The Gang of Five
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The Quest for Telling

Gentle Sharptooth

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There are mysteries in the universe. For most they remain so, and “telling” isn’t allowed. But once in a millennia, there comes a time to tell in order to prevent greater tribulations. One sharptooth in his quest for enlightenment will set in motion events that will effect not only The Great Valley, not only the Mysterious Beyond, but Beyond the Mysterious Beyond...



A comet of blue fire skims across the stratosphere like a stone upon the waters. In the moonlight three pointed domes are bathed in the moonlight, their traingular features made of gold bricks and inscribed on the walls runes in blue and carving of pterosaurs. One of the pyramids or pteromiads as they have been called, has a missing tip, and inside a golden light burns bright. Inside the sacred dome is a room with a pool of water in a circle reflecting the starry sky, and instruments of crude wood and stone lay amongst open scrolls on a stone table. Standing in this holy place is a figure with a angular snout and full of sharp banana sized teeth. Its body is red like a ruby and encased in scales of gold that cover the back humo, neckline and form two crests over his eyes. At the chest of this predator is a giant shappire. The decadent dino peered into the pool as the comet passed, he wrote with ink upon his forked claws on the wall, numbers and runic symbols. A Pterosaur of brown complexion entered and bowed. “Master Gnosasaur, I have brought the findings from my journey.” Gnosasaur squinted his topaz eyes into the pool and then to the wall that had a mao with dates, measurements, and longitude and latitude. The Pterosaur took a scroll and laid it on a table of stone. “Do you require anything more Master?” Gnosasaur proceeded to offer no reply, which prompted the Pterosaur to take his leave. Gnosasaur wrote with his ink claw and took an orb balanced on a pillar with his other claw. He then sat the orb in the black pool of water, and siezed the Pterosaur’s scroll, opening it with his dry claw he examined the runic letters. He then turned his head to the heavens and said, “At last, I have found it!”
« Last Edit: May 18, 2020, 09:10:24 PM by Gentle Sharptooth »

“The Past is Gone..” -Dream On, Aerosmith


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Sierra was amazed. He never seen such structures in his life. The stories he heard about the Forerunners… The stories that were past down from flyer to flyer were true. Sierra knew if he were to find the what he was looking he had to go inside the structures… So he did slowly reluctantly flew to the top… and checked inside… He gasped in awe at what he saw. There was an odd sharptooth surrounded by items that were alien to the power seeking flyer. He seemed to be drawing things with dark liquid on his claws, but what they were, he had no clue. He made sure to stay clear when the other flyer left. Did he just speak Leafeater? Could he be related to the legends, the Rainbow Faces, and the Stone of Cold Fire he was seeking?

Gentle Sharptooth

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Gnosasaur held the scroll between his two claws. He sniffed and noticed the moonlight was partially blocked from flooding the room and pool. Writing on a tablet, he said, “You are in my light Pterosaur.” The words of the sharptooth were directed towards the open roof, to the one he sensed there peering inside.


“The Past is Gone..” -Dream On, Aerosmith


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In a peaceful valley, far from the foreboding Pteramids, a group of seven friends were blissfully unaware of the forces that would soon threaten their world. With the stars watching over them, the children's pastime of choice this evening was telling stories by the light of a glowing crack in the earth.

"This story that I heard was one that I heard out in the Mysterious Beyond," Ruby announced. "The story of...the Sky Beings, the mysterious creatures who come down from the stars!" She gestured towards the heavens, pausing to get an initial reaction from her audience.


Many lightyears away, the vast space station that served as headquarters for the Galactic Agents’ Leading League for Interstellar Missions Impacting the Mysterious Universe of Space (G.A.L.L.I.M.I.M.U.S.) floated silently amid the stars, as peaceful as the agents who, at the moment, slept soundly within it…except for one.

Prizma shot up from her bed with a start. She could feel her heart hammering as she took rapid breaths. Quickly looking around her room, however, she realized she was safe. She was alone, surrounded only by the sleek gleam created by the dim, pulsing ceiling lights as their “night mode” was reflected in the metallic furniture. Everything was quiet, except for the low hum of the AI-powered computer in standby.

