The Gang of Five
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Into Cyrodiil


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"Men are but flesh and blood; they know their doom, but not the hour. In this I'm blessed to see the hour of my death! To face my apportuned fate, then fall."
รณ Emperor Uriel Septim VII

The Oblivion Crisis had brought the Empire to its knees, there is no doubting that. For the first time in centuries, the unified world that Talos Stormcrown...or Tiber Septim to the Imperials...once fought to create, is beginning to take its toll. The Oblivion Crisis caused many to question what...uncertain events await for Tamriel and her people.

Unknown to them however, is that the gears of time were already in motion, Molag Bal was becoming restless and soon Tamreil will be engulfed in the events to come...

 Each event is preceded by Prophecy. But without the hero, there is no Event...



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nick stirred from his sleep he suddenly realized that he was not him, in bed, as he normally was. he was lying, on a mat of straw and dressed in rough clothes-what others might call rags. ' he had no idea how he had gotten her, and he wanted to know where he was.. a few paces from the straw Nick found his way blocked by a barred door. he suddenly realized.. he was in prison he looked around. there were steps leading upward and a cell across from his which was also occupied. nick blinked he had never seen a creature like that before- was that an elf? he was so interested he didntrealize the elf was talking to him, or more accurately.. mocking him. ' you're going to die here human' he said ' just like everyone else here..
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Glides-on-Water awoke in his bed in Frostcrag Spire.  After eating he made he walked to the alchemy bench.  He had decided to spend some days away from the Knights of the Nine Priory hq and here instead.  He had spent the time reading and making some potions.  He decided to make some more potions today also.  Some he would take with him.  Some he would leave here, in case he would need some and could return here to get them.  Some he would leave in his room in the Knights of the Nine Priory.    A few potions and he'd be done for today.  He would return to his questing soon.  He had done all of the quests he had undertaken and had decided to take some time off, as he often did.  Then he'd go back to the priory to see if any quest that needed doing had come to their attention.


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John's head was sore, his muscles ached as his eyes flickered open and widened upon seeing the ceiling of a cave above him. "W-where am I?" He muttered as he sat up and gazed at his surroundings. He was in a cell...that seemed to be in a cave.


Qa'Dar quietly entered the Oak and Crosier in Chorrol, there he saw Talasma behind the bar, he walked up behind her and kissed the female Khajiit's neck, wrapping his arms around her waist.

"This one has travelled far to see you." Qa'Dar spoke.

Talasma turned and smiled. "Well, the trip was worth it, my love."



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nick was going to ask the elf some questions, along the ' how did i get here/?' line, but he was prevented from asking questions as heavy footsteps came down the stairs and a pair off armored men came down the steps' the key rattled in the lock, and the door to nicks cell was flung open, and nick was grabbed by the scruff of the neck by one of the men ' you.. are coming with us! the soldier said ' with all due respect sir, i didn't DO anything!' nick protested ' sure you didn't.. howw else did you end up in jail?' the other man said ' on your feet, we have cleared debris from the jail enterance  and we're using some prisoners to do the work! Think of it- fresh air, a chance to earn some coin, and work up some sweat. you do well enuogh and we may keep you on work patrol' the soldfier said as he dragged Nick up the stairs..
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The potion making done, Glides-on-water put away some of the potions he made into a chest, so he could easily retrieve them later if need be.  Some others he put aside to take with him, so whenever he went on any quests or traveling around.   Then he went to properly wash himself.  Once he was dried off he went over to pick up a book he had been reading.   He thought in a bit, or tomorrow, he may go to the Priory to see if any news or quests or rumors had come in.  No need to hurry and do that now.


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nick was dragged up the stairs through a doorway where a number off armed guards stood , looking impressive and forboding in their armor. nick was given a old musty smelling shovel and lead outside. the bright sunlight caught nick off guard for a moment but he soon adjusted himself. a large pile of debris sat in front of the prison, looking up nick could see large holes in the side of the building.. ' get to work prisoner' the guard ordered, put the debris in that cart over there' he pointed to a half-full cart that stood nearby. nick sighed , bent over and began digging into the pile.
dar Ma entered the Oak and Crossier carrying a package which was intebnded for Talasma. ' good morning talsma I have have a package here for you ' Dar maa said the young argonian giving the khajit a smile. she then noticed Qa'Dar, and her smile grew wider ' sorry ! i didnt mean to interrupt anything' she said shyly..
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Suddenly, a woman appeared next to the cell without a sound.  

"The time has come....sacrifice."

John wasn't keen to know why he was referred to as a sacrifice, but he had a good idea none-the-less, and he had to get out.

"Is that all I am to you? a pity, things may have ended well for you otherwise."


Qa'Dar smiled and gave the argonian lass a flourish. "Do not worry, this one and Talasma were just having a moment." the khajiit explained politely.




