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Messages - ImpracticalDino

Pages: 1 2 3 ... 493
The Party Room / Re: Land Before Time: One word story
« on: Today at 12:30:45 AM »

Haha, and the funny part is that some of the movies I would watch again are considered the bottom of the barrel by other people! Namely, I have some fond memories attached to LBT 13, so it actually isn’t on my do-not-watch list. Yep, that guess of yours wasn’t so on the mark, and neither was LBT 10, which is one of my favorite sequels.

Hehe-hahaha! Yo-o-ou know what, Mu-u-ud Brother? While I'm kinda surprised that you would actually prefer watching LBT 13 over some of the other sequels you've mentioned, Mo-o-o-o is quite happy for you that you're able to enjoy the 13th movie! It's always had such a lukewarm reception due to those crazy, colorful Yellowbellies, but you know what? It's not like they were too horrible or anything in my opinion, hehe. In fact, I know a few people here who even like the Yellowbellies! Perhaps I will grow more warmer to them as well when I re-watch the 13th movie in the future and review it. Stay tuned for my thoughts on that. ;)

But as for LBT 11? Yep, that’s one of the movies I’m pretty confident I’ll never watch again. Not only is the plot very bland, it also ends up pulling Littlefoot out-of-character to a point where he’s not even likable. The new characters aren’t very interesting, either.

Also on my list is LBT 8. Again, the main character (Ducky in this case) is pulled into unlikeable territory just to make the plot work. Meanwhile, a busybody spiketail mom comes along and tries to coax Spike away from his real family. Not to mention Thicknose reminds me of the kinds of pompous teachers I couldn’t stand in real life. The excitement the snow brings to the valley is literally the only fun part of this movie in my opinion, but that doesn’t redeem it enough for me to sit through the whole movie again.

Finally, there’s LBT 14. Now, this movie brought me great excitement around the time of its release. Back then, I watched it several times out of my excitement that the franchise was returning (sorry, teenage me, but it really wasn’t). Not long ago, however, I went to watch it again for the first time in years and was stunned at how boring it actually was. I couldn’t even make it all the way through. It offers nothing new to the franchise, essentially just remixing a bunch of tropes from the other movies. True, this series has always done that to some extent, but 14 reaches a whole new level! Heck, Littlefoot and the rest of the gang get into that same “splitting up” argument that happened clear back in the first movie! It makes it look like they’ve had no character development at all!

Completely agreed about Littlefoot's horrible characterization in LBT 11. I can definitely see why you refuse to watch that sequel again. As for the Tinysauruses? Well I found them pretty endearing, though I suppose Mo-o-o love me some tinies and smol creatures out there! Go-o-o, go-o-o, tiny power! :DD :smile

For LBT 8, I not really remember too much. So I'll have to definitely re-watch it again to get a better opinion on it myself.

Yeah, I've heard from some people that our latest installment of LBT, the 14th movie, was basically one of the most disappointing movies out there. Not the worst, but it failed expectations for people that were expecting something better and grander after LBT 13. Once again, I'd have to watch this again to have a better opinion on it.

Anyway, now you have my two cents. But wow, I’m really surprised that nobody else here has even one LBT movie they’re done with. But then again, some of you might change your minds, heh heh…  :p @ImpracticalDino I would’ve had the same viewpoint as you when I was your age, but as time goes on, I feel like life is just too short for movies I don’t enjoy that much.

Nope, nope, nope! You'd need some rainbowface brain wave technology in order to make this fishy have any thoughts about never watching any of the LBT movies ever again! :opetrie :cerasmug

But yeah though, the thing about not investing time in something you just don't enjoy much, that I understand. Hehe, I guess we can all be glad though that we're still adoring/loving the Land Before Time dinosaur franchise in general, despite being full grown adults. At least that would stay with our hearts forever.
:wub :RhettAli

The Fridge / Re: Rating YOUR ratings?!
« on: May 31, 2024, 11:56:37 PM »
O-o-o-oh... Mo-o-o see. So far, from what I've gathered from both of you, giving something literally no points is not something that's really done generally. Or at least, I believe its because there is nothing out there that probably would deserve a 0. Some exceptions could be something that is done horribly on purpose or something that could literally be harmful to you or other people potentially?

A long time ago, I used to write and post reviews on Amazon, where you had to assign a rating from 1 to 5 stars. I've seen the letter grade system (A-F) too before.

Lol, even though Amazon wouldn't allow people to rate anything lower than a 1, imo it's warranted in a few occasions. For example, if an item literally doesn't work at all with zero redeeming qualities about it, then it would probably deserve a 0, right? Though that would probably be reserved for quite rare occasions. What do-o-o yo-o-ou think? I'm curious about your Amazon review past.
:CeraHAPPY :olittlefoot

I have a special system:
When I rate anything, at first, I give a rate from 1 to 5:

1 - worst / shame / disaster
2- bad / weak / disappointing
3 - normal / average / not as expected
4 - good / likable / surprising
5 - perfect / adoring / masterpiece

Mo-o-o kinda like what your going with as you describe each tier of your ratings from 1 to 5. Three different adjectives to describe each layer of points that can be given to whatever your reviewing. Your intention with those three adjectives (though I'm probably overreaching here :P) was to give yourself a different metric of why you gave something, like a book or film piece, the rating that you did. Like for example, giving The Land Before Time movie a 5/5, and based on the adjectives for that rating, you probably would say that it was a perfect movie which is why it deserved a 5/5. However, another reason could be, while you didn't think it was perfect or a masterpiece entirely per say, but you really loved and adored the movie personally and gave it a high rating for that, right? Let me know your thoughts about that. :)

It's Party Time! / Re: Move In or Run?
« on: May 31, 2024, 11:30:23 PM »
Move in! :ChomperPOG :)petrie :spikeblush


It's Party Time! / Re: Ban the character above you...LBT theme!
« on: May 31, 2024, 11:28:02 PM »
Banned for only appearing in one movie.