Recalling the unsettling dream she’d had, however, Prizma recalled that her dream self had cried out at one point, and a twinge of irritation ran through her where fear had previously been. She hoped she hadn’t actually shouted out loud, though she was certain she probably had. Her tendency to talk in her sleep was something she despised about herself. Usually it was her brother who had the loose lips, but their subconscious selves were just the opposite. Silently cursing herself, she hoped Vega hadn’t heard her through the wall.


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Sierra shivered in fear… He was frozen for a moment before taking a deep breath. He came this far, he ain't gonna back down now. He glided to the ground. "Greetings… This is the place that was built by my kind for the forerunners isn't it?" He said calmly. Not knowing what the sharptooth will make of him. Based on how he interacted with that other flyer, he might be good help to him.  :evilsmile

Meanwhile… In a canyon that spreads through the Mysterious Beyond, Rinkus, the pink flyer with the fluffy tail rests in a canopy. Cold, lonely and angered by Sierra's betrayal. "Last time I listen to you for anything! Pterano was a waste of my time!" The words rang to him as he recalled how Sierra attacked him in rage for how their venture with Pterano ended up. Rinkus grits his teeth as he grips around his tail, pulling at it in his frusteration. He was angry that he allowed Sierra to leave a scar on his beak as a parting gift… a grim reminder of how weak he is… That does it… He'll find a way to take away that pain… No matter what cost. He will find that ultimate power and then he will be at peace.

Chomper was delighted to hear Ruby's story. Chomper always enjoys the stories she told. Chomper looked up into the stars where Ruby pointed… "Ooo…"

Spike tilted his head, something about what Ruby was saying rang deja vu to the spiketail. Though he can't say where he heard it.

Little Bro

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"Hey, Prizma!" Vega shouted through the wall. "What are you doing up again? Are you talking in your sleep?" Vega was used to his sister getting up late. She would observe planets, fix their saucer, modify their gadgets...

But sometimes, it could be important.

"Prizma, is the reason you're up important?"
Go Chomper!

Gentle Sharptooth

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Gnosasaur eyed the Pterosaur who had wntered the pteromaid. His inquiry peaked his interest, most Pterosaurs were indigenous, cardtakers of the sacred structures, but this one seemed to carry that glint of awe pilgrims and vistors betrayed in their eyes. Gnosasaur kept wrtiging with his ink stained claw, the strokes making runic symbols in the shapes of lines, squares, and triangles. “You are in one of many shrines built to honor the Fourrunners.” The Ruby and Gold Concavenator turned to a map on the wall with measurements, upon which one rune was shaped like cold stone of blue hue, The Stone of Cold Fire.


Petrie shuttred as Ruby began her story, the cosmos frightensd him a little. The big black made him want his snuggling stick, but the twinkle of stars helped him not duck under Spike. “Methinks this story gonna be good.. and scary.” The little pterosaur was use to his Uncle Pterano’s tales of adventuring into The Mysterious Beyond, which usually included the mention of sharpteeth.

“The Past is Gone..” -Dream On, Aerosmith


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"No way..." Sierra saw the one rune that was shaped like a Stone of Cold Fire and pointed to it with a shaking claw. "A-are you searching for the Stone? The Stone of Cold Fire?" He asked trying to contain himself, he could feel both fear and excitement from what's happening.  It's as if his destiny was laid out in front of him.


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"You see..." Ruby began, "many outside the Great Valley claim to have encountered some particularly unusual strangers. These strangers usually join up with herds, a normal enough occurrence that makes them appear normal enough at first. But soon, it appears they don't know much about the most ordinary things, yet they seem to know a whole lot about the most extraordinary things...though they try not to tell you about that, because it would be telling."


