The Gang of Five
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My Little Pony: Cyberpunk is Magic

Serris · 484 · 46237


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Sweetie Belle just smiled back to Gilda "I know, she's the greatest" she spoke, nuzzling Dawn once again, but yet, just looked at Gilda still "By the way, with what is going on too, what will you guys be doing anyway?"

"Hmm, good point" Dawn added in "I'd imagine that for you at least, that you should head back to the mining area....maybe...." she told Sweetie Belle "Well, either that, or somewhere safe, but where....not too sure" she then looked to Gilda "What do you reckon?"


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Gilda smirked.
"Well, we may have something hidden around the city."
She said cockily,  her tail brushing lightly against Dawn's flank...


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"That's good to hear" Dawn replied with a bit of a smile, yet, shifted away a bit from Gilda, towards Sweetie Belle as she looked to her "It'll probabally be best, alright?"

Sweetie Belle just nodded back "Sure, so long as you also tell Rarity about what's going on, otherwise, she'll end up worrying as well, probabally just as bad as you do" she joked as she nuzzled Dawn a little bit before looking to Gilda next "So, who's going to take me there?"


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Gilda smiled.
"Haru?  Would you take Sweetie to the Raven's Nest?  She'll be safe there, at least until we can find someplace safer to hide her."
She said, to which Haru nodded and acknowledged Sweetie Belle.  
"This way, please.  Also, don't worry.  We'll keep Rarity and the others informed."
He said softly...
As he walked away, Gilda nodded to Dawn.
"Hey,'ve gotten pretty darn strong since I saw you last time, Dawn.  Umm...I was wondering if you'd like to...well...Join up with me and Haru.  N-not romantically of course, but as a part of the Ravens.  Just something to consider.  I mean...if you want to help Sweetie, then we should work together.  It's just something to consider."
She said gently...


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Before Sweetie Belle followed Haru off, she approached Dawn again "Just don't forget our dinner date alright?" she asked, giving Dawn one last kiss upon the lips before she headed off after Haru.

Dawn nodded back "I wont" she smiled as she turned to Gilda as she spoke up to her "Well, it's helpful that I am part....cyborg now" she spoketo Gilda, showing her front cybernetic hooves to Gilda as well as the rest of hercybernetic implanets, but then considered what Gilda had said.

She fell silent for a moment before speaking again "Not sure if I should, I mean, I already have a job as it is, being an enforcer and all" Dawn looked at Gilda "But then again, I do want to see Sweetie Belle safe and all that....I don't know, I might have to think on that one" she added in, sounding rather distant as it was with what she was saying.


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Haru hovered down the street of the Undercity, looking over at Sweetie Belle.
" and Dawn, huh?  You make a good couple."
He said, trying to make conversation...

Gilda smiled at Dawn, nodding a little bit.
"Makes sense.  But, I mean...well, the thing is...damnit, why do these things have to be so hard.  The thing is that I really want to spend more time with you, D.  I haven't always been the best friend, and I just...when I heard that you died...I realized that that was my biggest regret.  So...I mean...if you wanna hang out until your date or whatever..."
She said, looking aside...


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Sweetie Belle just smiled back at Haru "Yeah, I do believe that we do, I mean, we've only been dating for a few weeks now, but in those few weeks, it's been great, she's great" she then smiled to herself.


Dawn looked up at the skies as Gilda spoke up about wanting to hang out as she shrugged back "I guess it'll be alright, I mean, it's been rather dull today as it is, except for what had just had happened with Sweetie Belle and all, bu other than that....yeah, I suppose so" her wings then extended at that point as she looked to Gilda agin.

She walked over to Gilda though, wings still extended as a small thought entered her mind "I've got an idea, follow me" she spoke, before she took off into the skies, heading for a high altitude until she stopped and landing upon a cloud, waiting for Gilda to join her.

Dawn looked at the sun as she smiled to herself.  It was just one of those views where she could look over the entire city and at how beautiful it was.  Well, that's how Dawn saw it anyway.


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Haru nodded.
"She seems like it.  Gilda's told me a lot about her, and she sounds like she's more than great."
He said, then looked down.
"You're lucky."
He said, in a softer tone...

Gilda smiled and followed after Dawn, perching next to her on the cloud.
"  This is some heck of a view.  Never realized that this place was so...beautiful."
She said, sighing a little...


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"I know, I mean, when I'm not doing anything, I do tend to go and do other things instead, such as coming up here and looking at the view.  Too bad I never can really share it with anyone, I mean, Sweetie Belle doesn't know any magic that'll let her walk on clouds and all that, and I don't want to have to bother Twilight about that either" Dawn replied back as she just stood there, looking down at the city bellow "But it's not all that bad in the end, I mean, just spending time with her whenever I do get the chance is good enough for me anyway"


"So, Gilda and Dawn were friends? Dawn never really mentioned Gilda to me, well that they were friends, then again, she doesn't really talk all that much about the past anyway" Sweetie Belle replied as she kept on walking still "She tends to just push it away you know"


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Gilda nodded.
"I guess that makes sense.  Heh.  One of the upsides to dating a Gryphon.  We can stand anywhere we'd like, no prob."
She sighed a little.
"I'm jealous of you, Dawn.  You found someone you...really are in love with."
She said, her voice quiet, soft...almost vulnerable...

