The Gang of Five
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TMNT: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles


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Sam smirks and started fighting another guy. He gives occasionally glances to Raph as well though.

Gentle Sharptooth

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Raph struck another goon in the face, and then tried to spin his back and usw his body like a shell, forgetting he was in human form and collapsing.

“The Past is Gone..” -Dream On, Aerosmith


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Sam didn't see this happening as he was busy fighting with a few goons of his own.

Gentle Sharptooth

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Raph rebounded and became angry, he took his Tofa and smashed it against a wall, sending splinters flying. He then turned, his peridot eyes like orbs of fire. He walked away from the arena. A Foot Clansman saw this demonstration of anger and slipped into the shadows.
Outside it was dark and Raph felt the serum fading, he saw a manhole to the sewers and looked at Sam as he dashed inside. Slidding down into a network of pipes he landed in the Hideout where he saw Master Splinter mediating on a red rug and candles flickering. The Rat Sage spoke. “Raphael.. I sense you are troubled.”
Raph human appearance began to morph, his skin now green and his norse fading into a round snout. His back began to transform into a shell and finally he was a Turtle once more.
“Yes Master Splinter, I am.. well..”
Splinter waved his hairy hand.
“Sit, join me.”
Raph crossed his legs. Mediation wasn’t his thing, that was more of Leo’s niche, but He obeyed his Sensei and Father.
“Raphael, you must seek a calm within yourself to temper your anger.”
Raph squinted as he puller his Red wye band over his eyes.
“Master Splinter, I feel no calm. The anger is too strong.”
Splinter placed his hand on Raph’s shoulder.
“You are unique my son. Your enemy you choose to face alone, but you are not alone, your brothers are with you and so am I.”
Raph nodded. “Yes, Sensei.”
As if on que, Leo, Mikey and Doni appeared, all transformed back into turtles.

“The Past is Gone..” -Dream On, Aerosmith


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*Sam watched as Raph went down into the sewers. He then headed back to the Mighty Mutanimals' hideout, arriving inside just as the serum wore off. The others were there too by then.

Gentle Sharptooth

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Raph stood up.
Mikey went on about his day being “Excellent!”
Leo made mention of his cruising with Luke.
But Raph approached Doni.
“Hey Don, I need to talk to you.”
Donatello nodded. Mikey was goofing around as Leo went and bowed to Master Splinter and sat cross legged on the carpet.
Raph was in the lab with Doni. “I need some more human serum for tonight.”
Donny looked at Raphael with a puzzled look.
“Why? Arn’t you going rooftop training with us?”
Raph shook his head. “Not tonight, I have somewhere else to be.”
Donny grabbed a vial out of the frigid.
“I don’t think this is a good idea Raphael, we’ve never tested it beyond the six hour stint. My concern is it could have adverse affects on your DNA.”
Raph took the vial.
“I get it. But I won’t need it but this on ce and then you’ll be able to pit it in one of those.. whatever you call it.”
Donny interjected, “case studies. But Raph you arn’t a specimen in some project, you’re my brother and I feel this isn’t safe from a scientific standpoint.”
Raph tried to reassure his brother. “I’ll be careful. Tell the guys I won’t be training tonight.”
Doni made a face. “What so I tell Master Splinter?”
Raph sighed. “Whatever you want once I am gone.”
Donatello grimaced. “Be careful Raphael. I don’t want anything to happen to you.”
Raph nodded. “I will.”

“The Past is Gone..” -Dream On, Aerosmith


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Sam remembered the conversation Raph and Sasuke had so he quietly and quickly left the hideout when no one was looking. He headed for the park, being there soon after and hiding behind a big tree to watch over Raphael in case something would happen.