As she considered her brother's question, Prizma frowned thoughtfully. She hadn't been sleeping very well since Operation Cold Fire, as it had come to be called. The mission had begun as nothing more than an investigation of an unusual meteor, which had landed on the planet known as Earth. Prizma and Vega had already been aware that Earth was the home of their species's ancestors, a highly intelligent race of dinosaurs that had eventually gained the knowledge to blast off into the stars and move on to new worlds. Everyone on their planet knew that. But that had seemed to be nothing more than ancient history, just another thousand-year-old civilization they had been introduced to back in their days of elementary school.

What no one had realized was that this history had been built on unimaginable powers. The Forerunners had gained knowledge that had opened them to bizarre, wondrous possibilities, phenomena that were all but pure magic, quite a different sort of advancement than the technological mastery their descendants were known for.

And, for reasons that had yet to be revealed, these ancient powers were awakening.

Ever since Prizma and her brother had discovered this, her mind had been on overdrive trying to figure out what was happening. How did all their knowledge about the Forerunners fit together? Why had the Forerunners abandoned their old legacy in favor of technological advancement? Had they left Earth because they were running from their past? She couldn't help wondering if something ominous was rising.

Still, Prizma wasn't sure she was ready to let Vega in on her concerns. She still needed time to think it over before she voiced her thoughts--and she definitely didn't want to give her brother the opportunity to voice her thoughts first.

"I'm only updating the computer," Prizma called through the wall. "Relax..."

Little Bro

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"Prizma, you already updated the computer yesterday. and the day before that, and the day before that. What are you hiding from me?" Vega said.

Littlefoot was fascinated by Ruby's story. "These strangers sound like those Rainbow Faces that were with the Far-walkers. You guys remember them?"

"You mean those know it all's? Those guys were so annoying. They acted like we knew nothing." Cera said. She was less fascinated by Ruby's story. "What do you guys think?"
Go Chomper!

Gentle Sharptooth

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Gnosasaur noted the excitement in the Pterosaur’s voice. The Stone of Cold Fire was one of the relics he had been seeking to acquire, a rock he surmised had a purpose in the Fourrunners plans. “The Stone of Cold Fire, you know it? It is believed to have powered incredible stractures, in particular orbs of transport to the heavens.” Gnosasaur long body moved like serpent to the map. “I intend to harness its power to find the the sanctum of Ancients.” The Concavenator tilted his golden head and examined the Pterosaur. “I have need of an assistant in my search for the artifacts.”


Aboard the G*A*L*L*I*M*I*M*U*S, a peridot and emerald colored Velociraptor walks the halls of the station, his black spike like hairs bounce as he takes steps on sickle claw feet. Around hus eyes are orbs of yellow, like a halo or ring. In hus three fingered claw he holds a datapad and swipes through pages of information. Ring came to a sealed door, placing his datapad against a glowing blue square, which turned white and the door opened. The room was massive with kiosks and giant viewing screens. Ring olaced his datapad on ine and began searching files..
He came to myriad if subfiles, most of which were sealed with priority clearance. He typed with hus three claws, and came upon a file, _pteromiads. Upon clicking on it he found a screen that read “ACCESS DENIED”. Ring huffed, his sickle shaped teeth chattering and his spike like hairs rustling. A blue and grey Gallimimus approached Ring. “Can I help you Ringus? Is there a problem?” Ring made a snort that rumbled in his nose and throat. “Why is this file sealed? It was open yesterday?” The Maya colored Gallimimus looked at the screen and said, “Oh, all files on the Forerunners are being temporarily redacted and sealed.” Ring stroked his lower cheek and said, “Why?” The Gallimimus reaponded, “You will have to take that up with the Mysterium.” Frustated Ring left the archive room and sprint down the corridor at a fast pace. He came to a door, one he knew well. With his sickle toe claw he knocked. Perhaos Prizma could help him in his research.


Petrie quivered at the mention of Rainbowfaces. “Oh them! They are strange and creepy!” Petrie nearly fell off Spike’s back. “Me not like em! No! They made Uncle Pterano upset!”