Haru nodded.
"Apparently, Gilda was the one who first taught Dawn how to fight.  Said they were close like sisters before...well, before Dawn disappeared from her world.  Tore her apart inside, when she thought Dawn died."
He said, undoing his mask and slipping it back into one of his saddlebags...


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Dawn looked to Gilda for a moment "Well, it did take a bit of time to do that, I mean, asking Sweetie Belle out and all that, especially after what had happened" she smiled to Gilda and walked over to her "Hey, it'll be alright, I mean, I'm sure you'll still find someone for youself"


Sweetie Belle smiled to Haru, but then seemed to frown a little "Yeah, she also vanished from my life as well, I mean okay, we weren't dating before she had vanished, just friends, but then she did leave and I was just certain that she was dead.  But then she returned after a few weeks without an explantion as to what had happened....she...she justrefuses to even talk about it.  But after she had returned, we did start dating and all that"


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Gilda chuckled a little.
" isn't finding someone that's the problem.  It's that...the gal I've fallen for...well, she already has somepony else."
She said quietly.

Haru nodded.
"I imagine almost dying would do that to somepony.  It was probably a bad experience.  Ah, and here we are."
He said, bowing as an elevator popped up out of one of the unused buildings on their route...


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Dawn arched an eyebrow at Gilda, but just shrugged it off in the end "I guess that does tend to happen in the it anyony I know? Granted, I don't really know that many, but still, doesn't hurt to ask I suppose.  So tell me, who is it? Perhaps I could, I don't know, talk to her about it or something" she shrugged again "I mean, does she even know that you like her like that or anything along those lines?"


"So, you sure it'll be safe here? I mean, I don't really want what had happened earlier on, to happen again" Sweetie Belle replied back.


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Anne yelled several profanities as she lost sight of the kidnapper. She then flew back to the mine at the edge of Ponyville.


"-And that's when Anne gave chase," Silver Bolt finished.

He was standing inside the plush office of Rarity, the company CEO, and telling the story of the kidnapping. When he was finished she clopped her forelegs together with a severe expression on her face.

"While I am extremely loathe to do this, these ruffians have forced my hoof. Silver, you and Anne are to find Sweetie Belle. You will he handsomely rewarded if you succeed. If you fail, I will be forced to hire bounty hunters from-" Rarity visibly shuddered "Pinkamena's cafÈ or worse, Nightmare City!"

She finished her sentence with a foreleg over her head as melodramatic flourish."

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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Gilda smiled and looked down.
"Well, she doesn't ... doesn't know.  And well...I guess I probably shouldn't spring this on you like I'm about to, but...shit...The pony I've fallen for...well, it's you..."
She said, then looked away.
"Feel free to hate me or punch me or something now..."
She whispered...

Haru chuckled as he stepped into the elevator.
"Don't worry.  Raven's nest is the most secure location I can think of.  Short of anyone with a keycard, nobody'll be able to get even close to you."
He said, smiling as he motioned for Sweetie Belle to join him...


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Dawn just fell silent as Gilda had said just that.  She hadn't really expected that herself as she looked at Gilda "You know I'm already with Sweetie Belle, right?" she finally spoke up before she shook her head "But why me?" she decided to then ask, sounding a bit quiet the entire time.


Sweetie Belle nodded back to Haru "I just hope you're right about that, I mean, I don't want Dawn to get annoyed again if I'm kidnaped once again....after all...she is rather protective of me, I do know that at least" she stepped into the elevator with Haru " gotta remember to tell my sister what's going on"


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Gilda nodded.
"Yeah.  I know.  That's why it's...well, it's hard.  I mean...I don't know, I guess I started falling for you when I was training you, but...when you all just...clicked for me.  I realized what I felt.  I...yeah..."
She said softly...

Haru smiled.
"I could tell.  It's cute, really.  And don't worry.  Once we reach the Nest, I'll contact Rarity right away."
He said with a reassuring nod as the elevator started descending...


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Dawn again, fell silent as she just looked at Gilda still before her wings cerberntic wings extended, still looking at Gilda before she turned without a word really "I...I should really get back to work and all...." she started, glancing back at Gilda again before looking ahead again, getting ready to take off....

(ooc: If you wish to stop Dawn, go right ahead ^^)


"That's good to hear, who knows what Rarity will be doing to try and get me back safe and sound.  She worries a fair bit, just like Dawn does" Sweetie Belle smiled to Haru.


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Gilda reached out and placed a claw on Dawn's flank.
"Hey.  Wait, Dawn.  Sorry that I freaked you out like that.  I just...had to say it I guess.  Look, this doesn't change things between us, okay?  I'm still here for you, and hey...there's gotta be something cool to do together, right?"
She asked, looking nervous...

Haru grinned as the elevator reached the Raven's Nest, and, as the doors slid open, flicked a smile and a gentlemanly wave to Sweetie Belle...


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Dawn stopped as Gilda placed her claw on her flank and listened to what Gilda had said, her wings retracting in the process.  Yet, she just seemed to stay silent a few moments after Gilda had spoken, glancing to her for a second "I guess so" she finally spoke up, sighing a little as well "And...I'm sorry too, I just didn't really expect you to say that to me and...I guess I just wasn't sure on how to react....and" she stopped as she turned around to face Gilda properly, just staring at her for a second until she sighed again, stepping forward and giving Gilda a single kiss upon the cheek.

She then looked to the side slightly after giving Gilda the kiss "That still doesn't mean anything...."


Sweetie Belle took a look around at the surroundings as she entered the room, following Haru inside.