The Gang of Five
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Discuss: The Big Longneck Test


  • Cera
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I wouldn't say Bron is heartless. You have to remember didn't recognize Littlefoot when he first met him, so he more than likely doesn't know about his son's journey to the Great Valley. Sure, Littlefoot may have told him everything while they were in the crater, but it would have happened off screen. Another thing to think about is that the journey to the Great Valley wasn't a test to see if Littlefoot could lead a herd. It was test to see if he had what it takes to survive. He obviously failed as a leader because the group end up abandoning him. Sure they all found the valley in the end, but still a true leader would have kept the group together at all times and listened to the input of his/her group members.


  • Cera
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And Bron did say he wanted a better home for his son. So he did find one but found other little long necks to take care of. So he didn't really abandon his son those other long necks where lonely so Bron Stayed and took care of them.


  • Spike
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Quote from: LBTLover1,Oct 3 2011 on  08:57 PM
It's also cool because the test that brought Littlefoot and the gang to the Great Valley (hint, hint... original movie) DIDN'T COUNT!!
I thought that should've been qualified enough to be a destined herd leader. Why wasn't it? Littlefoot, or his friends could've just told Bron, couldn't they?

Really, this episode wasn't my favorite of the series...


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This is a good episode if you ask me. It brought Shorty and Bron back and the idea (Littlefoot having to do a kind of test) was better than many episode's ideas. Besides the sub-plot with Shorty 'leading' the Gang was nice. There were some pretty funny scenes, too.
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  • The Circle
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I did like seeing Bron & Shorty again.  I thought testing a longneck as young as Littefoot didn't really make sense, though I did enjoy seeing those 2 again and also enjoyed the Shorty scenes.


  • Cera
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I did as well even tho Bron wasn't voiced by Sutherland it was still a very good episode. I also liked how Little Foot had to take the test as well. And that he had earn his right of passage instead of just getting it. It was actually not that bad of a episode. I liked  it somewhat and I'd see it again.


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I thought that this was one of the better episodes.  I especially liked the fact that we finally got to see more of Bron and Shorty.  There were a few points, however, that I felt could have been done better.  

For one, there should have been some elaboration on the exact function of the Big Longneck Test.  Is it the only test of leadership that a longneck has?  If so, then I would have to agree with many of the previous comments in that the three tests were unsatisfactory for actually testing leadership skills for leading a longneck herd.  If, however, the test was meant to see if the young longneck has the behavior potential to be a good leader then it may be a suitable test.  That is the way that I interpreted it - as sort of an entrance exam to the possibility of being a future leader.  If a longneck did not pass the test then he or she simply would never be considered for leadership.

The other issue I had with the episode was how succinct Shorty's introduction to Chomper was.  I realize that the episodes are rather short, but a small longneck who has been faced with the loss of his family (perhaps from a sharptooth attack) and then has traveled with a herd (whose main threat is from sharpteeth) should have more of a reaction when he finds out that his adopted brother has both a sharptooth and an oviraptor as best friends.

But despite those two issues that I had with the episode, I still rather enjoyed it overall.

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I still find it odd that the test is done on someone as young as Littlefoot.  There may be great leaders who if you look at them as young kids showed no sign of leadership, and vice versa.  Also they seemed to never take into consideration his leading a group to the Great Valley as he did.  

Though as I said before, despite that, it was good and enjoyable to see Shorty & Bron again.


  • Ducky
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Quote from: Noname,Apr 28 2007 on  11:16 AM
Well, what would leaders of a herd have to concern themselves with?

Perhaps this list will cover it:

- Finding enough food and water for everyone.
- Leading everyone away from danger and towards shelter/safety.
- Resolving disputes amicably.
- Representing his herd in inter-herd diplomacy.
- And perhaps, if the system is hereditary... providing an heir.

None of the tests given in the episode cover any of these.
1.)  Littlefoot was instrumental in part in solving the water issue, both by being willing to help reveal the secret watering hole even when Hyp didn't want to and also his role in helping break the rocks that restored roaring falls later.

2.)  Littlefoot risked his life to his grandfather in the fourth film.

3.)  He is known ton befriend other kinds, even Sharpteeth and Bothteeth.

4.)  He rarely displays bigotry at all and trusts many, though he did see through Pterano.

5.)  He is the one urging the others to keep going in the first film even when they are worn out because he knows they need to keep going.  Also, he saves the others when Cera fails them and even saves Cera too.

6.) He doesn't appear to be power-hungry.

Providing a heir?   He's not even capable of that yet!!!!

Littlefoot fan 1990

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  • Petrie
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This was a pretty good episode in my opinion. I like how Bron and Shorty made another appearance since the 10th movie. I also like how Shorty tried to lead Littlefoot's friends on an adventure even though he wasn't a good leader.


  • Ducky
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Quote from: LBTFan13,Oct 8 2011 on  11:11 AM
I wouldn't say Bron is heartless. You have to remember didn't recognize Littlefoot when he first met him, so he more than likely doesn't know about his son's journey to the Great Valley. Sure, Littlefoot may have told him everything while they were in the crater, but it would have happened off screen. Another thing to think about is that the journey to the Great Valley wasn't a test to see if Littlefoot could lead a herd. It was test to see if he had what it takes to survive. He obviously failed as a leader because the group end up abandoning him. Sure they all found the valley in the end, but still a true leader would have kept the group together at all times and listened to the input of his/her group members.
1.) Littlefoot was only 5 years old then.