Gentle Sharptooth

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Raphael took the serum and made his way to Central Park, there on a elevated rock he saw Sasuke who turned to greet him. “You made it!”
Raph, “So where is this dojo?”
Suddenlty the rock they stood on began to descend into darkness, the opening closing slowly. Inside, Raph found himself surrounded by lanterns and was being lead by Sasuke who carried a golden oriental lantern.  They came to a room with many circles red on the black floor, and standing there was Shureddā. Sasuke kneeled on one of the circles. Shureddā Motionsd his spije grauntlet hand for him to rise and stand by his side. Raphael stood on the obsidian floor uneasy.
Shureddā Voice echoed through his mouthpiece, “closer.” Raph took a few steps, and was now in arm reach.
Shureddā breathed, his mask like a urn echoing.
“You are strong.. but you constrain your power needlessly. Anger is not your enemy, it is your ally. Ashi ga kuru!” Suddenly Foot Clansman appeared in their purple mantels armed with Ninjatos.
Raph looked at them, “Hey.. I came for Sasuke, but real weapons is a bit much!”
Shureddā breathed. “Foot, Kill!”
The Magenta Ninjas sprung and attacked. Raph drew from his sleeves two Sais, and blocked blades that danced around him, the clanging echoing in the dark dojo. Raph hit one of the Foot Soldiers in the head with the tang, and then another with the pummel.
Shureddā spoke. “More!”
More Ninjas flooded the room swinging blades and staffs, overwhelming Raph who was now covered in a pile of them.
Shureddā shouted, “Rise! Strike! Use your rage!”
Suddenly the pile of Footmen flew and Raph began smashing skulls and throwing combatants im a gury. He shouted “Aaahh!” As he beat down Ninja after Ninja, his Sais digging in and boring into heads and necks, till all of them were in a pile.
 Shureddā Nodded. “You see.. your anger has made you powerful. Don’t resist it, embrace it and become one of my agents.”
Raph’s chest heaved, and as the Sensei spoke he heard Splinter’s warning in his head.
“An agent of what?”
Shureddā replied, “A new New York, one where there is order, and honor. This city has become a sewer.. and there is only one way to save it…”
Shureddā paused. “And when you are ready I will teach you how.”

“The Past is Gone..” -Dream On, Aerosmith


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Sam, or now, Slash, watched as Raph met with Sasuke and then the rock opening, the two going in, and it closing. He knew he couldn't go inside himself when he thought to back to the conversation earlier today. He could just wait.

Gentle Sharptooth

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The rock slab rose back to Central Park, with Raph standing beside Sasuke. “Well, what did you think?”
Raph paused. “It was interesting.”
Sasuke punched Raph in the shoulder. “You did well. See you tomorrow at school.”
Sasuke left. Raph felt his body transform back into a Turtle faster than usual and he had a terrible headache. .

“The Past is Gone..” -Dream On, Aerosmith


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Slash looked Raph and Sasuke coming back, then Sasuke leaving. He waited for a minute before going over to Raph. ''Hey, you alright?'' He asked from the other turtle, worry present in his voice.

TAG: @Gentle Sharptooth
« Last Edit: April 16, 2022, 12:47:23 PM by SammyTheSpiketail »

Gentle Sharptooth

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Raph was on one knee, his turtle fist pressed against his green forehead. “Slash.. help me get.. home.”

“The Past is Gone..” -Dream On, Aerosmith


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''Of course. Anything for you.'' He smiles and takes Raph into his arms, lifting him up into his shoulders. ''Just enjoy the ride.'' He said and started heading back to the turtles' home.

Gentle Sharptooth

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Leonardo swung his twin Ninajatos and did a flip. Mikey spun his Numchunks, and did a corkscrew. Donatello held his staff and seemed distracted. Mikey turned and said, “Hey Donny, what’s up dude?” Donatello looked at Mikey and said, “I am worried.” Leonardo landed nearby from leaping off a neon sign. “About what? What’s going on Don?”
Donatello laid his qaurterstaff aside. “Its about Raphael..”

“The Past is Gone..” -Dream On, Aerosmith


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Gentle Sharptooth

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Master Splinter heard a manhoek cover open and he saw Slash holding Raph who was unconscious. “My son.. bring him inti the light.”

“The Past is Gone..” -Dream On, Aerosmith


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Gentle Sharptooth

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Raphael was laid on the carpet with candles surrounding him. Splinter placing his hand on his head. “Slash, bring me some water.”
It was during this moment Leo, Donny, and Mikey returned to hideout. All three ran up to Raph.
Splinter held out his hand. “Stay back, he needs room.”
Mikey spoke up as usual, “What happened to him?” Donny said under his breath, “this is all my fault.” Leo was silent, he knew to wait for Master Splinter to tell them how they could help, questions could wait.

“The Past is Gone..” -Dream On, Aerosmith


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Slash gave a glass of water to Splinter, then steps back. He was waiting anxiously.

Gentle Sharptooth

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Splinter began to sprinkle the water over Raphael’s shell and head, chanting. The rest of the brothers waited.

“The Past is Gone..” -Dream On, Aerosmith