Important Announcements > Announcements

Welcome to the new Gang of Five forum!

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Nevertheless, I liked the look of the old forum more. You can call it nostalgia. Just imagine: that forum, which we knew in 2004, remained unchanged after many years. In 2018, you could go to the very last pages and see what the messages of 14 years ago looked like. Now this forum has ceased to be a page from the past, which is a little depressing.

The Chronicler:
I noticed about a week or so ago that the URL used for this site changed from "http://" to "https://", which I think indicates that it's a more secure type of web address. At the very least, I'm just glad that I now don't have to be annoyed with seeing Firefox's alert about unsecure websites every time I log in to this site, and can actually make use of the auto-complete feature rather than having to type out my entire username every time.


--- Quote from: The Chronicler on February 02, 2020, 11:22:44 PM ---I noticed about a week or so ago that the URL used for this site changed from "http://" to "https://", which I think indicates that it's a more secure type of web address. At the very least, I'm just glad that I now don't have to be annoyed with seeing Firefox's alert about unsecure websites every time I log in to this site, and can actually make use of the auto-complete feature rather than having to type out my entire username every time.

--- End quote ---

Well apparently, as I found out from Owls on that exact same day, the Gang of Five always had HTTPS — you just had to type it in the address bar manually because you’re not redirected to the secure connection by default. Yes, I couldn’t believe it either when I found out that.

The Chronicler:
If that's true, then I guess what happened last week is that all the http links have finally been made to redirect to the https versions. Either way, I believe that's a good thing for GoF, albeit something that would've been appreciated sooner.


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