“The Past is Gone..” -Dream On, Aerosmith


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Sanctum of ancients? Sierra only cared to use the power of the stone for himself… But this sounds interesting… He'll probably double-cross him when the moment seems the most advantageous for the wicked flyer. "I just meet yah, but… I would like to provide some assitance. I am also searching for the sanctum of ancients." Sierra said, hoping to ease his way to be an assistant for the sharptooth.

"Meeeh." Spike recalled seeing the rainbow faces. They were helpful to the gang and seemed to be quite wise. They even provided the gang some tasty treestars! He doesn't understand why Petrie didn't like them as they allowed the gang to reach Pterano and talk to him.

"Rainbow Faces? You think they might be those Skybeings Ruby?" Chomper asked, recalling how one of Ruby's stories was actually true. Specifically Hidden Runner.


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"I don't know..." Ruby was intrigued. "I don't think I've heard about these 'Rainbow Faces.' Even though it's my turn to tell a story, I think I'd rather let you take a turn telling me about these creatures you've never told me about," she mused.

"Yep, yep, yep," replied Ducky, happy to oblige. "They showed-ed up in the valley with the farwalkers a couple of cold times ago, they did. They were sort of strange, but also very helpful when we were trying to get to the Stone of Cold Fire before Petrie's uncle and the other flyers did."

Ruby scratched her chin, more puzzled than ever. "Stone of Cold Fire?" She gave this odd phrase some thought. "How can a fire be cold? And how can a cold stone be on fire?"

"Well...that is exactly what I said," Ducky admitted, looked as if she was getting a headache just thinking about it again. "It is confusing." She looked to her friends, hoping one of them could explain.


Defeated, Prizma sighed. She could pull off a perfect coverup on her missions, yet her brother could always tell when there was something she wasn't saying.

She was relieved when there was a sudden knock at the door, giving her an excuse to ignore Vega's questions, though she was soon wondering why anyone would be visiting her this late. She wondered if it had anything to do with her decision to move all data related to the Forerunners to the Mysterium, where the space force's most sensitive information was kept. This had been a spur-of-the-moment decision she'd made just in case, doing it on her own authority in the hopes that no one would notice. She used the touchpad on her wall to open her door...

"Good evening, Ring," she greeted the Velociraptor. "What are you doing here?"

Little Bro

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Vega was curious about what Prizma was doing at this hour. He decided he would find out using his invisibility device. He slowly opened the door, hoping that no one would see him. After that, he crept up behind Ringus and heard what he had to say.

Littlefoot explained to Ruby what the Rainbow Faces and Stone of Cold Fire were.

"The Rainbow Faces were these far-walkers that always talked about what was beyond the Mysterious Beyond. The Stone was something that they claimed could make miracles, and give powers to someone."

Cera chimed in with her two cents. "The Stone was really just some rock that made Petrie's uncle and some other flyers go on a giant chase over nothing. It was just another rock that fell from the sky. No big deal."
Go Chomper!

Gentle Sharptooth

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Gnosasaur beared hus full set of banana sized teeth, forming a smile. The offer of this Pterosaur to be hus assistant was a revealing triat, he could not be trusted, but that mattered little to this scholar. The Pterosaur would serve his purposes and become overwhwlmed by the powers they would exploit. This Flyer sought the Stone of Cold Fire, but Gnosasaur knew it was not the real treasure, that lie with the Sanctum of the Ancients. The Concavenator crossed the room to his scrolls and said, “Very well, you may assist in the search for mysteries, but take heed, what awaits us is not for faint of heart Flyer.” With that Gnosasaur pulled out a golden scepter with two Pterosaurs holding a sapphire between their beaks. “This belong to Pteroah Pteyranus. The stone is a shard of Stone of Cold Fire. It shall lead us to it. But it requires knowledgecto wield, knowledge only I possess. Are you ready Flyer, to begin?”


