Horn as he approached...

The Great Valley Guardian

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Kor continued to smile as he replied to Zaine "Well, Meyla is...well...setting up a nest...for us here in the valley." With a blush he looked over at Virgil and said "I have no new news to report, however I seem to have this impending sense of doom. I may just be getting a little....anxious."

Longtail grinned as he turned to face Korr and locked eyes with the red horn. For several moments, neither one making a move, however as the moments passed by Longtail's grin became noticeably wider as he then showed several of his teeth. 'This is going to be a very interesting encounter.' Thought Longtail to himself.

Hunter was getting worried, not for Longtail or Korr, but for everyone else nearby...the last time she remembered Longtail having that grin...well let's just say things happened. "I'm going to be over that way." said Hunter pointing with her foot as she slowly backed away.


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Dante nodded, and he quickly turned...
"Ah...Yeah. I'm gonna go stand with Hunter..."
as he moved off a ways.

"It isn't just you, Kor.  We all feel it coming.  The question now isn't if, but rather when?"
Virgil said, looking off at the mountains that ringed the Valley...
"Agreed.  The tension here is so much like when Tosa was attacked. Oh.  My apologies, good sir.  I have yet to introduce myself.  I am Motochika Chosokabe.  It is an honor to meet you."
Motochika said, bowing slightly...

The Great Valley Guardian

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Korr turned to Motochika and nodded his head as he replied "Nice to meet you too." he then turned his attention back to Longtail.

Longtail for his part raised his wing in the air and said "Don't anybody move. I have something to say and I'm only saying it once!"

Hunter stopped moving and Korr had an amused look on his face as he asked "What's on your mind kid?"

Longtail smirked and said "You and I Korr have been at odds for many cold times. After I hear you are coming to help us...I got a little suspicious, but befriending someone I trust and saving his life is something I respect. Thank you for saving Zanies life." There was a pause as he took a breath and continued "It is with a very confused honor that I will accept your help in protecting the valley."

Korr smiled and nodded his head and replied "I am glad you trust me. I will prove to you that my trust is real....Longtail."


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Vylor was listening to the other's conversations when he suddenly remembered that night he saw those sharpteeth. There was a herd of raptors with them. 'I think we should prepare defenses. We will be facing a herd of fast-buyers as well. We should set up defenses. Any ideas?' he said.


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Virgil started, then wheeled about to face Vylor.  
"Raptors?  Are you sure?"
Then he guessed that Vylor wouldn't make a joke about something this important, and he said...
"I was afraid this would happen. That herd is named Ressentiment, and... I created it.  To get my revenge on you, Dante.  But it would appear they serve a new master now.  Please. Allow me to lead a team against them."
He said, rubbing his nose agitatedly...