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' well, i didnt want to interrupt" Dar Ma said with a smiled as she handed the package to Talasma " my mother sends her regards, as always' she added as she turned to Qa'Dar ' Can i get you anything good sir?" She asked ' we have all sorts of goods at the shop if you are looking to buy.."
Nick was being carefully watched by a guard as he began attacking the pile of rubble. it was hard work, work Nick was not particularly used to. ' Keep working prisoner!" the guard said with a ruthless air.
_ Across from the Imperial City lay the city of Cheydinhall. at the local mages guild, Deetsan the Argonian mage was out for her morning stroll to the local bookstore. "Mach-Na says she has the spellbooks i've been looking for' Deetsan smiled to herself ' lets hope she sells them at the agreed price, shes usually fair but can be a bit stingy at times.. the perils of of being a merchant.. someone always trying to swindle you.."
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Glides put the book down after reading it for a bit.  He bundled up and went to get make a little tea.  Then he went to the top of the tower and outside so he could look at the surroundings.   He could make out the imperial city in the distance through the areas of fog between where he was and there.  

Once he was done sipping is tea he then went back inside to do some light exercising, then he made himself a meal.  He decided to eat his meal in his bedroom sitting at a chair and small table where he could see the indoor garden that he had that was adjacent to that.   He was still exploring the magic of how the plants grew so well and the light source, as well as some other magic of the tower.  Some of it he had figured out.  

Once his meal was done and everything was cleaned up he then went back to reading his book.


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as Nick was pushing another  rock onto the wagon, the guard watching him gave out a loud yell and fell over, a arrow in his chest. loud yells reached him as a group of armed creatures rushed towards the guard tower' run Prisoner its a bandit raid! said another guard as he rushed out of the door ;' you're on your own, we cant help you. Run!" he said pointing down a nearby street ' nick  ran as fast as he could still holding onto his shovel, which served as a ersatz weapon. the cries of battle soon reached him as the guards fought with the intruders, who had climbed through a hole in the citys walls. a nearby sign caught his eye and he ran towards the building passing through heavy doors. inside nick found himself in another section of the city, what appeared to ber a bgroup of shops. nick headed down the street and turned towards the first building he saw called the merchants Inn. as he turned he bumped into someone headed iout of the building ' oh.. sorry' he said apologetically to the person ' no need to apologize said the female argonian. ' look, i'm sorry for running into you.. but well some.. bandits.. attacked and well the guards told me to run.. and i did.. Nick started to explain. " ah, you're a prisoner.. let me guess the guards are only out for themselves.. figures.. ever since the emperor was killed by those fanatics everything gone to oblivion around here.. i'm nicula..' said the  argonian, who was, nick now notriced, quite fetching foer her species. ' better come in.. nick was it.. ' we'll need to get you out of the city, but wait until the guards drive off the can hide out in my room until then.. i'll pass you off as a messenger from the captain of the guard.
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As Nicula and Nick spoke, another bandit rounded the corner, raising his weapon and making his way towards them.  Before the bandit could take more than a few steps, the rattle of armor was heard from above, and a figure clad in black armor vaulted off the nearby roof, landing as it impaled the bandit with a massive spear.  It looked up, staring at the Argonian and human through a foxface-shaped visor.  A brief glint of light flared from within a slit where the eyes were, and the figure stood up and turned, running off down the street...

Outside Chorrol, a single figure stood atop the walls of a small castle, red crest of its helmet flowing in the wind as it looked out across the woodlands surrounding the castle.  
"The wind... I feel an ill wind coming across this land..."
The armored man murmured, leaping down from the battlements and making his way down the worn road to Chorrol...


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'Thank You" Nick called to the rapidly departing Figure' As nicula grabbed him and dragged him inside the inn.' follow me' Nicula said as he headed inside the inn. there were a few customers sitting around tables, having a meal or a drink. nicula paid no attention to them but instead headed for the stairs which wear at the back of the inn. nick followed as quickly as he dared' his is like some strange dream' he muttered as he followed the argonian up the stairs
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"Foolish boy! You should be honored to die for the Deep Ones." the fanatical, grey skinned woman replied, unlocking the cell and taking John's arm forcibly. He gave a grunt and was forced to follow. As they walked to what would very well be John's death, more cultists joined up, some human as well as more elvish-looking ones.

John then got his first look at the woman pulling him along and almost gasped. She was a Dunmer, a race he thought as purely fictional. Despite being covered in mud and grime, she was a rather attractive one at that. With shapely thighs, ample teats and soft hands. "A shame, I would court her if she wasn't a fanatical nutcase." John thought as she pulled him along.

They stopped before a stone slab, covered in dried blood. No doubt from previous victims.

As the female Dunmer turned to face John again, she took notice of the pentacle necklace he wore.

"Well, well. What trinket have you got there?" she asked, coming uncomfortably close to him.

 John narrowed his eyes.

"Its not any of your business."

"Oh, but surely it will be when you are gone. Perhaps it will look better on me."

"Just be silent and let's get this over with, you smelly wench."