Ring stood outside Prizma’s door waiting for her answer. His mind filled with questions, ‘why was the foretunner files sealed? What of the Pteromaid disturbance?” Ring had detected a seismic pulse coming from the Tomb of Pteyranus. For millenia the tomb had been left undisturbed, but now messages and queries were coming from one of the Forerunner beacons down there. Ring had notified the Office of Intelligence and suggested an investigatory trip to the Pteromiads. He had recieved no reply and now all files pertaining to his formal report were closed.  As the door to Prizma’s wuarters opened, Ring’s eyes were aflame with frustration and his spikes hairs rustling like twigs snapping in a forest. “I apologize for the lateness of the hour. I have come from archives and have an urgent matter I wish to discuss.” Ring fidgeted on his sickle claw toes, “May I come in?” The Peridot Predator smelled the room, full of an odor that reminded him of herbs on earth.


Petrie chimed in on the storytelling, “Methinks it wasn’t a waste of time. Uncle Pterano still says the Stone is magic. He not have it because of those Rainbowsaurs.” Petrie crossed his wings in front of his chest, his brown span like a cape cloaking him.

“The Past is Gone..” -Dream On, Aerosmith


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Sierra shakes a little… Knowing that the stone is only a fragment of "The" stone urges him to take it and leave. But he resists knowing that there is a far greater reward in store. Whatever happens, whatever he see's or experiences, will all be for one goal. A goal he yearns to seek out till the very end. He has the resolve, whether Gnosasaur trusts him or not won't matter. "I am ready…"

"Whatever happened to the Rainbow Faces? Did they leave with the farwalkers?" Chomper asked curiously.

Spike rolls his eyes. If Petrie and Pterano have one thing in common, it's that they are pretty stubborn… Whatever happened to those two other flyers anyway?

Rinkus was now flying through the night… Not giving a thought about where he was heading. The only thought he had was he had to eat something soon. He is unaware that he would once again wind up in the Great Valley. A place where Pterano is currently unwelcome… including his once followers.


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"Ah..." Prizma muttered, hesitant at first. He suspected she knew something. "Alright," she finally said.

She at least felt she could trust Ring to keep her concerns under wraps once she'd explained where she was coming from. The two had known each other for a long time, since early on in Ring's training as an agent.

She motioned for him to enter.


"I did not know you had talked-ed to Pterano since then," Ducky said to Petrie. She put an arm around him, hoping to comfort him. "I am sorry, but...I do not think the stone ever was magic." She paused to consider her words. "I think your uncle really wanted to believe that it was...and he probably still does want to...but it was not, no, no, no," she said sadly. "I am sorry. But even though we never finded a magic stone, we did find the good inside your uncle, oh yes!"

Then she answered Ruby's question. "About the Rainbow Faces, they did leave when the farwalkers did. At least, I think they did. I never saw them go, I did not. But after night fell and the farwalkers went away, we never saw the Rainbow Faces again, either."

Ruby was still deep in thought. "They were called Rainbow Faces..." she muttered. "Funny, a lot of stories say the Sky Beings have bright-colored faces. That seems like an awfully big coincedence to be coincedental." Continuing her story, she revealed, "And the Sky Beings are always supposed to leave at night, too. One moment, they're standing someplace, and the next moment, they're standing no place, with strange lights in the sky above where they used to be." She frowned. "At least, I think that's what they say happens. No one has ever been very close when the Sky Beings leave, so they can't say whether what folks say about this is correct or not."

Little Bro

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Littlefoot thought that now was a good time to tell the gang what happened.

"Guys," Littlefoot said, "I saw the Rainbow Faces leave. There was a beam of light, and then they disapeared. I didn't want to tell you guys yet because they didn't want me to see them, but I saw them."

"Well thanks for telling us!" Cera said angrily. "It wouldn't surprise me if you're just making this up! My dad said that longnecks will tell lies just because they want attention and to look smart!"

"I'm telling the truth!" Littlefoot said. "You guys believe me, don't you?"

Vega powered down his invisibility device. Ring and Prizma went into the other room, and he couldn't tell what they were saying through the wall. Not yet, anyway.