It's Party Time! / Re: Word Connection
« on: May 31, 2024, 11:25:42 PM »

It's Party Time! / Re: Alphabet Game
« on: May 31, 2024, 11:23:59 PM »

It's Party Time! / Re: Hangman
« on: May 31, 2024, 11:23:36 PM »
_ _ E T _ A _

Correct: E, A, T
Incorrect: S, L, B, R, H
Guesses Left: 1

It's Party Time! / Re: Word Association
« on: May 31, 2024, 11:22:40 PM »

The Fridge / Rating YOUR ratings?!
« on: May 31, 2024, 12:06:53 AM »
Hello-o-o, Mu-u-ud Brotherrrs! :Mo

Yesterday, @StardustSoldier gave this fishy the inspiration to talk about a topic that I think is quite interesting. This involves any movies, books, or any type of medium really that can be reviewed and rated upon. When rating something we invest our time in, the point of that is to gauge how much we liked/enjoyed the thing we indulged in already. To have a tangible, quick basis on how we measure our like/dislike for something, we usually score something numerically or by quantity.

It can be something like, rating an LBT film from a numerical range of 0-5, 0-10, 0-100, with 0 being the worst dislike and the highest number being the best enjoyment/like, for example. You can also rate something numerically by quantity of something tangible, like from 0-5 stars. More uncommonly (though commonly in academics), things can be rated based on the alphabet from a scale of A to F, with A being the best and F being the worst quality letter grade.

With that out of the way, this leads me to something that I've kinda pondered for awhile now. What exactly do any of the ratings given out mean to us personally? What makes a film a 5/10, 7/10, 9/10, and so on? There are certainly a lot of nuance and biases to take into account when we assign a numerical value or letter grade to something that we've watched, read, used, etc.

For example, we all have varying opinions on what a number rating from 0-10 can actually mean. For some, a 5/10 simply means average. Not bad, not good. Some start at that rating as a base line. Some can also use that rating for something that may be pretty bad but just want to be nice about it. And as for being nice, 7/10 is usually considered "good" but nothing more. Usually used as a safe rating by many reviewers that do not want to give something a higher or lower rating for some reason, perhaps this rating is a baseline for some as well. And sometimes, the same ratings can mean something different depending on your personal varying standards or comparison to something else you've already rated.

What does everyone here think about the way they review and rate certain things? When giving out specific ratings, like 5/10 or 7/10 for example, why was that rating assigned personally in the first place? What standard or line of thought led to that? Can it be justified? Let Mo-o-o know! I'm super interested in the insight and reflections about this. :DD

It's Party Time! / Re: Hangman
« on: May 30, 2024, 11:44:29 PM »
_ _ E T _ A _

Correct: E, A, T
Incorrect: S, L, B
Guesses Left: 3

Ah, I see. I suppose we'll never know for sure then. Besides, I doubt his speculation is true. Hence, it is just a speculation/theory on how the Tinysauruses movie plot line was conceived. It's pretty much all speculation anyway without any official information, so there's nothing more for me to say about this.

It's Party Time! / Re: Boys vs Girls
« on: May 30, 2024, 10:00:24 PM »
Here's some rainbowface knowledge for ya. The next boy count will be at 8. Since the number 8 sideways is ∞, we can basically claim our victory for infinity boys!!! :p
Hey, in that case, someone finally beat this game!  :celebrate

Here to correct your illogical thinking! You now have zero points, and zero times infinity, in fact, remains zero. ;)

No-o-o-o!!! Curse yo-o-ou, protege of the rainbowfaces! <3

Why is there no female rainbow face emoji

Yeah, there really should be one. :rainbowThinking

Boys - 2

The Party Room / Re: Land Before Time: One word story
« on: May 30, 2024, 06:53:27 PM »

It's Party Time! / Re: Boys vs Girls
« on: May 30, 2024, 06:52:29 PM »
Hehe-hahaha! :Mo
We did it, yep, yep, yep! :duckyhappy

Boys - 10

It's Party Time! / Re: Word Association
« on: May 30, 2024, 06:21:32 PM »

It's Party Time! / Re: Word Connection
« on: May 30, 2024, 06:21:04 PM »

It's Party Time! / Re: Alphabet Game
« on: May 30, 2024, 06:20:30 PM »

It's Party Time! / Re: Hangman
« on: May 30, 2024, 06:20:07 PM »
_ _ E T _ A _

Correct: E, A, T
Incorrect: S
Guesses Left: 5

It's Party Time! / Re: Boys vs Girls
« on: May 30, 2024, 12:49:57 AM »
Here's some rainbowface knowledge for ya. The next boy count will be at 8. Since the number 8 sideways is ∞, we can basically claim our victory for infinity boys!!! :p

Boys - 8 :taunttroll

Pages: 1 2 3 ... 493