"My, defiant...even when death is just a heartbeat away."

The Dunmer woman kissed John's cheek forcefully, biting him hard as she broke the kiss.

However, she had made the mistake of lowering her guard.

That was when John made his move.

He quickly elbowed the Dark Elf's gut and knocks her out with a swift kick to the jaw.

The other cultists quickly drew their swords and axes. John was quick on his feet though and twisted the wrist of a thin one and snatched the iron shortsword from his hands before running his foe through with the sword before jumping back to get some distance from the other aggressors.

"Give up boy! Your out-numbered." One yelled.

"I'll enjoy spilling your guts." Shouted another.

Quickly moving towards the cavarn wall. John took a torch from its mantle and threw it at the cultists, setting their bodies aflame.

Their screams pained him. But John kept running until he came to a ladder, he climbed it and opened a trap door.

Quickly climbing out, John dashed out of the building and evaded all other locals of this messed up place. Into the forest he went, trying to get as far as possible. But as he ran out of breath, it dawned on him. Where was he?...


Qa'Dar smiled and hoisted his pack. "Just to tell your mother that this one my visit Northern Goods soon. Qa'Dar hasn't seen her in awhile, and this one has gifts." the Khajiit replied politely.

Talasma thanked the young Argonian and handed her 40 septims.



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As the armored man made his way down the path towards Chorrol, he heard footsteps running through the woods some distance away from himself, and turned, hand flying to the steel saber that rested on his hip.  Drawing it, he faced where the sounds had come from, assuming a regal, poised combat stance.
"Whoever is there, come out of hiding.  If you mean me no harm, than I will not attack you!"
He said, helmeted head glancing around the area...


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Dar ma put the coins into her coin purse and nodded in thanks to Talasma ' i'll be sure to let Mother know Qa'Dar. She'll be glad to have guest and friend visiting her again' Dar Maa said as she headed out of the inn.
_ in the southern city of Bravil, the merchant Dru essa was making her normal rounds. She wasnt selling as much as she used to, war and uncertainty will hurt business and ales, sher thought. she passed by the lucky lady and tossed a gold coin into the fountain for luck. ' May I find a someone who i can do good trade with' she intoned, making a silent prayer to the gods.
 Nicula finally reached her room and opened the door,' Inside, and quickly' She said and Nick headed in as quickly as he could.' nicula closed to the door and went to a nearby drawer and pulled out a knapsack.. ' here, these are some clothes i took off a bandit who tried to way;ay he on the road to this city. a fatal mistake for him as it turns out' She said in a cold voice. " put those on, and toss those rags away. i woont peek i promise' she added as nick looked at the bandits clotghes, which included a shirt, pants and shoes.
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John froze as he heard and Authoritative voice call in his direction, he was detected. His only hope now is that this person was not like the Cultists.

Slowly, he walked out into the open, the sight of what appeared to be a guard greeted him.

"Just me, I am not hostile." John spoke, lowering his short sword.


Qa'Dar handed Talasma eight septims for a bottle of Alto wine, his favorite.



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Dar Ma headed across town to her mothers shop, amd entered' she went to the counter from where Seed Nues did business and tosssed thwe gold into the jar' courtesy of Talasma " she said ' she was pleased with the deliverty' she called up the stairs.
 Nick meanwhile threw on the bandits clothes. they were a bit big for him, but it was better than bnothing. ' can i turn around yet?' Nicula asked from her corner ' Just another minute.. and thanks for  helping me get to safety' Nick said. 'where are you from? Nicula asked ' America" Nick said " Never heard of it' The Agornian said and Nick's mouth fell open. ' Where then are we?' This is the Imperial City, capital of the Tiberian Empire, the region you are in is called Cyrodil, and the world is called Tamriel. There are 9 divines and about 20 or so daedric princes, depending on what race you hail from..' Nicula said. " Me, i'm a traveler, adventurer you might say. i've spent many a night at an inn, and cut down many a bandit..' do you mind if i travel with you' Nick asked. ' if you wish. ' nicula shrugged as she turned around. ' we won't be traveling by ourselves for very long, as i have friends i've been meaning to meet up wth in cheydinhall and bravil. we'll head to cheydinhall first. so adjust your armor and get moving' Nicula said.
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The armored man nodded, twirling his saber before deftly sheathing it.  
" don't look like you're from around here.  Where do you hail from, stranger?"
He said, his tone lightening considerably...

Atop the walls of the Imperial City, the vulpine-armored figure shook its head and sighed hollowly.
"That's him...but what is he doing here?  Why is he here?"
It murmured to itself, voice echoing slightly...


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John shrugged. "Florida." He replied. "Where am I, anyway?"


Seed Neeus smiled, Talasma always was a good friend of theirs. "Another satisfied customer." She muttered.


Qa'Dar had left the Oak and Crosier, deciding to settle down near the Great Oak before heading to Northern Goods & Trade.