2.)  He was going the right way.  He doesn't have the ability to force the others to go with him.  

3.) It was Cera that was the bad leader.  She thought she was so high and mighty and was so stinking proud, even after being found to be wrong.  She nearly got them killed.  They would have died in fact, had not Littlefoot gone after them!  

A good leader would risk his own neck when his followers get sidetracked and go into danger.  Littlefoot is the opposite of Pterano, and, indeed, Cera.  

I think that, say there was a vicious Sharptooth coming and one of the Gang of Five got tangled in a vine and needed to get out, I could see Littlefoot actually staying there until his friend was freed or them both going down together.  He might tell others to save themselves if he is the one caught in the vine and not to risk themselves to save him, but, if it's a friend in danger, he will do all he can to save them and will not go off to save himself, even if the friend is actually yelling at him to do so.

As for Shorty being afraid of Ruby, why should he be?  The only meat she eats is shells and maybe fish.  It's not like she is having lognneck steak in secret.  

As for Chomper, if you recall, Bron said that he'd been there before.  Shorty likely came too as Bron's adopted son.  If so, he may well have met Chomper before, did an OMG before, and hence gotten it out of him earlier.  :lol

Chomper's eating habits bug him (pun maybe intended) though they shouldn't, as we all know what our friendly neighborhood Sharptooth could be eating, and that part still likely does, even if he's gotten over Chomper, er, somewhat.   Perhaps Shorty is still a bit shy about being around a Sharptooth with no adults around.    Shorty still appears to be kind of a headstrong, kind of Cera-ish.  (Cera is a nice character, but she's hard-headed and that cannot be denied and she can be a bully at times.)


  • The Circle
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It was Cera that was the bad leader.
A bit off topic, but I got to say one thing on Cera's behalf there. Cera was not trying to be a leader. She never said anything to actively talk the others out of following Littlefoot and never said anything suggesting for her to be after the "power" of being the leader. All she said and did was based on her conviction that Littlefoot's way was wrong and that she would pick what she believed to be an easier way (which turned out to be wrong of course). When the others followed her it was not because Cera was trying to talk them into anything but just because they too (on their own accord) felt that she was right.
It is kind of funny how on the one hand Cera keeps getting linked to the term bossy, while on the other hand she doesn't actually decide to take the leading role all too often. There are examples in LBT 2 and LBT 6 (when Littlefoot is not around) and there are probably more examples that I don't remember right now, but still it is relatively rare that Cera is actually trying to lead or convince others rather than doing what she personally thinks is right (which is usually just what Littlefoot does).


  • Ducky
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She is kind of bossy, though she's more of a bully.  Not to the extent of Hyp, but certainly kind of like Shorty.  


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    • No Sense of Reason
How come this episode was never released on DVD?
I'm hip, I'm cool. I'm a happening fool


  • Petrie
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Personally, I never liked Bron. Sure, he was a great soul. Although, even if he was Littlefoot's father, I don't think it was fair to ask Littlefoot to drop everything and come with him. I cried listening to the song "Bestest Friends" as a kid, it wasn't fair, I felt as if I was being separated from loved ones too. I felt sorry for Littlefoot. I don't think Bron cared really either.
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It’s funny to see you saying “when I was a kid”. I was already in my twenty/twenty one when I watched LBT X :p

Bestest Friends is one of my favourite LBT songs of all time, I love its emotional weight. It’s not out of character for Bron, or any other parent to want their long lost son to come live with them, however, Littlefoot ended up making the right choice. His place was in the Great Valley, that was his home. I still believe that LBT X was a great wasted opportunity to bring back Ali in a proper way. You could’ve had both story lines, Ali and Bron, without making too much damage to the plot. Still, it’s one of the best sequels.

Do you think this episode will be released with the new movie?
I'm hip, I'm cool. I'm a happening fool


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You know, after seeing this episode, another thing that bugs me about "The Amazing Threehorn Girl" in hindsight is that everyone got all mad at Cera for lying. But here, Shorty is discovered to be a liar and everyone just laughs it off? What gives?

But thankfully, this episode is otherwise pretty good.

I think you guys can guess what my opinion is on the songs, considering they're remakes and all. :p
I can hardly blame ya. The repeated songs has been a gripe of mine as well. Although I do really like "Big Longneck Test" at least. :yes "Adventuring" not so much. :p

For one, there should have been some elaboration on the exact function of the Big Longneck Test.  Is it the only test of leadership that a longneck has?  If so, then I would have to agree with many of the previous comments in that the three tests were unsatisfactory for actually testing leadership skills for leading a longneck herd.
I really like the idea of the tests in themselves. I think the concept was just underdeveloped more than anything. There is definitely more they could have done with it if they'd been able to give it some more focus.

It’s funny to see you saying “when I was a kid”. I was already in my twenty/twenty one when I watched LBT X :p
And I was twenty-nine when I saw it for the first time. :P

Bestest Friends is one of my favourite LBT songs of all time, I love its emotional weight. It’s not out of character for Bron, or any other parent to want their long lost son to come live with them, however, Littlefoot ended up making the right choice. His place was in the Great Valley, that was his home. I still believe that LBT X was a great wasted opportunity to bring back Ali in a proper way. You could’ve had both story lines, Ali and Bron, without making too much damage to the plot. Still, it’s one of the best sequels.
I agree with all of this. ^^

One of the stronger episodes for sure.
« Last Edit: May 02, 2024, 06:18:55 AM by StardustSoldier »