Vega went back into his room and got out his hearing device. A little object that could hear what was going on in other rooms. Vega pressed it against the wall, and listened in on what they were saying.
Go Chomper!

Gentle Sharptooth

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Gnosasaur waved the scepter and blue light wraped around Him and Sierra. It formed a sapphire ring which encircled them causing a flash if light. Gnosasaur and Seirra were now on the dunes of the desert, the bright circle high in the blue sky. The Concavenator’s gold plates and horned sparkled beneath the bright circle reflecting like mirrors. Before them was many dunes which lead to a canyon. There Gnosasaur would lead the Pterosaur to a temple built in the rock walls. “Come along Flyer, mysteries await.”


Ring entered the room, his toe claws tapping the metal floor. He came to window that was a porthole to space, the blackness and stars twinkling was a constant aboard the station. He turned back to Prizma, he detected in her demeanor and face something was wrong. He coukd read her as she coykd read him, ever since they were Intiates in the agent program. She had advanced qhickly, while he struggled. Few Dromasauria ever became agents, the majority of graduates were Gallimimus. Ring had suffered prejudice over being a sharptooth in the program. Most of the Gallimima treated him with mild neglect, others outright shunned him.  But Prizma was different, she befriended him from day one, restoring Ring’s faith in the program. They worked together in the research labs and would have been formed into a team except for Ring’s obession with the Forerunners. He had been digging in the archives, trying to glean whatever information he could about them. His passion alarmed the Elders, and the Mysterium, and when time came for graduation, Prizma went on while he was left behind. Eventually, Ring made a name for himself in Ptero Wars, he developed tech to safeguard relics of the Ancients, and was part of a team that intervened to stop the slaughter between Pteradons and Pterodactyls. But safeguarding Forerunner artifacts only made him more curious about them, which led him to petitioning to go to Ptergypt, and investigate the Pteromiads. His request recieved no answer, which was typical of the Mysterium.

Ring brought himself back from memory, turned,  and opened wide his mouth, revealing the rows of sickle shaped teeth. “I was just in the archives, all data on the forerunners is redacted and sealed. I came here to ask you about it. Do you know why the files are sealed?” He stepped closer to Prizma examining her countenance, he sensed an answer was forthcoming but would not come easily.


Petrie felt Ducky wrap her arms around him, but he pulled aeay as she made her case. “No, Uncle Pterano is right! The stone is magical. Me believe it!” Petrie turned his back on the Gang as Littlefoot made his confession. The little pterosaur was sure his uncle was right, he had to be.
« Last Edit: May 22, 2020, 07:31:30 PM by Gentle Sharptooth »

“The Past is Gone..” -Dream On, Aerosmith


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Sierra was in massive shock when they teleported! That truly is a fragment of the legendary stone! Sierra exclaimed in his thoughts. That entire show was the proof that he was searching for! Sierra knew he made the right choice following this sharptooth. Without hesitation he follows.

“I believe you Littlefoot. I know you wouldn’t tell any lies.” Chomper said in a comforting tone. “It must have been amazing."

Spike nods, but… it was more of an “I guess” nod as he recalled how Littlefoot lied about the Tinysauruses, it was an odd phase for the longneck.

Chomper and Spike look at Petrie's concern. Spike wonders if Petrie met Pterano again not that long ago. And if he did, how did Pterano get past the grown-ups? Spike couldn’t help but think though there is good in Pterano, he still has his quirks. Spike knows he has some himself… Yummy treestars… He then digs into a pile next to him.

Chomper couldn’t help but go: :areyouserious At Spike.

“There is no magic… Not in this world… Only lies and pain…” A faint murmur could be heard near the gang. Rinkus was on the verge of collapsing from hunger. The flight had taken out most of his strength. He knew he was in territory that he was unwelcome, but he didn’t care. The leaves were more to be desired, but he has no strength to fish. (Whether the gang hears and notices Rinkus or not is up to you guys. XD)